View Full Version : Ride on Pod Racer

29th June 2008, 08:44 PM
I'm building a Pod Racer that you can ride on.
I've ordered some of the parts so far... The back will be a hovercraft - or two wheels, not sure yet. The front will have two large fans.
It probably won't be powerful enough for me to sit on it, but my son can... :g
I'll post some pics as the construction begins...

5th July 2008, 03:44 AM
Parts have arrived, except for the motors which should be here any day now.
The batteries - 22 volts each, were $125 a piece! Very powerful though.
I just need a sheet of plastic for the hovercraft skirt on the back - and will be ready... Plywood is all cut out. I'm gonna use differential motor thrust, with two rc controllers.
Hey if this works, maybe I'll build a ride on feisar ship? :D

5th July 2008, 10:45 PM
hey Josh, wheres the replies?, this sounds like a pretty interesting project, ages back I saw some uni kids riding around on basic hovercraft like experiments made out of leaf blowers, looked like heaps of fun

got anymore concept designs?


6th July 2008, 01:51 AM
yeah my concept uses a leaf blower for the hovercraft part as well.
the only difference is that it has two large fans in front to add the thrust, and the shape will be like a pod racer.. when I get back from vacation will have some more time to work on it. I have never seen a pod racer that people ride on before (except in the movies) so I'm gonna try to do it.