View Full Version : Stin is arriving in Le Havre

21st March 2007, 01:19 PM
Yeah it will be the 1st time since we met that my great friend Stevie is visiting me in Le Havre , and what a marvellous idea cause it's perfectly fitted with the 1st Euro WipEout Convention this weekend coming.

I am gonna pick Stin up in the next hours at Beauvais airport then the rest is History :)

21st March 2007, 03:16 PM
Have a good and save trip. Enjoy the Pre-Convention-Fun and see you guys soon. Greetings Mad-Ice.

Rapier Racer
21st March 2007, 05:10 PM
Get the PSP oot and kick his arse for Scotland stin :p

21st March 2007, 10:10 PM
Well I'm here in Le Harve (!)
right now as this keuyboard is driving me nuts cos it is all jumpled.

I am having my beer :p


21st March 2007, 11:12 PM
AZERTY is crazy. :D Even after a year studying there I didn't get used to it.
I suppose that my laptop with Spanish layout had something to do with that. :p

22nd March 2007, 01:38 AM
are you sure it is the keyboard that is jumbled? :)

22nd March 2007, 12:52 PM
yes Al, totally:D

But it is not the drink though:p


22nd March 2007, 06:31 PM
Hi Stin,

Because of your location! Wait till tomorrow!!! :bat

28th March 2007, 01:08 AM
After a fantastic night again spending at 5 ( Stin, Dag, Vic , Poi & me ) in my beddroom we ended that amazing week Stin & I got together.
Always laughing on a good one, i can't wait to see you back and maybe with another abroad wiper in my house in September : who never know :)
Have a nice flight mate and sleep well for that last night ( ****in short night due 3.20 am and we wake up at 8.30 !!! )

28th March 2007, 01:29 PM
That was nice to see you all there playing xD
Thanks to the webcam.

28th March 2007, 06:23 PM
I gotta admit, it`s been an amazing week and I never enjoyed so much for a long time.
Now I`m home safely and drinking my budwieser:beer

Yes I had really enjoyed with the Free French F****ers;)

Asa,Vic,Dag,Poi thank you for being friends.
