View Full Version : Who Has The Rights To Rollcage???

swift killer
3rd August 2007, 10:04 AM
ok, the first rollcage was pants, we all know that, but the second one blew me away and left me waiting for a sequel.

the question has to be asked, WHO ON EARTH HAS THE RIGHTS TO ROLLCAGE???

does anyone know, because i would like to tell them to pull thier finger out!!!

Rapier Racer
3rd August 2007, 10:38 AM
OK the first Rollcage was not 'pants' in fact most fans prefer it over Stage II I personally like both equally. I've already asked this question but unfortunately no one has an answer accept that maybe Sony do, maybe, based on the fact the Psygnosis PUBLISHED it and Sony bought them. Of course ATD was the developer and its parent went out of business so while Sony may have the rights to do whatever they want with the old Rollcage games it remains a mystery who owns the particular rights required to make a new one

Colin Berry
3rd August 2007, 12:40 PM
I am fairly sure the rights for Rollcage are not owned by Sony

I think ATD retained the rights and when they went out of business the rights were either up for grabs or fell into someones hands.

I dont know why but I have a weird feeling Acclaim had the rights for a while, but as they are now gone too, I couldnt be sure.

Rapier Racer
3rd August 2007, 02:20 PM
Damn it no one knows!!! I feel there only one way to find out, make a game and name it Rollcage stage 3 and see who gets upset

3rd August 2007, 05:16 PM
Acclaim is gone!??:o

Rapier Racer
3rd August 2007, 05:32 PM
Yeah man sadly they been gone for a while now.


4th August 2007, 09:35 PM
Didn't ATD make Firebugs? That was a bit more of a child orientated Rollcage. As it was almost direct plagerism on the mechanics of the game im sure they still owned the rights. Looks like they went down together...

5th August 2007, 12:47 AM
Yes, Firebugs by ATD. Pretty confusing why they didn't make it a rollcage sequel even though it was released by SCEE. Would this suggest that the rights were already owned by someone else?

Seems there's nothing in the Acclaim end:

To take with a grain of salt:
Then there's still the possibility it's Eidos with that GBH/Kaboom Group -connection but it seems only Pivotal Games survived from that.

swift killer
6th August 2007, 07:51 AM
so who recons SL should seek out the rights and make a sequel? i certainly do :D, if not, just make a clone and name it something simular to wipeout. rollcage stage II had a brilliant sound track, as soon as i heard secret life by omni trio i went and got it on vinyl, another classic in my 2,000+ collection of drum&bass vinyls!

iv got a red block in my header ^

iv been a naughty boy! hehe! lol

Rapier Racer
6th August 2007, 06:32 PM
As much I wish they would its doubtful, listen Sony you could even make it a PSN game!!! Rollcage and Stage II must have done something right for the makers because before they went down they had a third one planned.

swift killer
7th August 2007, 08:04 AM
i think they should F*** it, make one anyway under a different title, see who complains saying they have the license, and then buy it off them