View Full Version : PSP Accessories

29th January 2007, 03:30 AM
hi, just wanted to know...

which case do you guys use ?
wrist straps?
screen protectors?

i'm using the:

- logitech playgear pocket
- logitech black wrist strap
- hori screen protector

anyone using the capdase soft jacket? thinkin of picking one up :sonar

29th January 2007, 08:38 AM
I have a Game PSP case (http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11234&mid=326204) for mine - it's not hard and it's not soft - somewhere in between! :)

I also have a Game UMD Wallet (http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11234&mid=326201) and screen protector that came in the Game PSP Essentials pack (http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11234&mid=326208), which I mostly got for the USB/recharge cable. Sadly the UMD case has lead to my Wipeout Pure UMD becoming damaged, via the rubber logo stitched to the case pressing on the UMD and pushing the perspex onto the disk, so I couldn't recommend it.

Rapier Racer
29th January 2007, 04:32 PM
The only thing like this I ever bought was the Logitech Playgear visor, I'd just like to say, DON'T! That piece of crap managed to put marks on my screen that I can't get off and whilst they might be able to make webcams I sincerely hope their PSP accessory department burns in hell :bomb

29th January 2007, 06:24 PM
I have a Logitech PGP case, and it rawks! :rock

Other than that though, I've never really bothered with PSP accessories.

Spaceboy Gajo
30th January 2007, 07:17 AM
Great thread, I'm hoping to hear more reviews on more accessories. Especially the Logitech Pocket PlayGear. My buddy auslander picked one up and it looks so kick ass.

The case I'm using is the Intec PSP safe (http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&MSCSProfile=3C79F0C7EA3162B2CBD0FBE711EB53EB247CEB 4E3C090F4A6EB39A32FF70E81FC1FC569E9B72F34CADA2458C 0E1A3430F98A4870CA31E14F04995A5D34DE25177998EDFCC1 3AE6FE89AA02ECF2996DBB9783948D3D96CB7207D58F4C6585 39DD2653CB4EB92CC6D01106989D7ADED76087617C53001AF5 71&sku_id=0665000FS10056734&catid=#) which I got as a gift. It can hold two UMDs in the pouch. Only problem with the thing is you got to make sure is that you securely close the case. I had the PSP fall from the case at work. The PSP survived the fall with a few scratches. However I got the PSP replaced when the firmware bricked it during an update. Any ways the case was handy when I went to Sweden and Iceland last year. The case comes with a lengthy strap.

I also picked up a no name UMD case that holds five UMDs. It was only $5 CDN which was a great bargain IMHO. Also comes with this huge clip.

Other than that I have a screen protector. Which I find is a must! Got to keep that screen gorgeous :)

30th January 2007, 09:57 AM
I was tempted by the Logitech Playgear Pocket, but when I got to the store and examined it up close I realised I didn't have many pockets that would take my PSP once it was inside the thing. Which is why I opted for the soft/hard case I got instead - it's not as solid as the Playgear Pocket, but I can still put my PSP inside the pocket of my winter jacket withouth it being too heavy.

Spaceboy Gajo
30th January 2007, 04:07 PM
That is so true, it does add a lot of bulk to it. I too would have a problem carrying it around other than a notebook bag. However the thing looks so damn solid and I believe it's well engineered. Especially how it can act as a stand for the PSP.

It's got me tempted but I need a little more of nudge to pull the trigger and purchase it. I do have some gift certifcates I could use it on if anything.

30th January 2007, 05:27 PM
I bought a perspex psp protector case thing (joytech) - it was very good but I found it hard to use the buttons. Then I bought a silicon case which I didn't like the feel of and made the D-pad hard to use. I just use the soft case these days. I've always used the sony white wrist strap and GAME UMD protectors which are great when taking movies or games around and you cant carry all the cases. :)