View Full Version : Forza 2!

27th July 2007, 06:44 PM
Hi again lads, I don't think any of the new faces even know who I am. I hope some old schoolers here are still around tho. Just noticed the last time I stopped by was in Feb 2006! Life has been treating me better and better ever since I gave up on World of Warcraft ;) . Anyhow, My interest for WipEout still lives on , I'm not forgetting the games that basically influenced my lifestyle / taste of music. Been chasing down electro lives during summer, I don't know if anyones heard of em but have danced all night to Justice, Feadz/Uffie, Surkin, Boys Noize, SebastiAn among others. MSTRKRFT is playing live for the first time in Sweden in Stockholm 22nd of aug if anyone is interested. The style is very much in the vein of Wipeout soundtracks so I figured I'd tip you guys about that.

Aaaaaaaaanyhow, Got me Forza 2 and a steering wheel and when thinking about a paintjob for my Ford Mustang GT this popped into my mind:


Anyone else gotten Forza? Whats your thoughts on it? Anyone got any cool inspiring paintjobs? :D

27th July 2007, 06:59 PM
Wamdue! Man, good to see you! Well, uh, good to "see" you anyway. 8 )

Did you ever choose a good time to return. We've got not one but TWO new version of WO on the way for us, and both of them are based heavily on Pure but much improved by the looks of it. The WWT just finished and Arnaud and Vic are on their way over here for _another_ wipeout tournament. I tell you, this is quite the year for WO.

There are certainly still many of the old faces around, you just have to look a bit harder for them now. I mean, I haven't seen Vinny or Nuworld since the old board, but Thruster pops by every now and then and zargz is back from his Thailand hiatus... In essense, we're still a big bunch of geeks obsessing over 10 year old games, but the new game has brought new adherents to our religion! 8 D

So you kicked the WOW habit? Cold turkey or slow give-up? Are you still getting the shakes every now and then, like when someone mentions "orange equipment" or something? I hear that the Betty Ford clinic is taking WOW-addicts these days. You're hardly the only person we lost to the MMPOG craze, perhaps you can form a little support group here. "Hi, my name is Anthony, and I used to play a lot of wipeout but then came WOW..."

Anyway, with all tomfoolery aside, have a browse through the forum topics and catch yourself up. Lots been going on.
If you look a bit you'll find a Forza thread where people have Feisar 4WD machines and Icaras RWD and the like.
Nice looking stuff.

27th July 2007, 07:16 PM
Wam! Dude! Good to see ya. I thought you'd never get out of that other world. ;) :)

27th July 2007, 07:32 PM
Awesome, two old timers reply at once! :D Good to "see" you guys as well!

I quit cold turkey Task, from guildleading a very very hardcore raiding guild to not playing at all. New work place and long hours contributed to me being able to quit quite easy. I still log on now and then just to.. I dunno, I guess thats the sentimental side of me. You grow quite attached to those characters you've spent years developing hehe. So fineally a summer I don't want to spend indoors wasting my life on WoW we get rain and less than spectacular weather..

Looking forward to the new Wipeout's indeed, Pure was the reason I bought my PSP and just about the only thing I've actually used it for since.. Got a DS for my portable needs otherwise. Being a competative person besides playing my newly bought Forza 2 I play a lot of Guitar Hero 2, trying to 5-star every song on Expert.. Not good enough to take on the toughest songs on Expert but I reckon I can play a good 80% of them close to flawlessly now.

By the way, Going to Dreamhack Winter again this year to play weird japanese music arcade games all night / guitar hero2 / whatever. Some old guildies from my WoW days are coming as well from denmark, sweden, norway and the UK and if any WZ member is there be sure to say hi! Last time we were there we booked two seats for a 37" LCD and a 360 where we played co-op games with whoever walked by and felt like playing a game of GoW or similar.

If I confused anyone, Dreamhack is the worlds largest LAN-event and its taking place two times a year in Sweden , Jönköping. About 6-7000 computers / gamers / hackers / geeks and enough games, file sharing and arcade machines to keep you occupied from 29th of november to 3rd of december without sleep!

28th July 2007, 09:39 PM
Loved the Feisar design in the other thread, a masterpeice indeed!

I got inspired of making a non-teambased wipeout machine, going back another step from Wip3out to WipEout 2097/XL. Still very much a work in progress but I'm getting there slowly but surely!

http://i12.tinypic.com/6h6kgb8.jpg <-- left side
http://i12.tinypic.com/6fqgtmp.jpg <-- Right side.

I figure I'll put Curly in there somewhere and loads more stuff + another color perhaps.

29th July 2007, 07:56 AM
Hey bro whats your 360 gamertag ? :) I would like to give you a race in these Wipeout style cars - they rock :)

29th July 2007, 02:59 PM
Grim Reach ( used to be midwinter but when I went inactive a year from live my tag was given away :( )

Just got home from work ( yes I work weekends too.. ) so I'll continue with the paintjob soon :)

29th July 2007, 03:21 PM
Hey, good to see you again mate! :)

29th July 2007, 05:54 PM
Hi hellfire, how have you been?

Fineally finished the 2097-paintjob on the Honda. Check it out!


29th July 2007, 07:39 PM
Nice skins!

welcome back again.

Fancy go to Wipeout Convention next year?


29th July 2007, 08:54 PM
That depends on when and where, So far the only things planned for the rest of the year is a trip to Thailand and Dreamhack.. That and loads of work.

RJ O'Connell
2nd August 2007, 04:37 PM
O_O awex0me paint job.

Somebody needs to arrange some real life Wipeout-sponsored race cars...

8th August 2007, 10:15 PM
I am loving those W'O" cars, totally awesome! I came here just for this reason, I really want to make a wipeoutzone car, or at least one car from every team, soooo looking forward to my feisar civic! Anyway, just looking at the wipeoutzone/forum adrenalin.amplified at the top of the screen is enough inspiration for the mo, needless to say I will be letting you know how it goes!
:wammie nice to see you back, if you fancy a race you have my tag!!

Nice to see this place still here and going strong as ever!
Lets be friends!TM

20th August 2007, 12:01 AM
Hey Thruster! Yeah, Once a gamer always a gamer. My love for fast paced games will never really die. Haven't played much Forza lately, been a lot of evenings with friends , beer and guitar hero 2 tho. :)