View Full Version : Eurovision

12th May 2007, 09:34 PM
Eurovision...what can I say. It's not looking very good for great britian. :( We have no points! What did you think? What do you think about the "fixed voting"? What do you think about the ukraine?!?!?

EDIT 10:45 : 19 points!!! We aren't last :D

12th May 2007, 09:47 PM
Uhhhhmmmmm.......... ...................What?:?

12th May 2007, 10:03 PM
Slovenia's gonna take it all! ;)

12th May 2007, 10:09 PM
It seems Serbia won it. Ukraine came second even though they were represented by a drag queen dressed as a christmas tree shaped glitterball - seriously :D - and they should have won. *shakes fist*

Britain and France got 19 points and were right at the bottom, only beating Ireland. Ah well, always next year eh?

You see, the Eastern European countries all vote for themselves so thats why we were right at the bottom.......that and the fact we were complete rubbish.


For anybody outside of the EU or anyone who missed it, heres what it sounded like. They aren't from the actual Eurovision contest and not all of them got through but here they are: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/eurovision/2007/contestants/ It's all in good fun so it doesn't matter that they're awful.

12th May 2007, 10:37 PM
Keep on trying... if you must. We did. We hosted. And now everyone are laughing at us again (the previous one being that Conan O'Brien visit... )

I'm watching you all!

:paperbag . . . . . . . . . . . :D

12th May 2007, 10:57 PM

Now, here are some pictures in case you cannot imagine the mentalism


13th May 2007, 08:11 AM
I knew there were utter crap! but did you hear what Terry Wogan just told us?!, Last week, he told every-body NOT to vote UK! and yet he`s doing the commentery and he is too friggen annoying!

Seriously, I thought the winners and second place WERE crapola! and they won, which does not make sense!


13th May 2007, 11:24 AM
For anybody outside of the EU or anyone who missed it, heres what it sounded like. They aren't from the actual Eurovision contest and not all of them got through but here they are: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/eurovision/2007/contestants/ It's all in good fun so it doesn't matter that they're awful.

Dude! What the hell??!:blarg

It's likea bad 80s concert:turd

Rapier Racer
13th May 2007, 12:00 PM
Oh no don't expose people outside Europe to that crap its a total embarrassment I cannot believe people would actually buy tickets to stand and watch it live :rolleyes:

13th May 2007, 07:32 PM
You need to take it at 2nd degree : this eurovision makes no sense in term of music but quite interesting when they made like a review of each country to show us all differencies & particularities of euroland ( + other non euro-countries)

But at this moment i was fighting through Kai with WZ mates : you need to make a choice in life : 2nd degree TV or real fight Pure :)

13th May 2007, 09:13 PM
This stuff is almost as bad as American Idol:blarg

I choose Pure;)

13th May 2007, 10:34 PM
Particularities? Oh, yes. I probably would have said peculiarities, though. :D

And I say that as a rather peculiar person who recognises peculiarity when he sees it!

14th May 2007, 06:43 PM
Into my big book ( Harrap's) i'd the choice of those 2 words , seems i didn't choose the good one :paperbag

14th May 2007, 08:16 PM
Particularities sorta means the same thing, but almost no native speaker of English would use it in that specific situation because it doesn't have the same 'shade' of meaning; it's more technical and less personal than 'peculiarities'. More like you would be talking about a thing instead of a human. But you were still understood. I probably only commented because I was just waiting for a download to finish, or something, and needed something to occupy me. :BIGeyeroll: :D

If I could more than halfway speak French, I would be making much worse choices than that. I am only saved from egregious error when I stick to my native language. It would be good if I could speak 2 or 3 other languages than English. Probably isn't gonna happen, though. Too many other things I also want to do. So many cool things to learn and do, so few years and so little energy to do them.

14th May 2007, 08:25 PM
thx to you, I think i made the distinction now between those 2 words

(...) I was just waiting for a download to finish (...)

Particular download (:paperbag ) from a peculiar great unique mate, you Lance ;)

14th May 2007, 08:36 PM
''particular download''. :D Correct you are, sir. And you are also uniquely and specially good, my friend.

14th May 2007, 09:07 PM
Ahhh:) I can FEEEEL the love;)

14th May 2007, 09:36 PM
Better than the vindictive arguing going on for the last couple of days between a couple of people at another board I'm a member of. If they start it up again this evening, I'm ready to ban them for a day or two. Or maybe a week. Just to give them time to have a look at themselves in the mirror and see how it feels to talk to nobody but themselves for a change, and to figure out who that idiot is that's looking back at them. :)

15th May 2007, 05:29 PM
Life is short so we must take the good parts of it and not to spend time to arguing with everyone about minor details.
Imo, we can't change the whole world ( i left on a side utopia ) but we can do a lot for people who we are linked with : even though it's only a smile or a good word , this is important to show you like people who are close to you.

/ End of Asay bla bla bla :D

19th May 2007, 11:59 AM
I'm a little bit late on this one. I tried to avoid everything which was related to Eurovision, the only time i have liked Eurovision was last year....when Finland won!!
But the most important thing at this year's competitions was that Finland beated Sweden, nothing else matters...

29th May 2009, 09:36 AM
I dont understand this show, sorry. I am from Ukraine and I cant understand who represents singers...

There are much more people who deserves this award in every country

29th May 2009, 01:37 PM
I can't believe Belarus didn't even make the final, I thought they were really good.

29th May 2009, 02:30 PM
I didnt see all this ****. I dont know who is Loboda who represented Ukraine. This is bulls**t I think :mad: And I didnt like song 'Fairy Tales' won on Eurovision or how it is known... This is only my opinion

29th May 2009, 06:39 PM
IMO Eurovision is more political thing. Most of the finalists are more or less crap every year. I've never watched one single Eurovision contest till the end because it makes me want to hurt my self for some reason..?

29th May 2009, 09:08 PM
instead of watching eurovision i slayed zombies, an easy tradeoff :mr-t
and it is true, every year all countries bring som generic crap song. and then some guy that sound just as horrible as all the others win. its a standard routine. and also for some reason, theres a couple of soggy ballads, some 90`s dance rippoffs and, a few dusine as a mix of these two with a mismatch of national folk tunes. so an advice for everyone to do next year. kill zombies instead... or play WO :D