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29th May 2008, 01:58 PM
This has to be an original Thread;

Since where are from all corners of the globe and in so many different continents, countries, cities and timezones. From Europe to Asia to Australia to Africa to the Americas. It always interesting to know what is happening where you are. So feel free to discuss world or national news/events from where you are. Feel free to tangent from the topic too. So;

Whats the Weather like Where you are?

29th May 2008, 02:05 PM
In Blackburn it is, for once;), sunny. :!

29th May 2008, 02:18 PM
Congratulations! WINNER of the 'Most Pointless Thread Award' 2008!
I suggest you now hold your speech and thank whoever made it possible, and then try to focus on your next big project, which is getting a life.

It's sunny at 32°C here in Vienna, slight breeze NNW. :D

29th May 2008, 02:31 PM
Well its original. Just an idea i was thinking of thats why i put it in "Off Topic discussions" category. I think its a good idea.

29th May 2008, 02:34 PM
I just felt like trying to be funny in my reply, no offense :)

29th May 2008, 02:44 PM
Nah i knew it was a joke. All is good:) Gotta give me credit one of the few purely original Threads out there.

29th May 2008, 02:51 PM
Weather atm: 16C, 83% relitive humidity, Wind E@2kts, showers.

29th May 2008, 02:54 PM
Melbourne Forecast
Issued at 10:50 pm EST on Thursday 29 May 2008

Warning Summary

Forecast for Friday
Fine apart from local morning fogs. A mostly sunny day with light to moderate
north to northwest winds.

Precis: Fine.
City: Min 8 Max 18

RJ O'Connell
29th May 2008, 05:07 PM
It's been raining here for the past few days, and it's been about room temperature outside.

I can't wait for the humid, balmy, scorching hot summer!!! >_< :brickwall

29th May 2008, 05:31 PM
Overcast and rainy, like every other day in Amsterdam. Around 26 degrees C

29th May 2008, 06:29 PM
Damn cold here in the morning. During the day it gets hotter, around 20 degrees C. I have to wait outside for the exam finals and I hate it though, because they start at 8:30 and there's always this "in your face" wind which doesn't help feel hotter when you're waiting for your finals :/ Ironically the exams take place in an arena but we're all happy to get in once the doors open because it is much more comfortable than outside (There is no ice, and it's heated.)

29th May 2008, 07:22 PM
hot and stick here in connecticut, but its new england, so it can be freezing tommorow. god i hate the weather here, Eric can vouch for me

29th May 2008, 07:24 PM
*Looks out of the window*


29th May 2008, 07:37 PM
Completely overcast and pissing down all day. London's lovely, it really is...:(

^ Hey, is that Wip3out I see in the window? :)

29th May 2008, 08:03 PM
"Gotta give me credit one of the few purely original Threads out there."

Discussing the weather is the alltime most common topic of human conversation. :)

Having said that, here it is anyway. ;) :
Current conditions here: 86.6 F/30.3 C, wind out of the North at 10-16 miles per hour[16-25 kph] occasional gusts to 20 [32 kph]. Relative humidity: 53 percent.

Predicted high for day: 88 degress Fahrenheit. Tomorrow: 90. Next three days after that. 92 [33.3 > infinity C]

30th May 2008, 05:53 PM
Thats a nice photo there Supersocks. Looks like a nice place to live.

Anyway im going to try to keep this thread rolling. Wondering how the weather is like in the Northern hemisphere during transistion into summer.

Weather here now
20C, realitive humidity 60%, Wind N@7kts, overcast/showers.

Nice today, yesterday was muggy and ****.

31st May 2008, 09:53 AM
Massive storm came through today. Havent experience something like this for a few years. Been pissing down all day. With hail lightning and all. Wind gusts over 120kmh. A lot of people lost there power and their roofs off there houses today. Still got power and the net so im happy.

Got a photo but its way over the 50kb limit. Looks **** if it was scaled down.

31st May 2008, 12:43 PM
Upload it to imageshack.us, and give us a link. That won't scale down the image.

31st May 2008, 01:08 PM
What a miserable day its been over here. Thunderstorm all morning, overcast and the odd heavy shower for the rest of the day. **** weather, but we could use the rain.

31st May 2008, 02:01 PM
Just tried uploading i to imageshack.us the net is being dumb again. Ill try a lil later. It shows the visibility only at 30 or so meters from the rain coming down. The rain was coming down on a really sharp angle also from the wind gusts. Was also going to get a second snap shot of the skyline in the storm.. and then the hail started to come down.

Damn lights are still flickering form the storm. Im suprised my power grid has'nt gone out here, it always goes off on those shitty 45C days when you need the AC at most.

Ill give imageshack.us shot sometime later.

31st May 2008, 04:53 PM
Right now it's raining here... :(

Albino Ace
31st May 2008, 07:21 PM
Hot, sweaty, arid...and oven-like! :P

1st June 2008, 04:39 PM
sub Mediterranean climate , so Very Hot and Humid wet Summers with rain .
Cold and Dry winters . At the moment it is Autumn so getting pretty chilly :)

Rapier Racer
1st June 2008, 05:17 PM
Raining, after a day of blistering heat yesterday it's now dull and rainy and pish.

8th June 2008, 10:06 PM
Windy as ****. I think the neighbours tree fell over in the night. Loud bang i heard.

9th June 2008, 04:03 PM
Awesomely warm and sunny, for the first time this year.

9th June 2008, 05:26 PM
There was a storm yesterday. The wind was blowing so much that the rain was falling diagonally. Today it looks much better, still cloudy but it's not raining. Yet. It's also very hot. My basement is the coolest place in the house, and that's where I am :p

10th June 2008, 05:19 AM
One word: Muggy.:nod If the heat would let up for one second, you'd probably hear the collective sigh of relief here!

10th June 2008, 09:39 PM
I`m in Blackpool atm, and the weather is like boiling!, me and linda are burned like hell!

Oh well, we are going back home tomorrow morning.


10th June 2008, 11:23 PM
Stormy, tornado warnings, high straight-line winds 60-80 miles per hour, several thousand lightning strikes. One week ago, it was one of those lightning strikes that hit close and knocked out my telephone/internet almost totally until this afternoon.

Albino Ace
11th June 2008, 02:09 AM
Ouch...that sucks. :(

Pretty stormy weather around here, too...

16th June 2008, 02:54 PM
Every time i hear Florida i just cant help thinking about that Top Gear episode where Jeremy, Richard and James do that road trip from Miami to New Orleans. And they get chased by the locals in Alabama with all they slogans written all over there purchased POS's. Really funny episode:lol i got a cramp i was laughing that hard. Any you guys seen that Episode of Top Gear?

Albino Ace
16th June 2008, 03:18 PM
I recall being shown that as a vid on youtube by another friend of mine...

And its not like that, here...at least, not very often... :eek :lol

16th June 2008, 03:39 PM
I believe that the show was very well edited. So it appears like that event actually occurred. This going to be really random question but what paint does those stealth fighter jet planes have on them that makes them invisible to radar??

16th June 2008, 04:33 PM
Thunderstorms in Central Florida every day for a week now. And probably next week. And the week after that. :D

16th June 2008, 05:55 PM
Weather here is pretty nice, shame I've got hayfever and no antihistamines >.<

This going to be really random question but what paint does those stealth fighter jet planes have on them that makes them invisible to radar??
From Wikipedia about the B2 stealth bomber:
The B-2's stealth comes from a combination of reduced acoustic, infrared, visual and radar signatures, making it difficult for defenses to detect, track and engage. Many specific aspects of the low-observability process remain classified; however, the B-2 represents a further advancement of technology exploited for the F-117. Pyotr Ufimtsev, whose theoretical work made the F-117 and B-2 possible, was hired by Northrop at one time. Additionally, the B-2's composite materials, special coatings and flying wing design (which cuts down on the number of leading edges) contribute to its stealth abilities. The B-2 uses radar absorbent material and coatings that require climate-controlled hangars for maintenance. The engines are buried within the wing to conceal the induction fans and hide their exhaust.

Allthough, you could be on about the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk (featured in Ace Combat X), the principles are pretty much the same:

16th June 2008, 06:47 PM
So Wiki answers KIGO's question with "special coatings". VEEEry informative. :g

16th June 2008, 06:51 PM
Well, it's usually a government secret or whatever, 10 years down the line we'll probably find out it's squashed flies and blueberry ice cream or somthing stupid like that...

16th June 2008, 06:58 PM
The B2 and F-117 coatings were developed so long ago that anybody who could actually use the information against the USAF probably already knows exactly what's in it.


Weather: the storms are coming towards my area again. I just got off the roof of the house about 10 minutes ago. I discovered a roof leak in the recent rains, by seeing water stains in two places on the ceiling of one of the bedrooms. So I've got a bit of tar from roof sealant on the tips of a thumb and finger. I hope I got the sealant in the right places. I've still got another. The price of the stuff is double what it was last time I had to use some in 2004 when we had the three hurricanes come through here in just a few weeks.

16th June 2008, 10:07 PM
Looked at the wikipedia page, little bit of information there, Thanks. Ive got all the Ace Combats 1,2,3 electrosphere,4 distant thunder,5 Unsung war, 6 Belkan war and Ace Combat X on the PSP so i know a little bit about Jet Fighters. Just didnt know how radar invisibility was achieved thats all.

Does anybody actually know what the paint is and what is the composition of the paint?

Cause what i wanted to do was get the most wedge shaped, strongest geometric lined car out there. The Subaru XT/Acylone:

And paint it with the that stealth paint. It the car with its shape and stealth paint would hopefully make it invisible to Speed Cameras. Thats what my goal is. I sick and tired of the lil ****ers. In this state they hid them behind trees and behind parked cars and bus stops. Its those variable speed cameras that get set up and moved around "multinovas there called". Bastards on tripods i call them.

Anyway if it is possible to find them properties of this paint and put them on a car it would make alot of peoples lives better. Not sure if anybody has tried this before thats all.

Oh back on topic; Weather is stormy raining, windy and all. Its been a very strong start to winter down here. Still raining atm.

16th June 2008, 11:05 PM
If they cannot measure your speed they will write down your license plate and fine you. :brickwall

17th June 2008, 07:49 PM
I guess they would do that. The best alternative would be to buy a Beltronic or a Valentine 1 radar detection device, that should solve my problem. They are releasing these new Laser guided muiltinova speed cameras in this state in a few months. I want to see the reviews on these radar detection devices with the new speed cameras before i make my choice and purchase.

Those American built ones dont last that long mounted on the front windshield, due to the extremme Australian Summers where everything dies or melts when you get those foul 45C+ (113F)days, yuck! Christmas was like that last year combine with the usual power shortage so you cant use the AC when you need it at most.

Wondering if anybody has one of these radar detection devices, let me know which ones are good or bad?


House and content insurance must be a fortune you guys in Florida, with the Hurricane season comes. Very rarely sometimes Cycones can hit the city of Perth but i recall the last time this happen was sometime in the 70s. But it does happen just not a frequently as you guys have to endure. A bit of information: Hurricanes and Typhoons Counter-Clockwise, Cyclones Clockwise. Typhoons pacific ocean, Asia. Cycones Indian Ocean, Australia.

Weather atm storms have cleared up. Fine now, humidity high.

20th December 2008, 01:02 PM
Just saw a news flick. Snowing in Las Vegas Nevada, seriously WTF. The weather is really offbeat here at the moment nothing like the 40 degree celcius heat of december last year. Raining a bit today low 20s past few days. Christmas forecast here is going to be 20 degrees cooler than last summer 46 degree record.

How are you guys in the Northern Hemisphere enjoying your white christmas weather? Whats the weather like around your place?

20th December 2008, 01:06 PM
Here, in Britanny, France, this weather sucks... Not only today, EVERYDAY. The sky's always grey, it rains a lot, etc...
And we never get to have snow, which sucks because I love it :/.

20th December 2008, 03:22 PM
How are you guys in the Northern Hemisphere enjoying your white christmas weather? Whats the weather like around your place?

Well, there is basically no snow in south finland, it does rain a lot though :/

20th December 2008, 06:06 PM
Right now in Dallas I'm getting an overcast sky, with a 30 percent chance of rain. On some days here it can be really cold, on other days it gets to be soarching hot.

RJ O'Connell
20th December 2008, 06:11 PM
Right now I'm on vacation in upstate NY - again - so, understandably, it's cold and snowing. But amazingly it feels less cold than it would in Alabama. And you can blame the humidity on that.

20th December 2008, 07:58 PM
Rory You're up near my way! Fluffy snow now, very f&^%*@g cold, my toes are numb...yeah.:cold

Anyway, if you have some free time I think a wipeout challenge is in order...

20th December 2008, 08:01 PM
Here in southern Sweden the snow has melted, has been a gray day and temperatures a few degrees above freezing. Normal christmas weather around here.

20th December 2008, 08:54 PM
Here in Cumbria, which is in the north of England, it is quite cold, dark and generally unpleasant. There are floods which is typical of Cumbria with the amount of rain which we get. The summers are mild and the winter is cold, we might get snow if we're lucky.

Here, in Britanny, France, this weather sucks... Not only today, EVERYDAY. The sky's always grey, it rains a lot, etc...
And we never get to have snow, which sucks because I love it :/.

I've been to Brittany a few times, in the summer it was quite warm! And it did rain when I left, but that was September. I'd say it's similar to where I live.

20th December 2008, 10:37 PM
Snowing here. We'll get our white Christmas :D

21st December 2008, 10:12 AM
So Wiki answers KIGO's question with "special coatings". VEEEry informative. :g

It's actually Active Camouflage on some aircraft that makes them stealthy. By using small Anti- Reflective cameras with a combination of LCD screens and small flashing lights, it can conceal better than camouflage. Coincidentaly, this is similar to Old Snake's muscle suit from MGS4, with the exception that it is Optical Camouflage.

21st December 2008, 11:11 AM
ATM, this horrendous weather have been horrific all week apart from yesterday, which was very sunny (A rare one) but I have to put massive pile of rubbish away and it`s did took me a few hours to get rid.:S

Anyway, that`s life...


21st December 2008, 11:45 AM
Today the sun is shining and it's really a beautiful day.

22nd December 2008, 07:38 AM
Gonna be a good Christmas week down here, sunny and not too warm, unlike last year, where ice cubes would melt before you could get them in the glass...

22nd December 2008, 09:29 AM
You gotta be from Perth Harvai. Cause 46 chirstmas last year was hell on earth... same with boxing day. A nice 28 on christmas is forecast.. thank god for that.

22nd December 2008, 10:12 AM
Here is 13F / -10C right now. Which is up a little since about 7 hours ago it was 4F / -15C. I've always really hated winter. :/ Never been a fan of snow and I live in it.

25th December 2008, 04:34 PM
At the moment -7 degrees celsius and about ½ meter of snow, very clear and nice weather.

25th December 2008, 07:50 PM
Christmas weather was fantastic down here. An officially 20 degrees celcius cooler than the same day last christmas was a nice max of 26. Perfect. Didnt even need to touch the Air Conditioning in the house or car! in December thats a first! How was it in the other places?

26th December 2008, 01:58 AM
It was pretty much the same at my place. Makes such a change, not having a stinking hot chrissie day!

DJ Techno
26th December 2008, 06:24 AM


26th December 2008, 08:51 AM
It's f**king hot. Nuff said.

26th December 2008, 02:39 PM
North hemisphere > Europe > France > Le Havre > today it's sunny, no clouds but... cold ... +2°C

5th January 2009, 01:11 PM
just checked the weather for this avalon week-end... really cold but no snow -for now-. Hope there won't be any strike or weather problems with our famous train company (I mean for Arnaud & Jonathan's trip, of course we're not going to play wipeout in a train lol)

5th January 2009, 01:15 PM
It's really hot and humid it Sydney atm,uncomfortably so,and this is 1.15am.
Weather report says at least another 3 days of this AARRGGHH!:frown:

5th January 2009, 01:34 PM
Apparently the high tomorrow in the West (Penrith) is 41'C.

Wheres my mini-fridge.

5th January 2009, 02:22 PM
Snow! Not that much, but enough so that everything's white :xtree

6th January 2009, 12:18 AM
in churt if you walk on the grass it sounds like you're walking on a broken mirror and crisps. it's brilliantly cold, i love it.

6th January 2009, 04:18 PM
Well, I'm worried. Our country is beating electric consumption records actually, & there's an hypothetic risk of black out -or maybe regional:paperbag-. I'm confident for my region (still mediterranean climate), but Asa & Kaori are in the north... I really hope they could make it (transportation stuff, car, trains...)

6th January 2009, 10:53 PM
I gotta start setting an alarm, it's so hot I usually wake up after lunchtime


7th January 2009, 12:22 AM
How do you stay asleep longer when its hot? Then again im not sure how hot it gets over there in the land of the long white cloud. Probably nowhere near the high 30s average ive been getting over here the past weeks. Im usually awake all night and awake a soon as the sun is up again, i seriously cant stand the ****ing heat, absolutely hate it. 4 hours sleep, then been feeling fatigued, exhausted, tired and quite literally fuked all day:/

7th January 2009, 04:28 AM
Hmm, thats maybe why I've been feeling a little bit blue these past few days. I wish the fan i my room was quieter, so I could crank it up during the night. Its either that or the heat that plays havok with my sleep.

7th January 2009, 09:19 AM
HOT AS HELL! Tbh in my region it's always summer. Winter is.... well, summer with rains. I live very close to the beach and I can see it crowded every sunday of the year, this should tell you something about our climate =P

Other than that, January in my city is when people start getting ready for Carnaval, since we have one of the biggest Carnaval parties in the world. In fact we have a parade on the first day of Carnaval called "Galo da Madrugada" (Midnight's Cock - the animal ¬¬') that IS the biggest Carnaval parade in the world, with over a million people on the streets around it.

With that said, I don't like Carnaval, nor summer. I'm an alien lol

7th January 2009, 11:23 AM
Snow tempest on Nimes, France. Never seen that. It's like the day after tomorrow now... I can see polar bears from the window! lol, no alert in our region, but there's 17cms on Marseille for exemple... There's now 5 cms here... Rest of the country facing extreme temperatures, below zero... Hopefully the rain is supposed to arrive tomorrow...:paperbag. Please no country paralysis for this week-end!

7th January 2009, 11:57 AM
Heatwave in Sydney,I had to turn my PS3 off for fear of overheating for the first time ever today[original 60g model runs hotter than the newer ones :frown:],the fan was spinning that fast it sounded like a blender.

7th January 2009, 12:46 PM
Apparently the high tomorrow in the West (Penrith) is 41'C.

Wheres my mini-fridge.

I wish my Penrith was as hot as yours.

Penrith, Cumbria, England -2'C

Where's my sledge! :cold

7th January 2009, 01:06 PM
Hmm, thats maybe why I've been feeling a little bit blue these past few days. I wish the fan i my room was quieter, so I could crank it up during the night. Its either that or the heat that plays havok with my sleep.

Fans are noisy and just blow the exsisting hot air around. Do what i did. Spend $500 at Harvey Norman and get a small refrigerated (not that useless evaporative sht) mobile Air Conditioning Unit. It'll make your quality of living much more bearable. There noisy things though, but deffinately worth there money.

7th January 2009, 08:02 PM
Snowstorm. Expected 20-30 cm. Took one hour to clear the stairs, and there are two driveways.

Where's my igloo?

Oh yeah, I have class at 6 PM, 1 hour of public transports in this weather. :blarg

EDIT: Class canceled, duuurrr. 1h trip for nothing. I've had enough transports for a week, but I'll have to take them tomorrow too :(.

Anyways, for those who want to see pretty snow:
http://e.imagehost.org/t/0879/DSCN1511.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0879/DSCN1511)http://e.imagehost.org/t/0336/DSCN1512.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0336/DSCN1512)

Count how many flakes there are on the second pic and you get a cookie :)

8th January 2009, 03:53 PM
Hey guess what. The teacher for today's class didn't show up as well :|

Anyways, stage clear! ;)

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0367/DSCN1513.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0367/DSCN1513)

9th January 2009, 05:50 AM
Its still fething hot down here, and it looks like its going to stay that way for a few weeks yet. What I woudn't give for some of your snow, darkdrium! You've got plenty to spare, anyway!

DJ Techno
9th January 2009, 08:24 AM
South Carolina again....
4 am now. Been playing wipeout pulse.....since 5pm.
Experimenting new tracks (music songs)

Oh the weather?

Extremely wrong southern weather!

Still the topsy tervy 48 degrees on some cold night and turns into 65 degrees other nights.

Tonight. 50 degrees, but it could have been rising by now?
To answer that.... Hell! No!

Its past the first winter month. No snow. I heard it snowed in texs and north carolina some where.
All but not here.

One and a half months of winter left.

Hell needs to freeze over! And bring some snow over here.
When its done pounding Canada to Washington DC.
The northern parts of American.

Start freezing over Florida. So Lance can get out them shorts. RJ can get better in racing. Cause the cold will do it to ya! And I can throw snowballs at friends and make sweet love in the snow.

13th January 2009, 04:58 AM
Sweet love in the snow?!?!?!?! Are you nuts?!?

It's 8 degrees (F) outside right now - which would make it damn near impossible even if I had a girl crazy enough to oblige me. I mean, shrinkage, bro, I want to be presented at my best - and sub-zero temps aren't the conditions to do this. And we're not even taking into consideration when things are wet - and it's 8 degrees out. :naughty

13th January 2009, 05:41 PM
Well this lovely 2 day break from the extreme Australian summer heat, where the temps where in the lovely mid 20s (degrees CELCIUS) is over tomorrow. Back into the high 30s again, might hit 40 again (hell on earth). Then a cool change by the weekend:)

A trip to the beach might be in action if the mercury is too high. Not sure if ill go back to Scarbourgh though after seeing that dirty filthy fuking rock ape peeing on my cars rear wheel. Maybe City Beach is the go:D

13th January 2009, 05:52 PM
haha, rock ape! classic!
still cold, overcast and miserable in england. and i had to play winkies today; not a happy bunny. i could do with a bit of that 40 degree action over here...
i can literally see the envy coarsing through my veins.

13th January 2009, 06:06 PM
Yeah. Rock Ape. I could of said the complete identification of this mans race. But i would most likely offend someone here. Regaurdless of this guys apperance, he is a dumbcnt for doing that to my ride.

Im not sure if you englishmen understand what a 40+ day is like. You begin to become disoriantated at 40+, at 45+ your brain starts to fry if you are in an non Air Conditioning environment. In the rarist days where the temp nudges 50, there are fatalities.

13th January 2009, 06:36 PM
The sex comment I made earlier - the temp was -13c.

As for the high - I actually hiked a mountain in Southern California (desert area) in July - the temp was just about 49c (120F) - as long as you're smart enough to keep drinking water - that temp is perfectly safe.

FYI, our low temp for Thursday is going to be -20c. :cold

13th January 2009, 08:38 PM
I wish my Penrith was as hot as yours.

Penrith, Cumbria, England -2'C

Where's my sledge! :cold

Here in the South Lakes of Cumbria its been even colder, -5'C today! And it was really wet :(. We've had wet weather all winter, but that's to be expected ;).

16th January 2009, 12:22 PM
I woke up to -26c today! The car didn't want to start, and when it finally did, after 25 minutes of driving the heat never got up to temp.

(#*$ing diesels!

BRRR! :cold

16th January 2009, 01:25 PM
I woke up to -26c today! BRRR! :cold

Same here.. where did you live again?

16th January 2009, 01:57 PM
Very cold here too, -20C to -30C, it's been like that for three days, we've got some left as well.
And the aqueduct are exploding everywhere :D

(French, but you get the idea of how big it is ;))

16th January 2009, 03:12 PM
and here i was thinking england was cold... it's like sebenco compared to vineta k (sorry, couldn't resist ;))

DJ Techno
18th January 2009, 12:14 AM
Sweet love in the snow?!?!?!?! Are you nuts?!?

It's 8 degrees (F) outside right now - which would make it damn near impossible even if I had a girl crazy enough to oblige me. I mean, shrinkage, bro, I want to be presented at my best - and sub-zero temps aren't the conditions to do this. And we're not even taking into consideration when things are wet - and it's 8 degrees out. :naughty

to be honest... i love the snow... i would :) and hell i run without a top on in this cold. Just the pants, shoes, and mp3 player playing ambient to trance and all electronic dance music in my ears.
that's Good CRAZY :)

todays weather suppose to freeze tonight...

so if 40 degrees tonight and tomorrow 60 high with a 8 mile winds.
it needs to snow in the south.\

and hey... that's almost a bought the same temp for dark-d's area...in Fahrenheit

19th January 2009, 06:18 PM
Heh...this is one of the first days in a long time I don't feel like I live in Siberia. It's been -45 Celsius several days, disgustingly cold wind chills for most of the others for so long...been far below "average" temperatures for six weeks straight, minus 30 Cel. felt like spring, and now it's only -1Celsius today!:+

T-shirt time in Manitoba. Aloha everybody.

20th January 2009, 12:26 AM
Still hot. :frown:

20th January 2009, 03:44 AM
Heh...this is one of the first days in a long time I don't feel like I live in Siberia. It's been -45 Celsius several days, disgustingly cold wind chills for most of the others for so long...been far below "average" temperatures for six weeks straight, minus 30 Cel. felt like spring, and now it's only -1Celsius today!:+

T-shirt time in Manitoba. Aloha everybody.

Its been -29 C here (I know my conversions - hooray math!!:g) for about a week or two now but today was -15 C (that's 29 F for my American brethren :p) - almost balmy.:nod

20th January 2009, 04:58 AM
There's no way -15C is 29F when 0C is 32F.
Do your maths again :P

20th January 2009, 05:02 AM
-15C = 5F :dizzy

Current temp where I am: 16F = -8.889C

The sad part of this: It feels WARM compared to the past week. :brickwall

20th January 2009, 08:39 AM
The humidity has pissed off. But the weather has stayed cool. Its been quite nice. High 20s. Very nice indeed. But thats about to change with a foul 38-40c for Australia day. And a big thanks to my new air conditioning unit. Which hasnt let me down yet;g

20th January 2009, 02:34 PM
C = (5/9) x F -32

Am I not mistaken??

20th January 2009, 02:35 PM
C is the better system anyways: - for effin cold and + for effin hot. :g

20th January 2009, 04:44 PM
Body temperature is annoying though, if it's over 100F, there's somthing wrong, we have to deal with 38.7C or somthing like that (can't remember exact figure)

20th January 2009, 05:34 PM
Yeah thats the average body temperature. If the external temperature exceedes your body temperature. You find it difficult to sleep, eat, think, navigate. Not good to live in those sorts of temperatures if you dont have an AC. Believe me i know.

20th January 2009, 07:01 PM
Overcast and rainy, like every other day in Amsterdam. Around 26 degrees C

You mean 26ºF, right? :g

Still raining and around 5ºC here in Amsterdam. And yeah... feels like Summer compared to last week.

20th January 2009, 07:39 PM
yeah my whole family were like 'can we come to england, pleease!!?'. good old mild-weathered england!

20th January 2009, 07:46 PM
Its Raining and very chilly in Portsmouth. Never snows :(

20th January 2009, 07:53 PM
ah, a pompey lad, my local prem team! i know what you mean, the wind around there is killer, especially around gunwharf quays. brrr

21st January 2009, 02:08 PM
yep i'm a pompey lad xD, but i'm not a pompey supporter (i support Newcastle, alot of my family are geordies).

And yeah the wind is freezing, and i've noticed the wind is is colder when the sun is out :cold

although it was ok today a bit of ice and a chilly wind but got warmer through the day :)

21st January 2009, 02:11 PM
yeah nor i am i frankly, not since peter crouch, i really don't like him for some reason. probably because i'm small. man u ftw. no i'm not a glory supporter, i was born there (ok maybe a little ;)).

right now it's not too cold but i'm up to my tits in mud.

23rd January 2009, 01:12 AM
It is SOOOOO bloody HOT in Sydney ATM,4 days in a row 30+Celsius and humid and smog from the bushfires in the south. ARGHHH.
I'm sweating just sitting at the keyboard,everything sticks to you :frown:
Can't turn the PS3 on because it's fans start running at warp 8,it would levitate like a hovercraft if the fans were at the bottom.
What I would give for a nice big thunder storm to come rolling in to cool us all down,they been promising one every day but they roll overhead and I can see them down pouring out over Bondi beach at night.....damm...missed by 4 km...again.
At least the new fly screens are keeping the mosquitoes out,don't need those dive bombing around my ear hole keeping me awake at night.
Time for some very cold beer.

23rd January 2009, 07:55 AM
We got a thunderstorm of sorts last weekend. Cleared things up no end. Unfortunatley, its creeping back up again. Australia day is looking fairly promising, hope we get a good breeze.

24th January 2009, 09:58 AM
YES! I could see the sun for 5 mins today!! It was worth to wait an entire cloudy week to see the sun (finally) on Saturday! YES!~

Now it's about to rain again. 5 ºC.
Perfect weather to take a "super-coffee" and play WipEout HD! :D

24th January 2009, 11:47 AM
Gotta say its been quite nice the past few days. Even if its a bit humid. blue skies here and an average temperature in the mid 20s nice. Not so im hearing out in Sydney, you guys are roasting over there?

25th January 2009, 01:14 AM
torrential, cold, blustery: ugly

25th January 2009, 01:57 AM
Yep 41 c in Sydney city yesterday,even hotter in some of the suburbs .....horrible.

25th January 2009, 09:12 AM
It's getting warmer out! :P

27th January 2009, 10:06 PM
Poor souls in Adelaide and Melbourne are experiencing a 100 year heat wave atm, with serveral days of continues 40+ degree celcius temperatures all the way past the weekend. Radium and Kandang will be cooking thats for sure. Humid out west, very humid with all the incoming Cyclones. Not Zico attempts will be done untill this foul weather cleans up. I hope you guys are close to an AC out east for now and the following week.

28th January 2009, 12:45 AM
Yeah a nice cool breeze atm,not a cloud in the sky,perfect weather actually,just hope the breeze sticks around otherwise it could turn back to oppressively hot really quickly.

28th January 2009, 12:30 PM
In Scotland has a best weather we ever have in months! and I`m desperate to go out and play golf!!!, this day is just right for me!:(


28th January 2009, 12:40 PM
I second that , seeing the sun in glasgow always lifts the spirit, makes a change from the cold biting wind :o

2nd February 2009, 07:36 AM
Rob, remember when you were last down in London?

You left your f**king weather here...


2nd February 2009, 08:43 AM
Snow, and loads of it too! I’ve heard predictions that in some areas of the country it could be the worst snowfall in 18 years. Needless to say, the whole public transport system has gone into meltdown with trains, buses and the Underground all either completely or partially b*ggered. How do you guys from colder climes deal with these sorts of conditions so much more easily?

Well I may not be able to get into work, but hurrah at least for remote desktop connection.:clap

2nd February 2009, 08:57 AM
I wish we had snow here :P I should move (when older) to a colder country.

2nd February 2009, 09:52 AM
i'llsecond that on the snow. it's ridiculous. all the younger years are getting far too excited about it.
the old buildings here are looking very picturesque at the moment i must say. i'm in the mood for photos...

2nd February 2009, 10:06 AM
So the rumor about the UK basically being shut down for today is true, eh?

2nd February 2009, 10:09 AM
At least in London. All buses have been suspended, several Underground lines are shut down with more being suspended as the days go on, most rail services in and out of London are suspended.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and London City Airport is closed too

2nd February 2009, 11:07 AM
I wish we had snow here :P I should move (when older) to a colder country.

Ive got the same idea mate. **** this humidity, and **** this heat, im outta here first opportunity i have:o

2nd February 2009, 11:11 AM
Snow here in Croatia, maybe 5°C...

2nd February 2009, 11:54 AM
i was about to say the snow was starting to melt here but ive just looked outside the window again its started snowing again. :]

edit: now it really is getting heavy :D im glad im not going out anywhere today

2nd February 2009, 01:04 PM
yeah it snowed loads in the night where i am, and seems to be on and off today. currently it's snowing quite a lot. the cats are confused by it while at the same time playing in it. hilarious.

2nd February 2009, 03:51 PM
Ive got the same idea mate. **** this humidity, and **** this heat, im outta here first opportunity i have:oYou wanna switch? :p

2nd February 2009, 04:30 PM
You wanna switch? :p

Yeah seriously!

I have never gotten plowed in by humidity, and had to re-shovel it back out of my driveway!

Also don't have to scrape sunshine off of a frozen windshield so you can see before you drive. (my neighbor failed to do this just 3 days ago, and caused an accident right in front of my house when he backed out into the street blindly)

I'll trade ya right now. Bring the heat!

2nd February 2009, 04:52 PM
Yes please, send it here too.
(-42 Celsius. again.):cold:cold:cold

2nd February 2009, 05:19 PM
Yeah seriously!

I have never gotten plowed in by humidity, and had to re-shovel it back out of my driveway!

Also don't have to scrape sunshine off of a frozen windshield so you can see before you drive. (my neighbor failed to do this just 3 days ago, and caused an accident right in front of my house when he backed out into the street blindly)

I'll trade ya right now. Bring the heat!

When its hot, its not like 29/30 degrees celicius, its more like 43/44 degrees celcius. Try 3 years in Australin summers with a car with no AC. The cabin goes into the 50s and 60s in stinker days, and thats not in fahrenheit. It cooks your brain. Right now im in the mood the just sleep in the cool room behind the bar.

Yes please, send it here too.
(-42 Celsius. again.):cold:cold:cold

The plastic contaner, most likely would of been plastically deformed before it would of reached you mate :frown:


@DD777, ill love to do something like that. But, i dont speak the the local language of Quebec. But i love the climate there. So, christmassy there for some reason.

2nd February 2009, 05:41 PM
Rob, remember when you were last down in London?

You left your f**king weather here...

Charlie!, will you stop moaning!, just build a snowman!;)

Had little snow here but I want that snow back to London!!!:P


2nd February 2009, 07:22 PM
I saw pics of London on the news today. It looks like a ghost town where the ghosts are too frozen to bother anybody. :g

3rd February 2009, 05:53 AM
London looked like a Brunel 15th century landscape painting from the "little ice age" ATM.
Is the Thames frozen over?

3rd February 2009, 11:50 AM
Its been a shocking weekend over here in W.A. Looks like the Melbournians have fanned some of their heat over to us!

How are you guys doing over there, by the way? I've been getting news reports of OH GOD THE HEAT with power grids burning out and trains not working at all and all that.

And now it sounds like London's going OH GOD THE SNOW. Isn't anywhere experiencing normal weather anymore?

Rachel Johnson
3rd February 2009, 12:34 PM
Obviously not. This here village I live in hasn't had this much snow since the 70's.

Although it's cold, I admit it's a nice sight.

3rd February 2009, 01:02 PM
We have normal weather. In fact even during the snowstorms I took picture of, it was normal weather. Right now it's -17C according to the gadget on the Vista sidebar here. Which is normal :)

3rd February 2009, 03:46 PM
Obviously not. This here village I live in hasn't had this much snow since the 70's.

Although it's cold, I admit it's a nice sight.

You've returned from thin air again :o

Its been a shocking weekend over here in W.A. Looks like the Melbournians have fanned some of their heat over to us!

How are you guys doing over there, by the way? I've been getting news reports of OH GOD THE HEAT with power grids burning out and trains not working at all and all that.

And now it sounds like London's going OH GOD THE SNOW. Isn't anywhere experiencing normal weather anymore?

Melbourne and Adelaide, had there extended raine of foul weather.... I think the whole country has. If you Englishmen are still bitchin' about why we havent versed each other yet, well the weather is a bitch a right now in all parts of the country, and nobody CBF doing anything untill the mean temperature drops by 15-20 degrees or so. But when i cools down, we'll do this thing, yeh...

Harvai the weather generally moves from the west to the east across the country, so a day or two Adelaide would get our weather, then the following day Melbourne and Sydney will get our weather, unless there is a high pressure cell doing FA in the bite.

Also since your from around here Harvai, you would understand how the dodgy Energy system works around here. Those stupid commercials from Synergy. I sware they are a bunch of knobs... 'set your AC to 24 and beat the peak'. We'll Synergy you can get ****ed, when its 90% relative humidity and 38 degrees i think ill have my AC set on 17, and when ever i want to as well. This bull**** of having the AC on 24 is just usless, you might as well put the enitire AC unit in the bin, having the AC on 24 just blows hot air around, you dumb turds.

Anyhow i think there is a cooler forecast by the beginning of next week. Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later.

But i sware on the news earlier i saw the Thames frozen over, or was that my imagination..

3rd February 2009, 05:09 PM
Enjoy the snow if it's brief blokes (tries for a British-y term...).
Hopefully it doesn't shut everything down for too long. That's the way it goes, huh? No matter where you live, if you get unusual weather for that area no one can handle it. I think if I did get Australia weather here in the great white north I'd curl up and die. I'm acclimatized to -40, plus 40 kills me.:lol

3rd February 2009, 05:25 PM
-40 degrees: Where F and C are the same. :cold

I'll take +40C. Just keep the humidity below 60% and I'm good.

4th February 2009, 03:24 AM
95°F/35°C and 80% relative humidity would be fine for me. Too bad it's going to be 28°F/-2.22°C tomorrow night with humidity probably 15-18%. Blarg. I hate winter, even Florida winter.

4th February 2009, 07:03 PM
Florida winter? Isn't that an oxymoron?;) No, truly, I do weep for you. *heehee*

4th February 2009, 07:11 PM
Yeah. "Truly". Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :D

If your body was acclimatised to be comfortable without air-conditioning in Florida summers, as mine is, you would be freezin yer patootie off right now. As I am. :cold brrrrrrrr

4th February 2009, 08:28 PM
Lance, you should do a "shock therapy" in Kanada :D

You can't complain when it's -2C, that's a good temp for this time of the year in here. ;)

5th February 2009, 08:16 AM
Also since your from around here Harvai, you would understand how the dodgy Energy system works around here. Those stupid commercials from Synergy. I sware they are a bunch of knobs... 'set your AC to 24 and beat the peak'. We'll Synergy you can get ****ed, when its 90% relative humidity and 38 degrees i think ill have my AC set on 17, and when ever i want to as well. This bull**** of having the AC on 24 is just usless, you might as well put the enitire AC unit in the bin, having the AC on 24 just blows hot air around, you dumb turds.

Mate, I hear you on this one. Beat the peak? Get stuffed! How about they spend the money they used on this tripe to...I don't know...upgrade their gear? I'm no large power company, but If I had to run a campaign every summer to tell people to tone down their energy usage because we can't handle it, I'd do something about it.

And yeah, I definitely know bout the weather patters - I'd just imagine that the eastern states would be doing a whole lot of fanning. And sweating. And most probably cursing, too!

5th February 2009, 10:50 AM
New record today, apparently here.



5th February 2009, 10:50 AM
Harvai: They are probably hating it as much as we are.

I dont think there is much intention to upgrade the power infrustructure here, ever since it was part privatised, the system has pretty much gone to ****. Havent had any blackouts this summer yet on my grid, lets hope it stays that way.

Everyone hates the heat, even these guys do


djKyoto: Still havent beat Perth 1991 record of 49. Now that wasnt fkn deadly

5th February 2009, 12:01 PM
The snow melted here, that's good...and the sun managed to win the fog and burst it's rays. Beautiful day. Only if I didn't have to study. :( :)
Cheers from Croatia.

5th February 2009, 12:25 PM
I have to say give me the snow any time over heat of 44+. That just sounds fecking ridiculous.

Can remember working in Ibiza one summer and it was 41 degrees one day and that was horrible. Running around a bar sweating for Britain didn't help, so Aussie guys you do have my sympathy.

At least you don't have to worry about slipping on your arse every time you step out the door though...

5th February 2009, 12:45 PM
I'll happily take the snow over the tempatures were getting here, believe me, cause I'm used to the colder climate, this is my first hot aussie summer. Ugh.

5th February 2009, 02:11 PM
Snow, there seems to be no end for this friggin blizzard, like 20cm today.. and more to come till sunday. -12c and hard winds.

5th February 2009, 05:56 PM
I'd like a quick moan about the weather: I bought my (second) PS3 at the weekend in town, along with a monitor from ebay to use it with (no TV, current monitor won't work - well, it might, but badly wrong resolution and I'd need a hdmi-dvi cable). Monitor was posted very promptly on Monday, but hasn't actually left the post office it was posted at yet because of the bloody snow!
As a corollary to that, the snow finally got heavy enough here for me to have a day off work, and it was great!

5th February 2009, 06:59 PM
I'd still take the 44°C over being cold.

5th February 2009, 09:09 PM
Polar opposite here. Its easier to stay warm in the cold than cool down in the extremme heat.

8th February 2009, 09:38 PM
It was 47.9 C that's 118.22 F in some parts of my state yesterday.
Glad I live near the coast,no way I could of handled that sort of heat.

I don't know if we have anybody from Victoria at the forum,Hope you are Ok guys and not caught up in the bushfires.

It was really bad [still is,as the fires are still going],3 whole towns just wiped off the map in a matter of minutes during the night due to gale force winds driving the fire,108 people dead at last count, and expected to rise when rescue services can eventually get into the area.:(

9th February 2009, 12:02 AM
Ben/Radiumx/Insertcoin is from Melbourne, so is Kandang.

Its been nice here out west. Really really nice yesterday. Mid to high 20s. nice breeze coming in from the ocean. A day where i didnt need to use an AC, i couldnt believe it, a day in Feb this nice. Well it wont last for too long since its forcast to hit the high 30s to low 40s by mid week, YUCK!

9th February 2009, 12:07 AM
Well it's night now, so it's pretty dark, only me studying and half a way drunk, and at the same time pissed off that i'll not be able to play pulse online with folk due to going to uni for 3 weeks :( , btw.: helping n00bs on #ubuntu at the same time ;)
'night all
Cheers from Croatia!

9th February 2009, 09:21 AM
I'm nowhere near the fires but it's awful that so many people have lost everything. And if it was in fact arson that did these horrible acts, then I'd hope Australia reintroduces capital punishment just for them. Ridiculous.

10th February 2009, 08:52 PM
Muggy as hell
I think it's been 100% humidity the last couple nights. I'm not sure if I'm lucky being back with my parents right now or not, we've got so many windows and doors to let the air/breeze come in but that also brings in the sun, been putting up shade cloths which are helping allot :)

heart felt something or others to you guys in Aussie, the fires are always covered well on the news over here. I think one year when they were really bad the horizon line looked to be hazyer for all the smoke

hey archman you any good with Linux Mint/PC BSD, I couldn't get them to Dual boot PM me if you can give me a hand or if you think Ubuntu is worth a go

& much love to you the Aussie Cobbers out there

10th February 2009, 09:22 PM
I did not realise how bad the fires where until. I saw it on the international morning news on MSNNBC a few hours ago. Really bad ****. At least it is cooling down for you guys out east.

12th February 2009, 10:52 AM
I'm nowhere near the fires but it's awful that so many people have lost everything. And if it was in fact arson that did these horrible acts, then I'd hope Australia reintroduces capital punishment just for them. Ridiculous.

I agree. If the do catch the bastard(s), maybe they should be lit on fire, seeing as of now 181 people have died because of the bushfires.

On another happy note, us Aussies have raised about 57 million in aid so far!

But damn, its still muggy over here. Give me the heat - I can take it, but I can't take humidity.

12th February 2009, 12:01 PM
Sunny here in Zagreb :)

12th February 2009, 01:19 PM
My sincere best wishes to anyone affected (whether directly or indirectly) by these fires. There’s been a lot of coverage about them over here in the UK, and from what I’ve seen descriptions such as “hell on earth” seem very apt.

12th February 2009, 05:01 PM
I agree. If the do catch the bastard(s), maybe they should be lit on fire, seeing as of now 181 people have died because of the bushfires.

Agreed with you!

My cousins is a lorry driver...well truckers, we had thought he was in a middle of bushfires but luckily, he is in Sydney ATM.:cold
Don`t get me wrong, he is actually scottish and his parents moved to NSW when he was six with his other two scottish brothers.

Back on topic, here is slightly cold and still covered in snow!:frown:


12th February 2009, 08:02 PM
Wow, yeah, caught those bushfires on the news. Best luck to all those who got hit by the fires.
On another note: Pretty mediocre weather here at the moment. Mostly cloudy and chilly, temps of 5°C, sun comes through at times.

12th February 2009, 08:33 PM
I agree. If the do catch the bastard(s), maybe they should be lit on fire, seeing as of now 181 people have died because of the bushfires.

On another happy note, us Aussies have raised about 57 million in aid so far!

But damn, its still muggy over here. Give me the heat - I can take it, but I can't take humidity.

I was in the city yesterday doing several things. I said to myself, **** this fells nothing like the 34 forecast for today. It was infact 40 degrees at the time i was walking around. Cooked a few brain cells good that day

I found a copy of "Wip3out", for the Sega Saturn at the Gametraders store yesterday too.

Good thing those fires are finally getting undercontrol over east.

13th February 2009, 12:09 AM
"I found a copy of "Wip3out", for the Sega Saturn at the Gametraders store.."

Now thAt is hot! :g

13th February 2009, 04:03 AM
Windy, very windy!:cold

13th February 2009, 09:42 AM
"I found a copy of "Wip3out", for the Sega Saturn at the Gametraders store.."

Now thAt is hot! :g

Sounds like it is rarer that W3SE with that tone of voice. I dont have a Sega Saturn so ill let some other soul buy it, it would be unfair if i where to own it as a collectors item and not to use it. The Sega Saturn Wipeout is the ONLY Wipeout game that i do not have. Was this version superior than the PSX version by anychance?

13th February 2009, 10:06 AM
It might be one version to watch out for when they stick me in a Nursing Home.

Guess I'll have to have a pathetic old's peoples tuggle over who has the controller.
That's if we ever get a moment's control over the communicable TV.

A zimmer frame race to "Nut the Nurse":lol

13th February 2009, 10:07 AM
Its cool (19C), wet, misty, breezy and dark.

And it's awesome.

13th February 2009, 10:16 AM
It might be one version to watch out for when they stick me in a Nursing Home.

Is thats why Lance had interest in it?

Really irry red sunset at the moment. Its something you would take a photo of with an SLR camera then frame it then sell it for a couple of hundred dollars. BTW WTF is this Flower game i see every body that i on?

16th February 2009, 06:17 PM
ok now i could have some of that australian heat.. it's -25C atm, and dropping around -30, i may stay down there almost whole week.

16th February 2009, 06:52 PM
Wow... that instantly made me think of this

http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6551/60164230sw8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/60164230sw8.jpg/1/w425.png (http://g.imageshack.us/img27/60164230sw8.jpg/1/)

24th February 2009, 04:44 AM
It's somewhat "boring" weather :D:D here. It's 6:45AM and I'm waiting for the driving lessons. Seems I'm gonna cut that with some Pulse TT sessions :)

24th February 2009, 09:14 AM
It's somewhat "boring" weather :D:D here. It's 6:45AM and I'm waiting for the driving lessons. Seems I'm gonna cut that with some Pulse TT sessions :)

Driving lessons in Croatia, do you drive around in Skoda's or Lada's?

It's fun to learn to drive in the wet. Your ability to drift becomes stronger in time:D

24th February 2009, 10:04 AM
Driving lessons in Croatia, do you drive around in Skoda's or Lada's?

:D:D:D No

Opel Astra actually...btw.: I believe Škoda is a nice brand now ;)

24th February 2009, 11:15 AM
It's fun to learn to drive in the wet. Your ability to drift becomes stronger in time:D

Then you should climb up here, and learn driving on ice & snow. I love my quattro ;)

24th February 2009, 12:50 PM
:D:D:D No

Opel Astra actually...btw.: I believe *koda is a nice brand now ;)

I gotta say those *koda 's are quite nice cars. Wouldn't mind the Octavia RS version with the Golf GTi engine in it:)

Then you should climb up here, and learn driving on ice & snow. I love my quattro ;)

When i eventually visit the northern hemisphere. Ill see if i can make a pass into Finland. Go for a good fang/spin up there also:) Audi with Quattro 4WD sounds like a must in the snow. I can pull my legacy out in the wet, and do a nice powerslide/drift, but thats it since it doesnt snow here.

24th February 2009, 02:23 PM
Well I would like to see some snow down here in Greece but I think I'm asking too much... LOL

It's pretty cold here though +4 celcius... :cold

24th February 2009, 04:10 PM
+4C?!? That is SHORTS weather. :lol

24th February 2009, 04:15 PM
its sunny here . but it is freezing at the same time so that just takes away the purpose of the sun being out.:turd

24th February 2009, 06:14 PM
:D:D:D No

Opel Astra actually...btw.: I believe Škoda is a nice brand now ;)

Believe it or not, but Skodas were pretty much always good little cars.

24th February 2009, 06:33 PM
When i eventually visit the northern hemisphereCome to Kanada :P

Right now it's sunny with a blue sky, a good cover of snow, -8C

24th February 2009, 11:18 PM
+4C?!? That is SHORTS weather. :lol

LOL Well to me it's kinda ok cause I'm half russian but for the rest of greek people it's freezing!:P

Sigh* wish I was up in Moschow...

25th February 2009, 05:45 AM
It's snow for the 4th time this year :/

25th February 2009, 01:18 PM
FM! Rain today. Wasn't expecting that. Neither a day 22 degrees in Feb. Was nice. Wasn't so nice getting stuck in traffic on the freeway, cause dics in this state cannot drive in the wet without being dumb.

Come to Kanada :P

Right now it's sunny with a blue sky, a good cover of snow, -8C

Whats the difference between Kanada and Canada? Im still yet to see snow..... sounds like a nice place. Good roads to fang on too:lol from what ive seen.

26th February 2009, 06:51 PM
Ahem...the name Canada comes from the misinterpretation of the term "kanata" which means "village", therefore Canada is just one giant Kanata, or if you like to blend the two, then it is Kanada, and there's no difference at all between them...we are all village people...:P

Someone please correct my spelling and tell me whether it was an Iroquois or Cree word. It's bothering me! Tsk tsk.

26th February 2009, 11:10 PM
just snowed about 8 inches where I am: Minnesota, USA.

27th February 2009, 12:23 AM
I believe it's Iroquois.

27th February 2009, 01:29 AM
...we are all village people...:P

Someone please correct my spelling and tell me whether it was an Iroquois or Cree word. It's bothering me! Tsk tsk.

In that case, I'm Felipe Rose?

1st March 2009, 10:48 AM
Finally the sun found its way to burst its rays on these lands! :) It's about 16°C now, according to ubuntu clock. Also a southwest wind of 27,8kph. ;)

1st March 2009, 11:18 AM
Still f%^&ing winter in Shanghai. Although the Chinese Spring-festival was already 2 weeks ago (the festival traditionally marks the beginnig of the Chinese year aka 'the Chinese New Years eve' and also supposedly marks the beginnig of the spring season) we still have around 5C and grey sky since 2 weeks.

The circumstance that no house in southern China uses central heating makes the winter an even nastier thing ... :cold

10th March 2009, 10:22 AM
Sunny every day 8)


right now -

Current conditions as of 5:00 pm ICT

Feels Like:
982 mb and steady
9 km

S 5 kph
6:37 am
6:32 pm


Check out the averages trough the year! You'll be amazed! :D


10th March 2009, 11:04 AM
Sunny here :):):)

Clear Sky, 11°C

Wind: West - Southwest 9,3kph

The sunset will be on 17:57.

10th March 2009, 03:51 PM
"Oh, and it's raining again
Loud on your car like, bullets on tin..."

That discribes it pretty well... I'm still waiting for spring here. At least we're out of the sub-zeros.

10th March 2009, 04:01 PM
Sunday foul
yesterday foul
today foul
tomorrow foul.

Was 37 today. Not a nice temperature to be stuck in peak hour traffic.
Tomorrow will be 29, but really humid, something like 80% humidity, and those ****ing evaporative airconditioners dont acheive **** at Uni, it just blows dirty foul hot air around.

19th March 2009, 03:27 PM
the weather in england has arrived!!
not sure on the temperature but its ****ing sunny but you can be outside without getting too hot.
makes me want to stay in england. unfortunately this awesome weather is only available around 10% of the year so i'm outta here as soon as poss.
bring on the pimms :D

19th March 2009, 03:33 PM
Damn snow fell down a few hours ago. Luckily, was left none of it. :)

19th March 2009, 04:27 PM
It's foggy <3

21st March 2009, 12:28 PM
It's freezing here, even though the sun shines...Good looking day, but just from inside of the window. ;)

21st March 2009, 03:16 PM
Sunny and lovely right now. Not that I like it like that -.-

21st March 2009, 04:42 PM
Beautiful today, went to Opening Day for golf and thouroughtly enjoyed it immerserly but I can`t bloody drink due I`m bloody driving till tonight! AAaaarrgh!


21st March 2009, 09:02 PM
Never mind stin, there are other days! Like my birthday next week!

RJ O'Connell
22nd March 2009, 04:40 PM
It's getting warmer here. In a month it will be hot and humid enough to declare this state a sauna.

23rd April 2009, 03:44 AM
I think summer is finally over here. Thank **** for that. About to go nuts if it was going to stay hot any longer:brickwall

23rd April 2009, 03:05 PM
lol in norway the snow is finally melting away and the sun is shining, getting warmer each day and i love it :D

23rd April 2009, 04:48 PM
It's pretty damned nice here.

23rd April 2009, 06:42 PM
Sunny. But I like snow, so bad.

30th April 2009, 05:29 AM
Yesterday it was 95F (35C) in April - in New Hampshire, yes NH.

Right now, it's 41F (5C) in the exact same location. (this is what we should see for temps this time of year)

Spring time = rainy time up here, and we're in the middle of a extreme fire-danger due to dry conditions.

WTF is up this year, IDK...

30th April 2009, 08:08 AM
35, thats the yearly mean temperature of here.

30th April 2009, 10:37 AM
I'm kept thinking I'm still in Scotland due bloody wet weather yesterday and now it is getting warmer and dry today but I sudden realised this morning, I'm in GERMANY!!!!!:lol


30th April 2009, 04:06 PM
20 degrees here at Paris'airport it's sunny and soon ill be in Germany !!

30th April 2009, 06:49 PM
Rainy. But the sun appears fo be coming out :)

1st May 2009, 03:52 PM
Man it's damn HOT here in East London... Question is how long is it gonna last.

The UK's Bipolar Weather does seem to have a hard time in deciding if it wants to stay wet/sunny/cold/etc - SO in the mornings I find myself leaving my house with an umbrella ... get funny looks from pedestrains (but dont care coz I'm usually too happily stoned at this point to care) and on the way home - If it rains - I give them the funny looks (whils smiling) and feel as though I out-did the public in being prepared... Yes yes I know I sound moronic thus:http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6153

If you feel like you belong here - then you probably do...

1st June 2009, 01:56 PM
Nearly got struck by lightning when i went outside not so long ago, think i crapped my pants in the process too. Went out of the house to have a coffee at the DOME coffee shop by the beach in Scabs, and watch the light show over the beach. OMFG there was this little sht there screaming there, poor workers i was talking to said the kid was screaming for over an hour and a half at over 120 db (decibels). Swear to god, if i was Premier or PM i would outlaw having irritating little shts in those kinda of places, completely ruins the peace and quite.

1st June 2009, 03:57 PM
We have the best weather over the weekend for ages and I just got back from holiday weekend and now, we are having a Barbie tonight! ;)

Back to work tomorrow though :(


1st June 2009, 07:23 PM
sunny and warm :g oslo is a pretty damnd good place to live right now

2nd June 2009, 05:30 PM
South East Englands been rolling in the sunshine 8) love the bbqs! love the heat! love the pretty ladies! love playing football!

amazing just how much happier everyone is when the sun comes around.

21st June 2009, 03:39 PM
Singapore is in the tropics.Summer all year round.28,29 degrees celcius min to 32,35 degrees celcius max.May sweat unless under shade(but you may still sweat).

21st June 2009, 05:34 PM
36.67°C [in still air, in the shade]


and I'm sitting in front of a 16"/40.64cm fan running on high.

21st June 2009, 08:05 PM
its been grey here and about 18 degrees. First day of British summer time !!

21st June 2009, 10:36 PM
Rain,Rain and occasional more Rain here in Sydney and about 16 C for 2 weeks now.
At least it has lifted water restrictions,but who's going to water their garden when it's raining?

22nd June 2009, 12:24 AM
So nice here atm, winter has finally arrived here. Nice cool weather. Sleeping normally again, so nice. ****ing hate summer, never want to experience it again, sleepless nights, everything sticky, cant study. Winter is soooo much better.

22nd June 2009, 12:57 AM
Its a cool night outside, calm too.

I've got a hygrometer in my room and the current reading is 22ºC and 56% relative humidity...

lol, this is one boring thread!

22nd June 2009, 08:35 AM
lol, this is one boring thread!
Finally, someone broke the taboo! :p

22nd June 2009, 10:28 AM
Sunny, some clouds wandering around. About +20 celcius. My thermometer
stated +24 in the morning at around 7:30. I get to wake up while the sun
is shining almost straight into my apartment so the thermometer is probably
off a few degrees.

22nd June 2009, 10:52 AM
Finally, someone broke the taboo! :p

Call it like I see it dude... I mean, if I really wanted to know what the weather was like in Timbuktoo, I could get the info in 2 mins. My phone can tell me! So can the Net. Even Teletext... lol

22nd June 2009, 11:28 AM
After weeks of wondering where it was, winter rocked up at Perth's doorstep last weekend, all stormy and ****, which is good as we badly need the rain.

22nd June 2009, 01:45 PM
Winter sure did arrive in one hit here Harvai. Shame i was too sick, never had a chance to practice my drifting skills in the wet though. Perth needs rain bad, but Perth is more dependant on those desalination plants that where completed a few years back.

Its the Solace today also, shortest day of the year here.

25th June 2009, 08:54 AM
About +25 celcius. Almost too hot to be bothered in actually doing something
outside. But I hope it stays that way for a longer while since there's not too
many hot days in Finnish summer.

25th June 2009, 09:05 AM
25 degrees celcius,


**** me,

i would love a summer that had 25degrees days here, not summers with 45+ degree celcius degree days.

I need to move to Europe if thats the mean temperature for summer over there, sounds so nice:)

25th June 2009, 09:17 AM
It is now about 34 degrees above zero and very high humidity... I hate this weather when I cant walk on the streets and prefer spring time when I can feel no cold and hot. :cold

25th June 2009, 01:30 PM
Hahah, it's hot for us Finns who's accustomed to riding polar bears to work :lol .

25th June 2009, 08:33 PM
Yep, 25 Celsius is nothing to us 'lucky' people who live where it can go over 40, but damned if I could stand living anywhere thats goes within sight of 0 C more than a few days a year. I love the heat, up to just shy of the point where I spend all day and all night sweating just because of the air temp.

26th June 2009, 06:03 AM
It's EXTRA hot in Texas(US). 100F+ A nearby field caught fire; scared the --CENSORED-- out of the horses.

26th June 2009, 11:00 AM
^^That sounds crazy!!

It sounds nothing now that there's +28 celcius today where I live!

Actually we could use some of that warmth from your end to warm up the -20 celcius winter months in here though. I'm not exactly fond of them :lol .

26th June 2009, 12:28 PM
Yup, +28C's is quite warm for us. If we look back to years 1971-2000 average temperature in summer was +15,9C in southern and +12,4C in northern Finland.. And winter average in same time period -3,8C in south and -13,1 in north.

26th June 2009, 12:44 PM
it's really ****ing cold and it's raining. stupid shitty schizophrenic english weather...

26th June 2009, 03:09 PM
a few mates in a room with a quality compression sessions can solve that prob yeldar:o:);)

26th June 2009, 03:13 PM
Some heavy rain here...:(

26th June 2009, 03:14 PM
Why schizophrenic? ;)

btw it is raining everywhere over Europe now...

26th June 2009, 04:27 PM
eh.. no it's not :)

Sun blaze!

26th June 2009, 04:57 PM
UK weather has been rather schizo these past few weeks...days of blazing hot sunshine and the next day p*ssing down with rain, then back to sunny, you get the gist...like today it's raining again, but lots of humidity too...need a good thunderstorm :D

28th June 2009, 01:32 AM
The heavens have opened over Perth this weekend. gale force winds, heavy downpours, the lot. One of the palm trees outside my house took a beating, too

28th June 2009, 02:06 AM
Is a bit chaotic outside, here atm,

****ing net is down or either at the dial up speed.

:brickwall:brickwall:brickwall:brickwall:brickwall :brickwall

28th June 2009, 04:25 AM
Rain... no, wait - rain... no, wait - rain... no, wait - rain... sunset...:|

28th June 2009, 03:58 PM
Overcast. It has been nice here lately, but its suddenly got all awful in Portishead.