View Full Version : I tried to play on the bus ;-)

10th April 2008, 07:25 AM
Hi All!

Like in the title... ;) :D

I test Pulse on the bus.....ah ah ah!

In the row of seats to the bottom of bus..... Each dip of the road was reflected upon making me go up and down, right and left...... :D

This situation added to my 'infamous' 'shaking hands' race style made all very hilarious..... I win a twelve races tourney in rapier in this way......ah ah ah :dizzy

When I dropped from the bus.....I feel the mainland! :D

Read You Soon

10th April 2008, 11:43 AM
I tried once with pure::bomb I really sucked, and not to mention the other passengers, especially really curious kids that were practically over my shoulder to watch the game..

10th April 2008, 02:55 PM
Sit sideways, takes the edge off.:g

10th April 2008, 03:36 PM
Gawd, yeah, I tried playing in the subway and it just throws my game off. The minor movement of the environment just messes with the movement of the craft and track. Even worse was when I tried to play up at the cottage in the hammock, that was so bad I couldn't even complete a single lap.
I manage okay on a plane, as long as I've got a little bit of elbow room, but any non-stationary environment is really bad.

10th April 2008, 05:59 PM
Half of my time with Pure was on buses or trains. Eventually, you get used to the movement. The hardest thing is concentrating on turning in one direction while you feel how the vehicle you are in is turning in the opposite direction It feels nice when the turning is synchronised, though.

What is impossible to get used to is the stroboscopic effect of the light from the sun when it is about to set and is being interrupted by rows of columns or semi-open tunnels (specially in the darker circuits).

In fact, one problem I have with Pulse is that many circuits are darker than those of Pure and whenever the sun is low enough to enter directly from a window it gets impossible to drive in the faster classes.

10th April 2008, 07:31 PM
I gave up on the wipeout games on public transport too, I'm average to bad anyway, but I was total shite while playing on the bus.
felt cool on an aeroplane when we went through some turbulence and I was mostly weightless for real for a moment while going over a jump in game :)

10th April 2008, 10:38 PM
I used to play at traffic lights while commuting (driving) to work in the morning. I still play in the drive thru now and again. I wouldn't recommend it, though.

11th April 2008, 12:16 AM
I play a bit on the subway and on the bus too. Since our subway runs on tires instead of metal wheels it's a bit smoother, but for the buses the turning problem still exists, especially on the older models of buses since the platform is higher than on the newer ones where it is almost at ground level (Except for a section at the back). Then there is the light problem on buses too, but not on the subway since it is entirely underground.
However I did not do any lap records on the public transports, since it moves a bit too much.

[Few links for those interested to learn more about public transports in Montréal]
STM (Société de Transport de Montréal) (http://www.stcum.qc.ca/)
Subway train maintenance. (http://www.emdx.org/rail/metro/Images/QC-STM_GarageBeaugrand_20040706-135839_Atelier-RameEtPlaque.jpg) [171.72 K]
Old bus (http://www.courrierahuntsic.com/imgs/dynamique/articles/gros/Autobus_hybridesRedukto.jpg) [38.76 K]
New bus (http://www.lemagazineids.com/imgs/dynamique/articles/gros/AUTOBUS_37.jpg) [55.71 K]

11th April 2008, 11:58 AM
I'm finding it a little bit tricky playing on the bus, but as I've just got my PSP that's normal. My biggest gripe is playing in mid to late afternoon, the sun coming through the window often makes the screen hard to see. Figures, it only happens around sharp corners in the game -_-

But something awesome about it; in-game I was going around an s-bend, and at THE EXACT SAME TIME the bus was going through a s-bend. It felt awesome.

11th April 2008, 05:33 PM
Dj is really a public transport master. One of my most proud achievements in Pulse is getting a perfect lap on rapier, when I was high, on a bus. I was quite proud.

More often than not though, I don't race on the bus, it's usually reserved for the coffeeshop I'm going to =P

11th April 2008, 06:53 PM
usually, I'd say you were a bad influence for talking about illegal substances, then I saw you were based in Amsterdam and thought, "fair enough, it's legal"

11th April 2008, 07:00 PM
It's Legal? Definately not going to a convention there.

11th April 2008, 09:02 PM
Cannabis is legal in Amsterdam, don't know about anything else. Chrono?

11th April 2008, 10:22 PM
Amsterdam is the only legal cannabis in the world according to the documentary but they can`t smoke outside as I`m aware.

I did played psp on the plane but not on the bus!


12th April 2008, 12:41 AM
Legal for what age? Since MD and O329 are only 14, I doubt that it's legal for them.

12th April 2008, 11:49 AM
Wrong - I'm 53, remember? ;)

Realistically, I'd say over 21 After all, 18 isn't what I'd call "The Age of Reason".

18th April 2008, 04:12 PM
I never played in a bus, but in a train and in a plane.
I also got a recent souvenir of a Pure tournament raced in Stevie's car when i was in Scotland fightin with RR, don't ask him what happened to his poor Assegai twice ;)

19th April 2008, 01:26 PM
What happened to his poor Assegai twice?

Rapier Racer
19th April 2008, 04:36 PM
That was unfair circumstances!!! You had a jacket on your window blocking the sun from your PSP I had the sun glaring on my screen!! :p

I guess thats a little revenge for all them times your AG ended up in bits on Kai eh......:g

Got you back at Stevies too so neeeh lol

19th April 2008, 05:27 PM
Now, now, kids, Nike, the goddess of Victory, pays no attention to circumstance, she cares only about the win. :D

19th April 2008, 08:02 PM
Well here's your info. Marijuana, both cannibus and hash, are legal, as well as magic mushrooms. The legal age is 18.

20th April 2008, 02:56 PM
18? crikey! 21 I would have thought...
did some reading on it, the law seems to have reduced the usage of hard drugs and the deaths associated with overdosing.


hmm... the holland emmbassy in england would count as holland soil and its laws would apply there...

21st April 2008, 12:36 AM
And laws here are to avoid as much as possible to go off-topic ;)

DJ Techno
21st April 2008, 01:27 AM
heres something

drugs won't do ya a bit of damn good in keeping thems and hands right while playing the game on the bus...

and since im riding a bus from south carolina to vermont....

nothings going to more comfortable than gettin a seat in the back. have all my stuff, play the psp and playstation on the bus... and only have to worry about.

three things.
bumps on the road.
the smell of human co2 circulating in and out the bus
and power source! keeping that going and the batter still full.

21st April 2008, 03:16 PM
most of the time i'm packed like a sardine on the bus, with hardly the possibility to get out at your stop without shouting before it..
playing on train is way better, rail-bumps are tolerable: I made my best times while traveling to friend's houses.

21st April 2008, 04:42 PM
And laws here are to avoid as much as possible to go off-topic ;)

Are they? Sorry, didn't see that on the forum guidlines... It seems to be a recurring habit of mine, leading threads in new and interesting directions...

21st April 2008, 06:55 PM
The problem [and I say this as someone who has a very associative mind which wanders offtopic quite easily] is that if a thread wanders off for very long, the original subject gets lost and can't be found readily by the people who want to talk about it. I used to moderate on another forum, and the section I was responsible for there was inhabited by posters who thought that EVery subject, every nuance of interpretation, was related and could not be talked about without wandering everywhere. The results of such an attitude if actually implemented would be either to have one huge mishmash where everyone talked about everything but no one could find the specific points they wished to discuss, or there would be many threads all of which were about everything so that no one could find the specific points they wished to discuss. There would have been no coherent discussions with a logic that could be followed. So the policy there, as it is in most forums, was to create well-defined threads for each topic and to work our asses off to keep them well-defined.

side note: I eventually became tired of the same half-dozen people making the same arguments over and over and over for months while claiming they were saying something new. I retreated to the safety and general niceness of just being the admin for membership control, watching for spammers, duplicate memberships [don't even get me started on what those sneaky bastards were attempting to do with them], and hackers. It's way easier than modding, less stressful. Or at least I think it is. Thanks be that the members here are way less obsessive than that other lot.

But anyway, keeping things on topic is the foundation of any forum that is actually useful for learning something or helping people out when they want to know something.

21st April 2008, 07:13 PM
well, can't do nothing less than quoting you, Lance. Now i can understand your post on the thread about psygnosys, and i feel so sorry.. :brickwall:rolleyes:;)

21st April 2008, 07:20 PM
If you'll permit me this one last off-topic post, I can't actually see in the forum guidlines where it says "try to stay on-topic" I think that it should be added, or made clearer if it's allready there.

21st April 2008, 08:34 PM
Quite a long time ago, I created a stickythread about staying ontopic. Of course, no one reads it.

Now if you please, gentlemen, get back on the bus.

21st April 2008, 08:39 PM
so we can safely assume that playing on the bus isn't the ideal environment for getting a new speed lap record, however zone and eliminator do attract a lot of interest.

Rapier Racer
21st April 2008, 08:43 PM
I used to try and play on the bus. Now then it worked okish in the winter time on those cold dark mornings where the bus was not flooded with light from every angle but as soon as it started getting light in the mornings that was the end of that really. It's also too bumpy.

Now I drive so that creates a host of new problems :p Namely the lack of Autopilot in my car, poor show me.