View Full Version : Gears Of War Anyone?

28th November 2006, 11:41 PM
Any 360 gamers out there picked this up yet? I bought the collectors edition at the weekend and I gotta say that this game is just amazing. I dont tend to buy that many shooters but there was alot of good things said about this game so I figured it was worth a try as its supposed to be one of the highlights to owning Microsofts system. I was really blown away with every part of the game from graphics to gameplay with some excellent detail it all the right places. Anyway this game features full online co-op throughout the main single player campaign so if any of you guys have the game along with a headset it would be awesome to have a game with one of you dudes sometime!

Catcha later,


1st December 2006, 02:31 PM
All I can say is:
Have you seen me on these forums or playing purE lately? no you haven't! you know why?

(tons of work and) GEARS OF WAR.
simply amazing

1st December 2006, 02:38 PM
Hi MArtin Wellcome back :)
If one day you want to clean the dust from your DWL & psp : kai is waiting for you :banzai

1st December 2006, 03:05 PM
I second that, we`ve missed you Martin. Kai is very busy these days if you feel like dusting down your psp, or, if not, there`s always PS3 wipeout sometime in the future when Sony`s monster picks up speed. Glad you`re enjoying Gears of War anyway :)

2nd December 2006, 10:48 AM
Cheers guys! I wasn't really absent from the forums, always browse them during lunch brake, but heck, this place spawns so many forum posts a day, I can't keep track anymore, so I didn't post very often. Guess you can call me a lurker now ;)

Anyway, my love for wipEout is still alive, no worries. I wish I'd play it more often, but then I have a side-job as a games reviewer (mainly for the 360) now, means I get about 2-3 new games a week which I need to write about (which is cool most of the time, but gets annoying with games like DOAX2 - what a piece of boring crap).
Uh, where was I? O yeah, some of you might be interested that I played PS3 at a Sony press meeting about a week ago. All in all, I have to say I am not too impressed yet, but that might be due to the rather weak launch lineup. I am not worried though that the PS3 will pick up speed really soon when hits like MotorStorm, MGS4 and eventually wipEout come around.

Alright that wraps it up in short, sorry Lance for going way off topic... ahem, Gears of War, yes, great fun, you should try it if you have the chance. I'm serious!

2nd December 2006, 10:51 AM
gears is the only game I have ever played that has given me a headache...
I don't know why it did that though.
might be something to do with the level of detail or playing it on a projector in 720p (not my 360. and even more sadly, not my projector)