View Full Version : halloween and "mizzy night"

30th October 2006, 05:31 PM
This thread will be the place to place anything about halloweeny and "mizzy night" (I'll explain in a minute).

Now as you may know, or will know by tommorow morning, tonight is "mizzy night" standing or mischief night. I don't know if anyone gets this outside of england, but its a pain in the @r53!

In case you dont know, mischief night is the 30th of october and is when children run around at night causing random acts of havoc and mischief. One of the most famous, and a personal favourite of kids around my area, is egging - I'm sure you can guess where this is going.

Now, I have to say I hate mizzy night with a passion. What do you think? Would you let your children go on a rampage in your neighbourhood?

What do you think about mischief night? If you have had any experiences, please tell. Let off your steam.

Wow, that's one hell of a rant for me. Well, I'll be fighting back from my window with an arsenal of eggs to unleash on anyone trying to wreck my house.

No, I haven't forgotten, tommorow is Halloween. Yay! Nice, clean fun.
Is anyone going trick or treating and what are you going to be (however i doubt that because most people here are atleast teenagers); or are you going to stay in apple bobbing or making pumpkins or whatever?

Have fun

30th October 2006, 09:13 PM
Halloween is not very popular in France, no kids outside for mishief night like in england ( we have enough to deal with few of ours who stupidily burn bus passengers like they did recently in few areas :- )
Anyway for us the 1st of november it's the 'all livings' day' and the 2nd the ' all souls' day', the 1st nov people goes to graveyard to bring flowers & to clean the tomb of their family members.

Probably i could use :bat Medievil :bat into Kai, seems to be the right ship for that 'Halloween commercial stuff'

Rapier Racer
30th October 2006, 09:36 PM
There won't be any such nonsense here in Scotland tonight, it's blowing a gale and pissing with rain :D

30th October 2006, 11:01 PM
I've had no egging here in Cardiff tonight, and don't think I've ever had. The only thing I have to put up with at this time of year is, as usual, people who insist that Bonfire night lasts for an entire month, rather than just a single evening. Idiots. :bomb

As for Halloween, I'm not particuarly keen with it. I only remember going out once on the occasion and didn't enjoy it that much.

30th October 2006, 11:04 PM
Rofl. Lucky you RR.
Just been at a friends house, on the computer when *THUD!* =O an egg explodes over the window! Scary when you aren't expecting it! I was on edge.
Plenty of fireworks going off right know. So glad they didnt come this year.:)

30th October 2006, 11:12 PM
i like halloween! its the one ngt where i get free candy, and can dress the same without being called goth-boy GGGRRR!!.
but i dnt like it when ppl ruin it wit vandalism though, that just ruins it.

happy (or not so happy) halloween people :D

31st October 2006, 12:23 AM
the rain never stopped them when i was living at home but then an English family in a farming community in Scotland is not always the best thing and there are still those who are needlessly racist, fortunatly i now live away from home in a 3rd floor flat in a student area of Edinburgh so only have the drunks to deal with... havn't heard from my parents yet but no doubt there'll be eggs to clean up in the morning.
have fun and play nice

DJ Techno
31st October 2006, 09:00 AM
Hallow is starts the week before and ends after its 31st of the month here, in Columbia.

people parting
people doing things
and Halloween Horror House Shows on all through the month.

my costume...GI Joe with the kung fu grip and Snake Eyes mask.
And the sorry part. having to work on the day of party, mischief, fun, and disguises.

Rapier Racer
31st October 2006, 03:24 PM
I have a good dark spot round the side of our house close to the front door anyone coming in the gate would not see me, so, I could be waiting with eggs of my own if they try anything and my supersoaker

31st October 2006, 07:28 PM
haha brilliant!

31st October 2006, 08:47 PM
god damned halloween....

In Poland we don't celebrate that thing at all, but recently kids started to run around in silly costumes begging for sweets. It's more All Saints day oriented, which is going to be tomorrow.

Anyway, i don't think there's a place for halloween in Poland. Why? Well, watching MTV won't turn Poles to Americans (and thank god for that), but some morons try to adapt halloween not really knowing what's this thing about. At all.
Today there were some kids at my door ringing the bell and all that, asking for sweets. I just ignored them. I didn't think that there's going to be a trick after that, but some time after somebody called the entry phone, and my mom was unlucky to pick it up. She ended up slamming the phone back, yelling and later on - crying! Then she told my dad and me, that somebody told her, that he's gonna stalk her everywhere she goes, threatned her with murder and just plainly insulted her!! This is just too much!!!

If i'd been caught with that idiotic 'trick' the guy would have to run for his life, cause once i'd grab that mother****er, i'd slam his face into the pavement. I'd like to see him laughing after that - and see the dentures he'd be wearing since then.

This is what you get when you try to adopt everything, what's American into a society, that is just not American. We, Polish people just don't get it, but there's always a moron or two, who think, that it's funny to do that stuff, crossing the line of good fun all the way.

1st November 2006, 05:57 AM
as the "fun police" crack down on fireworks for november 5th (Guy Fawkes) hallowe'en has been picking up more and more interested parties here.
personally I'd rather set things on fire than dress up and run around asking for candy. but that's just me ;)

as to mischief night. we get no such thing.. my only prior exposure to the concept was that in the movie The Crow most of the events took place on "Devil's Night" (30/10) - but I wasn't aware it was celebrated by any name for real

1st November 2006, 09:25 AM
I liked The Crow a lOt!

1st November 2006, 02:08 PM
Ever seen the movie "Spaced Invaders"? I think it came out around 1990, and it`s a very funny film where a bunch of child-sized but aggressive martians invade an american small town on Halloween, determined to kill the "earth scum", but get mistaken for trick or treaters. At the time the local town radio is replaying Orson Welles` infamous "War of the Worlds" broadcast. Very funny confusion results..... this movie is about the only good thing I can think of to come from Halloween.

Albino Ace
2nd November 2006, 02:29 AM
Lol, that should be funny. (though I've never seen it. XD)

Happy Saints day everyone! I believe Souls day is tomorrow...

2nd November 2006, 04:43 PM
Halloween was a good reason to go to one of these Halloween-parties :D

Actually it's nothing German, so it isn't really celebrated here. Some make pumpkins and something like that. And I also think some kids are going around here and there (what I don't really like cause actually it is nothing to really celebrate here).
At least for me it's just something to get a bit fun :)