View Full Version : 16th Left-Handers' Day

13th August 2007, 02:07 PM
Thought I check upon who else is celebrating the 16th Left-Handers' Day (http://www.lefthandersday.com/) today?
I- as a proud lefty- do!

13th August 2007, 02:31 PM
LOL!, I also a left hand too and my son as well! :)


swift killer
13th August 2007, 02:32 PM
left handers day :S, now thats just silly, its irrellevant to me because im ambi-decstrous (please correct my spelling :S)

13th August 2007, 02:40 PM
It's certainly not how I spell it.

13th August 2007, 02:54 PM
Somebody should take both hands and punch some sense into whoever designed that website: http://left-handed-children.com/

swift killer
13th August 2007, 03:00 PM
i dont like this thing we have now days where left-handed people are seen as unequal, its pretty stupid, just because the use the other hand does'nt mean their unequal

13th August 2007, 03:24 PM
Leftie here too! :D

13th August 2007, 03:27 PM
I don't understand how having a Left-handers' day creates equality...isn't it highlighting the differences?? All in perception I suppose, but where's the right-handers' day, lol.

I am happy for people who are comfortable with who they are and don't try to conform to what people press upon them...so if that's what it took for any "lefties", then good on ya!

13th August 2007, 03:32 PM
I think you are rightie medusa. :g

13th August 2007, 03:43 PM
left handers day :S, now thats just silly, its irrellevant to me because im ambi-decstrous (please correct my spelling :S)


13th August 2007, 03:46 PM
I don't understand how having a Left-handers' day creates equality...isn't it highlighting the differences?? All in perception I suppose, but where's the right-handers' day, lol.

I am happy for people who are comfortable with who they are and don't try to conform to what people press upon them...so if that's what it took for any "lefties", then good on ya!

I think we should have a ^Tweeners' Day^.
For everybody who is not entirely one thing but not entirely its opposite.

swift killer
13th August 2007, 03:52 PM
having a left hander's day doesnt create equality, if anything, its doing the opposite

Mark Of Insanity
13th August 2007, 04:43 PM
Left-footer, so I don't get to celebrate Left-Handers day.
Maybe it's easier for playing PlayStation games though? I wouldn't be able steer with my right hand without alot of practice (besides the Neggie, where I sometimes switch or do both)... but who knows, maybe I'm just used to it.

13th August 2007, 06:07 PM
Personally I`m a left-hand but but overall I can do both things apart I can`t write on my right hand.

Pavel, I didn`t know you is a lefty!:o


13th August 2007, 06:09 PM
I've kinda wondered about that; that default layout that requires steering with the left hand. I'm right-handed in some things I learned as a kid and left-handed in other things that I discovered late in life, like remote controls and computer mice. I vote for programmable physically symmetrical controls! :D

13th August 2007, 08:11 PM
I had no idea that a celebratory day for left-handers existed. Although I'm left-handed myself, I don't think it's any big deal so long as left-handed people are catered for as well as right-handed people. Take musical instruments, for example: from what I've seen, pretty much all instrument manufacturers have, at best, next to no left-handed models. If there's a specific model you want, chances are you'll have to learn to play it right-handed.

Somebody should take both hands and punch some sense into whoever designed that website: http://left-handed-children.com/

Uurgh, most of it looks like they wrote it out with a pen running low on ink! :blarg

Dr. Angryman
13th August 2007, 09:56 PM
I have no idea how you make an object that is mostly cylindrical (say, a pencil) left-handed. Labeling something as a left-hander's only item.... It's just meaningless.... Though, I do have a close friend who is left-handed. She doesn't think that she should be called "special" just because she uses the other hand when writing.

13th August 2007, 10:02 PM
Take musical instruments, for example: from what I've seen, pretty much all instrument manufacturers have, at best, next to no left-handed models.
I play guitar right-handed. :guitar


Mark Of Insanity
13th August 2007, 10:26 PM
Well, Jimi Hendrix was left handed so it can't be all bad for lefties and instruments. I have noticed that alot of great models are right handed only though. Still, for those with patience to let their money grow, or the rich, it is often possible to have a left handed version of a guitar specially made.

13th August 2007, 10:50 PM
Jimi Hendrix played a right-handed guitar upside down, if I recall correctly, using his right hand for the frets and his left hand for the pick [when he wasn't using his teeth].

13th August 2007, 11:35 PM
I use the negcon left handed. Actually being left has huge advantages for sports(if you call table tennis a sport). Most people play against righties all the time and it throws them when you play the opposite way. Same with basketball. People would gaurd me to my right even knowing I was a lefty(hard habit to break I guess).

14th August 2007, 01:04 AM
You use the neG left-handed? What do you use the right hand for? uhh... never mind; forget I asked.

14th August 2007, 09:31 AM
Nice response to my thread, I gotta say. Thankfully the initial talk about equality and minorities ceased quickly. I had no intention to point light on some grievance or provoke sympathy. In fact I found out about that "day" yesterday, because a friend of mine- a lefty herself- called my attention to it. I was also like "what doesn't get celebrated these days?" I am usually of the opinion that if something needs to be rubbed in the face of public consciousness, such as showing tolerance to a minority by celebrating it, it's probably all gone to hell with values and moral anyway.

I have to agree with most of you, that being left-handed has its advantages. Some mentioned sports (hell yes, table tennis is a sport!), other disadvantages that arise with tools, gadgets, even playing an instrument. I play the piano and it's actually easier as a lefty, since my well trained left hand plays the accompaniment independently, while I have the spare concentration to focus on my right hand's playing the (usually more difficult) air. Guitar players don't have any disadvantages whatsoever, despite someone's mentioning it. They just flip their guitar (many reverse the strings' layout too) and are good.
Come to think of it, there's really only one discriminatory situation and that's when I have to handle a ladle that features a muzzle for soup or gravy. They are cast in a way so that only a right-handed person can use it without skewing their wrist. :p But I don't think that's some hidden conspiracy of the steel and dinnerware industry against lefties :beer

14th August 2007, 11:27 AM
come to think of it 'leftie' in bulgaria is used as an insult. :o
mainly in sports i e if you miss the goal they say 'ajde be levak!' = c'mon you leftie!

14th August 2007, 04:26 PM
Funnily enough, my mom told me about the old days, I mean the old days!, mostly boys who starting to write left hand in school which teachers considered them as devils!:o, so teachers hit them with a stick and forced them to write right hand!.


Rapier Racer
14th August 2007, 05:16 PM
I believe that my dad says when he was at school he started questioning a nun about religion and she couldn't provide answers (SURPISE!) so he punched him in the face instead, how very Christian like, she got what was coming to her though some slightly deranged guy in the same class attacked her back so its all good, hope it hurt.

14th August 2007, 05:28 PM
It's lucky then that I started out writing with the right hand; I had enough probs without adding the title of Witch-boy to the list.

Ahh, yes, the good old days, Stevie, back when the Catholic-school official mode of discipline was a ruler applied at high velocity to the writing knuckles. I'm glad I wasn't Catholic. Didn't have to wear uniforms, either. I never would have made a good soldier.


And, oh yeah, table tennis is a sport!

14th August 2007, 06:44 PM
I play guitar right-handed. :guitar


Yeah, same here (although I play bass as opposed to acoustic or electric guitar, if you meant either of them). However, it's still extremely annoying that there's so little options available should you (like me) wish to also learn to play with your truely dominant hand, unless you sell your house to go to a luthier or invert a right-handed model. If I did the latter, I'd be extremely embarassed. :paperbag

Better stop there before the thread goes too off-topic.

14th August 2007, 08:09 PM
I`m trying to get my head round the concept of how you can use a negcon left or right handed. Surely you just use both, and it makes no difference.:dizzy Sorry if I`m being stupid but I have a lot of trouble imagining things in 3D. A lot of lefties around here anyway!

mostly boys who starting to write left hand in school which teachers considered them as devils!:o, so teachers hit them with a stick and forced them to write right hand!.


I was left handed at pre-school age when I lived in Wales, and was made to start writing with my right when I started at primary, aged four. I don`t remember any sticks being involved, though, and was never exorcised by the village priest. Infact I don`t think it messed up my mind at all :dizzy. I`m now right-handed, though reasonably two-footed at football.

14th August 2007, 08:10 PM
Well, you're still talking about left-handers, sooo.....

14th August 2007, 09:02 PM
Remember way back when arcade machines had buttons on both sides of the joystick? Well, my left hand was my button-bashing hand, my right was my flailing hand.
Given the choice I would still play games with the joystick in my right hand and the buttons on the left.
I'm right handed btw.

14th August 2007, 11:17 PM
.. or invert a right-handed model. If I did the latter, I'd be extremely embarassed. :paperbagand why is that??! http://www.geocities.com/zargz/leenden/pq.gif

I'd be proud coz I'd have made it my self 8)