View Full Version : 2007-07-13: WipEoutZone.com renewed

13th July 2007, 11:00 AM
As our domain name was up for expiry next week, I decided to treat myself to a birthday present of renewing WipEoutZone.com for five years.

That's a long time - wonder what the site and the games will look like when that's up for renewal in 2012? 8)

13th July 2007, 11:41 AM
Congratulations with that, and thanks for sharing your birthday present with us. So five more years of WipEoutzone, yihaa!!!!

13th July 2007, 11:54 AM
Another five years, that means is will be ten years old till it`s expires! Another Big Convention?;)


13th July 2007, 03:11 PM
Out of curiosity, why is it .com?

13th July 2007, 03:12 PM
In five years? We will be wearing VR headsets, or sitting in AG simulation race chairs while playing hologram Wipeouts in our sitting rooms! Or maybe just speculating about the Super-Definition Wipeout on the soon to be released PS4.

Whatever, thanks for everything, Rob, and here`s to another five years. :beer

13th July 2007, 03:26 PM
Rob, thanks for treating us to the WZ. The past five years of the WipeoutZone have been a blessing to me, and I hope that I stay healthy enough to continue to race for records as well as just typing nonsense here in the forums.

[QUOTE=~wonder what the site and the games will look like when that's up for renewal in 2012? 8)[/QUOTE]

As for the site, only you can know, and maybe not even 6 months ahead of time, much less 5 years.
The games? I'm hoping for a 'console' that accepts thought input. If that ever happens, our control would be so fast and precise that the difficulty level of many games would have to be raised. Wipeouts would be so fast that we'd be pushing the limit of what our senses would have time to take in and interpret. An audience watching the races on an external display screen would have no hope of keeping up with what was happening; and only the actual players would be sufficiently keyed in to follow the action.

Rapier Racer
13th July 2007, 06:25 PM
Yey I have a home for 5 more years :hyper

Ooo I like this idea of thought input Lance :nod

Dr. Angryman
13th July 2007, 07:49 PM
To five years of flying at mach speeds while destroying everyone on track! It's almost a tradition now! :beer

13th July 2007, 08:32 PM
Great to hear it's being renewed. This is pretty much the closest thing to an official Wipeout forum outside of any official sites you can get. After seeing how far it's come in the last five years, it'd be fantastic to see where it'll be in the next five years. Long may it continue :D

14th July 2007, 08:20 PM
5 more years of thinking, talking, sharing Wipeout.
That rocks , thx Rob :)