View Full Version : EEK! computer's broke!

14th April 2008, 07:23 PM
My computer got messed up, (don't ask how, I uninstalled a game and it went wrong) and I'm now stuck with using my parent's not-widescreen, AOL infected computer. It feels so ugly not using opera, I might just decide to not go on the computer at all. Hopefully our next door neighbour will be able to sort it (he works in computers you see?) so if I'm not on the forums for a while, it's because I hate this computer, I really hope the drive on mine doesn't have to be wiped as I have many VERY important things on my C drive. That amsterdam track thing? That's been turned into the basics of a game, took me about 3 hours, I've also got 6 months worth of schoolwork, GIMP images, Blender files and projects that I hope don't have to be deleted. I know that I should have backed them up onto the E drive, but it made it difficult to access you see? I think I've learned a lesson here.

14th April 2008, 07:35 PM
There are two types of people - those who back up their files, and those who will.

I'm in the latter group, too. ;)

14th April 2008, 07:46 PM
Glad to see I'm not alone

*idea* I'll just use my E drive for everything file wise and my C for programs. The E drive is bigger...
The sheer amount of stuff on my computer spread the program list over four columns, that's why I started to uninstall things.
Anyway, no computer gives me an excuse to play pulse eh?

14th April 2008, 08:55 PM
When I was on Windows I backed up all my important files on another partition of the HDD (let's say D). Cause C is used for all the programs and the OS itself. If that gets messed up and formatting is the only way out, then the D-partition is still untouched.

I'm looking forward to an external HDD on my Mac, though. When I get my 250GB 2,5" I'll probably put my old 120GB in a case and use it as an external backup solution.

Now give me money. I'm running out of space on im 120-baby ;)

Rapier Racer
14th April 2008, 09:12 PM
Another those who will here! I keep meaning to buy a Seagate 500 gig external HDD to backup stuff on but I always forget about it on payday you understand.

I've 2 160 gig drive in my PC and while the D might be OK in a critical situation it would feel better to have stuff on a drive totally detached from the PC. I doubt I'm going to learn my lesson till something goes wrong.

15th April 2008, 07:11 AM
What specific error message does it give you when you attempt to boot up?
I might be able to help.

15th April 2008, 04:08 PM
It's getting fixed by my next door neighbor at the moment (for free!):), I'd edited the boot.ini so that more RAM could be used by programs and less was allocated to the OS (added the " /3GB" flag), however, I set it so it was more than the actual amount of RAM on my PC (forgetting about the 2GB of HDD being used as RAM thingy).:brickwall I'm going to get it back tomorrow hopefully, so a wipeout game I'm making may see the light of day!

urrgh, aol's so ugly...

EDIT: wow! all hail steve! It's fixed!

16th April 2008, 07:49 AM
Yeah, editing the boot.ini with bogus things kinda does that to a computer lol ;)

Well at least you've got a helpful neighbour to fix it for ya :)

16th April 2008, 04:53 PM
He runs his own computer company actually, it's where I get all my geek stuff from. I'm thinking about getting a high-end graphics card soon.

18th April 2008, 04:32 PM
In case of : there's program who can help you to restore your datas from your crahed HDD, most of them are not free but seems they are very useful to get back some important stuff.
Ask your geek neighboor he can help you finding these kind of softwares.

29th April 2008, 08:34 PM
"geek neighbour steve" has been awesome one again, gave my parents a free extra 1gig of RAM when he fixed a dodgy network card.