View Full Version : On humor...

Triple Lei
8th February 2008, 06:46 AM
I'm not normally one to whine about forum "karma," but I do feel I'm getting picked on, so here goes:

I'm noticing that my wacky attempts at humor don't exactly translate over the pond. That bit about me making a "10 Things I hate about WipEout 3" thread and possibly getting banned? Red flag. That bit about me hating people who like WipEout 3 more than XL or Pure? Red flag. supersocks and Medusa seemed to get it (and thanks), but it pissed off someone just enough to red flag me.

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised; I remember how Gex: Enter the Gecko (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gex_2#Voice_Cast) had to have a voice actor changed so the jokes would be more palatable to European audiences.

So, don't worry, I won't even use sarcasm in my posts from now on. But if this treatment is "fair," then don't worry - you won't have to ban me to get me to stop posting.

8th February 2008, 07:04 AM
As written posts don't contain the grimaces and body-language that we normally use when conversing, it is normal netiquette to convey irony and sarcasm with smileys. If you really don't want a gangbanging, try using those to clarify your meaning (they're also called emoticons, for obvious reasons).

(and yes I took your post for being completely honest, without sarcasm or irony)

Good reading (a bit old, but...): http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1855

The Gracer
8th February 2008, 07:14 AM
With experience, ive found that sarcasm and sarcastic humor are difficult things to portray via text, such as on forums and while sending SMS messages.

I can relate to you - i too have a bit of a 'wacky' sense of humor (and, at risk of sounding conceited, goddamn i can be a funny bastard :p) and sometimes it can get me into some awkward situations, whether its just that nobody gets it or because i couldn't add the tone to my voice, to ensure nobody is in doubt of how unserious i am being.

8th February 2008, 07:22 AM
I try to avoid using too many smilies in one post, it can make a post look like the ramblings of an immature brat
but used proplerly, they are a useful tool in conveying humour :)
I don't even think about them most of the time now. the only thing that gets me here is that :P and :p (lowercase p) are treated differently, and the opposite way to expected

The Gracer
8th February 2008, 08:20 AM
:P and :p dont mean the same thing? oh dear. can someone clarify for me :redface:

8th February 2008, 09:30 AM
They do, Lion meant the code should recognize first and foremost the upper-case P as it is the standard emoticon to express the "tongue" (:P)

8th February 2008, 10:53 AM
I don't think it's anything to do with international or cultural differences.

It's to do with the fact the orignal poster slaps down some pretty blunt statements that are hard to interpret as sarcasm when the post is bereft of emoticons.

Statements such as this:"then don't worry - you won't have to ban me to get me to stop posting."

Lead me to want to say "Well **** off then.", as opposed to relishing the sheer audacity of the sarcasm at work.

So, in summary - posting without emoticons and expecting people to get you?

Red flag. Big one. Big flappy waving one in a force ten gale, right outside your window. Flapping and waving like a big red waving flapping thing that's indicating that if you are failing to communicate your meaning properly then you are the one at fault. Not anybody else. Not international differences. You.

8th February 2008, 11:00 AM
phl0w gets what I meant :)
I was just expressing surprise that the forum software doesn't recognise :P and turn it into a smiley image like I would expect, yet :p (which doesn't look quite right) is turned into a smiley... except this time ;)

8th February 2008, 11:08 AM
I can fix that, actually, but it'll make your post look a bit daft! ;)


Heh! I did it and it does! :D

8th February 2008, 11:53 AM
thanks! that's bugged me since the switch to this software :P

8th February 2008, 01:20 PM
Well, you know where you could have reported the issue... no need to suffer in silence. ;)

8th February 2008, 07:05 PM
Eh, I've had that happen to me on a forum that I've inhabited for years...also for sarcasm that flew over everyone else's heads. I may have had my account restored there, but the scar is still there. I hardly go there anymore.

9th February 2008, 08:32 PM
I try to avoid using too many smilies in one post, it can make a post look like the ramblings of an immature brat:clap:hyper:lol:D:+:?

(Sorry. I just had to do that.)

I consider my sense of humour to be a little warped and I enjoy completely lame jokes and one-liners anytime of the day. In fact I hate to think what my posts here convey about me. I'm sure if anyone tried, they could even decipher my hormonal surges.;)

The thing is, if you try to make sure whatever you're typing is going to be understood by the majority for exactly what you want it to convey (sarcasm, wit, dumb humour - it has a U!), then hopefully you won't run into any trouble. Hopefully.

9th February 2008, 10:17 PM
Well of course your humour has a u, you live in Canada! The non-french part. :D

10th February 2008, 04:41 PM
I think even in french humour has a u...or am I dreaming...language on its own is funny enough for me sometimes!

10th February 2008, 05:16 PM
La jeste? La joculairitude, per'aps? ;) Oui? Non?

10th February 2008, 05:29 PM
?? :P
Where did you get that, Lance?
I can't think of a french word in the humour vocabulary that looks like the ones you proposed

And it's "humour" indeed!

EDIT: Wait, a winking smiley? There must a joke somewhere... Now I'm suspicious :)
[two minutes later]
Or is it because you didn't put the 'h' in perhaps?
God, I'm slow...

The Gracer
10th February 2008, 07:05 PM
Oh god, im sorry, but i laughed so hard.....

11th February 2008, 08:15 PM

I think that's the most proper one in my case.;);)

you live in Canada! The non-french part.

Well you know the french part always has a u in it (Quebec...). This thread really makes me laugh. (With a u...)

11th February 2008, 08:24 PM
Speaking of 'u' in non-French Canadian musical humour, have you ever played a Manituba?

Has anyone ever even seen a Manituban?

11th February 2008, 08:50 PM
I try to stick to the gUitar...:lol

Manitubas must be pretty rare...it's easy to lose things in the vast rolling prairies. (Like toques...or tuques...or touques. Depending on how you feel like spelling it...)

Speaking of Manitubans, I thought I saw another Manitoban on the WOZone Frappr Map one time. Maybe they froze to death. I was quite close to that this winter (-48 Celsius this weekend).

12th February 2008, 10:54 AM
Argh, I miss half the fun in this thread :D
I'll add this to the mess as a personal and meaningless vengeance :)


By the way, Lance, you didn't answer my question either :)
Was it because there shouldn't be a question in the first place?

I'm lost in translation. :?: :g

PS: Good. By the end of this thread I might have been able to use every smiley available. :+

12th February 2008, 06:06 PM
It's just a lot of crazy playing with words, Guillaume; I was deliberately using words both with and without a 'u' that described forms of humour, and deliberately creating a previously non-existant word, in French or any other language, just for the sheer silliness and fun of it. It wasn't meant as a statement to be understood, but just one to be laughed at. :)

I would not be able to do this sort of joking in any language but English; it's the only one I'm good enough at to know the subtleties of, the details on which such joking depends. Likewise, the line depended on the traditional way that American moviemakers and writers used to make supposedly French characters speak, the stereotypical accent. [per'aps, indeed. :D ] The participants in such joking have to know enough about the cultural milieu in which the joke takes place in order to understand all of what's going on, but I hoped most of you would get enough of the humour to enjoy it anyway. In any case, I was on my own little 'roll' at the time, and really wasn't thinking about it in any terms other than playing with the words for the fun of it. Disclaimer: No conscious analysis was used or harmed in the original posting. :g

BTW, I love the use of the cover pic in your post; it's hilarious.

The Gracer
12th February 2008, 08:59 PM
haha....you lost me :D

13th February 2008, 07:13 AM
Ok Lance, sanks for ze explanation.

Zis eez fun. :g

13th February 2008, 09:43 PM
By the way guillaume, that is a truly brilliant cover you posted! (I know I violated its title by responding.LOL.)

16th February 2008, 02:27 PM
Talk about violation, look what you've done to them!
They've gone all scared and inflated! ;)

RJ O'Connell
17th August 2008, 11:27 PM
I love how the thread starter has repeatedly cried that he's a victim here and in the last six months has continued to badmouth this forum on places that rhyme with Lame Cracks.

I know that's not a bannable offense, and it shouldn't be. But if you do race against him online, don't try and feed his ego. The most recent tournament against him saw me score zero points. He does use CFW (in fact he has often whined about the 'Zone and its stance against it in general) but I doubt he has the intellect to actually act out on his own personal vendetta by screwing with their results through hacking. He beats up on novices and then proclaims he's hot ****, then when he gets dealt his own low tactics such as backquaking, or if he loses despite lagging like crazy, he immediately starts whining about the tracks, the other pilots, etc.

His actual response to the EWC documentary video by Chrono posted on that forum?

"Well done, except for the unnecessary mentions of Wipeout Zone (sic). God damn, I hate that forum (or maybe it's just the admin)... "

Here's my response to that:

Grow up. Ripping us because we don't "get your sense of humor" and we don't yap and yap and yap about how great CFW is is not even remotely close to a good reason for posting on other forums and spreading a bad reputation about us and the administrative team. YOU PUT THAT ON YOURSELF. (Besides, EWC doesn't happen without Mad-Ice and WZ in general.) I can vouch that this site is being run by a fantastic administrator, the forums are kept in check by a great staff of mods. Don't accuse them of being fascists just because you can't act like you could on other game forums.

Maybe he'll wake up and finally "get it" but right now I just don't see that happening. Hopefully he'll still be all butthurt angry at us not to show up at the conventions at Frankfurt or Essex Junction ever. I'd personally force him into early retirement by running laps around him if he did. Won't be too hard if he can't rely on cheating to do so.


Disclaimer: If this wasn't necessary to add to the discussion, feel free to delete the post. I'm just venting quite a bit. Time to get back to XL record-breaking! :g


18th August 2008, 01:56 AM
I think you're bridging the gap between custom firmware and cheating far too quickly.
If memory serves I raced against him a few times and these were good races with other members of Wipeout Arena. I am sure that he does not cheat (Or if he is he's not good at it - Which does not imply that I have doubts, if you are reading this Triple Lei).

I use custom firmware too, but I don't cheat, and anyone who has raced with me can testify. At Al's convention I had custom firmware installed (Sorry if that was prohibited by the way, I did not know. If you wish next time I can install Official firmware :?) and I don't think it gave me a significant advantage. I did not win my races because of it. I won my races because I drove well, that is all. Custom firmware has uses other than for hacks and cheats, the primary one for me being the ability to fix my console's software by myself. I've had my share of software glitches with my old fat PSP (A bug with the RSS reader completely messed up the system for some reason unknown to me, and I was PSP-less for about a month). With Custom Firmware I can reformat the system, thus removing any bugs if they ever happen. Since my PSP is now out of warranty, that is great, and forces me to take great care of my system hardware side because of that. To this day on my slim PSP there are no deep scratches, and I got it about six months ago. With my fat, there were deep scratches a month after. Secondary use is numerous practical software like file organizers, PDF readers and also homebrew games, some of them being very good.

I am not defending Triple Lei for his passed actions, I do not know of them, I do not wish to waste time enquiring in them. I am merely saying that if you wish for him to adopt a more civilized conduct about this forum on other boards, you should not blast him openly here back home, especially about something he does not do (Which is cheating).

But I agree with you that a conduct such as the one you describe (I do not know if it is true, and I won't go looking for it) is not acceptable. You can explain to someone else somewhere else why you left a community, sure. I've been there. But I don't go blasting that community everywhere I go.

So if what is said is true I hope that this does not escalate further. Wipeout is really a small community of active and very active members, one of them leaving because of missing smileys in his posts would be rather silly.
I don't know if it's possible (As I said I do not know the history) but can we conciliate the two parties? :nod

RJ O'Connell
18th August 2008, 02:09 AM
My bad for the quick Custom/Cheating correlation, Xavier. I'm not labeling all Custom users as cheaters. We're not banning users here for posting YouTube videos captured with RemoteJoy as OP is implying.

But, with our ties to people who are real life game developers (Colin, Egg, Nick B., etc.), we can't necessarily keep saying Custom Firmware is the greatest stuff ever, either. I posted it a year ago when Uncreated was reprimanded (prior to his racist tirade that got him a perma-ban).

But I think you get that, already. ;)

As for Triple, well, I've said all I'm willing to say. I don't want flame wars going on either. That's why it'd be best served for Lance or Rob or Jay or Isaac to lock the thread since it was going off topic well before I dug it up.

18th August 2008, 02:30 AM
But, with our ties to people who are real life game developers (Colin, Egg, Nick B., etc.), we can't necessarily keep saying Custom Firmware is the greatest stuff ever, either. I posted it a year ago when Uncreated was reprimanded (prior to his racist tirade that got him a perma-ban).

But I think you get that, already. ;)Yes, that is why I do not post record times on here, I understand this situation. I think I have posted about only three record times after I have installed custom firmware here. All the others are prior to that (There aren't much). I respect Rob's decision about that, and if Al shares the same views I guarantee that my next presence at any of his gatherings will be with Official firmware.