View Full Version : My baby...

13th December 2007, 01:10 PM
...PSP died last night at 18:46 on the 12th of October 2007 due exhaustion:(

Well, I`m planning to make a funeral within a week time, to gather your thoughts of my precious baby. To family and friends are welcome, but we don`t want flowers, so we decided we do take donations towards a new slim family in near future, possibly after New Year.

Now I decided to borrow my son`s psp for me and wow!, it`s feel like new but he says to me, "Dad, don`t play too much!" while his hard face staring at me!!!:o

Oh well, that`s life for me with my dead psp!! (flung into a bin!)


13th December 2007, 01:16 PM
And that's why you have a son! 8)
hehehe, just kiddin.

Bummer it died, I hope you got most of it out, hopefully you'll be back soon, with an improved d-pad as I heard the slim has.

13th December 2007, 01:22 PM
I`m sorry to hear your trusty old friend has passed away, Stevie.

*walks out of door*

*comes back in as Columbo*

but just one more thing, sir, weren`t you saying the other day that you were waiting for it die, so that you could justify buying a new Slim? Seems a little "convenient" to me. ;)

Fair play though, your old one had a good innings. My original Jap is nearly 3 years old and still going strong. I think your son should know that his PSP is in safe hands, just don`t let Asa borrow it.

13th December 2007, 01:24 PM
And this has happend on the lauch day of pulse. Incredible and it sucks big time. Maybe it's a sign, mmmm, new area, new psp, mmmm!

My psp is also doing strange things; like only playing Wipeout Pure and Pulse. All my other games are not working. I think this is so funny. It truley became a wipeout machine like lunar once said.

13th December 2007, 02:01 PM
RIP black psp :|
I feel sorry for you mate but i like the way you describe your post : this is hilarious and prooves you took it on the right side ;).
Now it's time for slim psp

I think your son should know that his PSP is in safe hands, just don`t let Asa borrow it.
ahahah : you never met me but you know me well spk :o
i am a psp destructor :mr-t

13th December 2007, 07:17 PM
sorry for your psp stevie :(. But X-mas is coming and i'm sure you'll find a new one near :xtree.

Rapier Racer
13th December 2007, 07:25 PM
That is unbelievably bad luck you PSP dies and Pulse is out tomorrow! Poor Stevie :paperbag

Rachel Johnson
14th December 2007, 06:34 PM
Bugger. o_O Everyones PSP's seem to be kaput!

I shall mourn, then I shall eat and mourn some more. Maybe... After I watch 'Are you smarter than a 10 year old' and ace all the questions. xD

[/2nd Random Appearance]

14th December 2007, 11:55 PM
Hello Rachel! (Loves when other female pilots stop by. Random as they may be...)

Poor stin. I empathize. My beautiful pimped chrome PSP has a defective down-button...I am now forced to trade the thing in on a skinny-minnie...no funeral for it, though - I want some trade-in value from it!

15th December 2007, 12:17 AM
You know, if your only problem is the down button, then it's likely a problem that can be fixed with cleaning! Try shaking the PSP around, if that helps then you've definitely got some crud in there. It's a bit daunting to open up that PSP just to take a Q-Tip to it, but it's a lot cheaper than a new PSP. Unless you're just using that for an excuse to get a new slim. In which case, disregard everything I've said! 8 )

I've got some dust in mine that I plan on cleaning out eventually, but so far it hasn't caused any serious issues so I've put it off.

15th December 2007, 01:28 AM
It's an excuse. Sort of. The speakers are blown and I have to wiggle the headphone jack into just the right spot for them to work properly...so as cool as I've made the thing look, I just want one that has everything working properly!

15th December 2007, 07:25 PM
Sad to hear your psp has died stevie. But I guess it was just about the right time to buy yourself a nice christmas present - psp slim. :nod

22nd December 2007, 09:06 AM
Yesterday, my wife phoned me asking, to pick my family up from christmas shopping. Eventually got home, put the shopping away, by split second!!, my eyes nearly popped out!:o, she got me a brand new shiny slim psp for me!, plus 2 gigs MS and a car charger! Honestly, I`m deeply in shock and don`t know what to say but thanxs to her and a hard glare at her face because, these things can wait till everything are sorted.

So, I gave her a big cuddle and a thank you.

Lovely psp!:hyper and also, I have TWO Pulse!8)

Merry Christmas to you all

22nd December 2007, 09:21 AM
That's what I call a "happy Stevie" :D
Congrats to your new shiny PSP-Slim. I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot. Now all you need is an HDTV and the cable to play Pulse on bigscreen as well ;)

22nd December 2007, 01:29 PM
i can tell you MAx, he has already the full hd tv , Stevie only needs the component cable and that's it

wellcome to the Klan of slim owner matey :D

22nd December 2007, 02:42 PM
Oi!! Congrats stin!! Good to have people who love you lots, eh?

22nd December 2007, 04:00 PM
w00t! Congrats, stevie!

22nd December 2007, 07:29 PM
Superb Stevie,

Now you got your new shiny PSP slim but the best thing is you got a wife who loves you so much that she is contributing to your addiction. Man you are one lucky bastard.