View Full Version : Headphone Amp

Flashback Jack
10th September 2007, 02:14 PM
I just ordered what's claimed to be the smallest (http://www.macnn.com/reviews/boostaroo-revolution.html) headphone amp (http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1940721,00.asp) in the world. (http://www.techiediva.com/weblog/2005/10/the_worlds_smal.html) We all know how downright anemic the PSPs audio output is, even through a good set of headphones. Well, I'm looking forward to when I can assault my senses with Pure goodness at 400% the PSP's standard volume along with stereophonically enhanced, 3D-simulated surround sound. So they say anyway.

Ignore the eighty bucks the above reviews say it costs. It's fifty dollars directly from the source, more than likely cheaper elsewhere.

I'll fill everyone in when it arrives.

- F

10th September 2007, 02:56 PM
Sounds too good to be true!:o, let me know if it`s loud enough? Because I can hear very slightly on my psp. I am partial hearing and I am using my hearing aid to help me to hear.


Flashback Jack
10th September 2007, 03:02 PM
I personally have no reason to doubt the company, considering the amp was propped up by PC Magazine and the New York Times. Overall, the hype seems to be true through consensus. Here are links to some more reviews and customer testimonials:


- F

11th September 2007, 08:27 PM
this sounds great.. something that would allow me to listen to podcasts while on aeroplanes would definitely be welcome

12th September 2007, 02:09 PM
Wow... with a pair of Shure EC2's in, I find the standard PSP volume output to be plenty, but then I have used headphones in the past that didn't quite measure up.

Flashback Jack
12th September 2007, 02:14 PM
I use two sets of Ultimate Ears headphones; Super.Fi EB and Metro.fi 2. While the EBs are a bit more sensitive (and expensive) than the Metros, I still find myself wanting to go up to 15 (figurative value) on the volume. Still though, I imaging an amp would only make the listening experience that much better.

- F

13th September 2007, 12:16 AM
I was looking at this Amp as well, I just went over to head-fi and they trashed it, probably the older model though(and they are bit mental about SQ)

I'll be very interested in the results


Flashback Jack
13th September 2007, 02:22 PM
Yeah, I passed through Head Fi as well and saw all the "testimonials", but I'm sure perhaps one or two of them have actually sampled the hardware and the remaining thousand are simply echoing what they hear from others. They reside in deep orbit, their noses only slightly deeper. Besides, their tastes are audiophile extreme -- it would be downright foolish to assume a 20-50 dollar device could reproduce the sort of thing they're looking for. I'll take Overall Value for a thousand, Alex.

- F

13th September 2007, 06:18 PM
Smallest? what about the Xin supermicro-IV (http://www.fixup.net/talk/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1759)? It's the size of 2 AAA batteries! Of course, it's way more expensive than the boostaroo, and the wait time is, well, nearly infinite.

Flashback Jack
13th September 2007, 07:05 PM
The Boostaroo is little more than the size of two AAAA batteries (no typo). Still, even though I haven't had a chance to put the Boostaroo through its paces, I'm still confident it comes out on top in terms of sheer return per dollar.

- F

14th September 2007, 11:18 AM
I've never even heard of a AAAA battery till now. and it's hard enough finding an AAA battery half the time... that's why I made this contraption (http://helix.net.nz/~lion/images/RemoteOfDOOMsm.jpg) recently.
that remote is the only device in the whole house that needs AAAs

Flashback Jack
14th September 2007, 07:55 PM
Crack open a Duracel or Energizer 9-volt battery and you'll find six AAAAs inside (6 x 1.5 volts = 9 vots). They can be used separately in devices like the Boostaroo. The 'hack' doesn't work with all brands of 9-volt batteries; some have blocks inside as opposed to cylindrical cells.

- F

Flashback Jack
17th September 2007, 03:14 PM
Just received the amplifier. Put it through about ten minutes of testing with a set of cheapo headphones I have at work. Initial reports are very positive. Headphones with relatively good bass reponse will be needed -- I ran about a half lap of 123Klan and the audience applause was ear-splitting.

More info to follow.

- F

17th September 2007, 03:18 PM
you should try a pair of Grado SR80s, you wont go back to anything else honestly:)

Flashback Jack
17th September 2007, 03:19 PM
I have a pair of those. Blew 'em up the day after I received them. Pumped a bit too much volume through them trying to break them in. Definitely a good setof cans, no doubt.

- F