View Full Version : Nintendo Wii outsells 360, PS3, PS2, PSP combined in April

16th May 2008, 11:24 PM
As it says in the thread title.
Holy fukken shiiiiiiit!!

And Mario Kart Wii came in second only to GTA IV.

Article here: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080516-npd.html

17th May 2008, 02:52 PM
Lance starting a thread?
Holy fukken shiiiiiiit!!

I am surprised by the wii outselling everything else, let alone combined, it seems nintendo may be on to a winner here...

17th May 2008, 02:55 PM
There are hardly any decent games planned for the future for Wii which aren't first party games.
Heck, people can play SSB only so much. That said, good job on Nintendo for making an appealing product. I can't see the attraction though...:?

19th May 2008, 07:31 AM
First time i saw the wii i tought: "oh, nice idea, but no one would buy a console like this.." :o
But I'm glad that new ideas triumphed over pure "power" this time.

19th May 2008, 04:35 PM
Me too. The most important thing in games is the design of the game. There have been great games at every level of hardware, games that entertained, fascinated, and even had an almost addictive effect. The radically more powerful hardware has not increased the percentage of good games.

19th May 2008, 04:58 PM
mario kart. Hmmmm. Speed boosts if you are behind, check, Leader weapons when I am half a lap behind, check, only able to beat another person by .02 seconds no matter how good I race, check. Sounds like a good game to me :)

Nintendo is winning because of price (Lance Price)

I think if all systems came out at the same time, and same price, nintendo would be in some trouble right now, but amazingly with word of mouth they sold alot. The control scheme is mediocre at best for me though, the sensitivity and accuracy do not make for good hardcore game. If it was accurate enough to play unreal as well as a mouse, I would certainly get one.

19th May 2008, 06:37 PM
i had it for a year before i dumped it for my ps3. yes, i definetly enjoyed it, but as insertcoin said, it has a serious lack of first party games , and that will be its downfall. the line up this year apart from ssbb and mario kart, is absolutely humiliating for a next gen console. also it didnt suit me well due to the fact that im a hardcore gamer, and wii is simply nota sytem for hardcore gamers. back on topic though, i cant believe it outsold like that , thats pretty wild, although i have ebeen seeing them very much more available than a couple months. a few of my friends were able to go out to the store and buy em no problem the other day

19th May 2008, 06:54 PM
No software? Sheesh :) There's Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Metroid Prime, Super Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Wii Fit, Wario Ware and Battalion Wars for first/second party efforts plus Okami, Zack & Wiki, Excite Truck, Super Monkey Ball, No More Heroes and a bunch other from third parties.

I'm not a big fan of the Wii (I do own one) but it's not for shortage of software-- Nintendo has done surprisingly well in pushing nearly all of its core franchises onto the Wii at this point-- arguably much better than Sony has with the PS3.

What I don't like is the emphasis on the Wii-remote in designing gameplay and the fact that gameplay on Wii releases tends to a little bit dumbed down. I'm also pissed that they abandoned F-zero :(

19th May 2008, 07:23 PM
Me too. The most important thing in games is the design of the game. There have been great games at every level of hardware, games that entertained, fascinated, and even had an almost addictive effect. The radically more powerful hardware has not increased the percentage of good games.

yes, and that's the reason why most of us are still playing the first wipeout titles.. :clap

20th May 2008, 12:02 PM
I too flogged my Wii to get the PS3. It was quite good, but in the end just sat there unused for ages.

22nd May 2008, 09:00 PM
Wii is a huge disapointment for me when it 1st came out it looked all amazing with its fancy motion sensors now its just a suped up gamecube spammed with games for 5year olds, im still waiting on smash bros :brickwall.

same can be said about DS no good games on the horizon just bullcrap like brain training, sight training, its like nintendo dont actually make games anymore.

22nd May 2008, 10:06 PM
That must be what the general public wants, because Nintendo are selling a lot of it.

22nd May 2008, 10:48 PM
The thing is, though, it's not making money for anyone other than Nintendo. They dominate the software sales for it - 3rd parties are finding it difficult to get elbow room against the 1st party stuff. Big companies like EA can afford to throw a team on it, but I don't believe the reward is there for the independants to take a big risk on a Wii IP.

That'll start to tell not too far down the line when the Nintendo software dries up or sequel-itis sets in and the quality starts to drop, and the only games available for it are "safe", generic releases that haven't spent too long in the oven.

23rd May 2008, 01:09 AM
I should have thought that sequelitis would have set in months ago; it iS Nintendo, after all.

23rd May 2008, 07:18 AM
You've got all that Wii-ware stuff coming through though, from indie developers. AT least they're trying to open it up a bit.

25th May 2008, 01:13 PM
I love my Wii and PS3. the Wii is brilliant, they have got (same room) multiplayer down to a Tee. I play both my PS3 and Wii and if you have a Wii. Get "No more Heroes" if you have a Wii. Also a number of "new" games are coming out now.

I'm liking the new directions. If I want my FPS and "samey" type games. I have my PS3 and PC. But the Wii offers something else which is appealing to me.

Check these up and coming games out



Now I'm all for new type of weird and funky games :D

27th May 2008, 11:02 PM
I bought a Wii when it came out, and sold it a month later to get a 360. At the time, the Wii had nothing I wanted/liked, and didn't have any prospective games coming out that I wanted other than Smash Brothers. I wish I hadn't sold it because the new hardware revisions are considerably more difficult to mod (the one I had bought required only a simple 7-wire modchip if I recall), and because when I DID sell it, I figured i'd have the money to buy one again when the new Smash Brothers came out. That's seriously the only reason I want one.. even the new Mario Kart game is awful.

I'm not complaining about graphics or anything like that, the machine just doesn't have enough substantial games that I would buy. I don't like Zelda games, Mario Galaxy is terrible compared to 64 and Sunshine, I never liked the Metroid games, and there's little else from Nintendo themselves that really catches my interest. Third party support is limited to crappy ports of games that were already good on other consoles, or chintsy gimmick games like "Carnival Games" or "EA Playground" ... please, I didn't buy a videogame system to do that crap.

The machine is just a joke, none of its games have impressed me thus far.

27th May 2008, 11:15 PM
Weren't you aware of the sort of game choices there were going to be before you bought the machine?

28th May 2008, 04:25 PM
I think a lot of companies are making a fair bit of money on the Wii, and I expect this to improve as time passes, mainly because it doesn't cost like a trillion dollars to make a game for it... I actually think that 360 and PS3 developers are in a much more dangerous position.

Personally, I also think that the DS has a load of exceptional games (The World Ends With You is the best game I've played on any platform for a long, long time), and the Wii is picking up. I'm certainly happy I've got a Wii over a PS3, which still doesn't have a single exclusive I really want to play. Which is a pity really as I'd quite like a reason to have one.

Rapier Racer
28th May 2008, 04:44 PM
You bought a Wii over a PS3? Such a thought doesn't bear thinking about, the Wii has absolutely no pull on me whatsoever. It looks like a machine for a 7 year old with a stupid gimmicky control system

28th May 2008, 06:44 PM
Insomniac have said it long ago and I agree with them: it's a matter of time before the Wii stops selling so much. Right now it's only word of mouth that makes the job, and that's good for Nintendo (They needed it really) but eventually everyone will realize that the Wii is nothing but a gimmicky control system (The hardcores will say that) and the others will leave it collecting dust (The casuals will do that, because they're casual gamers). The Wii would need an incredible breakthrough to save it. And I'm not talking about accessories, I'm talking about a game that would use the controls to it's full potential, not some Wii-mote waving or Wii fit balancing. But something really immersive.

29th May 2008, 10:37 AM
The Wii is nothing more than a gimmicky control system and the PS3 and 360 are nothing more than PS2s and XBoxes with shinier graphics. It's all in how you look at things.

I do know that I see more innovation with the Wii and DS than on either of the other two platforms (although I do prefer the Live online service).

There's no doubt that sales of the Wii will slow down. That's true of all the platforms. And there's no doubt that some Wiis will just sit there and gather dust. That's true of all the platforms. Still, I'm happy that I've got one. I've had a lot of fun with it, and I continue to do so. Which is basically the point of it all. I don't care whether it's "number 1", or that some people look down their noses at it because they think it's for small children. I don't buy my consoles or my games based upon what other people think and everyone else should do the same. If you're happy with your PS3, great, good for you - I'm not suggesting that you made a bad choice.

29th May 2008, 10:42 AM
Let's face it, the Wii is one of the few consoles that make me (and a room full of friends) giggle like hell at the silly game we were playing (Raving Rabbids 1). That's the sort of experience that makes the console sell so well - word of mouth betwen families, which is always going to be a far more vast demographic that the traditional gamers the 360 and PS3 is aimed at.

That said, I flogged my Wii, and bought a PS3 instead. I prefer a more immersive game rather than the more casual affair the Wii is aimed at. Since I've had the PS3, the 360 hasn't even been turned on.

29th May 2008, 08:29 PM
Probably because your PS3 is your newest toy. Novelty counts for a lot in what we humans prefer to do.

30th May 2008, 06:09 PM
Meh in this world, it's all about what turns you on :D. The Wii and 360 gets the love from me. It's all about your taste. The PS3 and Xbox are the same to me. The Wii is different hence the reason why im keeping it.

3rd June 2008, 05:08 PM
The wii is fine really if you like the games that come out for it, graphics aren't everything. I wouldn't get one for these reasons

1) no wipeout
2) no wipeout
3) controller will not work well for fzero if it ever comes out
4) controller does not work as well as a mouse for fps like quake unreal (the fps I like)
5) controller does not work well on games like Madden, sports games (the other games I used to play alot of)

damn, if wipeout 64 comes out on the virtual console, what do I do??? I guess I would get it then

3rd June 2008, 10:44 PM
Hey Al, you play UT? If you have UT3 send me a friend invite at "Darkdrium" ;) Maybe we can play together.


4th June 2008, 12:29 AM
So you want to hurt my feelings at another game huh? :) I'll check it out his weekend. I am going to try and finally get the fragfx working (never tried it), it should be nice

4th June 2008, 12:38 AM
Hahaha well Al who knows maybe you are better at UT3 than I...

But I just thought about it, do you play it on PC or PS3? Cause if it is PS3 then don't bother, I don't have it on PS3, but I have it on PC.

4th June 2008, 01:23 AM
PS3 sorry. Haven't played one of these games since 2004, but really liked them, completely skill based. I hate aim assist of the other console shooters, although with not mouse support I see why they have it

11th June 2008, 04:02 PM
I detect a certain amount of wandering from the topic. *coff*