View Full Version : Who has a PS3

18th November 2006, 07:09 PM
I got mine after camping out from noon the day before, but i realised that there are no real games worth playing out yet so i havent opened it... COME ON F1 WHEN are you coming out???!!!

I'm not too into shooters so i didnt get resistance: fall of man. Dangit!

Did anyone else get theirs? Did they open it? How is it?

A bunch of us brought ours and then went to a friend's house who has a 46 inch LCD, we played resistance, and the motorstorm demo and they both look pretty promising, but we were all too tired to make any judgements on it. System itself is pretty slick looking but my friend noticed his HDMI cable got pretty hot when he was trying to change it.

Anyways, will be checking out his system more in-depth today, and will bring you guys a first hand report on how the thing plays.

The controller is pretty light too, infact, REALLY REALLY light which takes a bit of getting used to, but so far, i like what i see. I think the OS needs a little bit of sorting out from first impressions though!

18th November 2006, 07:18 PM
I will be getting it on March 2007 (the day hopefully be released) due shortage of suppliers.

Well enjoy your new machine and look after it well.


Rapier Racer
18th November 2006, 08:36 PM
Did the HDMI cable come in the box, according to the new Playstation 3 mag you don't get one which I think us pretty bullshit considering how much they seem to rant on about how great and necessary HD is for the PS3

18th November 2006, 09:22 PM
I'm pretty certain that PS3 is not HD out-of-the-box. You have to buy a HDMI cable seperately.

Enjoy your PS3 mclarensmps. Us poor Europeans have to wait untill at least March. Grrrrrr! :cold

18th November 2006, 09:58 PM
There's no HDMI or Component in the system, it comes with regular RCA. It came with a Blu-ray of Talladega Nights so a good flick to check out what the new HD quality movies are going to have to offer.

My friend's TV (Sharp AQUOS) is a really nice piece, he has a cheap quality HDMI cable (which he got for dirt cheap as he is a best buy employee so he paid cost price+10% for it) and an ultra high quality component cable set which he had gotten earlier from somewhere else.

When we hooked up the PS3 with the HDMI we saw a lot of flickering and horizontal dark and light regions on the screen. Now we do not know if this is the PS3 OS giving trouble sending out HDMI signals or if it is the cheap quality cable he got. When we hooked it up using components (these are basically the Monster Cable Component cables, i dont know which series though) the regions were gone, and the picture was noticable clearer. 1080P Talladega Nights already looked extremely good using the (bad) HDMI signal, but we were all too tired to see what it would look like on the Components. He is going to get a monster cable HDMI today from work to see if that makes any difference at all, we will be going over in a few hours to play around with the system. For now i am just thankful his system isnt a brick (but i still have fingers crossed on mine when i open it) out of the box as i have already seen this:


Rapier Racer
19th November 2006, 12:29 AM
Hmmm £425 quids worth right there lol I'd be well pissed if my future PS3 pulled a stunt like that, specially since it would take weeks maybe even a month to get a replacement, after all the excited feeling of taking it out the box to.. :naughty

19th November 2006, 10:10 AM
I really don't get people who are camping for latest consoles unless they want to sell it on eBay right before Christmas, ripping off some people at the same time. I mean, it's OK to get it, but for God's sake - some started to camp a week before the US launch day! In Japan there were RIOTS in front of the stores. And we're talking about a console, which most likely (continuing SONY's ugly habit...) is going to be buggy, costs 500$/600$ (!!), there are no games for it. I could call all these people SUCKERS. No offense mclanrensmps, you camped for one day only, but was it really worth it?

....I'll wait till PS3 gets some real value when good games come out for this console.

19th November 2006, 04:05 PM
No offense taken, to be honest i would have camped however early i may have had to in order to get a place in line, but not a week. I had a connection in store to let me know how many units they were getting beforehand so i knew when i could line up and have one guaranteed for myself and my group of friends.

My friends and I consist of both kinds: Hardcore gamers, and Profiteers. of the 6 of us that camped, 1 opened his box already, 4 are ready to sell, and I am leaning towards opening mine, but am prepared to sell it as well, i just havent decided yet.

Both points of view are valid at this time: For the hardcore gamer(s), they need to get one now before profiteers take a hold of the market and sell it for their arbitrary price, my friend wanted to play Resistance: Fall of Man REALLY BAD, and so, he got the PS3 on launch for it (i didnt like the game at first, but i played it most of the evening yesterday and i really really began to like it a lot); on the other hand the profiteers point of view is that you can make between 600-2500 bucks for a days worth of work (i doubt profiteers sat out for a week, as the opportunity cost for that is way too high).

Shem, tell me, what would you have done if Wipeout was a launch title?

19th November 2006, 06:09 PM
i'd probably get hyped beforehand, drool over the pictures in the magazines, wait for the first reviews and only then spend all this money for a console along with a game. I just wouldn't spend 600$ on something that i'm not sure of, that's just too much money, and I've been a player for too long to do that.
What I'm saying is that if you play all these games for a LONG time you just don't care much about the graphics, because - let's face it - you've seen it all before.
It's the same with PS3 for now - I see absolutely NOTHING in this console (same with 360 or Wii for that matter) that would make me buy it. Ok, there are going to be games for it, with even more astounding graphics, and that's for sure. This is the only thing that I'm certain of - that the gfx will be better than on any other console. But this is not enough for me. I just don't see the difference between bulky characters of Tekken 2 and decently looking characters of Tekken 3. All I see is the physics engine, the damage areas, reversals, new moves, I don't care about the rest. It's the same with new games which look better, but they STILL have got low poly elements which no matter how to try to avoid them - you will see them and they will remind you of the drawbacks of the console/graphics engine. That's why I'm trying to look beyond it and focus on the playability of games. So even if there was new Wipeout for this console I'd hold back untill I read reviews so to know that this game is not a nicely packaged turd.

I guess at a point where you start playing Castlevania again you might say that you're getting too old for all that next-gen hype.

19th November 2006, 07:25 PM
aye, and that is a true and justifiable cause as to why you wouldnt do what the line-uppers did, and in my case, i knew exactly what i was getting when i lined up for it. I knew that i will go with one of the two options that i have stated as well, and such is the way with luxury items, that regardless of which one i choose to do, i know that i will not have wasted my time in waiting for it!

at this point, again it just boils down to what you choose to do with your money, and your own reasoning for spending it. If your reasoning is justifiable to you, then it is money and time well spent.

19th November 2006, 08:36 PM

9th December 2006, 10:23 PM
Who on the site has a ps3 and what do you think of it? I think it's a great machine(very hot though when running). There are so many options on it. I especially like the keyboard setting, ect. I don't like that it will only put out one video signal(hdmi, or component, or av) at once. I usually record on the worse setting, and play on the better one. Is this because it cannot put out an hdmi signal and a analog signal at the same time? Maybe rob might know this, Will controllers made for the pc that have usb, be compatible with the ps3? AND, how many controllers can work at one time? is it 4, 7 or 11? I was wondering because if it was 11 you could play 5 on 5 bball which would be amazing, or 11 vs the computer at one time.

Rapier Racer
10th December 2006, 11:00 PM
Unfortunately me don't have one yet, but I can answer one question according to the first issue of the PS3 magazine you can connect 7 controllers

17th December 2006, 02:13 AM
Don't have one, but watching a downloadable demo version of Formula 1, the graphics can be sick!!! And then my fantasy of Wipeout in my mind took over...

17th December 2006, 04:55 PM
One of the things that really p*sses me off about the PS3's detractors is that their main point seems to be price, obviously $500 is a lot of money, but some people have very short memories, flashback to Christmas 1987: everyone was lining up (well maybe not literally lining up) for the biggest most powerful games machine of that time - the Amiga A500, which retailed in the UK for IIRC about £600, or a few pennies under. And that's 1987 money, I don't wanna think what that makes with 20 years of inflation taken into account.

Oh and obviously being a downtrodden European I don't have a PS3. Damn you Sony!

24th March 2007, 09:39 PM
ive got one im postin from it right now

24th March 2007, 09:40 PM
*wipes away several months worth of dust and cobwebs*

Now that the PS3 has been released in Europe ("OMFG WOWZAR O RLY?!" :o), how many other people living in between the US and Japan have got one?

I went in and collected mine from GAME today. I would've done yesterday, but I was in college all day. Haven't opened it yet; will do tommorow. :hyper

Rapier Racer
25th March 2007, 02:41 PM
Apparently mine was dispatched by Amazon on Thursday and so I'm just waiting for Parcel Force, apparently its still in progress it better arrive next week or there will be trouble I say.

Edit: Alriiiiight its here, see you all in week lol

I was searching through the pre loaded avatars for a good pic for my profile and thought what a lot of crap nothing good here, then as luck would have it the Assegai logo appeared on there! :D

Wheres that list we had of peoples PS3 online IDs I can't find that Playstation Network Handle registration thread, maybe a new thread with a list like they did over at Gamesey would be a good idea?