View Full Version : #wipeoutzone IRC
17th December 2007, 05:19 PM
IRC is like a big chat room, devided into channels. It can be really handy to set up racing tournaments and races.
You can join us on the server in #wipeoutzone (port is the default 6667).
If you have never used IRC before, I have a guide for you!
For PC users who have never used IRC (to download the mIRC client):
1. go to
2. click on 'Download mIRC'
3. pick a mirror, any mirror
4. When the box pops up, hit 'Save' and select whatever folder you like to save chat programs in. Or make a whole new one!
5. Once it downloads (and it shouldn't take more than a few minutes) find that folder you put it in.
6. Run Install
7. When it offers, tell it to Launch mIRC.
8. Either register or just continue (up to you at this point)
9. Fill in forms however you like. REMEMBEr, if in doubt about a form, just leave it blank/as is. The only form on the general Connect page that really matters is your Nickname. Suggestion: use your forum handle or PSN name to make you recognizable.
10. In the left menu, go to Servers.
11. Scroll to and select any of the Quakenet server categories.
12. CONNECT to Server
13. either add #wipeoutzone to your channel list, or close channel selection window and enter /join #wipeoutzone
14. Enjoy our magnificent presence!
Note - there are many different IRC chat clients so you don't have to use mIRC. I, for one, use the IRC client bundled with Trillian and the set-up process is similar. All you really need is the server info, a nickname, and the channel name.
Quakenet Account Registration
In IRC, type: /msg Q hello. This will make the Q bot talk to you. Just follow the directions, and if you have any questions, ask in this topic or in #wipeoutzone.
I haven't wrote this guide, Rhoulette made it
Source (by Rhoulette!) (
I have set the channel so that you can change the topic when you start racing. To do this you right-click in the main screen (where the chat is) and select "channel modes". A window will pop up and you'll see the line "Topic History:". When you go online, you should edit your name in the topic, like this :"Racing: [zargz, stin, rageagainstgeorge] game: [zargz;woz]"(nevermind the "square1" part, it's the black color). I used zargz, stin and rageagainstgeorge in this example, with the WOZ tournament hosted with name "zargz and password "woz".
The main topic format is:
Racing: [name1, name2, name3, xxx] game: [gamename;password]
If you have any questions regarding this point, ask in the topic or on IRC.
You could also use the Web Applet ( (thanks Orgy!). This doesn't require anything but a browser and Javascript, but it is slower and doesn't give you the mIRC advanced options.
Or, if you use Firefox, this ( It's an IRC addon, ChatZilla.
Windows users in general can use Mirc (
for linux users i recommend Xchat (
#Wipeoutzone on Quakenet (irc://
Hope to see you guys online soon!
17th December 2007, 06:29 PM
Will be there tonight.
17th December 2007, 06:29 PM
finally someone who adapts zerojoy's and my idea :D. weve already opened a channel on efnet, but we could as well go to quakenet. im on both networks anyway.
it just makes more sense than msn in my opinion.
17th December 2007, 06:35 PM
can someone please point me at a list of quakenet servers? or list a couple in here? I deleted everything except the 3 networks I use (undernet, freenode, and enterthegame) from my client
edit: nevermind (
18th December 2007, 07:49 PM
you can still join us. technicolour, zerojay and me are almost always on.
for those of you who are not familiar with the use of irc clients:
you can also use this Web Applet ( just fill in your nick and press connect.
we also managed to get L into the channel, so things are developing.
btw: sorry for double post, but editing somehow didnt work (or i was too stupid) ?
Edit: by Lance: posts merged
18th December 2007, 08:12 PM
Do we have to register for it?
18th December 2007, 08:18 PM
Nope, you click the link, type in a nickname and you'll join the channel. The only thing is that it's web-based, this means you don't have the advanced stuff. You can view the topic though.
19th December 2007, 02:09 AM
cool! will try it damora! :D
19th December 2007, 02:20 AM
The web applet is fine, but it loads faster for me with the mIRC client, so it`s worth the effort to download this, and you get more features apparently. I got it here ( with no problems. It`s just a big chat room and should be just the job. Is it possible to make temporary rooms within the main room too?
19th December 2007, 09:10 AM
Is it possible to make temporary rooms within the main room too?
not quite. you can only create "temporary" rooms by themselfs. see, every chatroom on irc basically has the same functuallity and is not dependent on any other chatroom.
but noone is holding you from taking #lunar (just checked ... its free) for instance. everyone joining this channel will be able to chat with you and it wouldn't have any dependencies to #wipeoutzone at all. completly standalone.
the only thing you can do is bind certain chatrooms to your personality. you have to create an account on quakenet and register this channel with your account. then it is "yours" so to speak. but this is for advanced users.
btw: if you enjoy mIRC, try a plugin called nnscript (just google it) for it. it adds theme support and many many comfort functions.
rooms are called "channels" on IRC
i forgot. to join a new channel (parallel to the first one), just type
/j #putchannelnamehere
in the chat window. you then get tabs for each chatroom you joined. if the room you joined is empty, you automatically get all operator privilages (displayed by the little @ in front of your nickname).
to start a private conversation with anyone, either doubleclick their nickname, or type
/query putnicknamehere
these private conversations are called "queries".
that should be the basics ^^
19th December 2007, 11:58 AM
moreover, if you want only some people to join your own channel, just do:
/mode +i #channelname
and then you can invite the people you want to talk to by doing:
/invite NICKNAME #channel
so there are still possibilities to separate from the others.
more info on The Official Quakenet Site (
19th December 2007, 12:26 PM
And let's not forget about the "perform" script, where you fill in all operations that should be handled on startup (like /join, /register, /nick and so on). Otherwise you'd have to join every channel anew when you disconnect.
19th December 2007, 03:29 PM
Updated first post.
Hope to race you guys soon.
20th December 2007, 10:44 AM
Great work setting this up :+ It`s just like being back on Kai, but without the "technical issues"
20th December 2007, 11:16 AM
you can also use this Web Applet ( just fill in your nick and press connect.
Or, if you use Firefox, this ( It's an IRC addon, ChatZilla.
20th December 2007, 12:07 PM
yeah also mentioned that one in another thread, where i was totally ignored :D.
we should add it to the first post, as well as this:
Windows users in general can use Mirc (
for linux users i recommend Xchat (
and then putting a url linking to the irc channel would be good, so that people can instantly join the channel by clicking it
#Wipeoutzone on Quakenet (irc://
20th December 2007, 12:53 PM
That's very useful, thanks! :+
Much better than having to configure the whole thing.
I think it must be mentioned that filling an e-mail adress is compulsory!!!
I couldn't connect until I filled in my adress...
Can't wait to get home and have a short session with all of you! :)
21st December 2007, 01:01 PM
That is a great idea to put this in a sticky topic : that looks easy to install and create seperate channels, i shall be in soon with you guys :)
21st December 2007, 10:13 PM
Editted the starting post with topic editing info, so that other people can instantly see who is online in the topic, and so that I don't have to change the topic everytime when somebody joins.
27th December 2007, 09:03 PM
Or, if you use Firefox, this ( It's an IRC addon, I need to register on the add ons site to use chatzilla?
27th December 2007, 09:40 PM
i never used it, but i don't think so!
29th December 2007, 02:39 PM
I'll be back in the IRC room once I'm back from vacation.
29th December 2007, 03:24 PM
I think it's a good idea this chat thing.
But why don't people use it only when they play online?
I only log in when I go online and find several pilots connected and hardly ever I get a response, probably they been connected for hours and are there just idle...
I'm not bitching though but I personally preffer msn because of this...
29th December 2007, 03:46 PM
agree on that dj
29th December 2007, 07:00 PM
I think it's a good idea this chat thing.
But why don't people use it only when they play online?
I only log in when I go online and find several pilots connected and hardly ever I get a response, probably they been connected for hours and are there just idle...
I'm not bitching though but I personally preffer msn because of this...
the thing is, that most people don't have that much time to be on their computers all day long. im logged in almost all day even if im not there, so that i can read what people have been written later on. there is also a possibility to set yourself on "away" status, so that you can see whos there and who is not using the "/away <reason>" command.
irc itself just works totally different from msn and other im systems. ive been in channels for years now where only a few words have been said :D.
29th December 2007, 08:50 PM
Idling is what people DO on IRC. ;)
1st January 2008, 10:10 PM
do I need to register on the add ons site to use chatzilla?
A little late reply, perhaps, but no, you do not have to register for anything. It's an extension, and, when installed (like any Firefox extension), loads in a new window (when needed).
2nd January 2008, 12:16 AM
it's not late. thank you! :+
2nd January 2008, 09:36 AM
But why don't people use it only when they play online?
I leave my IRC on 24/7 so I can see who and when people were racing while I'm not at the PC
3rd January 2008, 08:22 PM
I have a problem. When I attempt to connect it throws me this message:
As a preventative measure against abuse, all users from * are now required to run ident (and have port 113 open). This is due to an increased amount of abuse from this host.
So, I need to run this "ident" thing. I haven't logged on IRC for ages, can anyone help me?
3rd January 2008, 10:47 PM
you could try to connect to another quakenet server, or actually install ident and forward that port, but i cant imagine its necessary.
btw: weve just reached a new user peak this evening: _14_ people online at the same time in the channel :o
more info at:
3rd January 2008, 10:49 PM
Just opening port 113 allowed me to connect.
This issue seems related to massive attacks on quakenet using proxys of my ISP. Damn those ****ing counter-strikers (sorry if any of you play it, it's not the game, but the mentality of the 99% of it's gamers what get on my nerves)
4th January 2008, 02:43 AM
I don't see how counter strike is at all connected to this? :eek
4th January 2008, 03:08 AM
Because those Counter-Strikers are a bunch of script-kiddies spreading Trojans through mIRC, that's how... :lol
Btw, I was in the channel but nobody seemed to be racing, and now I'm off to bed.
7th January 2008, 07:16 AM
i get this message when i try to log on:
No hosts from Asia-pacific on this server, thanks..
[ERROR] Closing Link: Rush25 by (K-lined)
whyyyy? :(
i was able to enter the zone channel once but every succeeding time i tried i got this message! i know it's probably because of my server location but why was i able to login that first time?
1st February 2008, 06:44 PM
I'm not getting any messages sent back for some reason....
connection is fine and all that, i can see who is online but no response form anyone....
Rapier Racer
1st February 2008, 07:24 PM
A lot of the people in there are just logged in and must go away or something, most say nothing, pointless being in there to say the least.
1st February 2008, 07:31 PM
That's been my experience also. Occasionally one person will be active and then it just creates an awkward situation where you both have to uphold unnecessary conversation or risk reverting to the usual silence.
3rd February 2008, 09:42 PM
the average amount of people in that channel is 10.
do you think theyre on their computers _all_ the time?
the second problem is that were living in different time zones. ive often had some nice chats with ash-omen, swift and supersox. if more peopl would stay there for more than a few minutes it would be more interesting, i still hate racing people without being able to talk to them in between. :(
4th February 2008, 08:58 PM
Topic: * L ( has left #wipeoutzone (Channel expired, unused for 44 days.)
5th February 2008, 09:05 PM
the L bot allows designated users to retain control of the channel, preventing random users from taking over the chatroom. (setting a passkey, kicking people, etc)
The bot left because it had not been used by anyone to gain operator privileges for a period of 44 days.
The reason for this is that I think the only valid user on it was Neverdown, who I haven't seen for a while.
If other users were also set up on it then we'd still be able to use it, but right now noone has operator rights at all. That won't change until everyone leaves and comes back in.
11th February 2008, 05:43 PM
Sorry guys. I don't play this game that often. There is another way to get @ status. Here are the instructions:
You can use /msg R requestop #channel to request channel operator status in a channel that has no ops. This command will not work during a netsplit, or if you are not a recognised chanop. If you cannot get op in a channel then an operator will not assist you, so don't bother asking about it - read R's reply and comply.
For L bot in the channel:
1. You need to be authed with Q.
See the Q FAQ.
2. You need to be opped on the channel.
The channel name cannot be longer than 30 chars (including the # sign).
No-one else needs to be opped at this point, giving channel operator status to other users is NOT recommended:
* You may lose the channel due to a takeover.
* Another channel operator may be able to request L before you.
* Do NOT have more than 5 ops!
QuakeNet staff will NOT recover the channel or change flags for you!
3. You need at least 3 other users on the channel.
These other users just have to be on the channel; they do not need to be authed with Q, voiced or opped on the channel.
4. You need to maintain the channel with the above requirements until the request is successful.
Try to request L once in a while (for example every 15 minutes).
There is no static time requirement for requesting L, it will take at least a few hours and could even take DAYS.
You can NOT see how much time is left.
You do not have to ‘start over’ when you get disconnected or when the user count drops below 4. Once you meet the above requirements again, it continues where it left of.
To request L you type: /msg R REQUESTBOT #channel
You replace '#channel' with the actual channel name you want to request L for.
R will give you a reply explaining what the result is (you may also get a reply from L).
12th February 2008, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the info neverdown, but unfortunately it looks like you may well be the only person that could get control of the channel back.
From your own quotes:
You can use /msg R requestop #channel to request channel operator status in a channel that has no ops. This command will not work [...] if you are not a recognised were the only registered chanop
2. You need to be opped on the channel.
...noone can get opped in the channel. that's kinda the issue :\
if you can get control of the channel back, I request that you op some of the people that are usually in there? swift and myself are the only people that I've seen speak of those that are usually around, but ash-omen or o3pcah are also good bets if they are around
26th April 2008, 08:41 PM
I can't connect for some reason(internet connection is fine)
EDIT: Figured it out, dont worry.
28th May 2009, 02:07 PM
This appears to be rather unactive, it was a good idea, maybe we could use it for chatting in HD?
30th May 2009, 04:06 PM
this looks (especially the very first post) incredibly complecated!
And i suck with computers, every program i touch just self destructs :)
30th May 2009, 05:43 PM
bah, IRC is ludicrously easy.
I like Omega's prospect, using it to chat when playing online matches, though.
30th May 2009, 06:11 PM
Yes, IRC is the best idea for chatting. You don't even need msn and tons of addresses for it. You just name the server and room and voila! :)
And if you go to, you don't even need anything installed!
Cheers, archie ;)
30th May 2009, 06:35 PM
Why not try and use chat rooms on PS3 instead? Sure it's heavily censored, and has a short limit, but you can reach all the people in your room. Not everyone has the PC and the PS3 plugged in the same screen (And even then it takes a while to switch inputs).
30th May 2009, 09:35 PM
Because using the stupid chat feature on the PS3 adds yet one more variable for potential freezes and other nonsense while playing/loading. I've already had enough issues with the PS3, not to mention my first and only attempt at using the in-game chat resulted in a freeze and busted controller out of sheer frustration.
IRC is a decent alternative because I'm sure at least most people have their entertainment center and computer in relative vicinity. I've seen a ton of people online here at the forums and on WOHD at the same time, so I know it's not an unreasonable prospect. And that website looks perfectly suited for people who don't want to bother installing an IRC client.
3rd June 2009, 08:39 PM
The easiest way to enter this chat is to click here (, type your nickname and channel #wipeoutzone
Everyone can do that!
1st October 2009, 03:30 PM
Is the IRC channel still attended/alive?
1st October 2009, 04:34 PM
Yes, pretty silent, but it's still there. I used to lurk the place when I was at home ^^. (I'm lurking it now, as I'm home for 5 days :)):)
2nd October 2009, 06:59 PM
MSN doesn't rock. Am I right Archie? ;)
2nd October 2009, 07:09 PM
MSN is not supposed to :rock... but it does!!! ;)
Wipeoutzone IRC is supposed to :rock - but doesnt? :D
I guess they only rock when people are using them - otherwise its a sad and lonely existence :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D sorry, I found that really funny, and I'm quite blasted atm... (weed)
2nd October 2009, 07:33 PM
I have about 250 contacts in ICQ and 42 of them are online now :) MSN list is... offline. :D
weed? you have to play Oscure Afrermath now :D Smoking is dangerous you know ;)
2nd October 2009, 08:54 PM
guess I'll have to look into the wipeoutzone irc then :D
btw, your English is much much better now mate :)
31st December 2010, 12:00 PM
Hi, does anyone still go on this chat thing???
1st January 2011, 01:43 PM
Don't think so.
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