View Full Version : Wireless Network Help - Techies Required!

25th June 2007, 06:40 PM
Hi all

Quick question really. What will I need to get Pulse running through my pc? My current connection is a wired NTL cable 4Mb connection. I was considering purchasing one of these:

Link (http://www.dlink.co.uk/?go=jN7uAYLx/oIJaWVUDLYZU93ygJVYLelXSNvhLPG3yV3oUop7hqltbNlwaaR p7DkoAmu5j3cf/YEMAM7n2qHnKEwSsuLb)

Is it enough, or will I need something more heavy duty?

I used to get Kai running via a Buffalo USB contraption but it wasn't very reliable.

25th June 2007, 07:03 PM
you`d be best with a wifi max (http://uk.codejunkies.com/shop/product.asp?c=GB&cr=GBP&cs=%A3&r=1&l=1&ProdID=711) I think. You can probably get it cheaper on Amazon or other places.

I`m not sure the gadget you posted the link to will work. It may be designed to connect a device to an internet access point, rather than function as one. Wifi Max will do the job and is also compatible with xlink kai.

The Uncreated
25th June 2007, 10:09 PM
You'd get a more direct answer at the Xlink forums, up to and including a relatively up to date list of compatible network devices.


Rapier Racer
25th June 2007, 10:24 PM
Uh, as I understand Xlink Kai is not needed in order for us to play online with Pulse you just need a wireless router, correct me if I'm wrong please.

25th June 2007, 10:24 PM
George, like Stephen said , you can buy this wifi max , i will have to myself cause my dwl122 can't create a wifi access point

25th June 2007, 10:46 PM
I have wireless BT Home Hub here and I always ready! :D

If you have Landmine connection? then you can buy Wireless Belkin Router.


2nd July 2007, 07:50 PM
I have bought a Wifi-Max and set it up. I can now connect both through my PSP and DS. Brilliant! It's only got a 128 bit WEP key on it so it's not hugely secure. I'd be much happier with a WPA2 key, but I suppose for 15 quid you can't complain.

3rd July 2007, 01:09 AM
wi-fi question.

which key encoding stuff is the more secure? WPA or WEP? and with how many bits?

3rd July 2007, 03:01 AM
WPA is WAY more secure, and the more bits the better.
Just google 'WEP hacking', that should give you an idea.

3rd July 2007, 06:05 PM
I should say the max amount of bits a Wifi-Max allows you to use is 256. I don't know how much more secure this makes it (twice, probably) as networking really isn't my forte.

4th July 2007, 12:44 AM
Well, 128 bits allows for 3.4x10^38 possibilities, and 256 bits allows for 1.1x10^77. That's exactly 2^128 times better.
However, anyone that can break 128 bit encryption likely isn't going to find 256 bit encryption that much harder because they've typically got something special that allows them to break it fairly easily. Like a good heuristic. Or a password sniffer. Or a quantum computer.

4th July 2007, 09:55 AM
I'm moving this thread to General Discussion, because it's nothing to do with WipEout Pulse. :)

9th August 2007, 09:21 AM
I have a bit of a problem connecting to the net with my PSP too. I configured it automatically and when I open my browser, the PSP connects fine to the access point, obtains an IP, but when it attempts to open the browser the screen remains white and after some time it says "A DNS error occured". Anybody know what to do? I googled it, but don't understand those guides (I'm a complete layman when it comes to networks).
What's odd though is, that I can connect to the internet normally through pretty any other open Access Point whatsoever, it's just at home where it doesn't work.

Oh, and I got a NetgearWGT624v2 and a "SpeedTouch" white thing, whatever that is :? (A technician built my network, that's why I'm helpless if anything stops working and I have to call him, always costs a fortune, sucks...)