View Full Version : UK online gaming stores...ordering EU GTA IV

13th April 2008, 08:20 PM
Hey all...as you can see I am an Australian gamer...and a really frustrated and annoyed one too due to our governments inability to give the gaming industry here an R18+ rating...

As a result...most of you may know by now, the behemoth that is GTA IV looming over the horizon has been censored somewhat, which really does piss me off...

I was wondering...can anyone here please direct me to any online gaming stores from the UK??? I'm hoping to order in an uncensored EU copy. Now don't get me wrong...I know it has been said there isn't much difference in between the two versions, but it's just the principal of knowing that there is a version out there that was meant to be as oppose to playing a toned down version which really gets to me...

Anyway...thanks for any info anyone can give me on these online stores...

14th April 2008, 07:23 AM
I"m pretty sure play-asia will have an uncensored version available for sale. :)

I haven't used them myself, but I hear they are pretty decent.

14th April 2008, 10:14 AM
I'll buy you one and send it to you if you're stuck.

It'll be a full price title here, so that's probably about three or four thousand of your Australian dollars. ;)

14th April 2008, 11:07 AM
lol...thanks for the link guys...I was hoping to score an eu version, cause play asia only has us versions...i know the ps3 is not region locked...but...i just prefer an eu version...

300-400 aud fox??? wtf???

14th April 2008, 12:57 PM
'twas a gag... I used to live with two Australian accountants and it was my main line of attack. ;)

14th April 2008, 04:51 PM
so that's probably about three or four thousand of your Australian dollars. ;)

LOL Best laugh I've had so far today. :D

Rapier Racer
14th April 2008, 08:51 PM
lol I have to second that :g