View Full Version : 2008-05-18: WipEout Pulse added to the records system
18th May 2008, 09:12 PM
As the title says - I've added WipEout Pulse to the records system. In this case, with there being almost zero difference between the versions of the game released, I've just created a single entry for WipEout Pulse.
If anyone has any objections to this, then speak your mind or forever hold your peace. :)
Oh yeah, I haven't put any records in to test it... so I don't know if it works or not, but I'm pretty sure it does. Probably. :)
18th May 2008, 09:26 PM
Okay, I can confirm that it does indeed work as intended.
Not from me testing, but because Stin is in there already like a rat up a drainpipe, adding records like a man posessed. ;)
Rapier Racer
18th May 2008, 09:44 PM
Good news and lol @ stevie :clap
18th May 2008, 10:09 PM
What records, where????, did I do that?!!!:p
Seriously, yes, I`m a slightly possessed...well yeah!
Thank you for adding new Pulse records up.;)
18th May 2008, 11:31 PM
much better, thanks. I like adding records like this, because I can self correct. Also, we get to put in records from any ships we like
19th May 2008, 02:52 AM
Awesome! I'll try to add some records later this week. Thanks, Rob! :hyper
...Stin is in there already like a rat up a drainpipe, adding records like a man posessed
Ah, you brits have the best metaphors :)
19th May 2008, 10:26 AM
Great news, Rob, thanks. I`ll be testing it out sometime to make sure that the lower reaches of the tables work ok!
19th May 2008, 10:39 AM
Thanks Rob.
This is superb! Especially that we can put records in from every ship, like Jabberjaw said. I am also very happy that we can put records in for the tracks from the packs.
Will there be a difference between the PSP version and the PS2 version of Pulse concerning records?
Stevie just knows how to give credit for all your hard work Rob!
19th May 2008, 11:33 AM
Lets cross the PS2 Pulse bridge when it comes - with the Dual Shock 2, I think the handling will be different enough that it will warrant a separate table, though. :)
Albino Ace
19th May 2008, 11:42 AM
"O RLY!?" :D times shall cover the table like the Black Plague did Europe back in the day... :g :lol (...either this afternoon or tomorrow, when I can access my PSP and the records on them. :P )
Thanks, foxy! :hyper :+
EDIT: I've already put up my Venom records...
20th May 2008, 07:46 PM
Nice effort Rob for adding the Pulse tables :)
That will motivate pilots to compete and race Pulse waiting for HD to be released.
32 tracks X 4 speed classes X TT and SR lap & race = 256 entries ( may i right?) Who will be the first to complete those? i bet on Stevie :nod
20th May 2008, 08:04 PM
512, I think.
20th May 2008, 11:31 PM
I was just looking at the WOZ Wipeout Pulse records page-- is there a speed lap option that I am missing?
If there is no speed lap option-- what should we do for the lap records for Time Trial mode? Should we:
1. Use our best lap time done in either speed lap or time trial? or
2. Use our best lap time done in time trial ONLY (no speed lap times allowed).
Thanks! :)
21st May 2008, 08:06 AM
Hmmm. The usual rules would apply, in that you can only enter a record if it's for that specific game mode.
I can add Speed Lap as an option for Pulse, but right now there's no look-up table between the games and the game mode tables, and I'd need to do that to stop Speed Lap appearing for other versions of the game.
i.e. I'll get round to it as soon as I can.
21st May 2008, 01:31 PM
not only 512, mulitiply that by the number of ships as well, since you can enter times for all of the ships. We will see Steven next year around this time with all of those ready to be entered :)
21st May 2008, 02:39 PM
Made my mark :)
21st May 2008, 04:41 PM
If there is no speed lap option-- what should we do for the lap records for Time Trial mode? Should we:
1. Use our best lap time done in either speed lap or time trial?I would say yes.
There's no difference between Time Trial and Speed Lap except that you can't create a Race Time in Speed Lap. So the Time Trial Lap Time would be your best lap time, be it Time Trial or Speed Lap.
The really unfortunate part is that Pulse has such an awful record database. If it was better made, this wouldn't even be an issue.
Speed Lap Lap Time records should go into the same place as Time Trial Lap Time records, there's no reason at all to differentiate what mode was used to create the records when the environment is the same.
21st May 2008, 05:00 PM
I agree. I don`t think there`s any need to have a new option for Speed Lap as it`s essentially just a duplication of the same challenge as TT lap, and separating them just creates a record of our second-best times. I think it would be more convenient just to have the best laps all together on the same table and not have to refer between two tables to find the best laps, like you have to on the official site.
21st May 2008, 05:18 PM
Well, there's nothing I can do about the official site any longer, but here we can do as we please, so I'll keep it as is and just update the rules to state that Speed Lap times are applicable for the Time Trial records.
21st May 2008, 05:29 PM
That`s great, thanks Rob.
21st May 2008, 07:12 PM
i agree with you pilots, thx Rob
21st May 2008, 09:42 PM
Thanks Rob and others for clarifying the issue with the Speed Laps / Time Trial entries :)
In some ways using the Speed Laps for Time Trial laps allows Pulse to be more similar to Pure, which as I recall by default includes record lap times from "Free Play" mode into Time Trial records. So inasmuch as "Free Play" has been replaced by "Speed Lap," the plan outlined by Task and others makes the records for the two games more similar. Am I remembering this correctly?
not only 512, mulitiply that by the number of ships as well, since you can enter times for all of the ships. We will see Steven next year around this time with all of those ready to be entered :)
Just think, if Speed Lap had been included as a separate event there would be even MORE records to keep track of! :dizzy
24th May 2008, 10:42 AM
That`s me everything up to date, I have alot of missing bits, but, I did lost my euro`s records so, I`m using NA`s records.
Yes, it is 512 for one ship!
Now, I will be monitoring the rest of the records and I will do my best to keep updating.
24th May 2008, 11:54 PM
Pulse has already overtaken original Wipeout on the record stats, which is just wrong. XL won`t survive much longer. And for about 2 hours Stevie was the most prolific pilot in the tables, though it`s quality not quantity that counts here. ;)
25th May 2008, 01:41 AM
Yes, it'd be nice to have a push for folks to go back and submit records for the older games-- the record list for Wipeout 64 is particularly awful :(
Perhaps having some sort of combined rankings table would help encourage folks to go back to the older games?
Regarding Wipeout Pulse, well, I want to get my times submitted but Christ, I'm gonna need some time to actually do it! It's what, maybe an hour or more of work?
25th May 2008, 10:22 AM
I decided to sort it by release date, with newest first, although that does push the earlier games right down to the bottom of the list. I did consider sorting it by number of records, too, but then WipEout Pulse and WipEout HD would have ended up at the bottom!
To be honest, the J Version of WipEout 3 is a pretty pointless entry - along with WipEout 64, but it's not as if their presence ramps the overheads up to any great extent.
25th May 2008, 12:08 PM
Yeah I just noticed that you changed the order of appearence, of the different versions. I for one, do like it! Especially now, because I don't have to scroll all the way down to enter records.
About wipeout64, sooner or later I will subscribe records for this version. I know JABBERJAW has some (read a lot of) records to subscribe. If only he had the time and Asayyeah too.
BTW I really like that speedlap and fastest TT lap are the same.
28th May 2008, 01:53 PM
Yeah, I'll start entering times soon (this time it means in less than two months, not two years) for both of these games. IF I enter a time for every ship on every speed class, it might just be the most popular game (wipeout 3j) :)
28th May 2008, 06:51 PM
i started entering times, but i wont keep up with everyone else, as i am playing much more XL than pulse right now
Albino Ace
29th May 2008, 02:28 AM
Damn...I sincerely apologize for this. :brickwall
I had just finished Outpost 7 Black on Rapier TT, so I was moving on to Single Race Rapier class at TJ White. However, when I entered race records for there, supposedly, it turns out I was still under Outpost 7 Black for I ended up putting TJ white times there inadvertantly...and now it won't let me delete them.
So, I figured "ok, I'll skip to Outpost 7 Black and just edit that with the legit time" but when I tried to edit my race record it turns out I was editing my LAP record. As a result, its now basically showing the same record as spots #2 AND #3 on the table. (outpost 7 black, Rapier class, single race, race time.) The edited race record didnt replace the existing one as I had hoped it would. >_<
Hopefully Foxy or someone can delete one of the times...I apologize for the inconvenience I know this will cause. :redface:
EDIT: Well, I managed to edit the 2nd race time into a lap time...but I think us being able to delete our own records would be helpful in the future...maybe its just me, I dunno... o_o
29th May 2008, 11:03 AM
You have got some seriously good times there. :eek And with Feisar too.... looks like it has finally become one of the faster Wipeout ships.
Albino Ace
29th May 2008, 03:15 PM
:lol Or maybe its just who is piloting it. ;)
Anyway, if sometime in the future a strange scenario occurs like this, maybe having a functional delete button would be nice? When I clicked it, the page would, in effect, just end up refreshing, with the delete button red instead of blue. :eek
29th May 2008, 06:26 PM
You've got to click on it again to delete it. It's kinda like the "Are you sure you want to do this?" of Windows :p
Albino Ace
29th May 2008, 08:45 PM
Ahh, is that what the color change is? I thought the red meant "Nope. No deleting record for you. Haha"
Hmm...if thats what it is, nevermind then. Thanks! :g
30th May 2008, 09:51 AM
Sorry - I thought that was a fairly obvious thing, but perhaps I presumed too much.
Next time I get the chance to work on the site I'll add a message that prompts you to confirm a delete, rather than just changing the button colour.
31st May 2008, 11:38 AM
There are some of my Phantom TT records. Enjoy, and I'll add more later.
Rapier Racer
31st May 2008, 05:03 PM
I dunno I thought it was blindingly obvious how to delete records! What you been smoking AA? :g
Albino Ace
31st May 2008, 06:45 PM
:lol When the button turned red, it wasn't so obvious for me. :eek
What's obvious to one person may not be to another...anyway, thanks, Foxy! :)
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