View Full Version : Is AG Racing possible? You damn right it is!

swift killer
7th August 2007, 11:48 AM
this is purely based on scientific knowledge and common sense.
anti-gravity has already been achieved in the US via copper coil rings carrying huge currents to create a lifting magnetic field. so how is AG racing possible? heres how;

1- the AG device, use a copper coil ring with a huge electrical current passing through it to create a lifting magnetic field, the problem would be finding a battery to last long while providing the huge current required, the solution is simple. have a gyroscope in the center which spins using the magnetic field in coil, the kinetic energy created can then be transfered into electrical energy using a dynamo type device, which may be fitted to a special gearbox to multiply the current or this could be done using a transformer, thus creating in theory, an infinite power supply.

2- propulsion - now obvious choice is the jet engine, however, to be eco friendly, a special type of jet can be developed (and probably is being developed somwhere) to use hydrogen combustion, as the waste product is water vapour.

3- manouvrability - this would need to be done through aerodynamics, i.e. fins, flippers and air brakes, you could also have small thrusters at key points to improve the direction change.

now obviously, you would need some serious cash to do this, what do you guys recon? feasible or pipe dream?

7th August 2007, 12:07 PM
This topic has been done many times before - do a search and you'll find you're not the first one to post all this.