View Full Version : PS3 price cut: What do you think of it?

Dr. Angryman
16th July 2007, 05:40 PM
I've been hearing a lot of news lately. "60 GB model down to 499!"
"Price cut temporary!" "60 GB lives: price cut is, in fact, permanent!"

I, myself, own a PS3 60 gigger, and I've had it since Christmas, but I'm worried about Sony's reputation as the king of consoles.

Does anyone have absolutely SOLID facts about the price cut? :?

16th July 2007, 05:55 PM
Seems genuine as it's on various worldwide news sites, but it's a huge kick in the bollocks for the EU crowd.

In the US, the 60GB version is being reduced by $100 (~£50) and a new 80GB version is being released for $599 (~£300).

The EU will NOT receive a price cut and will NOT get the 80GB version. Instead they will offer the 60GB version with two games and two controllers for the same £425 as before.


I think I might be waiting a long time for HD after all, I absolutely refuse to spend such a large amount on a console.

16th July 2007, 05:56 PM
Nope, sorry... no solid facts.

What I understood was that they make the price cut in order to get rid of the 60 GB consoles with built-in Emotion Engine chip as soon as possible. After the introduction of the new 80 GB in August, all PS3 models will be produced without the Emotion Engine chip.

Maybe they might not even offer a 60 GB model after that, meaning that the price cut is temporary in practise.

Who knows...

Update: Read the following on 1up.com (http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3161297) (italics added by me):

So, is it true? SCEA confirmed to 1UP this morning that the phaseout is happening.

"The 60GB PS3 will be available in North America for $499 until supplies of that unit are depleted. We have ample inventory to meet the immediate needs of consumers in this territory for several months to come. We won't be making any further announcements regarding our PS3 model hardware strategy in North America until the 60GB model is exhausted and market conditions are evaluated."

Dr. Angryman
16th July 2007, 06:55 PM
Don't you think that the response would be less negative if the price cut was permanent?

I think the cut was for the people who bitched about the high price. Once all those people are taken care of, the other gaming fans will be rewarded with an 80 GB model. What do you think? :?

16th July 2007, 08:25 PM
I think that any price above 300 dollars U.S. is too much for a game console. If I wanted and could afford a device that is constantly developing, and changing operating systems and onboard hardware, a high-level generalised computer would be a much better choice.

Game consoles should be stable development platforms and be priced to serve a larger market. No wonder Wii is [are ;) ] kicking Sony's posterior in the market place.

Dr. Angryman
16th July 2007, 09:16 PM
Be aware that I'm not saying this because I hate Sony. I just think something more people-friendly could've been done.

I'm also not against the Wii. I respect the system and I'm planning to get one for Christmas. Wouldn't it be great if they combined the Wii-mote with the graphics of the Xbox 360 and the games of the PS3?

Can anyone say "Playstation Three-Sixtii" ? :D

Also: Don't you hate the fanboys? All the systems are respectable, but they can't understand that.

Well, enough complaining! Sayonara!

News: I've been hearing news about the Playstation. They say that the 80 gigger's price WILL drop to 499 for the holidays. :hyper Not only that, during 2008 the price will drop to (drumroll) ....

399 dollars!

YAY! :guitar

RJ O'Connell
18th July 2007, 04:02 PM
I agree. I mean, I've been primarily a PlayStation guy for a long time, though I'm not a total console fanboy (as demonstrated by my owning of all three last-gen consoles.)

But this is just too much to fork over. Oh, and I heard they were phasing out the 60 GB model in one market so the price drop might not mean shiat. >_<

Rapier Racer
18th July 2007, 07:58 PM
It's not a games console though is it? It is being pushed as more than that by Sony, did they not specifically say, this isn't a games console, its a *forgot the word they used* The price is high yes but as far as I'm concerned it is the best out there (PS3) and the best costs money. It would be super if the PS3 came out at $300 but then surly it would have been inferior to what it is now something would have had to be sacrificed. Is the Wii much of an improvement over the Gamecube? I think this motion remote control is a poor idea it limits what sort of games they can have on that system does it have a FPS? THe PS2 saved me buying a DVD player and the PS3 has provided me with a cheap yet reliable Blu Ray player.

$599 isn't an unreasonable price for a console like PS3 Americans are getting it for about £292 and there is still complaining! Try £425, over 800 dollers..

18th July 2007, 08:24 PM
It's not a games console though is it? It is being pushed as more than that by Sony, did they not specifically say, this isn't a games console, its a *forgot the word they used*

Yep, they're trying to sell it as a sort of multimedia computer thingy (,and from what I've heard some people actually bought it as the cheapest Blu-ray player around). But then that's about the same they said about PS2...

The price is high yes but as far as I'm concerned it is the best out there

I got a 360 as well as a PS3, and trust me, my girlfirend uses our PS3 as DVD player while I can hardly find a game to put in it. In terms of software, Microsoft is way ahead of Sony. I know this will change, but still...
I agree, though, in terms of how it feels (and sounds!) as a hardware device, PS3 is the better choice.


Rapier Racer
18th July 2007, 08:52 PM
Ok fair enough but it's got a year on the PS3, and while it is cheaper 360 is also a prime example of what happens when Microsoft make hardware and the software it runs on, then decide to slap it all together as quickly as possible to get an advantage on Sony are you honestly confident that your 360 isn't going to die on you? Too many people I know have them and are having troubles so far 2 out of the 4 have had the red ring, guy from work is still waiting for his 360 to come back from the repair center FOUR AND A HALF WEEKS hes waited, a lot of good all those games are when you can't play them.

19th July 2007, 12:14 AM
I thought this was quite appropriate to this thread:
I just witnessed a first-model silver 20 GB PS3 sell for $3050.00 US on Ebay. Yes, I mean the display versions with the sweet curved (banana shape - yes back to bananas again...) controllers.

Damn I love the shape of those controllers! I want one! Just not for 3 thousand dollars. Ouch. I can't complain about $550 now.

19th July 2007, 03:59 AM
Bananas. Remember that Doctor Who episode, The Empty Child? The Doctor having destroyed the weapon factories of Villengard and replaced them with groves of banana trees. Bananas are good, the Doctor says. [So do I ;) ]

Even if they wear pajamas. :D

Oops. offtopic. Sorry. Carry on.

19th July 2007, 09:45 PM
(Right on!!Another Dr.Who fan!!)

Back to topic: I will probably end up buying the 60GB model since I honestly don't need an 80gigger, even though Sony is just trying to pawn off a lesser model and keep re-inventing its own product - a system I just don't like. See posts regarding Pure update compatibility problems, the slimming of the PS2 (and selling the large ones mostly without hard drives), and the WORST in my opinion - the PSX redesign - without link cable!!! Guess who owns a PS1 and can't use the link feature.:(