View Full Version : Resistance 2 - Incredible new pics!

26th January 2008, 01:05 AM
Okay guys i dont know how much of you playing/played R:FoM on the PS3 but i have to share those pics with ya'll: http://www.us.playstation.com/Media/Screenshot/17005/Screenshots_7?DCMP=ILC-RSS-Media

Looks awesome to me!

26th January 2008, 11:18 AM
resitance 2 : already they've just released no'1 haven't they:?::o

26th January 2008, 11:38 AM
Number 1 was a launch title for Ps3, which was quite a while ago.

Rapier Racer
26th January 2008, 03:06 PM
Yes I played the first one through several times and enjoyed it a lot can't wait for the second one. Screens look awesome.

26th January 2008, 03:39 PM
If some of you missed the features the game will offer, some older infos:

More Resistance 2 details emerge
News by Rob Purchese

Semi-official Sony blog Three Speech has let loose more details of the newly unveiled Resistance: Fall of Man sequel.

Action will take place in the United States, apparently, and feature partially randomised geometry to keep things fresh each time you blast through it.

Those gigantic 60-player online battles will be squad-based, and have you choose your role from one of three classes: a hardy soldier with heavy weaponry, a special ops type for ranged attacks like sniping and a medic.

Resistance 2 will matchmake you with others of your skill too, ensuring you never face a team disproportionately better than yours.

New enemies will also feature, unsurprisingly, such as Chameleon and Stalker baddies with a cloaking ability. Arnold could beat them.

Insomniac has also taken feedback from the first game to improve long checkpoints and the health system, as well as using more of the PS3 power to cram greater numbers of enemies on screen and boost their intelligence to Key Stage 2.

Yesterday US magazine Game Informer revealed its Resistance 2 cover feature, effectively announcing its arrival to the world.

The biggest new additions are a separate eight-player co-operative campaign (or two-player in local mode), and the enormous online battles.

Resistance 2 is due for release this year on PS3, according to Three Speech, and you can see the first shots over in our gallery.http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=90675
And some more from a user@NeoGaf:

Originally Posted by Basch
What a surprise. I walked into Walmart expecting to pick up WarHawk and Sunshine, and, low and behold, passed by the magazine section and.. BAM! Resistance. So I grabbed it and made my way to the check out. Just got back home, and haven't even read it yet. But from my initial impressions... Awesome! Wow, does that game look sexy or what. It is very well done from my a graphical standpoint. Excellent textures that leap to life off the pages. And throughout the cover story, they had great variety. Lots of color, but still keeps the same design the art in Resistance is know for. The images are all very bright. Nothing like the few released over the Internet. Clear; scans don't do this game justice. I LOVE the artwork. It is simply stunning. Damn, they sure did nail that department. I cannot express enough how amazing the art is. Well done Insomniac. Phase 1 complete. You drew me in. Now, let's see what else you have in store.

First off, how many people saw the full scans? Text, art, screenshots; the whole lot? Because I don't remember seeing all of this. I must make a few quick notes from flipping through the pages.

- Resistance 2 has a new logo. Very similar to that of the first, but changes the appearance many remember it for. Instead of showing a bunch of buildings and famous landmarks of England, we get a nice spread of what seems to be be... San Francisco? Most rooftops are flat. So there's your difference. Oh yeah, no big clock tower. No subtitle present. Title of the article is "United We Fall."

- The backdrop on the first two pages of the cover story has a very noise-ish apperance. Hale appears on the left hand side with the American flag flapping behind him. Above that, tanks come rolling in; the main guns raised, racing to help out the soldiers on the ground, who have come under attack from a mega monstrosity: a Goliath. These things are huge. I think Insomniac is trying to go for scale in their designs as well. I don't remember them being this tall. The beast was even beant over. As we all know, no face, but somehow they made the damn things glare at the futily resisting army. Threatening is an understatement. This is death incarnate. In a beautiful artistic display, the only light in the artwork is from gunfire and blaze. On top of that, the Goliath's lenses are lit up by the very same color. A very nice subtle touch. In the shadow of all the fire, off in the distance as an inescapable evil, another Goliath lurks. It sounds like they will play a big part in this invasion. Over in the shaows, a chimera watches on. Patiently biding his time. If there is one thing this artwork elicts, it is the promise of chaos and turmoil to come.

- Now I won't comment on everything, because there is just too much, I would be here forever. For all you graphics whores, the game looks stunning. Rich colors. Unbridled lighting. Dynamic contrast: seems to be different depending the view. Godly shadowing effects: right up there with Uncharted, I would even go as far as to say it ones up it. An infinite variety in textures. The stills that seemed to have caught motion suggest a plethora of outstanding animatics. The sheer scope of the environments is something to behold. You can see for miles and miles. You can make out rivers and watchtowers. Powerlines and... islands? Smoke trails from plans and mountains in the distance. This game is quite simply a benchmark in graphics technology. I can't wait to see how the final product looks. Now, the breakdown. Is it better than Killzone 2's engine? Ready for the truth? Too hard to tell. The efforts by both studios are so superb they are making my eyes squint just to tell differences. That alone is one of the best comments you can achieve. Maybe at a later time we can determine the final victor, but it is not now. It is just simply too hard. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous.

- A few other things I should note. The Goliaths are now an enemy type. Meaning you will have to fight them. A lot. Dread every encounter. They are trying to make these enemies fierce. One huge difference about the Goliaths compared to the first game is, if screens could tell, they seem to be capable of moving faster. Just what you wanted, right? Also, whenever you see them, it seems Insomniac wants you to view them from the ground up. Unlike the last games where they didn't seem so tall because of the overhead or side views. The Goliaths have been stated to be 150 feet over the player. Want to take one down, now?

- I swear to God I saw a floating face in what of the screenshots. A wide face. With tubes or tendrils that hung near its mouth. It would be easier if I could just show everyone, but thats not possible now, is it? So we'll just have to wait and see what it is all about. The article did confirm we would be facing aerial combatants. The Stalker is back. Along with a new mobile weapon. No, it doesn't even seem like someone could fit inside it. Its like a pod with twin three-barrel turrets to either side. Very Chimeranish. Expect to shoot these things down before they do so to you.

- By the way, it seems the screens that have been circulating around the Web wasn't all of them. There are some models, and background images, plus two that I have no idea why they have not been seen yet. Besides that, you have to check out the awesome artwork. One artwork depicts Hale at the foot of a body of water in a cold factory building with a Matrix sentinel looking Chimera with tentacles as long as you could imagine. Could probably wrap one around a building. One of my favorite pieces of artwork ever. Also, it looks like he has a big gun. This artwork came with a caption that said...

First-person shooters don't often include bosses. Insomniac wants to get it right and deliver encounters unlike any you've seen before.
EDIT: And a little summary:

- Eight player online co-op mode through the Campaign
- 3 Unique Character Classes. Tank/Special Ops/Medic
- Online matchmaking based on skill
- Squad and party formations online
- Randomized level geometry
- 60 players online multiplayer (4-8 man squads)
- MyResistance.net stat tracking
- Improved scalable enemy AI
- Single player story focusing on Nathan Hale once again
- The mysterious Cloven will finally appear

7th February 2008, 05:55 PM
randomized level geometry didn't work for coded arms(good game but level structure made it seem somewhat lacking), I don't think randomization will do so well on a next-gen console either