View Full Version : fatal inertia/ good and bad

3rd June 2008, 03:32 PM
So what the designer told me about the game doesn't seem to be true. Turbos go to the people that are far behind, many of them once you get a ways back wrecking all lap records. **** man seriously, why does this **** get into the game. this is the demo japanese version.

However, there is a mode called velocity, where you only pick up speed weapons (which you could also use as shooting (by pressing a different button), and it plays extremely well. There may be one specific turbo that is faster that you get more of if you are behind, but I haven't tested that yet, I am going to tonight.

The Physics are considerably better than the xbox version, and are very fun to play. The speed and graphics are excellent. I have never seen water like that before.

The game is kinda like a super floaty wipeout (ships stays in air for a while if you want it to, pitch control is excellent) on QR tracks. The float does not feel like wipeout though when you get near the ground, and this would be an suggestion for improvement. Do not expect wipeout from this game, but it is fun in it's own way (PLAY VELOCITY FIRST BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE TO SEE THE SPEED). I know that the ships get even faster than this. I'll give a full review after I beat the game (when it is released)

The designer told me a while ago that there may very well be a download for random weapons to be activated, I'll see if I can get more information on this.

3rd June 2008, 04:27 PM
cool, thanks for the heads-up!
honestly, I don't know WHO IN THE WORLD would want turbo advantage for slower players. If you suck, you lose, there's nothing wrong with this formula :mr-t

3rd June 2008, 04:42 PM
Tell it like it is, El ;)

Apart from the turbos, this game doesn`t sound too bad. Kind of a low-altitude flying racer. I`ll certainly have to try the demo at least.

3rd June 2008, 04:58 PM
That sums it up pretty good. I would suggest trying velocity/navigator track. Try this until you get the track, then start really using the turbos. There are some amazing flight areas on this track. Just remember to hit triangle (I think) if you miss a checkpoint, and the game will respawn you back to that point stopped, and you will need to get going again. If you do not hit the respawn button, you will have to do another full lap. I learned this in multiplayer online the other night. I didn't win the race against the ai, but I just barely caught the other human racer who probably just downloaded the game on the last lap

3rd June 2008, 06:15 PM
A couple of questions if you don't mind.

Are all the courses really short like in the Xbox version?

Also, what are the loading times like in the demo? The xbox demo featured some lengthy loading times compared to the length of the races.

Finally, is the demo just on the Japanese marketplace currently?

3rd June 2008, 10:02 PM
Some courses are still short, but it would be wrong to say that all of them are. A lot are the same duration as Pulse tracks per lap, but I think that the demo features only three laps in single race so the over all length would be shorter.

The loadings are acceptable. They're not fast, but they're not as slow as say Resistance or Motorstorm.

The demo is only on the japanese PSN Store.

4th June 2008, 01:25 PM
Thanks for the info! I'm still on the fence about it, but if the price is right I may finally give it a chance.

4th June 2008, 03:03 PM
Thanks for the impressions, Al! Probably I will pick this up (or at least the demo) once I have purchased a PS3.

cool, thanks for the heads-up!
honestly, I don't know WHO IN THE WORLD would want turbo advantage for slower players. If you suck, you lose, there's nothing wrong with this formula :mr-t

For high-speed racers like Wipeout and F-zero I absolutely agree-- but IMHO the differential assignment of power-ups and items works very well with kart racers, adding a whole other layer of strategy ;)

4th June 2008, 03:27 PM
Yeah, but at that point why practice, all you need to know is what the powerup symbol is, and it is no problem catching up.

4th June 2008, 04:12 PM
The strategy involves deciding whether to drop back slightly-- to be in second or third place, and thus get the more powerful pickup-- or to try to stay fully in first place, and thus try to cross the finish line first based on your pure speed.

Keep in mind that kart racers generally involve some kind of power sliding technique and that top racers are going to be racing in a tight pack-- so to get the powerup advantage you simply drag out a miniturbo a little bit to drop to the second place and hope for a turbo mushroom. It's not like you have to purposely slam into a wall or let go of the accelerator to drop back :lol

The other thing is that, for people who really know Mario Kart, there is NO WAY that a n00b player will beat you based on the better power-ups obtained from being the second or third or eighth place racer. That is just a stupid thing that some beginners say in frustration. Items DO make a difference though amongst people of similar skill, which is why sometimes people play "no-item" matches as an alternative.

Anyway-- I'm not suggesting in any way that a Mario Kart mechanic should be applied to Wipeout or other fast-paced futuristic racers-- just that it has a place within some racing genres IMO :)

12th June 2008, 05:20 AM
honestly, I don't know WHO IN THE WORLD would want turbo advantage for slower players.

Most of the guys and gals who actually go out and buy them... ;)

Honestly, I don't think it's such a bad system. Plus, random pickups in WO Single Races sucks for me as much as Fatal Inertia's turbomania sucks for you, I guess...


12th June 2008, 09:21 AM
so you'd rather be able to choose what you pick up? if that was possible, every race would become a quake spam.

12th June 2008, 02:22 PM
so, instead of me havng to practice games, all I need to do is pick up every turbo. this would save me alot of wasted time :)

12th June 2008, 05:37 PM
There was no sarcasm thEre! :turbowink:

RJ O'Connell
12th June 2008, 10:15 PM
so you'd rather be able to choose what you pick up? if that was possible, every race would become a quake spam.
Wip3out has that sort of thing.

12th June 2008, 10:38 PM
??? where?

13th June 2008, 12:40 AM
You can choose whether to pick up offensive or defensive weapons by selecting either red-yellow or green-yellow weapon pads.

13th June 2008, 09:49 AM
really?! I had no idea! :paperbag

13th June 2008, 03:50 PM
But you can't select which weapon it's going to be; hence no quakefest.

13th June 2008, 04:08 PM
still, didn't know the pad color has any relation to the pickup!

Rapier Racer
13th June 2008, 05:04 PM
Uh huh, this hasn't been the case since Wipeout 3, nor was it the case before it.

13th June 2008, 07:14 PM
Yeah, it was just one of the subtleties that Leeds Studio threw into the mix. It'd be interesting to see what that same group of people would do with a sequel to the current games.

16th June 2008, 02:01 PM
so you'd rather be able to choose what you pick up?

Not being random doesn't mean _I_ am the one who choses. :)

so, instead of me havng to practice games, all I need to do is pick up every turbo. this would save me alot of wasted time :)

If the game gets the balance right, it still doesn't mean you win the race. Giving you boosts so you're able to catch up is a good thing - what happens when you do is an entirely different question.


20th June 2008, 02:35 PM
So, did anyone pick up the release of this yesterday?

I dl'ed the demo, but didn't have a chance to play it yet. Pixeljunk Monsters has my number, well, and a little game called MGS4. . .