View Full Version : Cannabis/Marijuana/Weed/Dope/Hash/Grass/Pot/Ganja/Reefer/Green.etc

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Mark Of Insanity
13th November 2007, 06:25 PM
Didn't know what to call the title because it has so many different names...

So, today my Mum finds green (my preferred name) in my blazer when I am still sleeping. Okay, get past the drama and get to the point.

After this awkward affair, I want to know whether any of you guys have ever tried it, do it frequently or don't do it and why/not.

To me it's a very interesting subject - I certainly don't see anything morally wrong with it, despite the legalities.

So, I know it's illegal in most countries, but most towns and presumably cities have a pretty strong weed culture, so it's not exactly a secret that people do it, just which individuals.

13th November 2007, 08:10 PM
Nope, can't be bothered.

That's about it really. Don't care if others do it or not.

13th November 2007, 09:34 PM
Never touched the stuff, don't need it to feel ...that way.....meditation works just as well. I have that 'natural high' as others who have met me can attest to. ;)

high on life :)

13th November 2007, 11:10 PM
Watched too many people lose brain cells:robot/screw up their lives on said drug in addition to others..."and that's all I have to say about tha-at..." (in Gump-speak).

14th November 2007, 12:20 AM
I've grown up in an actually really hip culture (Phsychodelic music, layed back life-style), but have always had the feeling that sucking in smoke would be very bad for a person, and it is, and kills many brains cells and can cause them to become idiots... so I've never touched any kind of drug...

And since drugs seem to addict so many people, if I can't stop picking my nose (not in public of course)... how the hell could I quit a drug?? I don't want to fall into any traps. Without drugs numbing a person's senses, I feel that a person can get just a little high on life everyday as long as they don't touch any drugs...

14th November 2007, 08:30 AM
Trust me, don`t try it, few of my friends who are still doing it, believe me, I`d seen one of them went the wrong way, meaning nobody wants to know him.


14th November 2007, 12:06 PM
To be honest, I don't even think this topic is safe.

14th November 2007, 01:32 PM
Unless you print it out and smoke it, it shouldn't do any long term damage. ;)

DJ Techno
14th November 2007, 02:38 PM
Didn't know what to call the title because it has so many different names...

So, today my Mum finds green (my preferred name) in my blazer when I am still sleeping. Okay, get past the drama and get to the point.

After this awkward affair, I want to know whether any of you guys have ever tried it, do it frequently or don't do it and why/not.

To me it's a very interesting subject - I certainly don't see anything morally wrong with it, despite the legalities.

So, I know it's illegal in most countries, but most towns and presumably cities have a pretty strong weed culture, so it's not exactly a secret that people do it, just which individuals.

look the history of weed of the web man.

u'll be surprised how ass backwards the us government went on it making it legal and illegal in different saying.

hell u can find out what i found what u can do with weed, hemp the part of the marijuana plant, and the other pieces. Without smoking it and gettin hi!!!

plus i did a psychology report on marijuana two times good grades and a hell informal than the Surgeon Generals report is.

14th November 2007, 05:50 PM
Way more informal; of that I am certain.

19th November 2007, 10:38 AM
I've smoked Cannabis for over ten years now, smoking a quarter of an ounce every two weeks, minus about three to four days "rest":

I work.
I exercise.
I read.
I practice Aikido.
I play games that require absolute concentration, focus and lightning reflexes.
I play games that require in depth analysis, planning and strategy.
I have an IQ of 151.
I smoke cannabis continually.

The only negative side effect I have ever experienced is that I am more likely to cry whilst watching certain films or series, however I have seen strong negative side effects in others:

Cannabis WILL make any underlying mental illness WORSE, even if you don't know you have one.

Cannabis WILL NOT make you schizophrenic, depressed, suicidal, stupid, addicted to Heroin, or turn into a Goth.

Cannabis can be psychologically addictive, meaning you think you need it to make it through the day.

Cannabis WILL NOT, as one certain friend of mine believed, make you impotent.

19th November 2007, 05:24 PM
''or turn into a Goth''


19th November 2007, 06:07 PM

I haven't need of any substances to make me different from my real person. :hyper

Not for my physical strenght or psychological way to be. :twisted

I love the real life, up and down with my own strenght ;)

The Gracer
19th November 2007, 08:17 PM
A couple of my good mates and I go out every other friday night and we smoke a little, then we go and do something (watch a movie, play some LAN Counter-Strike Source or GMod [heheh, good times] or just find a nice place to relax). Usually we eat ourselves stupid afterwards and go home to sleep.

Personally, i enjoy the buzz and the crazy things that can happen, but lately i smoke less and less because i understand the different complications it can bring, especially as im only 18 and my brain still hasn't developed.

I know its old and cheezy, but, Everything in Moderation. :)

20th November 2007, 05:03 AM
I haven't need of any substances to make me different from my real person. :hyper

Not for my physical strenght or psychological way to be. :twisted

I love the real life, up and down with my own strenght ;)

And that's the way to go. :) However, I believe there is a misconception about people smoking weed and drinking alcohol: Most of them don't HAVE to do it. But it can be fun nonetheless.

adelheid: That's good, but it doesn't mean Weed can't be harmfull. I've seen little of what it can do and yes, it's a dangerous substance if one is sensitive to its positive and negative effects.


Rapier Racer
20th November 2007, 10:48 AM
Never tried it myself, don't intend to I'm already addicted to enough stuff as it is don't need to be adding something else to the list. Just gimmie a truckload of Red Bull and Coke and I'm happy :g

20th November 2007, 11:41 AM
You know that you're drinking battery acid right..?:nod

Rapier Racer
20th November 2007, 01:12 PM
From which drink?

20th November 2007, 01:29 PM
I`m like RR. My local supermarket is a big enough substance-dealer without anything else to bother about.


I haven't need of any substances to make me different from my real person. :hyper

Not for my physical strenght or psychological way to be. :twisted

I love the real life, up and down with my own strenght ;)

Inspirational - one day I would like to follow Nik`s path, but I might need a coffee first to get me started.

20th November 2007, 04:22 PM
From which drink?

Both, I suspect. Certainly from the Coca-Cola. It eats things. Here in Florida, we use it to remove dried smashed insects from windshields and 'bumpers'. ''Love bug'' season requires strong solvents, and Coke is just the thing.

Rapier Racer
20th November 2007, 04:28 PM
Sounds delicious and neutricious. It'll take more than that to stop me drinking it.

20th November 2007, 04:32 PM
Your kidneys are your own, to do with as you wish. :)

20th November 2007, 06:33 PM
Obviously, everyone here know that smoke drugs is very bad (although that it is not worst for the cancer than smoking cigarettes, that's exactly the same).

Personnaly, I think than alcoohl and drugs are very similar if you use it in the same way, for be very "broken"^^
Now you don't have to culpabilise a lot, in a personal but not legal point of view you must know that this is bad, like alcooh, like cigarettes.

Now, that's sure that take some weed (in france we say "****", or "weed", or "beuh", or many others :D) is very funny on party with friends... I took it many times with friends during parties, and it doesn't matter anything for me after it ; the consequences depends about the person.

The point is that if you take it alone cos you are dependant (here you can be worried), or if you just take with friends, during parties... like many other teenagers^^

20th November 2007, 08:03 PM
I do not smoke anything. Long lives my lung! :beer*

*now don't ask about my liver ;)

The Gracer
20th November 2007, 08:13 PM
Haha, that one made me giggle. :p

20th November 2007, 09:56 PM
It'll take more than that to stop me drinking it

Uhh...here goes - you can use Coke to clean your toilet. :)

21st November 2007, 06:23 AM
Coca-cola also works well on metal type mechanics like bikes and things when they're rusted...

Rapier Racer
21st November 2007, 05:15 PM
Who is the name of sweet Satan would use Coca Cola to clean their toilet? What a waste, sacrilege! and so on. Now what horror stories do you have to tell about Red Bull? It's going to kill me? Heard that already sorry :g

22nd November 2007, 06:35 PM
LOL! I've never actually used Coke to clean a toilet bowl, just heard others say it works great...I agree, CocaCola in a toilet is sacrilege - so be sure to use a generic brand for that.;)

And hey, no one can say weed has a multi-purpose anything quite like Coke.!

22nd November 2007, 07:21 PM
Hey, Coca-Cola always ends up in the toilet anyway. If it doesn't end up against the wall out back of the bar or behind a tree alongside a highway or sumthin. ;)

Rapier Racer
22nd November 2007, 08:14 PM
lol, how true! :g

22nd November 2007, 09:09 PM
Lol:D on Mythbusters they used COLA to clean up the engine, chromed parts also rusted screws and it worked very well:D So if u have some rusted parts inside your body drink COLA:D

Drugs are bad, m'kay :D

I've smoked weed maybe 3 times but personally for me it's ****... it makes me feel a lot worse than i feel normally maybe its cause i'm all the time in great mood i don't know but i had an ocassion to meet one guy in cyprus which was smoking too much weed and he was thinking that it helps him and heals him... O.o so i can tell you one thing if you smoke one joint per month or something like that its ok but if you smoke everyday and by the way you are stupid and have some mental problems then... no comments... there will be no way out...

23rd November 2007, 11:58 PM
Huh? Have you ever been tested for hyperactivity? It's like trying to listen to a band-camp nerd who's freaked out because someone is actually listening to what they are saying and so they don't know when to stop jabbering about how there was this one time at band-camp there was this guy and he had a joint and he was all like smoke it and I was all like no way man I'm high on life and always happy because that's perfectly normal and in no way a sign of deep seeded psychosis....

.....There was a point but I started having fun and then I lost it.... meh...

24th November 2007, 07:45 PM
I've seen the long term effects that weed can have on some people around me.. their personality starts to fade away... it's quite similar to the onset of Alzheimers really, it's quite sad :(
Personally I don't touch it anymore at all. but my reasoning is somewhat more lighthearted :)
My group of mates is the sort that's always flinging friendly insults at each other, and I found that I was unable to come up with comebacks fast enough.
That started to piss me off, so I stopped. Honestly, that's the entire reason :P

My dad is allergic to it. Using a bit of weed will make him projectile vomit :?

28th November 2007, 08:36 AM
I never want to go near any form of inhaling smoke into my lungs... I just drink lots of alcohol! Screw the legal drinking age :beer

Rapier Racer
28th November 2007, 05:41 PM
Why care about your lungs so much if you don't give a **** about your liver?

28th November 2007, 07:41 PM
Weell, in my case I have enough respiratory problems already with colds and allergies, and alcohol is not only more fun for me and I like the taste of various varieties of alcohol and mixed drinks, but the alcohol tends to kill nasty disease bugs. T'is a pity I've drunk so little alcohol over the last several years. Inhaling smoke just is far more unpleasant to me, and much more immediately damaging to my functioning as well.

29th November 2007, 03:59 AM
It's also good that you didn't drink a lot of alcohol. Yes, a little bit of something like wine is good for your heart and blood, but drinking more is only worse off for you...

29th November 2007, 08:53 AM
Inhaling smoke makes me feel very sick immediately. Alcohol tastes nicer too.

29th November 2007, 09:28 AM
Why care about your lungs so much if you don't give a **** about your liver?
Drinking in moderation, you can flush the toxins out of your body by drinking plenty of water.

How is it you flush the **** out of your lungs? ;)

29th November 2007, 03:58 PM
Drinking in moderation, you can flush the toxins out of your body by drinking plenty of water.

Exactly Rob! That's the point!

How is it you flush the **** out of your lungs?

Maybe they use one of these (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_cleaner)? Who knows...


29th November 2007, 05:16 PM
New possibility :
Cough frantically and spit the **** out of yer lungs :g
Plus it gives you the chance to fit the color of yer eyes with your new red tomato face
Classy !


29th November 2007, 05:27 PM
:clap lol

Classy, indeed. :)

Rapier Racer
29th November 2007, 06:34 PM
lol I have no idea how you'd flush the **** out your lungs. However moderation wasn't really the impression I got from:

I just drink lots of alcohol!

And by the end of this lots of alcohol drinking session, would one would be in a very fit state? Remembering to drink a load of water? Probably not.

29th November 2007, 07:04 PM
Hmf. Moderation is for nancyboys. Uh... wait... I'm a nancyboy and I'm not very moderate... sooo... what is the appropriate.. um... saying? .... Okay, got it: Moderation is for sensible people with responsibilities. I sure am glad I'm not one of those!

piranha wiper
30th November 2007, 06:09 PM
but your a moderator hahaha, does that mean you moderate things like the terminator terminates,

your new signature can be "prepare to be MODERATED MWaa ahahahaa"

but yeah anyhow, ive done cannabis and will do it again, it wasnt all that bad

1st December 2007, 09:24 AM
lance, maybe you should replace your choice of catchphrase with "everything in moderation, including moderation"

as long as you don't binge drink yourself into unconciousness multiple times per week, or catch yourself drinking (to drunkenness) alone on a regular basis. it's all good :)

the only time I get annoyed with other people's choices with alcohol or drugs are when a) they try to force them on others, or b) they start showing some longterm effects

1st December 2007, 03:14 PM
"everything in moderation, including moderation"

James Hilton already did that in 'Lost Horizon'. I've read it at three different times in my life; my opinion of the ideas of immortality, moderation, et cetera, is different each time I read it. It's an interesting ''barometer'' of one's own personal development.

1st December 2007, 11:39 PM
How is it you flush the **** out of your lungs? ;)

That's why I go regularly without for a while. That and smoking pure cannabis, as opposed to mixing it with tobacco, is far less damaging than you'd think.
Unless you smoke it continuously, in large amounts, then you're obviously asking for trouble.

2nd December 2007, 01:46 AM
smoking pure cannabis, as opposed to mixing it with tobaccothat must be a northern hemisphere thing, no-one ever blends it here.

2nd December 2007, 03:59 PM
I suspect that he means smoking both types of plant material, but separately, not blended in one 'cigarette'. The mix occurs when both meet in the membranes of the lungs?

2nd December 2007, 06:23 PM
I smoked a salmon once...

2nd December 2007, 06:43 PM
Good smell?

2nd December 2007, 06:44 PM
You did what?!!!!:o, something fishy going on?!:cold


2nd December 2007, 10:12 PM
Oh my cod. :o

There's a time and a plaice for this kind of thing - I've just about haddock with this thread.


3rd December 2007, 12:15 AM
Well it is floundering around a bit. Are you gonna spear this thing or can it be hooked back up to the original topic. Shine a ray of light on the subject, okay? ;)

Dr. Angryman
3rd December 2007, 01:59 AM
Don't smoke weed kids! :p

The Gracer
8th December 2007, 11:46 PM
Oh my cod. :o

There's a time and a plaice for this kind of thing - I've just about haddock with this thread.


Well it is floundering around a bit. Are you gonna spear this thing or can it be hooked back up to the original topic.

Oh god, the humanity!

Max A K Challie
15th December 2007, 11:44 AM
The Legal Issue
Over here, it's hunted, basically. The cops/government seem to want it killed off completely. They seem to focus on it a lot more than they do on Methamphetamine, which is the real destroyer. Marijuana is part of this culture like it is in the US, and it's only a problem for people personally (I guess it does have some economic effect). People who get addicted to it, have their brain decomposed, in effect. And really, it's their decision. But with Meth puts people into a state of thinking they're invincible,
although they're really psychopathic. I think that's the real drug that is the problem, and that's what needs to be gotten rid of. People get beaten up for going to regular dealers for weed because it's illegal, from what I've heard. Why do they care so much about weed? It's not that much of a problem, surely. I actually think it should decriminalized to reduce issues.

The Personal Issue
It destroys people's brains, yes. I know an artist who smoked it far too much, now he needs to stop and think in the middle of conversations. It's very sad. He's off it now, but I think he smokes it on the odd occasion, which should be fine.

Since this is up to the individual person, they must take responsibility for it. I think that the government should stop trying to be responsible for this.

Here is probably the most important part of my post. All drugs (by that I mean alchohol, standard drugs, etc) that are taken addictively are either there to self-medicate pain, or to fill emptiness. There's social drinking, yes, but why do you need that to have a good time? Instead of just dealing with what people don't want to feel, they escape to a nicer place by getting drunk/stoned. Although maybe they just aren't ready to face that pain yet, I don't know.

23rd March 2009, 11:20 PM
This thread made me chuckle. Ive smoked weed in moderation for years now and will continue to. For me its much the same as someone having a glass of wine at the end of the day to relax and unwind. I prefer it to drinking alcohol, as I prefer to be in control of myself and not have my decision making capabilities compromised. Of course I still go out, I still have friends, a job, a vested interest in world events and do not feel it has been detrimental in any way to my development as a human being.
Also a lot of people mentioned how bad it is because of the toll it takes on the lungs, but it doesnt have to. You can use a vapouriser. Im not advocating the use of weed in any way, merely stating that just because its illegal doesnt make it a bad thing. Ask cancer sufferers who have been prescribed this to ease their pain and banish nausea.

23rd March 2009, 11:46 PM
i got the munchies

24th March 2009, 12:13 AM
Cannabis does not make you do a backflip and drop dead, contrary to popular belief. It only harms you when you smoke it, that's why you use a vaporizer. The only risk with using it is the risk of being caught! On another note, has anyone here ever played Wipeout while high?

24th March 2009, 12:39 AM
My younger sister and her husband live out in the country,and it's a culture out there,and it shows.
I've noticed over the last few years,and particularly in the last 6 months, that my sisters ability to recall the name of items,people and of events has diminished considerably,her husband has always been an idiot so I have no real reference to tell if it has effected him in the same manner.

I used to smoke,and pretty much everything else as well to a far lesser degree.
I don't do anything [recreational drug wise] anymore,and haven't for quite a few years now.
The Grass just makes me paranoid [unless it's been put through an Isomizer and the THD turned into THC] and the UP is no way worth the DOWN afterward's when having taken anything else.

24th March 2009, 01:48 AM
Why do you need weed when theres zone mode?

Zone 75 trips me out already without the need for horrid crap.

24th March 2009, 02:48 AM
Chemical agents that act on the chemical receptors in the brain are harmless!

Oh wait... :o

24th March 2009, 10:03 AM
On another note, has anyone here ever played Wipeout while high?

I'm thinking of someone who might... If so, it didn't make much of a difference. ;)


24th March 2009, 11:32 AM
I'm with Stinkleroy, much much prefer a spliff to drinking. Seriously it's an infinitely nicer drug than alcohol. It makes you friendly, doing anything creative, listening to music, having sex all better. Or you can get pissed, get into a fight, throw up, have a shitty hangover next day. Not a very difficult choice in my book.

It's really sad to me the hypocrisy of governments. cannabis, mdma etc are much less harmful than legal drugs (nicotine, alcohol). But apparently drugs (that arent being taxed) are bad kids, and to get that message across and win the war(?) it means they spread misinformation and downright lies to everyone.

I'm not sure who it helps to make me a criminal for sitting at home on a sunday afternoon, having a smoke with my mates, playing cards, chatting. I find it so ridiculous i dont give it any attention but i would rather i could make an informed choice rather than in theory risk being thrown in prison for years for such evil behaviour.

24th March 2009, 11:36 AM
The question to ask yourself is are things still under control? Cat I agree with what you said, but I feel obliged to say... This is not chocolate. Everyone's able to quit chocolate tomorrow. If this stuff becomes your best friend, years after years, it won't be easy to leave her. There's no soft drugs anymore after years of smoking. And the recent researchs are really scary, regarding the side effects on a long period. Years of smoking lead you to addiction, destroying slowly your body, your personality, your brain. Really hard, years after years, to keep the stuff under control.

24th March 2009, 11:42 AM
well i do it quite frequently but i wouldn't necessarily encourage people to do it.
do it if you feel like it because it's not like people don't know the risks, just like smoking...

anyways, i've played WOHD whilst i was high: best fun i've ever had in my life :D
zone mode was completely awesome.
having said that i was SO bad. stay clean if you want to do well.
anyone race better when high?

24th March 2009, 11:43 AM
Can you believe there are still people that didn't try any of these drugs in their twenties?


(Don't get me wrong, I'm in that club) ;D

24th March 2009, 12:02 PM
@kanar: but there are chocolate flavoured rolling papers.

24th March 2009, 12:07 PM
you don't actually use them do you?
they taste like :dizzy

24th March 2009, 12:11 PM
no, i prefer flavoured cigar tubes.

24th March 2009, 12:15 PM
lol. I know my post was like a daddy post. Couldn't restrain myself. I'm on my 32 now. I know a lot about bad habits of human beings now.

24th March 2009, 01:10 PM
I'm 29 years old, I've been smoking a long time and so have most of my friends, male and female all aged late 20's to late 30's. I know the dangers, but everything in life has danger attached to it if you're not under control. I've seen too much alcohol ruin people and turn them psychotic, I've seen too much cake make somoenone fat and put them at risk of heart disease, I've seen computer games ruin relationships etc etc.

I am a bit suprised by some of the more outdated opinions on this subject.

Basically weed is a natural substance that is cultivated. It doesn't make me 'trip out', drool, giggle like a moron, paranoid or any of the other stuff you may have seen on TV. It's simply about chilling out and feeling good. Everybody needs to escape sometimes and this is my chosen vice. If you choose to have a beer at the end of a hard days work....it's not likely that someone will ask you if you have it under control is it, so why is this any different? Alcohol kills brain cells, alcohol can make you violent or aggressive, it can take away your basic functions and completely disable your morality and self preservation instincts. I've seen people do awful things whilst under the influence of alcohol......I've never experienced that yet with weed.

p.s. I play wipeout stoned quite regularly :p

24th March 2009, 02:52 PM
I'm thinking of someone who might... If so, it didn't make much of a difference. ;)



24th March 2009, 03:23 PM
I think ive been stoned every time ive played wipeout;)

24th March 2009, 03:29 PM
hahaha, this is a funny thread.

I had some of the **** back during leavers and a little bit after, but i havent touch any of that **** since, its best to keep your brain cells guys for later on in life.

Having the muchies is great i gotta say. Having some good compression sessions with a few mates then diving into the 24hour macca's for some quality ****. A Double Quater pounder never tasted so good.

For all who have not tried weed before, well this avatar pretty much sums it up

":robot" lol.

With a bong, you first inhale:blarg, then :g followed by :robot.

24th March 2009, 05:06 PM
smoked weed since 14
smoked cigarettes since 16/17
quit cigarettes at 23
now trying to quit weed at 24!! :o

dont get me wrong though, great fun and tastes good, why its so damn hard to quit!

24th March 2009, 05:11 PM
I think it`s a relatively harmless pursuit for the majority who try it. Cannabis or alcohol is a matter of preference and both are pretty harmless leisure activities if kept in their place. They can be used to harm, but we don`t have to do that. They aren`t killer drugs in themselves. Riding motorbikes quickly is a much more dangerous way to get your kicks than cannabis, and nobody tries to ban motorbikes! Life is full of risk and choice, and like anything you can screw yourself up with it, but it`s never as simple as just blaming the drug, I think. We all know of the archetypal "stoners" who don`t do anything with life but smoke, but wouldn`t these people screw themselves up another way if cannabis didn`t exist? The causes of addiction are often in people`s personalities, I think. It depends on the person and it depends on the drug. We have to know ourselves and know the risks. I don`t think cannabis is a big deal in the scheme of things, certainly less harmful and less powerful than tobacco, imo. "Everything in moderation" can apply with cannabis and alcohol, but with nicotine, which is genuinely addictive, I don`t think there can be any such thing as moderation for most "users". It`s all or nothing.

24th March 2009, 05:45 PM
I'm high for most races online. I take quicky (lung-full hits) from a device called a lung(don't think it has an official name for it yet, but It' basically the top half of a 2L pepsi bottle with a plastic bag) between races. I'm buzzing hard and fast from it at the moment.

24th March 2009, 06:02 PM
smoked weed since 14
smoked cigarettes since 16/17

that is completely identical to me!!
i haven't reached the other two ages yet but we'll see in a few years time :P

you make lungs too?! i've never know anyone else make them!
god i love this place :D

24th March 2009, 06:02 PM
~~Everyone's able to quit chocolate tomorrow.~~.

hmf. Maybe yoU can.

Me? :blarg

24th March 2009, 06:22 PM
Haha my mother is addicted to chocolate, honestly! Must be the seratonin :lol

24th March 2009, 06:23 PM
I think if I were high while playing wipeout, I would either throw up or pass out. Watching Speed Racer with friends when we were smoking was enough to give me vertigo... sooo.... yeah. lol

I've usually been drinking about half the time I'm playing HD though :P

24th March 2009, 06:48 PM
you make lungs too?! i've never know anyone else make them!
god i love this place :D

My lung is pretty basic as I described. Can you make them fancy/hightech? If so, do you accept PayPal?

Who invented the lung? and will we ever see various brands/models in the stores?

24th March 2009, 07:33 PM
ahh lungs,havnt used one in years, :P i find myself scrambling together joints in between races, i didnt know so many zoners smoked, as if i didnt feel at home enough already ;)

24th March 2009, 08:03 PM
hmm... All this reminds me that I've got a bottle of bourbon about three feet from the hand my throttle thumb is on. hmm... too early? nah.

BTW, I've not found that alcohol highs make me hostile and aggressive. More the opposite, in fact. I get looser, more relaxed and playful, and sometimes [often] I can get faster laptimes when piloting that way.

24th March 2009, 08:06 PM
Weed is bad. Bad is bad.

Anyone getting the picture?

Never tried it and probably won't. I just don't need drugs.

24th March 2009, 10:19 PM
I have never been a cigarette smoker - hate the smell. though I do enjoy a good cigar from time to time :)
as to weed, I used that a bit in high school, in 5th and 6th form mostly.
I gave it up permanently when I realised that I couldn't come up with comebacks quickly enough when joking around with my friends. it started to genuinely piss me off, and took me several months to get back up to form.
on the other hand, I think I got worse at quakeworld when I stopped :P

while being stoned is a nicer feeling than being drunk.. at least you can count on drunkenness completely wearing off (and any hangover being over-with) within a day or 2

25th March 2009, 04:20 AM
The old red wine is my wipeout downfall,Christ, I've lost count of the amount of messages I've sent apologizing for my rapidly depleting form online once the second bottle is started.

I'm like you Lance,I'm usually placid by nature,alcohol doesn't change that, vast majority of people enjoy my company when I've had a few,as I make them laugh,my sense of the ridiculous is at maximum and I'm pretty quick witted in any case.

Nothing better than a good laugh.:lol

25th March 2009, 04:16 PM
Unless you print it out and smoke it, it shouldn't do any long term damage. ;)

Ehehe, I've only just got that. Very nice.:lol

25th March 2009, 06:48 PM
Just wondering these "Wipeout Conventions" and get togethers, do they feature compression sessions by anychance? Or is that only in the Europe meets and not the American meets.

25th March 2009, 08:52 PM
Well, I can make an educated guess that since the Euro convention's in Amsterdam, some may indulge in it. Just one of many reasons why I would not attend one.

Besides the fact that I'm 15.:D

26th March 2009, 02:31 PM
haha, lol. Maybe i should ask Mad-Ice that question.

26th March 2009, 02:43 PM
Cannabis does not make you do a backflip and drop dead, contrary to popular belief. It only harms you when you smoke it, that's why you use a vaporizer. The only risk with using it is the risk of being caught! On another note, has anyone here ever played Wipeout while high?

I always play high - not out of choice, I just blaze when I can - which is pretty much constant.

However, If I play pulse (online/Offline) sober - I do play a lot better... The stuff I smoke does make me more aware of what is going on but less able to react fast enough...

However - the experience of playing online whilst under the influence of cannabis is a lot more intense - which I'm sure us adrenaline junkies would appreciate - even if cannabis isn't your thing!

Time for pancakes!;)

27th March 2009, 09:58 AM
Just came across this thread. Very interesting.

I too, am a little shocked by some of the comments on here. I just presumed it was a pre-requisite to play Wipeout to be stoned or off your head on something.

I can remember playing the original one (so many years ago) and I would often stop all night (with the help of either speed or pills) and would absolutely batter the living daylights out of it until my fingers were red raw. Special times.

I now mostly play stoned. I find after 1 or 2 I race better as I seem to concentrate harder, my reaction times are good and with my music on it really helps me concentrate. This is for single races or online racing and for zones.

However, after I have more than 3 I find zones to be a real struggle. Can still get to where I normally get but I graze walls and make daft mistakes. I'm usually ok on multiplayer races but do tend to make more mistakes.

Wouldn't be the same game for me without being a bit stoned.

28th March 2009, 11:29 AM
If you cant light it, or screw it;

smoke it :beer

RJ O'Connell
28th March 2009, 05:14 PM
I try it recreationally with friends, on very limited occasions and I've never played any Wipeout game under the influence.

Though I'm really great at Super Gem Fighter MiniMix, I must say.

28th March 2009, 06:40 PM
zones blows your mind (more than usual) if you're on anything, especially if you can get to the higher zones. thats a big IF though... gotta have the right music going too ;)
maybe we should start a league?

28th March 2009, 06:55 PM
Just say no kids, just say no!

(Grange Hill circa 1986)

30th March 2009, 12:40 PM
zones blows your mind (more than usual) if you're on anything, especially if you can get to the higher zones. thats a big IF though... gotta have the right music going too ;)
maybe we should start a league?

Zone mode + MDMA + a room full of people = One hell of a skatty ride :g

30th March 2009, 02:05 PM
mmmmmmmm(dma) :D
sounds delish :P

30th March 2009, 06:20 PM
An Interesting subject I had to leave a comment on. Many of you will have raced me… and those will know when I’m baked… that AG ship grinding the barrier in 8th place +10secs… lol. Generally it doesn’t affect my game play, though my mate’s shouting and chatting sh!t does (see my vids lol). I wouldn’t smoke it if you want to be top 10 as 99/100 you wont do it! However stone-sober I set fast times and I give the household names a run for their money…

Without going deep into this subject, my friends who are ambitious/outgoing tend to use as a creative advantage whereas my ‘lazy’ friends just seem to become more of a leech/drag…(most of them I hardly see as its more trouble than its worth) The only thing I and my friends cant escape from is the damage you do toking the stuff. Put simply if you don’t already… don’t bother! Otherwise it’s no different to having a couple of pints in my opinion.

If ur getting an easy time from me, you now know why ;)

16th May 2009, 04:10 PM
CocaCola in a toilet is sacrilege - so be sure to use a generic brand for that.;)

Yeah, should use Pepsi instead.;)

17th May 2009, 09:39 PM
i keep saying this but #### it.its a pleasure to be amoungst such like minded people......:dizzy:rock

19th May 2009, 02:11 PM
i used to smoke weed but kinda stopped as i dont think it had a possitive effect on me, usually it would make me more introverted and less likely to enjoy myself at parties and stuff, When im drinkin or just normal im way more socailable and generally im a happy chappy:cowboy so in the end i thought why bother, now i mostly turn down a cheeky toke wen my friends pass round a spliff,

19th May 2009, 03:00 PM
Have your little sister follow you around while you are riding Motorcross at a place you are not supposed to.
She finds two suitcases full of Budda Sticks and see what you reply on what to do with them is.

[Happened to me years ago]:dizzy

7th June 2009, 11:27 AM


7th June 2009, 01:57 PM
Well, ever since my last crop got schmoked, I knocked it on the head. Red Diesel (barneys farm), K-Train (Greenhouse Seed Co.) and Jorges Diamonds #1 (Dutch Passion) were the last strains I blazed... ever since, I've been sober... and guess wha?

I'm climbing the ranks again... So I guess playing sober is the way forward!

8th June 2009, 01:30 AM


ROFL - Not seen that before, nice one :beer

8th June 2009, 08:42 AM
Tried it once I was in Amsterdam. Sure, it was funny but it wasn't enough
for it to become a habit. I don't see what the fuss is about it being illegal
almost everywhere. To me the feeling wasn't much different than being
drunk. Not sure about the long-term effects of constant use though.

8th June 2009, 09:43 AM
I saw people who smokes this :turd everyday... They are so frostbitten they cant speaking normally, totally degraded people. I can say one think do not smoke it.

Russian name of this substance is "конопля" :)

8th June 2009, 09:49 AM
Hmm well I smoke this every day....I wouldn't say that I was degraded or unable to converse, I still have quite a few brain cells left :p
Just depends on the person and the amount of abuse, just like any other drug, legal or not legal

8th June 2009, 09:55 AM
That was really funny Stinkleroy, had me rolling around.

The bit about it getting stronger every 2 weeks is so true as well !! Never met a dealer who thinks his last lot is not as good as his current one !! Quality

8th June 2009, 10:02 AM
So why is it not legal in most countries? Ethanol and Nicotine are drugs too but you can buy Cigarettes or any alchogol drink in any market... I hate my country because all this ... is very come-at-able. The lowest prices on such things are in Ukraine and it is a fact... Stupid government is poisoning people's minds and bodies

8th June 2009, 10:08 AM
Ethanol is used as those Eco friendly shiity petrol for cars. No way in hell im putting that crap in my car, i only use 98RON in my tank.

8th June 2009, 10:15 AM
I'd say it was illegal in most countries due to various reasons..I stole this from somebody else because they said it better than I ever could.

"Historical reasons mainly. Alcohol has been used for thousands of years and is so deeply embedded in our society any attempt to ban it outright is doomed to fail, as the US discovered during the Prohibition era.

Cannabis has probably been used here and there for quite a long time, but it was never widely used or accepted, except possibly by Rastafarians. It's banned in most countries because

[1] it allegedly acts as a gateway drug to hard drugs (not true)
[2] it's potentially harmful psychologically, although the degree of harm remains disputed
[3] there's no definitely proven pharmacological benefit from using it apart from mild pain-killing effects.

Also, you have to remember most legislatures are based on Christian morality, which tends to be quite anhedonic, so there is a bias in favour of banning psychoactive drugs even if they're otherwise harmless. The more religious the society, the tougher they tend to be. The penalties for cannabis use in th USA, for instance, are much stricter than most European countries."


Oh and Katt Williams is a really funny guy, you should check out his stand up silverfox and Mus!

8th June 2009, 10:27 AM
I tried it but I dont see any reason to smoke it everyday. I am happy without subject :) And I am feeling myself much better after I leaved off smoking cigarettes and began more healthy way of life. It is like a new birth :+

8th June 2009, 10:35 AM
Oh I'm not advocating it's use and your'e right a healthy way of life is better. It's just my choice. I still manage to live a normal life...what I mean is, it doesn't get in the way of anything or make me too lethargic to see friends etc. Basically it works for me, but not for everybody :)

Was just trying to give an idea as to why it is illegal.

8th June 2009, 01:43 PM
I smoke everyday too,(for the last eight years) and i have no problems but drugs do effect people differently. Ill never understand why it's illegal in most countries, especially at a time like this when legislation would help economies recover a bit and take the stigma away from smoking weed which tempts so many to start smoking in the first place. Stupid world doesn't know whats good for it.:|

8th June 2009, 02:34 PM
... I'm posting a link to the Amsterdam Coffeeshop Directory forum - of which I am a member...

My username is "Trichome_Dense" - ignmore my post count (666) it dont mena anything lol...

But this thread is titled - "Why is cannabis illegal?" and there are some pretty interesting revelations - be sure to check it out...


Oh - and its a great site for stoners - Us members who could afford it this year - met up for the 420 (April 20th 2009 @ 4.20pm oat the Cafe De Kuill 420 (The stoners gathering) where I vaped 100 volcano vapes in an hour - awesome!)

I'm gonna make it for the Cannabis Cup this year in November too - awesome - last year (I was there) The "Super Lemon Haze" won the High Times Cannabis Cup overall best weed category from Greenhouse Seed Co. But my personal favourite was "OG Kush Haze" from Homegrown Fantasy - tasted like coconuts - thats nuts no?:beer

8th June 2009, 03:38 PM
been smoking more frequently with friends lately.. there's really no reason for it to be illegal, except for the sake of the irresponsibility of the general public.

All I know is if I smoke, I can't do anything productive for a while :P

8th June 2009, 03:58 PM
Not a lot known by smokers about cannabis - I used to grow the things, and the ones which make you absolutely useless at doing anything - the ones which bring on laziness and lethargy, extreme wellbeing to the point where you don't give a **** - are the Indica variety of the Cannabis plant...

In the UK - it's all we get, (Indica) because it has the shortest growth cycle - plants can be fully grown and harvested within 12 weeks...

Sativa on the other hand... another story altogether.

Sativas wont leave you feeling all hashed over and lazy ass like the Indicas do... In Amsterdam - the local tokers don't smoke Indaica during the day (They smoke it at night coz it makes you tired and sleepy) - During the day they smoke Sativa strains because unlike Indica strains - it actually let's you get on with your day, and you'll even find doing boring and mundane tasks actually quite enjoyable - there is no cloud with the Sativa buzz - It is a very clear headed feeling, very creative and energetic... And if something funny is going on - you'll find it funnier than everyone else! Sativa is the King of the Cannabis world - far superior to indica imo - and the Hazes - well - they are the best sativas and therefore rule majestic...

The downside to sativa is the length of time it takes to get a crop... If Indicas are put in growth for 4 weeks and flower for 8 weeks (total time 12 weeks then harvest) then sativas take a lot longer - 4 weeks in initial growth - then a minimum of 11 weeks to flower taking the total time to grow up to 15 weeks minimum... some Sativa strains flower for up to 26 weeks - I ocoulda had 2 indica crops in that time... This is why sativas aren't available in the UK widespread - just not time and cost effective!

I might go Amsterdam again next month. Just for a wee bit of a schmoke lol...

8th June 2009, 04:03 PM
...And if something funny is going on - you'll find it funnier than everyone else!...

Would that mean that I am permanently on this stuff?*:lol

*I have never smoked anything, and will continue to stay away from the ****.

8th June 2009, 04:22 PM
Hey Martin - you are 15 yrs old right? Trust me if it aint broken - dont try and fix it - meaning - stay away, just say no etc...

No1 likes a :donut unless it's edible...

8th June 2009, 04:24 PM
Yes, I'm not 10.;)

I mean that I laugh at almost anything that is slightly funny or stupid.:lol

8th June 2009, 04:37 PM
Well - sounds like you don't want or need the **** so yeah Martin - just keep laughing and giggling at anything remotely funny - it's good for the soul, trust me! Most of all - just enjoy growing up - coz once you're all grown up - life is gonna suck pretty bad at times... Laughter can help!!!

8th June 2009, 06:07 PM
Cannabis just doesn't appeal to me, but I have no problem with people smoking it and I see no reason for it to be illegal.

8th June 2009, 06:51 PM
I 've smoked weed for years now. I'm not at proud of this as its its effected my confidence as well as my social skills, i've lost friends and my job because of it. Losting my job was a real wake up call. Its motivated me to stop. I still smoke it , but i'm working my way down, its not possible for me personally to stop all together as i get agitated and restless without it. I I would definitely recommend that no one starts smoking altogether, stick to your chocolate kids and enjoy yourselfs , get out there meet new people , you'll make some really good friends. Make school and career your first priority, aswel as enjoying yourself. You'll also save a tonne of dough.:guitar

8th June 2009, 09:02 PM
good insight there barny (yes i know, i'm lazy).
too true about the last bit, costs a ****ing fortune!
if you don't do it already, don't start :+

9th June 2009, 12:42 AM
Not a lot known by smokers about cannabis - I used to grow the things, and the ones which make you absolutely useless at doing anything - the ones which bring on laziness and lethargy, extreme wellbeing to the point where you don't give a **** - are the Indica variety of the Cannabis plant...

In the UK - it's all we get, (Indica) because it has the shortest growth cycle - plants can be fully grown and harvested within 12 weeks...

Must be true, i live in the UK and now whenever i smoke bud (weed) about 2/ 3 hours later i feel pretty tired and lethargic- sometimes a little achy and ill. Still worth it for the high though and it doesn't always happen. Would love to try that other kind you were going on about. :)

I'm 16 and have only started smoking it for the last few months now, but i do it quite regularly at the moment. It's purely a social thing at the moment, smoking it with mates and just generally having a good time but i love the taste and feel so will probably start smoking it alone soon.

I wouldn't exaclty recommend it either, as it does have bad effects on certain people and i have had some pretty bad experiences; i once blazed alot one night and was VERY stoned but not in a good way. My heart was beating so fast and i kept on getting lots of hot flushes and went pretty numb. Don't know if any of you have had this but it wasn't exaclty nice, especially as i kept on kind of losing consciousness for like a split second every 10 or 20 seconds or so. Felt pretty weird.

This was no where near as bad as the worse i've been with alcohol though. Generally i drink A LOT of alcohol because i LOVE beer and can tolerate as much as i want without being para (bad drunk!), i'm just tipsy-drunk even with MASSIVE amounts. But once i decided to do shot's (45%) and i did 17 in 4 minutes for a dare and i was absolutely *****d! It was good for the first hour or so but then i was constantly sick, doing things i wouldnt usually do even when just drunk and when i woke up i couldn't remember much.

For this reason precisely i can't see why cannabis is illegal and things such as alcohol aren't? Stupid governments. I believe in time it will finally be legalised, but there was talk of it a few years back to no avail and in the UK it has now been bumped up from class c to class b :O. Meaning being caught with it by police can be very bad.

Anyways cannabis does have it's dangers, like everything, so only do it if you think you can take it and not be affected too much. I don't think i'll do it that much when i'm older but for the next few years i can see it being a weekly or two weekly habit. It does cost a fortune though like most have said, so buy in BIG amounts to get the best value for money ;) lol.

I was surprised though of how many of you lot did it :O? I suppose though i was also surprised when i started doing weed about how many people actually do it and how easy it is to get hold of! Loads of people do it, i remember at school (i've left now) when i started blazing sometimes in school time there was daily around 4/5 spliffs being smoked somewhere. And, if you know the right people it is so easy to buy and also easy to get into dealing it. Though this is not necessarily good as a lot of bad people deal weed, it is so easy to make money.

I suppose i should end on saying it's everyone's personal choice. Read up on it properly, not government warnings etc and then decide for yourself. Also, there's not a lot of harm in trying it. I just wish people wouldn't make such a big deal about it and keep saying it's so bad!

9th June 2009, 05:24 AM
I don't take any recreational drugs anymore and haven't for years after seeing it's long term effects it has had on people I know.:dizzy:rolleyes::-

It seems that some of these new strains that are being grown hydroponically are a unknown quantity in the possible rise in psychotic behavior with even short term use,in comparison to long term use of strains of lower potency.

I have dabbled in the past and have a pretty extensive knowledge.

What makes you tired and lethargic is the THD in the weed [the none psychoactive element],you can turn THD into THC through the process of Isomerization .
They used to sell Isomizers in High Times in the 70's ,I think they are unavailable now,but not hard to make and use if you know what your doing.

You need Isopropyl alcohol,sulfuric acid and baking soda apart from your weed.

I could describe the process and amounts and how to make a Isomizer but I don't think it would go down to well here,so I won't
It seems there is a LOT of misinformation [some down right dangerous procedures I've seen] on this process on the internet.

Best place for research on anything drug related within different cultures and throughout history is the Fritz Hugh Ludlow memorial library.


9th June 2009, 12:18 PM
hey there, not surprised at all by all the message here.
I found myself setting some very nice time and making some very nice online races while beeing almost drunk.
Smoking weed isnt exactly the same, i can be very good, but hardly long enough to make good races/zone run/TT.

Would like very much to try mdma in zone mode, while having people of all over the world (you guys) around me :)
that would be good i thing !

9th June 2009, 12:53 PM
Just go to you local Chinese spic emporium and by a few kilos of mace [the outer kernel of Nutmeg] sold to restaurants.

I'm sure with a right Google search you can find how to find out how to make your own [E's],the Jamaicans have be making their own whilst in jail for 60 years.

9th June 2009, 01:21 PM
My mission to quit smoking weed is proving... difficult.

X amount of days clean is often ruined, and its a slippery slope right back to square one.

I always said id stop if i didnt enjoy it, and thats my problem, i still bloody enjoy it :)

9th June 2009, 02:02 PM
Is it enjoying the smoke or the company,both are habitual.
Lose the same company & the loss of dope is FAR FAR easier.

11th June 2009, 06:02 PM
I can attest to that... That's how I go without - stay away from influence/temptation - full stop - find something you've been menaing to do - and Do It!...

Good advice their BlackWiggle, however - in reference to the post you posted before :

What makes you tired and lethargic is the THD in the weed [the none psychoactive element],you can turn THD into THC through the process of Isomerization .
They used to sell Isomizers in High Times in the 70's ,I think they are unavailable now,but not hard to make and use if you know what your doing.

You need Isopropyl alcohol,sulfuric acid and baking soda apart from your weed.

I could describe the process and amounts and how to make a Isomizer but I don't think it would go down to well here,so I won't
It seems there is a LOT of misinformation [some down right dangerous procedures I've seen] on this process on the internet.

In all my years of cultivation (Guerilla Gardening as well as Indoor) I've never heard of Isomerization - from what I understand to be the truth of this subject is that - Indicas are body heavy, lethargy inducing varieties... Sativas are the opposite - but the downside of a sativa is, you lose a lot of seratonin (happy chems) whilst smoking it - so - the next day its a bit of a downer unfortunately.

With regard to strains getting stronger Blackwiggle - although I grow no more, I am in the growing circles and continue to offer advice to anyone on the amsterdam coffeshop directory website - This is my take...

Years ago - before the cross bred Skunk varieties hit our shores from Holland, all we got anywhere in the world were what are known as "True Land-Race Strains" or IBL's (In Bred Lines (like Nepalese Temple Ball / Malawi Gold / Red Beard/ Lambs Bread / King Hassan / Swazi Gold / Indian Kush / etc) these varieties were never crossed - varied in taste / effect etc but the strength of these cannabis plants was relatively low. Say, around 2-3% THC (in some cases THCV - the medical grade ****), and dependent on the drying / curing process, the THC will then break down into its complex compounds (CBD/CBG/CBN etc) which determines the effect of the buzz. Indicas are high in CBD (lazy buzz inducing compund) you don't have to go through any complex "isomerization" process to get the plants characteristics the way you want them...

With the advent of Skunk - Land-Race genetics are becoming a rarity, even in Hollan - it's sifficult finding a pure equatorial sativa haze strain or land-race indica, they are all crossed back and forth for novelty... These crosses have only served to increase the amounts of THC (or THCV in some of the newer, medical varieties - Like Jorge's Diamonds #1 available from Dutch Passion Seed Co) in strains...

I have used Isopropic Alcohol whils going through the dreaded "Trim" phaze during harvest after the first weeks initial dry out (whilst hanging the plants upside down) and used it to get the icky sticky resin off my fingers and pruning shears/scissors, The Isopropic Alcohol evaporates off leaving me neat little pile of THC crystals - which I have made Ice-O-Later hash out of for a very sweet lil personal nightcap.

12th June 2009, 08:37 AM
Even with using a circular multiply globe metal halide/sodium phosphor light mix and regulating CO2 ,things can go amiss.

Depends on your seed source.

That skunk [peanut shaped seed- just looking at it you could see it was genetic manipulation] was an improvisation [never liked it to be honest].

If you have access to small [black bead] THAI seeds,sorry I'm/was OLD school regarding seed selection.[The best variety have a almost tiger/snake strip on them].
Small plants,Indica,don't grow solely hydroponically,mix some sand and Iron Pyrite into the mix of permilite/vermiculite mix .
Humidity has to be high and varied with temp.

I'll leave it at that before I get a slap around the head from the mods :beer

12th June 2009, 10:26 AM
Despite 11 years of smoking im still very nieve when it comes to the science of smoking.

Its green, i roll it, i get wankered. Enough for me :beer

12th June 2009, 10:45 AM
Are you an Aussie by anychance Haydn?

12th June 2009, 11:37 AM
not even a teeny tiny bit my friend :)

12th June 2009, 12:37 PM
I know what type you are, your that type of Englishmen that goes to Soccer games and if your team looses you go on a rampage with your fellow fans and destroy the peaceful European town that is hosting the game.

12th June 2009, 12:52 PM
You are both "Green",pardon the pun, regarding what the last 5 or 6 posts have been on about.
You can smoke the dope,but......

It's like somebody ordering a burger at Mc Donalds,it's available NOW and I'll eat it.

Produce your own or do your research on what you are in taking.

Some people choose to no longer eat at Mc Donalds :burger:burger:turd:turd:turd:turd

12th June 2009, 01:11 PM
Now and then someone passes the Doobie. What yah expect, I live in Holland... But I don't do it every day. And I only need one sip from it, thats enough for me. I never smoke an entire joint. But I must say, it does help with my creativity.

Mightaswell enjoy your time here, and if I chip of a few years by smokin thats my problem.(its not really a problem..getting really old isnt that fun anyway) At least im enjoying myself! 0 stress, 0 problems.

12th June 2009, 01:15 PM
I know what type you are, your that type of Englishmen that goes to Soccer games and if your team looses you go on a rampage with your fellow fans and destroy the peaceful European town that is hosting the game.

Haha! Far from it! Id go looking for the brazillian fans and party all night long! Both love football, both love partying, both have a distinct disliking to the Argies :g

I wouldnt smah anywhere up. Im a friendly, peacful guy :)

gotta +1 rep for that :+ made me giggle

12th June 2009, 02:23 PM
Even with using a circular multiply globe metal halide/sodium phosphor light mix and regulating CO2 ,things can go amiss.

Depends on your seed source.

That skunk [peanut shaped seed- just looking at it you could see it was genetic manipulation] was an improvisation [never liked it to be honest].

If you have access to small [black bead] THAI seeds,sorry I'm/was OLD school regarding seed selection.[The best variety have a almost tiger/snake strip on them].
Small plants,Indica,don't grow solely hydroponically,mix some sand and Iron Pyrite into the mix of permilite/vermiculite mix .
Humidity has to be high and varied with temp.

I'll leave it at that before I get a slap around the head from the mods :beer

Bah - I got a sneaky suspicion they are all blazers too anyway - carry on by all means. I don't think it's against the rules - besided - civil liberties / free speech and all that (as long as we don't discuss ?FW)...

Anyway - yep- I know all of what you've written anyway, I got my own Genetics Library with over 70 odd strains (seedbank) I have 9 landrace (IBL's) too - including the Thai, Malawi Gold, Afghan and Jamaican Red Beard... the others are indeed crosses...

As for indicas not growing solely hydroponically - I haven't done a hydro grow for 2 years now - Organic rules imo, much cleaner, tastier and rewarding than it's hydro "chemically comical" equivalent...

I use BioBizz All mx - the only soil in the world to be recognized by OMRI (the organic standard certification) and BioBizz feed (Biogorw / BioBloom / TopMax) together with top activator boosters like Bloombastic (ATAMI), I don't use CFC's they give you weak and wispy buds - I use a dual spectrum HID (High Intensity Discharge) bulb always connected to ballasts and circuit breakers - My operations are protected with intake - out-take with carbon filtration and polyshield to stop the copters from detecting the heat source - Na am sayan?

That's how I've managed to steer cvlear of the POPO whilst living and growing in the heart of London, however _ Ican expose all that now - as - I don';t grow or schmoke anymore... I'm a cheeky **** are'nt I???;)

12th June 2009, 03:56 PM
I've only read the first few pages of this thread.I know that I'm just 13 years old when i posted this,but can't I voice my opinion? In Singapore,doing certain things lead to the DP(Death Penalty)[You would not want to do such things if you are "kiasi"(scared of dying in hokkien,I think,being a Singaporean myself...)]
The following are things that could give you the DP:
-Drug Smuggling
-Going on murder spree(I seriously do NOT think that such things will happen in Singapore as seeing a person walking on the street with a knife in hand may cause people to call the police[Singapore is a safe country to be in,you can walk around at night but PLEASE use common sense especially if you are a tourist])
-Unauthorised possession of weapons(NO one owns a weapon in Singapore,only the Authorities(Police)own weapons like guns)

12th June 2009, 04:02 PM
Hello F-E-I-S-A-R,

Just read your post, I bet your country has a really low crime rate statisitic...

I was in Saudi Arabia in 2006, and crime is a almost a novelty there - even goldsmiths leave their shops open and go to the mosque for prayers - and when they come back, everything is as it should be - undisturbed!

I'd live there - if it were'nt blazing hot (well, it is a desert after all)

12th June 2009, 04:53 PM
I don';t grow or schmoke anymore... I'm a cheeky **** are'nt I???;)

That's a pain in the arse, I won't have a dealer in a couple of weeks, he's buggering off to portugal.... :P
might have to go cold turkey...:?

12th June 2009, 05:01 PM
It's all in the mind Yeld...I gone 'cold turkey' lots of times, depending on if there's none about or just out of choice, for a sort of detox. It's good for the soul :nod

Bad for my wipeout skills though, I am really terrible sober haha :lol

12th June 2009, 05:02 PM
Let me rephrase my last post: I do not want to go cold turkey and i need a new dealer :lol

12th June 2009, 05:05 PM
Haha fair enough...was just throwing a little encouragement your way :p

12th June 2009, 05:55 PM
That's a pain in the arse, I won't have a dealer in a couple of weeks, he's buggering off to portugal.... :P
might have to go cold turkey...:?

But - you're in the netherlands? The place I go to for my research into which strains I wanna grow next? It's the place to be man!!! I'd live there if I could - a mate of mine is living in Amsterdamage - Andy, and loving it... except the fact that coffeeshops charge 2.5euro for a can of coca cola, that's sucky with the exchange rates today... Yeldar, if you're are actually floating around London - I got the hook ups mate... PM me! I :rock

It's all in the mind Yeld...I gone 'cold turkey' lots of times, depending on if there's none about or just out of choice, for a sort of detox. It's good for the soul :nod

Bad for my wipeout skills though, I am really terrible sober haha :lol

Stinkleroy - you do like I do, and yes, It is good for the soul... However, my racing has improved dramatically since I gave up last month, it must be the Gingko Boloba tablets providing extra bloodflow to my brain - allowing me to make split second decisions when racing and following through by executing the move with sheer and utter confidence... But to be hones - for the first wee and half of giving up, I did suck playing Pulse... For 10 days only, then the demopn in me awoke and said "You are in the top 1% - remember TopGun? Tom cruise was chosen as an elite pilot - to be the best of the best - the top 1% in the entire world - wake up boy, and pull ya head outta ya ass - you got skills, USE THEM SON!!!" and I did, with pleasure...

12th June 2009, 05:59 PM
FlyingHigh is the only way to go, I'm ripped every single time I play online :nod
I also remember having some interesting races with yeldar a month or so ago, it was in the wee hours and I was wired to the moon on some tasty MDMA, haven't tried that in zone mode yet but I got my ZoneZeus trophy FlyingHigh :p
Wipe On :rock

12th June 2009, 06:30 PM
But - you're in the netherlands?
I'm a dutch boy living on british soil, bout an hour from london :D
If only I lived in Amsterdammmmmmmmmm......mmmmmmm :P

13th June 2009, 11:36 AM
Funny thing - not even sure if I'm posting in the right place - yeah I must be! Anyway - last night during avalons pulse session - my girlfriend hijacked me for what was supposed to be a meal, turned out we had a meal in a fast food place then she parks her car in an odd secluded spot and - pulls out a splif WTF? and sparks it...

Now y'all know I just gave it all up last month, and here's her, sparking a doobie, and she don't smoke the stuff... Besides that she works for British Transport Police?!?!? WTF? na am sayan? huh?

Anyway - I didnt smoke - I wanst even tempted... instead - I end up koching with her chatting nonsense and generally reassuring her that this experience she's having on weed is fairly standard...

In the end I didnt end up getting home til after 1:30am GMT+1 - so had to miss the rest of the avalon. Gutted!!! And I didnt even smoke lol!

Today my phone is off during TeamLink, I aint getting disturbed during races end of!!!

13th June 2009, 12:24 PM
Ah, the joys of being single reveal themselves...;)

15th June 2009, 07:03 PM
Well - the joys and perils of being in a relationship - far outweight the mono joys of being single... though I do miss it sometimes, ... very rarely... like once a year during the big argument couples inevitably have... lol

Besided - you'll find out soon enough mate - the next 15 years won't be as long as the last 15 of your life - That's pretty much the same for everyone!!!

Enjoy it while you can Martin!

15th June 2009, 07:13 PM
No choice really; I seem to be the most repulsive boy in school, based on the fact that I'm not as thin as a rake.:lol

15th June 2009, 08:09 PM
Martin - I know Blackburn like the back of my hand mate - Those kids aint kids man!!! They're trolls!!! Hobbits and Goblins - you on the other hand - probably frighten the life outrta them with your intelllect and quit wit - most of what you say - probably goes right over their shrunken brains... You know its true...

As for you not being as thin as a rake - that - I can only imagine to be a good thing... Seriously! Middle Earth hasnt changed much at all - kinda expected that!!!

15th June 2009, 08:29 PM
Actually, most of my friends are as smart as me, but you're getting confused with the teenage mothers and chavs.

16th June 2009, 12:10 AM
pfft weed?

i take crack rock to the head and heroine straight to the vein baby...wusses

LMAO :rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock

obv. kidding

17th June 2009, 03:10 AM
Random thoughts based on remarks in this thread:

Churches hate fun; it distracts people from caring about the unprovable.

How thin is a rake, anyway? [Looks at self] Oh. Right.

I like liquor better; my lungs don't handle smoke at all well.

I don't know how drunk the skunks are, but probably not as much as I am at the moment, which is only a little. A very nice little.

17th June 2009, 02:18 PM
Hahahahhaaha - very funny, hahahahahaa....

I'm so glad I don't smoke or drink anymore guys, this new lease of life (meaning having tastebuds which actually taste, and a nose which can smell food cooking a mile away is what its all about for me now!!!) from any form of addiction (Barring wipeout ofcourse) is kinda cool!

17th June 2009, 03:46 PM
Hello F-E-I-S-A-R,

Just read your post, I bet your country has a really low crime rate statisitic...

I was in Saudi Arabia in 2006, and crime is a almost a novelty there - even goldsmiths leave their shops open and go to the mosque for prayers - and when they come back, everything is as it should be - undisturbed!

I'd live there - if it were'nt blazing hot (well, it is a desert after all)

Yes,it does have a low crime rate,but it does NOT mean no crime
Singapore is in the tropics,so its is summer all year round.It is quite easy to sweat in Singapore.Somehow I count myself lucky that I live in Singapore as there is no winter(Brrrrrrrrr......).

18th June 2009, 12:28 AM
Living in the tropics has to be better than living in the desert though. I sometimes wish I lived in sunnier climes. humph.

18th June 2009, 03:18 AM
Singapore is in the tropics,so its is summer all year round.It is quite easy to sweat in Singapore.Somehow I count myself lucky that I live in Singapore as there is no winter(Brrrrrrrrr......).

I would by far rather sweat than freeze. I wish Florida were as fully tropical as Singapore.

18th June 2009, 03:42 PM
My friend sailor brought from Holland this shirt yesterday... very funny one ;) Sorry for quality I took this picture with phone

16th July 2009, 01:14 PM
I have a towel like that...

And I satarted smoking again... that didn't last too long did it?

Northern Lights and Big Buddah Cheese round my way at the moment.

Need to get a decenbt Bong though, I'm tired of smoking joints.

Rapier Racer
16th July 2009, 04:31 PM
I'm so glad I don't smoke or drink anymore guys

You had a good point with the smoking part.... lost me at the no drinking malarky! :lol

16th July 2009, 07:01 PM
Indeed, RR! Malarkey it be.

[goes back to drinking his Bushmills and Ancient Age. separately.]

24th July 2009, 02:39 PM
You had a good point with the smoking part.... lost me at the no drinking malarky! :lol

Well um, I do have a half bottle of Jonny Walker Blue Label. I drink about twice a year only. But blaze weed about 2 joints a night. (I mentioned
that I started smoking again, in my previous post)

gotta love Mary Jane, lol

26th July 2009, 07:27 PM
smoked it for a while, loved it, especially loved the giggles and the munchies, love how food tastes remarkably more opulent and rich when stoned; however i noticed my memory becoming patchier for a while, felt more lethargic and less motivated at times and it's certainly habituating, although when i had to i had no trouble stopping for however long i needed to.

i'm glad i don't smoke anymore but i wouldn't turn it down if it were offered to me at a party or something. i saw an interesting film about it called the union - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9077214414651731007 - which anyone interested in the topic should give a watch.

anyway, there are many varieties of drugs and medicines - from natural herbs to medicines to roids to alcohol to smokes to poppers to weed to harder narcs and opiates and all other kinds i've missed, i'd say that besides herbs and medicines designed to relieve pain and/or cure illnesses - with the least harmful side-effects of course - weed is probably the most beneficial, comparatively at least, and certainly has the most positive effects on the anatomy compared to all the other system-altering substances, legal or illegal, natural or artificial, that people consume :beer and it's tastier then most alcohols too, at least green, resin's not so great but when you're lower on funds that's usually what you get :p

31st July 2009, 08:18 PM
i used to smoke tons of weed have plenty of disco biscuits and enjoyed the magic mushroom season every year. but i have emmigrated to the US from the UK and honestly i miss it sometimes because i had great times with great friends .
if i was still in the UK im pretty sure i would still be doing it. but now im married to a fantastic lady and the last thing i would want is to be booted out over smoking a spliff. i get the urge to buy some now and then, but the way i am now im happy. on the other hand if i was to move to lets say a beach community like where i was in the uk i think i probably would pick up the weed again because it suits the laid back attitude of the area. i think i prefer to sit on a beach with a spliff ,drink makes me to oblivious whereas nature and weed are a beautifull union

the last wipeout game i did high was Wip3out and i funking loved it XD

31st July 2009, 09:06 PM
we got mashed after pub and played sonic 2 into the night once, the special stage on that game - quite simply, i haven't laughed so much before or since, bounced off the walls screaming at the tv because i couldn't handle the embryonic 3d tunnel of fun. and i actually remember what made me so hysterical - for some reason, i thought running into a bomb and losing all your rings was the most hilarious thing i'd ever seen

edit - i must have looked like a right hysterical tosser at the time, but my mates seemed to encourage it : P

1st August 2009, 08:45 AM
I do that anyway. :lol And I have never done drugs.XD:lol

1st August 2009, 10:26 AM
more power to you sir! it is slightly funny even without the aid of substances. especially tails. he's like 'wait for me sonic! wait for me! luk, i've got ur rings!' and then he runs into a bomb and i can't stop laughing at it

drugs are baaaaaad

1st August 2009, 10:31 AM
Did you ever have a controller for the Mega Drive/genesis that had a turbo function on it? All it ever did for me was constantly pause Sonic. The sheild never looked so stupid!:lol

Tails is a dumbass anyway, he is always getting himself owned by one of those fckin' monkeys.:lol

1st August 2009, 10:50 AM
nah, just the basic, mates had basic too. sounds like i wasn't missing much :p

and tails was rubbish in 2, he just followed you around and as such got mullered all the time by obstacles and badniks you'd just skillfully avoided. and you always get that muffled crash sound effect, accompanied by the OOPS death face, and then he just helicopters back in, lol

the weird thing about tails in sonic 2 as well, was that he couldn't fly yet, and he couldn't become super even if you collected all the emeralds playing as him, and i think he was minutely slower, or he couldn't jump quite as high, thus he was absolutely redundant beyond the aesthetic palette swap.

he's cool though :p good old miles, dying repeatedly for the cause

1st August 2009, 01:25 PM
But still useful for another person to collect rings without dying.;)

1st August 2009, 03:29 PM
ah yes, and the split screen too... you see i was one of those little bastards who rarely played games with his friends, at least when younger, and so does not remember the multiplayer aspects of earlier games :p

incidentally, that's one of the positive aspects of mary jane, her socially conducive quality and the generally social nature of her consumption :rock

1st August 2009, 04:06 PM
I tried the NHS ("National Health Service" for those outside the UK :)) scheme "going smoke free".

All they do is send you a DVD, a few leaflets, and thats it! Rubbish.

I SHOULD be able to rely on my own will power to quit, but smoking weeds just too enjoyable :)

1st August 2009, 04:40 PM
Really? You can go to your chemist (Boots do it) and get patches etc... I tried em, they do work but once you take em off - an hour later the craving is back. Failing that - they also have injections (eugh) and nicorette gum which tastes like a ferrets butt hole (not that I'd know)...

But the love of the green herb keeps me from giving up (though I've tried) so yeah, I understand! So do many others I guess!

1st August 2009, 07:11 PM
i do, i wanted to quit smoking fags since pretty much i started smoking them, but i only managed it when i moved home from uni. the move was a big enough upheaval that i managed to avoid them. helped that the public building smoking ban came into effect that summer

4th August 2009, 01:45 AM
I live in the middle of the boonies and the rednecks down here in tennessee. The board of education in my county has taken this to account and has mercilessly beaten it into our skulls that DRUGS ARE BAD!!! Though that hasn't stopped the thick headed, stupid, crack pots, redknecked, retards that are so common down here. I've seen peoples tounges cut off because of cancer, jaws removed, and teenagers taken to prison without finishing high school. It's actually kinda sad. :frown:

But no, I never EVER plan on soiling my hands with such things.

5th August 2009, 12:11 AM
i'm drunk. that's a drug isn't it?

5th August 2009, 12:54 AM
Good point. From a puritan view - any substance which alters your mindset whilst under its influence is a drug. Whether that's crack cocaine, pcp, extacy, lol - weed, and the biggest culprit - alcohol! Even Paracetamol! So yes - good point!

5th August 2009, 10:48 AM
Its Aww Rite :robot

Deftly Against Mixing it with Tobacco Though
I Don't know why People do it here in Australia :|

5th August 2009, 11:01 AM
It may be down to cost. Weed isn't cheap like ciggys. So that could be a factor. Another may be preference. I mean, if you're a ciggy smoker - it may be that you are used to smoking mixed tobacco/weed joints. Each to their own I guess.

However, I prefer to load the bowl of my bong with weed and let rip! Otherwise it's a mixed tobacco/weed joint at the ratio of 70% weed 30% tobacco. Just what I'm used to tbh.

5th August 2009, 05:39 PM
Weed isn't cheap like ciggys.
Woah, steady on, they get more expensive every year. Britians way, way, way ahead than most countries for cigarette price.

5th August 2009, 06:34 PM
Yes, very very true - I smoke the SIlk Cut brand and I told myself that once they get to above a fiver for a box of 20 its time to quit... lol they're now £6.00...

Thing is Weed is still more expensive - Round my way, its a gram for £10.00 - and that gets me 2 joints lol

5th August 2009, 06:38 PM
£10 spent on gear is better than £10 spent on macdeath takaway. At least it wont give you high colestral and make you look crap

5th August 2009, 06:40 PM
Well written, McDeaths destroyed the phsique of the American and European peoples - we are all going to be clinicly obese by the year 2030 lol

So smoke weed and eat fruit! It keeps you smiling lol and beautiful!

5th August 2009, 06:46 PM
McDonalds actually want to put a sign on the moon (?)
Who's gonna see that? Darth Vader?

5th August 2009, 06:49 PM
I'm reasonably sure that I'm not going to be clinically obese EVer. Not even taking into consideration that I'll be 87 in 2030 and may not live that long. Which would certainly limit one's ability to become anything other than ashes or maggot food. :D

5th August 2009, 07:05 PM
There's a grim thought if ever there was one...

£6.00 for a pack? you must be kidding! it's closer to £7.00 round here :(
That's why rolling is the way forward.
Rollies are: cheaper, tastier, better for you?, last longer, more satisfying, customisable --> better! :D

I'm afraid to say I do mix my gear with tobacco but tbh I'm too much of a lightweight to handle it solo (and too poor).

5th August 2009, 07:16 PM
I'm reasonably sure that I'm not going to be clinically obese EVer. Not even taking into consideration that I'll be 87 in 2030 and may not live that long. Which would certainly limit one's ability to become anything other than ashes or maggot food. :D

you telling me your 66 years old and you play wipeout..lol
i thought i was too old to still be playing mischief makers on nintnedo..

to the above...just grow your own drugs..and spend the money you save on some whizz or coke...:nod

5th August 2009, 07:19 PM
Yes. I'm 66 and I play videogames, and I am not by any means the oldest person to do so.

5th August 2009, 07:28 PM
Thats cool...wish my grandad played computer games..he is a whinney old git, got no interst in anything apart from moaning and everything done said and made after 1945 is garbage and everyone outside essex is a foriener and should be deprted.. lol

btw are you good at wipeout lance. I reckon you could probally kick some serious ass

6th August 2009, 06:59 AM
I was reasonably good at the original trinity last time I played them.

6th August 2009, 03:51 PM
Have you ever played a game whilst your p****d, stoned or high.:dizzy...and if you have did it improve/impede your abilities

6th August 2009, 04:30 PM
some people wouldnt know what its like playing WO sober :beer

6th August 2009, 05:18 PM
when i'm messed i fly triakis and come last by miles :P

6th August 2009, 06:25 PM
I've never touched the stuff myself. I guess I never thought that it would enhance my life in any way, at least not enough to make up for the possibility of being arrested.

6th August 2009, 06:31 PM
I used to believe that I play better sober, but MrSmadSmartAlex has on occasion said that I play better when I'm stoned. So now I just get high on weed and race online. He made a good observation, I think my game has improved too.

However, tolerance is a factor though!

6th August 2009, 08:21 PM
I play better when drunkbutaware on bourbonandcocacola, short of tipsy, but relaxed enough to observe alertly and accurately without overcontrolling the ships. Or fighters in a martial arts game. Sort of the "Act without thinking" approach. But I can't afford to play that way much because of the cost in health and money. I can stay healthy as long as I don't overdo it.

6th August 2009, 08:36 PM
I played zone the other night and was completley out of my head high.It took me 3 hours to finsih one game of zone cos i kept pausing and talking and running around out of my head. but it was a good game im sure..
normally i am very good and look after my health but sometimes i treet myself:nod:nod:nod

Edit Lance@good to have a drink to relax....

6th August 2009, 11:04 PM
Hmmm, its a shame there are no drug tests before times get put up on the leaderboard, lol ;)

I dare say an unhealthy dose of some stimulant, amphetamine specifically, is going to give you unreal reflexes and an unfair advantage :)

6th August 2009, 11:19 PM
I play Wipeout really badly when stoned, because it ruins my concentration, so I hit all the walls, and can't hold my lines. I do enjoy the odd smoke, but only at the right time, in the right place.
Playing Pulse drunk off my head however, is awesome! I completely relax and just enjoy the race, and find I get better times as a result. Even though I don't really know what's going on at the time!:lol

6th August 2009, 11:40 PM
much like me then smad :D
does anyone else get the giggles when playing high? i can't help laughing at the end of a race when i've elimd myself about 6 times and get a DNF. i play to finish the race, not to win...it's really rather liberating :P

7th August 2009, 12:10 AM
yes..i get giggle fits all the time even when im sober.:dizzy:dizzy:dizzy:dizzy

7th August 2009, 01:01 AM
Hey Lance, just wondering: when was the last time you played any WipeOut game?

And ontopic: I don't do any of what's in the thread title and my mom would probably kill me where I stood if I ever did, and that's if I didn't kill myself first. :lol

7th August 2009, 04:29 AM
Round my way, its a gram for £10.00 - and that gets me 2 joints lol

Whoah :o! Go about 100 miles north to northampton and a ten (10.00) is about 1.6 - 2 grams of weed. :) Why is everything so expensive in London?

7th August 2009, 06:48 AM
I play better stoned definitely, relaxes me so i dont make too many mistakes. i wouldnt recommend it for zone though( hazy eyed and them colours dont mix). i often make silly spelling mistakes on this forum too. As for the price thing, around here its went for a pound per gram sometimes, but the last few years theres been shortage. 10 pounds 10 grams is a great deal:nod

7th August 2009, 08:24 AM
Hey Lance, just wondering: when was the last time you played any WipeOut game?

About two months ago. W3O

8th August 2009, 11:56 AM
Whoah :o! Go about 100 miles north to northampton and a ten (10.00) is about 1.6 - 2 grams of weed. :) Why is everything so expensive in London?

Yeah, London is extortionate. But lucky me don't pay for it usually - the reason why can be found in this thread...

atm I'm smoking some Goldseal soft black hasj and I've got about an ounce of Silver Haze and a quarter oz of Black Widow... So I'm well sorted for the next couple weeks!

the Silver Haze is good for racing to!

15th August 2009, 05:41 PM
playing stoned rules its really intense and you get well sucked into the game and the zone colours are beautiful as **** and i love the new zone maps colour schemes but auricom is deffo the coolest looking fury skin imo

21st August 2009, 05:20 PM
It appears wipeout cannot be played to any success unless your stoned.
Better get some weed in.

22nd August 2009, 07:56 PM
Good point. From a puritan view - any substance which alters your mindset whilst under its influence is a drug. Whether that's crack cocaine, pcp, extacy, lol - weed, and the biggest culprit - alcohol! Even Paracetamol! So yes - good point!

course bruv

Its Aww Rite :robot

Deftly Against Mixing it with Tobacco Though
I Don't know why People do it here in Australia :|

i always thought it had more to do with the skins then anything, normal rizlas burn faster then weed hence the need for catalyst - baccy + a lot of people who blaze also smoke fags, so it's just jazzing them up

Woah, steady on, they get more expensive every year. Britians way, way, way ahead than most countries for cigarette price.

i remember when it was less then 5 quid for 20, when i see prices in offys or at sainsburys my knees go weak, another reason to be glad i don't smoke anymore, moar money for chips and bevs :/

Yes, very very true - I smoke the SIlk Cut brand and I told myself that once they get to above a fiver for a box of 20 its time to quit... lol they're now £6.00...

Thing is Weed is still more expensive - Round my way, its a gram for £10.00 - and that gets me 2 joints lol

silk cut, constantine's brand, light but smooth

and i've heard prices in ounces, 1/8th for 20, depended on the source but friend prices = 65/70 for half, normal = 75

£10 spent on gear is better than £10 spent on macdeath takaway. At least it wont give you high colestral and make you look crap

need to spread rep :brickwall so i'll instead quote and say 'agreed love' - agreed love

Well written, McDeaths destroyed the phsique of the American and European peoples - we are all going to be clinicly obese by the year 2030 lol

So smoke weed and eat fruit! It keeps you smiling lol and beautiful!

to be fair the industries of america a hundred, hundred and fifty years ago demanded high cholesterol foods, like burgers and steaks, but they maintained portions and makeup of foodstuffs when these industries dissipated, probably because they're tasty

but yeah mcdeath

McDonalds actually want to put a sign on the moon (?)
Who's gonna see that? Darth Vader?

wallace and gromit

There's a grim thought if ever there was one...

£6.00 for a pack? you must be kidding! it's closer to £7.00 round here :(
That's why rolling is the way forward.
Rollies are: cheaper, tastier, better for you?, last longer, more satisfying, customisable --> better! :D

I'm afraid to say I do mix my gear with tobacco but tbh I'm too much of a lightweight to handle it solo (and too poor).

rollies are good but the healthier baccys smell and taste like horseshit, hazelware shag etc. golden v = standard

you telling me your 66 years old and you play wipeout..lol
i thought i was too old to still be playing mischief makers on nintnedo..

to the above...just grow your own drugs..and spend the money you save on some whizz or coke...:nod

not so sure about As :/ coke turns bods into steamers from what i've seen. not savvy on whizz, pills are ok but when i read about what they do to your brain - jellied knees. apparently takes the body a year to get over the effects of 8-10 standard pills, and you don't always know what's cut into them do you, also duds, good thing is they're cheap i guess but if you're on a night and the only guy selling gear's got duds then **** creek, ket's funny but again horse tranquiliser = wtf. not familiar with shrooms or acid

Yes. I'm 66 and I play videogames, and I am not by any means the oldest person to do so.

you cannot be serious? if you are, fair play to your experienced self! retired? what attracted you to wipeout, or have you been entranced by it since the beginning?

Have you ever played a game whilst your p****d, stoned or high.:dizzy...and if you have did it improve/impede your abilities

sonic 2 was great fun... had a few parties getting blitzed and playing smash brothers etc. really funny **** when it gets hectic

I've never touched the stuff myself. I guess I never thought that it would enhance my life in any way, at least not enough to make up for the possibility of being arrested.

makes everything clear as a whistle :dizzy

the laws' stance on drugs is entrenched in agendas and misguided mandates but as for getting nicked... i've seen people walk past coppers with a spliff on the go before and they didn't bat an eyelid, i think as long as you're discreet about purchase and consumption and then don't cause trouble, don't do anything stupid or harmful while on them, you're gravy

I played zone the other night and was completley out of my head high.It took me 3 hours to finsih one game of zone cos i kept pausing and talking and running around out of my head. but it was a good game im sure..
normally i am very good and look after my health but sometimes i treet myself:nod:nod:nod

Edit Lance@good to have a drink to relax....

something comforting and satisfying about a glass of whiskey or wine in the evening after work or a night out or whatever

Whoah :o! Go about 100 miles north to northampton and a ten (10.00) is about 1.6 - 2 grams of weed. :) Why is everything so expensive in London?

because it's the centre of the universe :dizzy

22nd August 2009, 08:39 PM
"you cannot be serious? if you are, fair play to your experienced self! retired? what attracted you to wipeout, or have you been entranced by it since the beginning?"

I had a friend where I used to work who liked gaming, and I played a couple of his games at his house. I liked it. Some months later, in the year 2000, when I was getting more hours of work, I bought a PSX, and one of the games I got was an interesting looking thing called Wipeout 3. Being a science-fiction fan and a racing fan, I did not stop with just buying GT. W3O had been out about 6 months in the U.S. and WalMart had a copy for 15 dollars when I wandered in there looking for games. I also bought a new Dreamcast [$200]shortly after getting the PSX in a pawn shop. Eventually I discovered the Wipeout forum on EZ-Board, which Rob later "transferred" sorta, to his newly created WZ.

First game I bought was the original Ridge Racer at a Circuit City that was recently closed just before last Christmas. dammit

I discovered the first night I played Ridge Racer that I did better as I got more tired [up till I couldn't stay awake anymore]. Later I discovered that I could produce that same improvement when I was a bit inebriated.

22nd August 2009, 11:20 PM
wipeout 3 was the first wipeout i owned

gaming is a worthwhile pastime as long as it doesn't consume your life, i think it's fair to say

and your skill of more focus and improved ability when tired and/or intoxicated sounds pretty useful; perhaps when being not fully in control, you focus more to compensate for it?

nice one :+

23rd August 2009, 01:26 AM
I think it's because I think too much and am distracted too easily; tiredness or intoxication makes me focus on the task at hand. If I could maintain concentration while being fresh and sober, my performance would be better than when I'm not, instead of being worse.

23rd August 2009, 11:34 AM
perhaps it's a worthwhile message to make the most of yourself at all times? rather get caned :P

23rd August 2009, 12:53 PM

Not Wallace and Gromit, the skiing oven.;):D

23rd August 2009, 12:58 PM

are we still talking about maccys on the moon?

23rd August 2009, 02:29 PM
course bruv

i always thought it had more to do with the skins then anything, normal rizlas burn faster then weed hence the need for catalyst - baccy + a lot of people who blaze also smoke fags, so it's just jazzing them up

i remember when it was less then 5 quid for 20, when i see prices in offys or at sainsburys my knees go weak, another reason to be glad i don't smoke anymore, moar money for chips and bevs :/

silk cut, constantine's brand, light but smooth

and i've heard prices in ounces, 1/8th for 20, depended on the source but friend prices = 65/70 for half, normal = 75

need to spread rep :brickwall so i'll instead quote and say 'agreed love' - agreed love

to be fair the industries of america a hundred, hundred and fifty years ago demanded high cholesterol foods, like burgers and steaks, but they maintained portions and makeup of foodstuffs when these industries dissipated, probably because they're tasty

but yeah mcdeath

wallace and gromit

rollies are good but the healthier baccys smell and taste like horseshit, hazelware shag etc. golden v = standard

not so sure about As :/ coke turns bods into steamers from what i've seen. not savvy on whizz, pills are ok but when i read about what they do to your brain - jellied knees. apparently takes the body a year to get over the effects of 8-10 standard pills, and you don't always know what's cut into them do you, also duds, good thing is they're cheap i guess but if you're on a night and the only guy selling gear's got duds then **** creek, ket's funny but again horse tranquiliser = wtf. not familiar with shrooms or acid

you cannot be serious? if you are, fair play to your experienced self! retired? what attracted you to wipeout, or have you been entranced by it since the beginning?

sonic 2 was great fun... had a few parties getting blitzed and playing smash brothers etc. really funny **** when it gets hectic

makes everything clear as a whistle :dizzy

the laws' stance on drugs is entrenched in agendas and misguided mandates but as for getting nicked... i've seen people walk past coppers with a spliff on the go before and they didn't bat an eyelid, i think as long as you're discreet about purchase and consumption and then don't cause trouble, don't do anything stupid or harmful while on them, you're gravy

something comforting and satisfying about a glass of whiskey or wine in the evening after work or a night out or whatever

because it's the centre of the universe :dizzy


23rd August 2009, 03:06 PM
"you cannot be serious? if you are, fair play to your experienced self! retired? what attracted you to wipeout, or have you been entranced by it since the beginning?"

I had a friend where I used to work who liked gaming, and I played a couple of his games at his house. I liked it. Some months later, in the year 2000, when I was getting more hours of work, I bought a PSX, and one of the games I got was an interesting looking thing called Wipeout 3. Being a science-fiction fan and a racing fan, I did not stop with just buying GT. W3O had been out about 6 months in the U.S. and WalMart had a copy for 15 dollars when I wandered in there looking for games. I also bought a new Dreamcast [$200]shortly after getting the PSX in a pawn shop. Eventually I discovered the Wipeout forum on EZ-Board, which Rob later "transferred" sorta, to his newly created WZ.

First game I bought was the original Ridge Racer at a Circuit City that was recently closed just before last Christmas. dammit

I discovered the first night I played Ridge Racer that I did better as I got more tired [up till I couldn't stay awake anymore]. Later I discovered that I could produce that same improvement when I was a bit inebriated.

Cha know what,the "console" I played Wip3out and Ridge Racer on was the Computer(Emulated using pSX and EPSXE for both).

23rd August 2009, 03:11 PM
yeldar, why didn't you just say > willsgb13, BEST QUOTE-BINGE EVER!

sheesh, I didn't need to see the quoted stuff agAin. ;)

Are you high? :g

23rd August 2009, 04:44 PM

for the sake of the defence, which rests its case with this doc, i think it's relevant for this thread :dizzy

23rd August 2009, 06:12 PM
shhh Lance, that can be our little secret eh? :P

23rd August 2009, 06:52 PM
It's no secret that I am drinking genuine Kentucky Bourbon right now. Yes, I realise that it's not even 15:00 local time yet.

23rd August 2009, 09:17 PM
Never done weed.. I've done ecstasy a few times and I really want to at least try it while playing Zone, lol.

I listen to a lot of trance so the added visuals would multiply the experience.

24th August 2009, 06:34 PM
Never done weed..\
WAIT... What?...

I've done ecstasy a few times and I really want to at least try it while playing Zone, lol. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA you serious, I can tell, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you think this will make you a better pilot, or is it just for fun???

I listen to a lot of trance so the added visuals would multiply the experience. Ah, the experience/fun... cool beans dude.

You know, I once played 2 player split screen Fusion with a friend - we were both on beans...cool beans too I might add!! And man - it wa like totally engaging, totlally - I couldnt sleep that night, my hands were grabbing an imaginary joypad and my eyes were glued to an imaginary race track - and I was flying!!!

Was about 6 or 7 years ago!

24th August 2009, 09:16 PM
I wasn't feelin too good. kinda depressed. sad, you know? It didn't seem worthwhile to clean up and dress up to go out, but I made myself do it. Ended up in a dark, quiet bar. No band playing and nobody seeming inclined to put money in the jukebox. I wasn't in the mood for rowdiness and drunken dancing, so quiet was just what I wanted. I went to the bar itself; bartender came over and said hello and waited for me to order. ''I'd like some oblivion, please.'' He said ''How much?'' I said ''About sixteen hours, maybe seventeen.'' Bartender said ''All at once?''
''No, just give me the first six hours and we'll work out the details of the rest later.''

He set me up, and I went over to one of the empty booths along the back wall, sat down and started in on the oblivion. Ohhhh, yeaaaaaahhhhhh.

26th August 2009, 02:56 AM
I'm reasonably sure that I'm not going to be clinically obese EVer. Not even taking into consideration that I'll be 87 in 2030 and may not live that long. Which would certainly limit one's ability to become anything other than ashes or maggot food. :D

Look on the bright side : If you live till you're 87 you will have lived through more than 1% of all of recorded human history! Doesn't that make you feel special?:g
And on topic : I'm going cold turkey right now. Haven't slept properly for three days and actually broke out in a cold sweat the first night (kinda scary, but I've done this several times before for various reasons), and I was expecting my HD racing to be crap because of it, but today I set three - THREE - new personal records.:eek
That said - racing while wasted is the most intense buzz possible, and I have every intention of doing it again:) Just need to stay sober long enough to get my welfare money:beer
(Just decided to quit my job : Having a boss who can go without sleep for two weeks (literally, I'm really not kidding with this!) and work all the time is okay. Him expecting his employees to do the same is not, so now it's time for the government to pay for me to smoke and play Wipeout HD:D)

21st November 2009, 05:03 PM
i will be really really battered tonight! i'll be joining a mate for a test schmoke of some ' east coast sour diesel' - my fave diesel strain, and some 'equatorial haze' a sativa for the canna-sure :)

plan to get on hd fury around 11pm gmt, for a battered and stone intense gaming experience... i'll be cannon fodder for sure :D

21st November 2009, 05:45 PM
Hahaha...see you then (maybe) Ace. Hopefully Ill be a few beers in to even the playing field :nod

22nd November 2009, 04:52 AM
I may have said it before in the thread, but I canNOT play Wipeout while I'm high... it takes soooo much concentration and effort. I'm lucky I can manage anything else. Might depend on what kinda weed I get my hands on, but I really don't get teh same kind of epic awareness that other people get.

If I drink when I play, I can at least focus, but I do terrible just the same...

god damn I wish I had smoked this evening >_< I have come to the personal conclusion that there is no justifiable reason that weed should be illegal at this point. I usually hate Family Guy, but they're right- everything's better with a bag of weed. :D

edit: except trying to interact with the general public or accomplish a simple task... I don't smoke before class, if I have to go anywhere, or especially if I'm driving D: hahaha

22nd November 2009, 11:18 AM
it's steadily becoming close to legalized in the US, one state even lets you grow up to 25 plants per household!... that's at least 1.5kilo.... i'm moving there lol

EDIT: cool races with you, Abukii-San! Damn, those were cool races huh?

22nd November 2009, 01:08 PM
that's just medicinal stuff, and some states have simply lowered the repercussions of having some on you. Like I think back home in Connecticut, if you have a half ounce or less on your person, it's just a $100 fine... but that's just if you have it on you, I dont know what thefine print says about buying/smoking/etc. It's all a bunch of BS

22nd November 2009, 01:47 PM
Yea, its the same in Rhode Island and Mass. up to 1 ounce is just a fine of ($100?). Some states, like Colorado has events on 4/20 where everyone goes to the State House and "sparks up" on the front stairs. And its 100% legal and 100% supported by the city of Denver. Then theres Hemp Fest in Boston...the list goes on. There really is no reason for it to be illeagal--and I never smoke.

@ACE: Yea, silly games. I wasnt playing my best lol thats for sure. Now I know why they call you ACE...youve definitely flown 20 or more sorties:dizzy
Hehehe. Great games indeed:p

24th November 2009, 06:08 PM
Some states, like Colorado has events on 4/20

i'll be in Amsterdam, in April, from the 18th to 21st... yep, going for the 420... again! So, come April 20th, at 4:20pm, i'll be at the 'cafe de Kuil 420' getting baked... with like, all my peeps from the Amsterdam Coffeeshop Directory :rock

24th November 2009, 09:46 PM
I don't drink, smoke, or do any kind of drug. I don't like them so they must not really work for me. It's probably not a coincidence that most anesthetics don't work on me either. Like, when I go to the dentist, it's the same with Novacain or without.

Regardless, I don't think it's right that people are being thrown in jail and given felony records for owning plants. Non-lethal, non-toxic, non-poisonous, plants. W. T. F.

What really gets to me about it, though, is that this is a federal law in the United States, as opposed to state-level or local, right? But all federal laws must have written authority in the Constitution. They say that the authority to ban a kind of plant comes from the Interstate Commerce Clause, which says that Congress has the authority to regulate commerce between the states. Yet somehow they derive power from this to regulate commerce within states and the non-commercial use or consumption of a plant in one's own garden? No, I don't think so.

26th November 2009, 01:39 PM
Koleax, I think you should be awarded with the honoursry title of 'Schmoker' for your opinion. Most peeps who don't smoke weed, wouldn't adopt the same view as you, buddy! :) :rock on!

26th November 2009, 06:00 PM
I'm similar to Koleax in a way. I haven't tried cannabis, but I've tried drinking a few times and tobacco (only once) and I really just never 'got it'. Even caffeine doesn't seem to do much for me.

I actually think that alcohol has a far greater negative impact on society than cannabis would. I've seen a lot of alcohol related violence but anyone I've met who was under the influence of cannabis just seemed to talk a bit strangely and look like they need a little sleepy-sleep. As I understand it there are potential long term effects, but I can't see that they're worse or more likely than if you abuse any drug.

Really cannabis being illegal just doesn't seem particularly logical to me.

26th November 2009, 07:27 PM
Just think of the taxes the state/ country would produce if theyd legalize.

27th November 2009, 10:12 PM
blame dupont - well he's dead so we can't. Basically, it was outlawed in the USA because Dupont wanted clothing factories and mills to buy cotton from his vast cotton farms, not hemp, so got some toffs and spread nonsense about marijuana to the US govt, eventually leading to hemp becoming illegal to own or cultivate. So hemp farms were destroyed, and replaced with cotton farms... guess who got to keep those farms? ... thats right, was Dupont, the man who bought you Spandex, or Lycra in Europe... :? sorry, thats the short version... long version is ... long :D

27th November 2009, 11:26 PM
okay, i know one way weed is dangerous at least...

I have my dorm (and almost the entire building) to myself because of people going home for thanksgiving break. Since wednesday, my routine has consisted of sleeping til 11 in the morning, getting retardedly baked, eating everything in my kitchen, then playing Wii until the evening. today I ate an entire 10" pumpkin pie along with a full tub of coolwhip, I had some chocolate, a baked potato, hot dog, half a tub of cottage cheese with almost a full bag of tortilla chips...

I think I figured out where my "freshman fifteen" came from lol :P I can't wait for winter break to try and undo some of this

27th November 2009, 11:34 PM
Brilliant... i'm on annual leave til Wednesday, i share your predicament. All i can say is "Roll another one, just like the other one"