View Full Version : Sad day...

26th September 2007, 01:09 PM
Yes, we decided to switch our central heating on for the first time since the beginning of March because winter is coming!:(

Oh well, that`s life for now.


26th September 2007, 01:44 PM
I was freezing at home during the first half of September due to heating being turned off during "summer". When they finally turned the heating on in mid September the weather got better. In fact, I have not used the heating since it was turned on again... :-

26th September 2007, 02:41 PM
We are turning our heaters off because summer is coming!:cowboy

26th September 2007, 02:59 PM
Seeing as we are on the subject of central heating, What's the farm version? Central bleating!

Back on topic... Is Central Heating really that bad?

26th September 2007, 06:22 PM
You mean... your house burned down?

I don't get it... I'm not THAT fluent in english.


The Gracer
26th September 2007, 08:53 PM
Central Heating - its like one big heater in your roof or somewhere remote that warms up your whole house with ducting, rather than just heating a single room like a fireplace or a normal heater. :)

Central heating isnt bad, its awesome! we have this thing called an HRV thats in our roof that keeps our house at a constant 18 degrees C in summer and at a summery 24 in winter. Its just a sad day for Stin 'cos he doesnt want winter to come :p

26th September 2007, 10:37 PM
dang I'm freezing today too, no heater on either
Summer approaches, swimming, freerunning & Kung-Fu beach training ahoy'hoy:hyper


27th September 2007, 04:33 AM
last week was fantastic, every day was tshirt weather :)
this week has been freezing all week, need the heater on in the evenings.. and I have to leave my car's roof up against the rain :(

I hope this (southern hemisphere) summer is as good as last summer.. which was the best I can remember :)
I plan on taking a month or so and doing a big roadtrip around NZs south island

27th September 2007, 04:37 AM
Ever since one fateful winter I never turn my heating off, I simply turn it as low as it will go.

Turned it off all through summer, come winter I turned it on and the sudden strain of actual work cracked the heat-exchanger in the boiler.
In the end it cost £4000 to fix.

27th September 2007, 08:04 AM
Ouch Borell!, The weather must be really unpredictable for you.

Ah! the southern hemisphere is the opposite to the northern hemisphere! but can we swap? :p

adelheid, that is alot of money for that!:o

supersocks, you kidding, right?

mdhay, unless you want us freeze to death? :s


27th September 2007, 08:36 AM
I wish i could swap Stevie! I prefer the cold.:rolleyes:

27th September 2007, 11:26 AM
No, I wasn't kidding. I really got the impression that the boiler had collected dust during summer which then caught fire when restarted. You made it sound so dramatic and utterly sad for me since I'm child of the autumn and can't see nothing wrong with cold weather.

Maybe it has also something to to with the fact that my aunt's house had a little fire once because of the said reason. Sorry, I misconceived. :paperbag

27th September 2007, 01:54 PM
It`s ok mate and no need to apologise ;), I used to mind my gran had a old fireplace years ago and nowadays, everybody gets central heating.


27th September 2007, 03:30 PM
...mdhay, unless you want us freeze to death?...

Well, it gets me into the tables;) :bomb: :pirate....,

27th September 2007, 04:58 PM
~we have this thing called an HRV thats in our roof that keeps our house at a constant 18 degrees C in summer and at a summery 24 in winter. Its just a sad day for Stin 'cos he doesnt want winter to come :p

Um... why don't you keep your house at 24 during the summer if 24 is comfortable in the winter?

27th September 2007, 05:07 PM
It`s getting colder, sure, but I`m still wearing shorts to work. I have to make it at least to October like this :robot

27th September 2007, 05:26 PM
Sigh, Lance...you poor Florida soul! I explain those temperatures as it's about what I prefer as well. I'll go out on a limb and say I've got some experience living in a "colder clime", LOL!

In summertime, it becomes TOO hot outside, which makes a person want it cooler inside than would be normally comfortable, because you have to cool yourself down when you make it to shelter.
But in wintertime, it is so unbearably cold outside, a person needs it warmer inside than would normally be comfortable, so that your aching bones can thaw out and save up some of that warmth for the next trip outdoors...brrr. Winter is coming here also...I love autumn, it is my favourite season, but winter is deadly...

There would likely never be a difference if the temperatures were moderate year round here, but the extremes can make people do strange things. ;)

27th September 2007, 05:36 PM
I live in Florida. I don't have airconditioning [I use fans][elEctric fans :) ]. Temperature outside and inside tends to be much the same but with time lags for inside. Outside it's in the mid 90s F [95F = 35C] in afternoon, cools to low to mid 70s [73F = 22.7777] by sunrise. Heat. Repeat.
Best average temperature inside the house is attained by closing it up well after midnight, and opening it up again about 4 in the afternoon. Depends on when and if it rains, though. You open the house when it rains cos then its cooler.

Winter: I don't even like to talk about it.

27th September 2007, 05:37 PM
Electric fans! ROFL!!
"If we didn't have electricity we'd have to watch television in the dark.":g

27th September 2007, 06:42 PM
Im freezing. =/ my house is old and drafty and the central heating isnt on yet.

27th September 2007, 07:53 PM
It's 32 degrees C here right now, and I'm still sweating from walking back from the grocery. But it's better than the alternatives. Way better.

Rapier Racer
27th September 2007, 08:24 PM
What do some of you guys mean by they haven't turned our heating on yet? Central heating isn't a heater in each room of your house that you can turn on at a press of a button with a fake coal fire in the living room?? (living room has heater also) It's like someone else controls your heating for you, which seems quite odd to me.

27th September 2007, 08:25 PM
It has been 15ºC here :(
Freezing! Specialy in the morning.
But we'll only turn on the heating by Mid October.

27th September 2007, 10:10 PM
~It's like someone else controls your heating for you, which seems quite odd to me.

A lot of people in some Northern US cities live in apartment buildings [poor sods] where the heat is controlled by the owners/lessors of the building. They turn it on when they think it's cold enough to warrant heating, which means they leave it off until there are too many cold tenants to ignore who are screaming for the owners' detached heads on a platter. It's all about the profits.

28th September 2007, 12:54 AM
Damn... that sucks!! Guess they us a lot of blankets then...

28th September 2007, 03:08 PM
as I type, my weather widget says it is 11 deg C outside, and I can expect it to reach 9 overnight. and that (probably around 2pm) it will be about 15 deg C
I find that anything from about 15-25 is comfortable. and if aircon is in use I like it set to 21 degrees year round.
it rarely gets above 30C here, and I don't think it's gone over 40C in my lifetime

29th September 2007, 03:44 AM
Come north a tad bit Lion in the middle of summer if you want some random 40 degree weather.
But yes, i like the 20 degree weather range also.
Celsius of course.