View Full Version : Weapons from OTHER GAMES you'd like to see in WipEout

swift killer
23rd August 2007, 06:00 PM
now come on, we've all had that moment before where we're playing something other than WO and we think 'hmmmmm.....that weapon in WipEout'.

So if theres any weapon from another game you'd like to see in WO, let us now about it.

*hopefully this topic hasnt already been done* let me know if it has.

But to get the ball rolling, i would like to see the self destruct from rollcage, one of the coolest effect sequences i had seen on ps1

Mark Of Insanity
23rd August 2007, 07:08 PM
Uh the Rail Detonator for Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight... sticks on them, they run around wailing and then it blows up! Heheh.

edit: 100 posts yay.

RJ O'Connell
23rd August 2007, 10:19 PM
Nuke Missile from Quantum Redshift. ^_^

Dr. Angryman
23rd August 2007, 11:15 PM
Deathstrike from XGRA. Never misses, never fails, always kills. YAY! :g

23rd August 2007, 11:57 PM
always kills.

Acutally, i was playing it the other day, and in 2 player mode it doesnt finish off whoever your playing against.

But definately the Redeemer from Unreal Tournament 2007, would be pretty useful, especially in open track sections, cos then you culd blow a crater in the track.


The Topsy Turvy Bomb from Armed and Dangerous, if youve never seen it before, is a massive piece of kit that plugs into the ground. Then, you hold on tight, as it flips the world upside down, and all your enemies (and everything that isnt tied down) fall into the sky. It wears off after a few seconds, but if your lucky, you might see a few people on their way back to earth. They bounce. I always imagined it in wipeout, just like a Gravity Flip Pad in fusion, except without the track above you.

RJ O'Connell
24th August 2007, 12:00 AM
If we're discussing Extreme-G weapons, we can't leave out the XG2 Rail Gun.

Locks on, does a shiatload of damage, can be lethal in one use - it was the WO3 Plasma Bolt before Leeds Studio made it the "easy button (http://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/marketing/easybutton/index.html)" of ship eliminations. If the bikes would just stay stable at least some of the time it would have been a future-racing classic.

24th August 2007, 12:04 AM
the laser designator weapon on killzone chapt.7: forging a path after the laser fires, rockets fall from the sky

or an SWBM! (shockwave ballistic missile) A.C.X

Dr. Angryman
24th August 2007, 03:31 AM
@ phantom: Really? It always kills for me.... :?

Another weapon I'd like to see is the XGRA-style grenades (I think they call them bombs in the game but they're obviously more like grenades, and besides, the bomb is already in WipEout.)

Also, I'd like to see is the XG3 EMP. That is the most annoying weapon ever! :bomb Well, besides the back-quake. ;)

swift killer
24th August 2007, 09:49 AM
i was just playing carmaggedon II, god knows why, when i came across.... the electro-bastard-ray! :rock:rock:rock:rock

how about this blaster from Transformer (the atari ps2 one, not the bullshit ps3 movie tie-in), ive forgotten the name of it, but it shot a laser which would go through the enemy your aiming at, change direction and go through the nearest other enemies.

24th August 2007, 12:41 PM
hopefully this topic hasnt already been done* let me know if it hasNot quite, but you mentioned lots of things regarding this topic in the Pulse wishlist.

now come on, we've all had that moment before where we're playing something other than WO and we think 'hmmmmm.....that weapon in WipEout'
Nope, never ever, with any game. That's blasphemy and imo shows no respect for the people behind it (read: those developers that seek a balanced, fun, intelligent game that lasts, not another cash-cow).
Seriously, weapons from good games are usually a balanced system of strengths and weaknesses where no single weapon could be taken out or relied solely upon without causing an unbalanced environment. And of the majority of bad games, i.e. those that feature an unbalanced weapon system such as Fusion, I can't think of any weapon that I'd like to see make an appearance in a WipEout game. It's good the way developers intended it to be. No need to mix and match and have another generic game.

24th August 2007, 03:16 PM
I'm kind of on the same page as Phl0w...sort of. I'm usually playing another game wishing I had WipEout weapons to use!! Or else I'm playing WipEout wondering what the heck a certain weapon is doing in my precious wipeout game (ex. Disruptor bolt, the FEISAR gun, fusion's machine gun...).

Honestly I'd like to see fewer weapons in wipeout - all the great ones from the previous games, just weed out the inferior ones. Although the nuke missile sounds impressive.

24th August 2007, 06:39 PM
imo the wo1 weapons were enuff :robot
cloak, deflector and energy wall in 3 and se were too much of a distraction from the game.
although I don't like the reverse controll (I think no one does) and the semi auto pilot of the plasma bolt in pure
I do love the zoom in out in out effect - pretty disturbing to drive that way and i think that's the general idea of that weapon :D
and it is one of my favorites in wo1. I sure'd love to see it back in coming wipEouts, knowing it's not gonna be in pulse.

24th August 2007, 07:35 PM
The only weapon I'd like to see added is (and this comes only from my own imagination) a reversed flamer from Fusion. Every time I picked that up I wished it went backwards, so I could deal with this asshat tailgater.
Seriously, does anyone ever use that thing?

Mark Of Insanity
24th August 2007, 09:33 PM
imo the wo1 weapons were enuff :robot
cloak, deflector and energy wall in 3 and se were too much of a distraction from the game.
although I don't like the reverse controll (I think no one does) and the semi auto pilot of the plasma bolt in pure
I do love the zoom in out in out effect - pretty disturbing to drive that way and i think that's the general idea of that weapon :D
and it is one of my favorites in wo1. I sure'd love to see it back in coming wipEouts, knowing it's not gonna be in pulse.

Argh, I don't like the cloak and energy wall in Wipeout 3... seems to unbalance a great game. Uh, if you're speaking about relying almost solely upon once weapon... *cough*, turbo?
Oh and I liked Feisar's machine gun (but I only remember it from 64, but it should have been in 2097, no?), it gave Feisar a hand on the aggression front. I don't remember the other weapons, except for Piranha had cloak didn't it? But that cloak at least suited it I guess, keeping with the no weapons theme? Still, cloak = not extremely useful.

Uh, I think that weapons can be added and changed to make the game better... trade disruptor bolt -> for plasma cannon is it?
The Disruptor type weapon from WO1 and 2097/XL+64 (I don't recall it being in W30) was alright, but could ruin a perfect race in Pure. Uh, I guess fun for Sol 2 and such in multiplayer but in general... grrr.
Sooo my point is that changing and trading weapons can improve the game, the Quake wasn't bad (great fun if you're using it), a worthy addition from WO1. But in WO1 there wasn't such an issue of balance because they never did any damage so it was easier to balance and the differences in effectiveness weren't as large.

WO1 weapons + quake + hyperthrust = my equivalent of heaven

A reversed flamer would be pretty awesome for tailgaters, particularly if there was significant drafting in the game (is there any at all?)

Oh yeah, and while I've never had the moment of "that weapon in Wipeout", I do still think that some weapons are just classics. Still, we don't want them to lose that classicness (classicality? lol!)

swift killer
24th August 2007, 09:46 PM
The only weapon I'd like to see added is (and this comes only from my own imagination) a reversed flamer from Fusion. Every time I picked that up I wished it went backwards, so I could deal with this asshat tailgater.
Seriously, does anyone ever use that thing?

hehe, i like it! that would be like farting on your mates!!! :g:g:g:g

i want to see piranha's kamakazi from fusion, i used to love that weapon. if cardcityracer makes a return, how about giving it a mallet!

how about the ability to 'double charge' each weapon like in rollcage II, as well as (i know i've said this elsewhere) rollcages weapons system?

worst weapon in wipeout history = biosnare, laim excuse for a fart

25th August 2007, 12:01 AM
Oh and I liked Feisar's machine gun (but I only remember it from 64, but it should have been in 2097, no?).. in 2097 it was a cheat 8)

.. the Quake wasn't bad (great fun if you're using it), a worthy addition from WO1.. quake came first in 2097 (the game :D)

a good weapon from 64 was the "original" energy wall - wasn't red but greyish, a bit harder to detect and it wouldn't stop you dead.
it'd damage and slow you down with a nice blast! much better ('realistic' from 300-400 km/hr to a dead stop??!) than the wo3 wall imo 8)

Mark Of Insanity
25th August 2007, 12:25 AM
quake came first in 2097 (the game :D)

A worthy addition to the weapon set in WO1, so for the sequel! :)

26th August 2007, 12:46 AM
How about something like the Disruptor from XGIII? The Disruptor was basically a field of crackling electricity that could be used for a few seconds during a race and zapped anybody who tried to come in contact with your bike. Think of it as a shield that repels other machines.

Rapier Racer
26th August 2007, 06:26 PM
But to get the ball rolling, i would like to see the self destruct from rollcage, one of the coolest effect sequences i had seen on ps1

No such thing as a 'self destruct' weapon on Rollcage or Stage II

I think your talking about the radius bomb, which would be a terrible addition to Wipeout, for those not familiar with RC II the radius bomb blasts out from the car and will stop all other cars it hits in all directions

27th August 2007, 12:19 AM
If you're referring to mine, no, not at all. The Disruptor of XGIII had a really, really limited radius. You had to be right next to another bike to feel its effects.

And that other idea? Self-destruct? Not in WipEout tradition, I think.

Mark Of Insanity
27th August 2007, 10:59 AM
I've always wanted an offensive shield. Goteki would be proud, methinks.

RJ O'Connell
27th August 2007, 01:02 PM
Well, we did have the reflector in Wipeout 3...how about a shield that absorbs other ships' fire into your shield energy meter?

Dr. Angryman
27th August 2007, 02:34 PM
Neat idea, RJ. I never really liked the reflector from Wip3out, though....

swift killer
27th August 2007, 04:40 PM
how about we get the reflector, turn it sideways and stick it straight up.... just kidding.

if SL bring the reflector back they should implement it so instead of absorbing weapon fire (this would be stupid as you already absorb weapons for energy) its reflects the weapon fire back at the ship which fired it, and do it so that you can NEVER tell when someone has it active.

Dr. Angryman
27th August 2007, 11:46 PM
(this would be stupid as you already absorb weapons for energy)

Not exactly, considering that the weapon is being fired at you, and is not in your "weapon bank" at the time. As for your idea, I think that if no-one noticed you when you turn a reflector that would be great. That way a person can feel my DOOM unexpectedly. :bomb

28th August 2007, 12:23 AM
this would be stupid as you already absorb weapons for energy

That form of absorption is only true of one version of the Wipeout games so far released. It would not necessarily be true of the games of ''WipEout Future''.

Rapier Racer
28th August 2007, 02:38 PM
Invisible reflectors I dunno about that I liked that pickup but invisible? I think that gives the ship using it way to much of an advantage if brought back they should be like they were in Wipeout 3, then when someone fires a set of rockets at you the reward would come if you were quick enough to activate the reflector. In addition it should be able to reflect plasmas like the shield in Fusion could bouncing it back right in the firers face

28th August 2007, 03:27 PM
I think that the idea behind the Reflector being incapable of reflecting the Plasma is that the Plasma is simply too much power to handle. It is a whirling ball of death.

Edit: Plus if it was implemented then people would start pointing at the Quake Disruptor.

Rapier Racer
28th August 2007, 04:35 PM
I wouldn't really consider the quake to be a projectile weapon as such, rockets missile yes quake no, I don't know what I'd call it. Projectiles should be avoidable in some way or another yes? A quake, how do you get out of its way? It's just a big track ripper upper thingy.

Edit: Speaking of which I think it would be great if the old style quake were to return, the track rising up in front of you is not as half as distracting as a big red wall of whatever it is.

28th August 2007, 06:37 PM
Of death. That`s what it`s a big red wall of. I think the consideration with new weapons is not how cool they look or big the bang is, but what influence they have on gameplay. I think Colin said, in effect, that they were just looking to fine tune the weapon balance from Pure. I definitely belong in the less is more camp, like Phlow and Medusa. And anyway nothing beats a triple rocket shot in the midships of your opponent: it takes timing, skill and has a bloody good bang too. Fantastic.

12th November 2007, 05:19 PM
who remembers hot wheels: extreme racing?
some strange weapons on there like the cruise missile which flew around the track until they saw another car, an health absorber thing which absorbed health from opponents but you could still take damage,
maybe the TLS from ace combat 5 and a.c.x?

13th November 2007, 05:42 PM
lasers ftw B)

id like to see the laser mines, long spear and the shotgun thing from project sylpheed =)

14th November 2007, 05:42 PM
How about the wormhole weapon from Rollcage? It's really hard to use because when you activate it it gets bigger and bigger until it fills out nearly the whole screen and you can't see the track properly anymore. And when you get sucked in, you never know exactly where on the track it'll spit out your ship. But if you're lucky and keep cool while it's building itself up, it can win you a race anytime.

14th November 2007, 10:57 PM
Wing-Zero's buster rifle attack on Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. I mean, you just cannot go wrong with a massive Gundam and it's firepower!

15th November 2007, 01:32 AM
Mirror inmpulse? When you get hit, it doesn't just reverse your controls, but reverses the look of the track, so controls are normal when flying the track as you see it...

A newer verson of portal that telleports the players that fly into the portal out in some random place further behind??

17th November 2007, 09:21 AM
Mirror inmpulse? When you get hit, it doesn't just reverse your controls, but reverses the look of the track, so controls are normal when flying the track as you see it...

I wonder if it's possible to do that from a technical perspective, but that's quite an intruiging suggestion, Chill! Let's hope some developers get inspired by the idea. :)


17th November 2007, 10:53 AM
Pulses Repulsor = Rollcages Radius Bomb.

17th November 2007, 08:06 PM
Ah, the memories... :) Plus, you could give your weapons more boom when collection two of the same. Nice twist to the regular pick-up system - I could imagine THAT for future WOs. (Or am I mixing things up with Dethkarz? hmm...) Gosh, I think I'll have to play Rollcage 2 tonight. What was the mode called where you had to master different obstacle courses. That was ace!


18th November 2007, 08:29 AM
name of the game - Scramble.
some of them tracks were a real pain! :mr-t

actually I never beat the last league - in space.
but that train (save) is long time gone .. http://www.geocities.com/zargz/leenden/sad.gif

Rapier Racer
18th November 2007, 05:37 PM
Not quite, the Radius Bomb has the power to blast cars into the air and dead stops them, Repulsor looks somewhat timid compared to it which isn't a bad thing no one likes dead stops on Wipeout. Same concept except Radius Bomb blasted upwards as well, just in case there was a car trying to sneak past on the roof.

19th November 2007, 11:58 AM
I've been playing Twisted Metal: Black, so my suggestion is

:banzai RAMMING SPEED! :banzai

That's a reference to Darkside, by the way.

21st November 2007, 07:06 AM
Perhaps some speed racer type stuff... for example, instead if spikes comming out of the side of the crafts to pop tires, a gravity-pull type bar anchors out from underneath your craft, and generates I high-gravitational pull to the racer beside you...

18th December 2007, 04:29 AM
much like the wormhole idea from rollcage...maybe a portal typed weapon that locks on to the leader...you fire this intangible energy thing that visually warps everything around it but you can sorta still see through it...

so you fire it...it trails till it reaches the leader and sits in front of the leader...growing bigger and bigger whilst racing...until it sucks the leader in and essentially trades places between predator and prey...

sorta a weapon only the person coming last can get...:)

18th December 2007, 06:29 AM
Hehe. :) Though that's the one weapon in Rollcage I didn't like as it is too frustrating to get sucked down the field or even just one position at the last second after a perfect race. I don't think that's the kind of challenge players are looking for...

Max A K Challie
19th December 2007, 02:16 AM
These are what I always really wanted in WipEout:

Railgun, Quake III Arena. It should be CRAZY hard to hit with, but when it does, blam, and keeps going.

Ion Cannons, Homeworld in particular. I'd love to sweep these things across the track.

26th December 2007, 05:00 AM
Unless it would be against the rules... how crapplers that crapple onto another player, and slowly retracts closer to it, speeding you up and slowing him down... the only downer to it would be being attached while he gets hit or hits into something...

Another idea was something that can disrupt the air (mabye radio or magnetic waves) in a way that puts a player anywhere in the designated area around you off balance, like a ship rocking on huge waves, but air waves...

26th December 2007, 07:11 AM
The Cerebral Bore (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEKLa373SIw).

26th December 2007, 07:19 AM
How on earth would the cerebral bore work in Wipeout without breaking many countless rights and protocols?

In any case, ouch. :blarg

swift killer
26th December 2007, 02:15 PM
The Cerebral Bore (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEKLa373SIw).

WHAT..THE..HECK!!! lol

That's like asking for the Uncle Launcher from Bishi Bashi Special!!!

Bring back the power-swarm, thats what i say.

28th December 2007, 03:02 PM
Super Sheep from Worms!

swift killer
11th January 2008, 12:50 PM
Not a weapon from another game, but a idea for a new one;

Mag Strip Disruption; inverts the effect of the mag strip, sending the ships flying off the track and having to respawn, if in the middle of a loop then the ship bounces of the other end of the loop.

What do you recon?

12th January 2008, 07:10 AM
In my opinion, way way way way way too extreme. :eek

12th January 2008, 10:48 AM
has some merit though...
I'd imagine it more as a quake type weapon that disables magstrips progressively around the track in a moving wave.
it would not be an issue in some places, would cause you to get big air in others, or slide down into a wall or fall off a loop depending on where you are in others...
could be interesting, though it could also be horrible.
it's difficult to know. Reversing a magstrip's effect is waaay too much

swift killer
12th January 2008, 11:19 AM
What if the effects of it only lasted short enough so the ship would be sucked back onto the magstrip, this way a clever player can take advantage by doing a barrel roll while the ship is off the strip.

How about just disabling its effect on other ships or making the effect to strong so it does something simular to the gravity bomb in fusion, but not as ennoying or harsh.

This can work in the game if executed well.

12th January 2008, 04:50 PM
Turtle Shells?

13th January 2008, 02:08 PM
Wahey! just realized I necroed this thread back on page 4, only three months though:rolleyes:

14th January 2008, 01:32 AM
How about something like the Wing ability from Kirby Air Ride? Maybe something like an "AG Booster" that lifts you further off the track for about 5 seconds and (maybe) gives you a little speed boost, while letting you do the best gliding-to-cut-corners since, ooh, 2097.

15th January 2008, 05:51 AM
also, overtaking would be possible ;)

15th January 2008, 10:43 AM
How about the ability to swallow other ships and assume their stats and at the same time bearing all the teams logos?;)

(Saw that on Super Smash Bros. Thought it was hilarious to see Samus' helmet on Kirby)

swift killer
15th January 2008, 06:44 PM
That just would'nt work in WipEout.

15th January 2008, 11:24 PM

Rapier Racer
25th January 2008, 08:11 PM
Hey that could have been Piranhas super weapon in Fusion! Instead of that crappy Penetrator which did more damage to the Piranha itself than the ship it was targeting.

27th January 2008, 08:01 PM
Really? I though that happened because I'm a crappy pilot :D

24th February 2008, 12:35 AM
Hahaha,swallow?That was nice one,i think that not only studio Liverpool can create that thing but even AG racing was real the vast technology of the weapons is not enough for that.And if we suppose that they manage to create that,then what?The swallowed pilot will wait for that effect to pass or something?It sounds like the leach beam and worse:evil

swift killer
24th February 2008, 11:37 AM
My idiotic older brother insisted on me suggesting this;

Cluster Bombs, I personally think this would be the WO equivalent to Worm's Banana Bomb..... completely stupid and just plain bonkers.

RJ O'Connell
25th February 2008, 11:29 PM
Repulsor in standard racing mode wouldn't make the Quake redundant if it didn't have such a wide hit range and high damage level...

27th February 2008, 05:10 PM
Levitation Disruptor... it would raise or lower the craft levitation to either too high, or too low, so that the player could bottom out much easier...

EDIT: Or anyone ever get the Orange Box? I didn't, but I saw one of the games... that first-person shooter/puzzler... You'd shoot a portal into a wall that would teleport you somewhere else, and you'd have to get through all these different weird rooms... anyway, that's what I think should take place of a force-wall... instead of the force wall, a portal that teleports you out further back a ways...

18th March 2008, 12:11 PM
banana shells of mario kart!

20th March 2008, 06:35 PM
chill:? I think your on about portal, which is AMAZING,

The cake is a lie, but the cake still exists. Only the chosen few can reach it...

21st March 2008, 10:20 AM
But only when you kill GLaDOS.

Since we're on about the orange box, How about the wierd blue Laser that the Striders use to total buildings?

30th March 2008, 07:55 PM
ships equipped with materia

30th March 2008, 08:06 PM
Limit Breaker? XD

30th March 2008, 09:03 PM
haha, wipEout limit breaks

27th April 2008, 08:40 AM
3 x mario red shell's spinning around the ship ready for launch LOL :P

26th May 2008, 07:17 PM
The oil slick from Spy Hunter... "now I'll throw him off balance with this oil..." "uh oh; he's got me now... no, wait! These ships can hover; I'll just fly right over it! :P"

Seriously, though, how about...

* A frictionless shield that not only shields you from enemy weapons, but allows you to bump against walls and other cars without taking damage. Imagine pinballing through a chicane or in traffic by cleverly bumping ahead at just the right angles!

* Or a metal-rope "hookshot" (think "Link to the Past") that lets you connect your ship to the one in front of you. (Imagine the leech beam in Pulse, only at a fixed distance.) With this, the ship in front would pull you along, relieving you of the burden of making whatever tight turns are ahead, but while you're attached, you're at a fixed distance behind and can't pass him.

* A Gradius-style "option" that rides next to you, shooting whatever weapons you shoot and giving you double the firepower!

* Instead of your typical speed boost, how about a "throwable" speed boost panel that you drop on the track in front of you. When you then drive over it, you get a big speed boost, but then, so do any ships behind you trying to catch up! (And it stays there for subsequent laps.)

* Noob-oriented, but how about a "bird's-eye-view" camera angle for a few seconds, that lets you see the track from overhead? Tough u-turns and chicanes could be navigated easily.

OK, so those last two aren't actually in other games. But they might be fun in a future Wipeout.

27th May 2008, 12:11 AM
The pink bumper thingy from Rollcage stage 2, definitely. Activate it, ram into your opponents and watch them lose control!. Yes, with the tractor beam too :p

Level 1 bumper used in this video (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=MyU-naCobmo), makes the car fly off :p Level 2 has two bumper rings and a tractor beam.

8th October 2008, 07:13 AM
Id be hilarious to see any of the R.Y.N.O Weapons from the ratchet and clank series implemented into the game. Those weapons are pretty much Rape condensed into Beam from:dizzy:dizzy:dizzy

27th January 2009, 04:22 AM
If we're discussing Extreme-G weapons, we can't leave out the XG2 Rail Gun.

Locks on, does a shiatload of damage, can be lethal in one use - it was the WO3 Plasma Bolt before Leeds Studio made it the "easy button (http://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/marketing/easybutton/index.html)" of ship eliminations. If the bikes would just stay stable at least some of the time it would have been a future-racing classic.

YES!!! And while I'm at it, I think I'll go crazy off the cheap end. So here goes four more:

The Blue Spiny Shell from Mario Kart 64. Sometimes, 1st place gets WAY too many boosts.

The Bubble from Diddy Kong Racing. If you're lucky, you might get a barrel roll off before you touch ground.

How about some flying robotic bodyguards that shoot anything in sight, like the ones from the Ratchet and Clank series? Especially Mr. Zircon.:lol

And finally, the POWER STAR.:rock Enough said.

(Of course, the courses would have to be substantially larger to make up for the lost time, but eh.)

(Might want to get that Item selection screen from Super Smash Bros. ready.)

27th January 2009, 04:55 AM
Portal Gun.

Make yourself an awesome shortcut, trick someone else to fall of the track, or just zap it at the person infront to switch places.

27th January 2009, 05:58 PM
Juggernaut from SHOGO:MAD. You can see it in use around 4:30 in this video:

It's a cannon that basically makes a big boom instantly where you are targeting.

Lots of cool weapons in that game. I like the Bullgut the best but it would be too slow for wipeout.

31st January 2009, 10:38 AM
An unreal tournament shock rifle - complete with the ability to make shock combos :)

The redeemer would be awesome too. :lol
"Redeemer" "Huh? :o"

1st February 2009, 12:46 AM
Level 1 and 2 weapons, like in Rollcage 2?

Rockets 1: like right now
Rockets 2: moar rockets (5), same spread.

Missile 1: right now
Missile 2: same stuff, but it doesn't explode on contact and goes on as a Shuriken when it hit the target ship, for the remaining number of bounces it has. Does area of effect like a bomb when it explodes.

Quake 1: right now
Quake 2: moar fire, moar damage, moar distance :lol

Shield 1: right now
Shield 2: repels missiles, cannons and rockets

Mines 1: 5 mines, like right now
Mines 2: 5 mines, they try to intercept ships (But slowly) Explode after the same delay

Bomb 1: same thing
Bomb 2: Bigger kaboom

Cannon 1: 30 shots, 3 bounces (Or like right now, I think it's 3 bounces so)
Cannon 2: 60 shots, 6 bounces

Turbo 1: like right now
Turbo 2: FASTER! :o

Autopilot 1: like right now
Autopilot 2: 5 seconds instead of three

Leech 1: like right now
Leech 2: longer, slows down more. Maybe a different colour than cyan?

If I've forgotten something, tell me and I'll make it up :p

swift killer
1st February 2009, 01:02 PM
yu furgetz teh plasmas!

1st February 2009, 07:36 PM

Plasma 1: same thing as right now
Plasma 2: With a killing reward, say 25% of your energy restored if you eliminate someone with it.


Plasma 2: One hit kill, like in the old days (100% damage, instead of 60%). Longer charge period though.

And before someone panics, getting a level 2 weapon means you must keep the level one weapon in your slot and pass over a second pad that gives you the same weapon as in your slot. Since plasmas are quite rare, getting a level 2 one will be even rarer.

swift killer
1st February 2009, 11:43 PM
or... plasma 2 for eliminator only possibly ; strikes through the nearest 3 ships ahead or concerntrates damage on 1 or 2 ships

I think wipeout should use the dual weapon system, using L1 and R1, and double tapping to drop weapons, also, could use R3 to aim free aim weapons like rockets

2nd February 2009, 08:28 PM
I have trouble seeing more weapons making wipeout better... my gut instinct is to say, well let's just toss in the weapons from rollcage and rollcage stage 2, but even that would make the game into somehting less about precise racing and occasional weapons usage, and more like a certain 'kart franchise...

The only addition I can see as actually somewhat useful would be a mode where 1, dead players are not removed from track, and instead become pretty hefty obsticles, and 2, weapons impose damage to the environments, both cratering slightly, as well as knocking track scenery onto the track, damaging boost/weaon pads, and blowing holes in barrier walls...

of course whie this would probably be loads of fun, there would be absolutely no real ranking data gained from this... somewhat more of an extension of the current eliminator mode...

2nd February 2009, 09:18 PM
I have trouble seeing more weapons making wipeout better... My suggestions have nothing to do with adding weapons, it's merely making the ones already existing more powerful when a player carrying one accepts to keep it for around a lap (Thus preventing him from obtaining any other more suited weapon) to get a more powerful version of the same weapon.
A trade off or reward if you like, for being patient :)

I wouldn't go putting two slots like in Rollcage though, there would be too much weapons already with only the existing ones.

27th July 2009, 12:23 AM
The only thing I could think of when I saw this thread was, "Ratchet and Clank Morph-O-Ray." Turn's your enemies into chickens, then you can run 'em over. Classic.

27th July 2009, 01:41 AM
I wouldn't go putting two slots like in Rollcage though, there would be too much weapons already with only the existing ones.

Although in RC it was fahooking awesome :D
yes rollcage!

27th July 2009, 02:58 AM
Grappling hook from Fatal Inertia EX. Great for bringing down the leaders >=D

29th July 2009, 03:35 AM
There's a couple of my favorites from Extreme G that would be fun, without being game-breaking (I think). The Phosphor Flare, and Wally-Warp.

Alliteration ftw.