View Full Version : Wipeout CG-Movie .....again

14th April 2007, 07:55 PM
wie vor ca. einem Jahr angekündigt, bin ich immer noch an einem
Wipeout CG Movie dran.
Leider wurde ich durch Krankheit aufgehalten.

Hiermit will ich euch einen kleinen Einblick meiner Arbeit zeigen.
Im folgenden Link findet ihr ein paar Test-Szenen.

25 fps
1:58 min
20,9 MB


Ich hatte noch keine Zeit alle Threads zu durchsuchen.
Vielleicht haben ja auch andere n CG Movie gebastelt oder sind dran ?
Schickt mir bitte n Link falls das der Fall ist.. danke

Fly fast !!!



as approx. one year ago announced, I am still at a Wipeout CG Movie to. Unfortunately I was stopped by illness. Hereby I want to show you a small view of my work. In the following link you find a few test scenes. test_scene.mpg
25 fps
1:58 min
20.9 MB


I had to scan still no time all Threads. Perhaps also tinker or is different n did CG Movie to? To me please n sends left if that the case is. thanks

Fly fast !!!

14th April 2007, 08:40 PM
Wow! it`s a grand night!

your video is really amazing especially the Piranha`s coach with the ship inside!

I gotta admit your video is pretty original! keep up the good work!


15th April 2007, 12:46 AM
I'm not sure what the walking legs is all about, but when you put the colour on that delivery bus it definitely looks sharp!

The default base grey is really bland, I'm suddenly surprised that I never noticed that from playing W3O. 8 )

15th April 2007, 04:41 AM
What did you use to make this? (Wings 3D, Maya, 3DS MAX?)

15th April 2007, 06:11 PM
just wow.
The animations really look great. I like the movement of the hinges when the "car" drives over the hill and when it brakes. Also very nice ideas you used there with the different mechanisms (e.g. how the casing of the car goes away).
And then this deeeep canyon whit are all the buildings and trackparts. Stunning mate.

Though, I'm not sure if I like the craft that much or not. It definitely is a masterpiece in terms of modeling and I also won't say that I don't like the design.
I would go for some more traditional stuff. But that's just me :)

And regarding your question: yes, there is/was another member making his own movie (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3257)
He's german too, just by the way :)

Keep up the good work mate!

20th April 2007, 06:18 PM
Great cocoon! ;)
And of course great work!

23rd April 2007, 07:16 PM
Brilliant video; i really found in love with your Pirhana vehicle :nod

27th April 2007, 09:15 AM
Aloa an alle !

danke für eure resonanz !
mein cg movie wächst und wächst.
würde am liebsten die ganze woche dran arbeiten,
wenn da nicht mein job währe. ha

arbeite zum glück auch in der CG brange.

<wems interessiert: virgin-lands animated pictures.
arbeite da an titeln wie darkstar one, anno1701, sacred 2 usw.>

zu meinem CG-Movie:

Ich benutze hauptsächlich 3dsmax9, photoshop ,bodypaint.
da ich ja in einer CG-firma arbeite, werden in meinem movie auch
die neusten plugins zum einsatz kommen.

der wipeout flieger aus meiner test-scene ist uhr alt und wird nicht zum einsatz kommen.
die flieger werden von mir alle noch erstellt !

ich hab hier noch ein movie für euch….aber
es ist ziemlich alt. Ich hatte dies zu test zwecken erstellt kurz nachdem ich
mit 3d programmen angefangen hatte.

also nicht zu vergleichen mit meinem neuen movie !!!

das movie ist eigentlich ziemlich schlecht. viele fehler und so.
halt nur ein test.

aber nur mit ton anschauen!

dann mach ich mich mal wieder ran.


fly fast !

sorry online translator

Aloa to all!

thanks for your resonance!
my cg movie grows and grows.
dearest the whole week would work to, if my job does not last there.
hectar work fortunately also into the CG brange.
< interests: virgin lands animated pictures.
work there on titles like darkstar one, anno1701, sacred 2 usw.>

to my CG-Movie:

I use mainly 3dsmax9, photoshop, bodypaint.
since I work in a CG-company, become into my movie also
the newest plugins to the employment come.

wipeout the flier from my test scene is very old and not will be used.
the fliers are still provided by me all!

I have here still another movie for you….but
it is rather old. I had this to test purposes provided briefly after I with 3d programs had begun.
thus not to compare with my new movie!!!

the movie is actually rather bad. many errors and so. stop only one test.

but look it with tone!

back to the work.


fly fast!

27th April 2007, 12:26 PM

for a crappy old video it look awsome! :D:+

27th April 2007, 03:15 PM
You say it`s bad?...it`s friggen awesome video! looks so real!!!
