View Full Version : miss you guys!

17th May 2008, 07:43 PM
hey everybody, just wanted to say sorry bout my recent absence from the boards. After vermont work got soooo busy, i signed back up for school to get my computer information systems degree. but i WILL stil be a chef :). and just working on overall budgeting. i am still throughly enjoying wipEout, i wish i could see more people on pulse online though. thanks again for the awsome times playing with the ones i met, i havent even gotten a chance to hang out with eric (AG-wolf) since then, we have both been busy. Asayyeah...im gonna miss you next year man, but i will be coming to france :). first time ever hanging out with someone from another country for that long and it was a blast. dj techno, im going to make arrangements to see if we can hook up when im in south carolina this year. and to everybody else. much love!. hit me up if you guys ever wanna play pulse or anything, im down whenever i can. peace!

PS- Al i left my aphex twin hoodie at your house i believe. is there a way you can wire it to me possibly? its my favorite one :p

20th May 2008, 08:04 PM
Sorry Travis we exchange your hoodie for a brand new raCcon controller ;)

Seriously speaking i am like you mate, since i came back to France i haven't been very active into the Zone for different reasons, i stopped playing pulse ( not a big news i slowed down playing it drastically after the end of my Scottish trip) but not Wipeout :) I go on playing 2097 and recording races through DVR like Al did explained it to me for an awesome quality result.
Bad news is my DVR is not compatable recording NTSC games :( so i need to find one which can.
I also exorcised myself from that devilish W64 nightmare i endured at Al's tourney :robot, with my friend Dag we played 64 splitscreen during our friday session during a fully non stop session of 6 hours.

PS : Travis, i am looking forward to meet you in France 2010 Convention :)

21st May 2008, 08:00 AM
On the bright side, you can make computer chips, being a chef with an CIS degree;)

Hold on...

I knew that didn't sound right, you're working for the Seperatists! (Yeah, I like SWBF)