View Full Version : Everyone is so friendly!

30th September 2006, 07:33 AM
In my little while of inhabiting the forums, i've not seen a single flame post! Everyone accepts everyone else's opinions. It's a nice little community. I never knew "Let's be friends!" was really taken into account in quite this manner!

That is what will keep me here as an avid WipEout fan.:nod

30th September 2006, 08:56 AM
:nod Indeed. :nod

The first forum I went to was the Official PSP Forum. The moderaters were corrupt, power-hungry and useless; there would be a massive row every 5 minutes and nothing ever worked out. Every thread had a swear in it too. That forum was full of sweaty adolescents waiting to pounce on any mistake you made ready with a volley of insults. There were some good people there, but mainly it was a disaster.

Then I came here and it was amazing :nod. Everyone was happy and saying nice stuff. No-one was flaming and people accepted each others opinions. The moderation works :+ and people get along nicely.

:) Its a nice place to be :)

:D :+ Keep up the good work people:+ :D

30th September 2006, 10:34 AM
Yeah it is nice, real nice!! :nod i can't get enough of this place, i keep coming back for more...:D

30th September 2006, 10:59 AM
Always has been, it's something we pride ourselves on. Rob's done a fantastic job of encouraging this atmosphere. :)

Albino Ace
30th September 2006, 01:50 PM
I've noticed this as well...its almost like a Utopia...

Even if this board is mainly about the Wipeout series, I think the entire planet could learn from the way this forum functions. :nod

30th September 2006, 04:25 PM
The first forum I went to was the Official PSP Forum. The moderaters were corrupt (...)
Do they earn a lot ?
Cause here i am only paid by people ( thx paypal ;) ) to take Ag Sys rather than my triakis when they fight me into Kai :redface:

30th September 2006, 05:33 PM
paypal account details please ;) I think it's worth a go :p

seriously though, that got an audible laugh out of me :)

30th September 2006, 05:47 PM
Bring on your Triakis, matey, on Kai the Goteki 45 team will never surrender. Only defeating Triakis brings true joy. ;)

I think the entire planet could learn from the way this forum functions.

the Lancinator for President? Why not!? :)

I can`t remember a flame post here for, well, probably over a year actually. Congrats to the mods and admin who must be getting it right.

Rapier Racer
30th September 2006, 06:56 PM
To Wipeoutzone the friendliest forum on the net :beer:beer

30th September 2006, 08:25 PM
Do they earn a lot ?
Cause here i am only paid by people ( thx paypal ;) ) to take Ag Sys rather than my triakis when they fight me into Kai :redface:

Dayum, I wish now that I had the skills; I could use a little extra income. ;) ;D

30th September 2006, 11:24 PM
The first forum I went to was the Official PSP Forum. The moderaters were corrupt, power-hungry and useless; there would be a massive row every 5 minutes and nothing ever worked out.

Nothing's changed there now, it has to be said. The Moderators still can't tell the difference between a good argument and one that's gone completely out of control; and I'll never forget the horror show that was EasyDuz14, quite possibly the worst flamer I've ever seen.

As already said, this forum's moderated far better, and the atmosphere's much friendlier. :)

1st October 2006, 12:13 AM
I've noticed this as well...its almost like a Utopia...

Even if this board is mainly about the Wipeout series, I think the entire planet could learn from the way this forum functions. :nod
A utopia - yes! well said :)

I've had my moments of over correctiveness here ....'till I make a mistake myself , resulting as a flame from either Lance, Task, Infoxicated or even Asayyeah - then I decide it's time for me to shut-up. :D

But no, most of us prefer to save such rivalry for the race track/battle field. ;)

Long live Team Goteki!! :pirate

1st October 2006, 01:45 AM
I remember a good flame about DR. I think that's how assayeah became a moderator. He was the only one not agitated.

1st October 2006, 03:48 AM
DR you say ....huh, don't remember him:sonar

1st October 2006, 08:49 PM
I remember a good flame about DR. I think that's how assayeah became a moderator. He was the only one not agitated.

:D Laughin' out loud here. :)

The cult of tDR is a wondrous thing. {Where's that really biG eyeroll icon when ya need one?}

Albino Ace
1st October 2006, 09:39 PM
It probably went to Alaska for vacation. LOL

Anyway....Assayeah became a mod because of a flame?

1st October 2006, 10:03 PM
Arnaud became a mod because he's put a whole lot into this community, and his passion for Wipeout is unquestionable. Plus he's always trying to improve his times and is one of the fastest pilots we have here, so he's the perfect man to monitor the record tables.

Lance became a moderator because he stepped in to sort out an argument between myself and Nuworld. But lets not go there again.

As for the other moderators, I've just gotten a feeling about them. Maybe I'm a good judge of character. ;)

1st October 2006, 11:51 PM
glad i'm not a mod now...i'd ban everyone for disliking chemical brothers...maybe i should get into some sort of an argument, maybe that'd work;)

Smoothly Does It
2nd October 2006, 12:12 PM
I suspect that the day AG-5Y55135 are allowed to be mods, old man lucifer'll be asking for someone to pass the Lemsip

does that help in your quest for an argument shem? :blarg

/me is going to continue blatantly ignoring Foxxy's avatar

2nd October 2006, 04:38 PM
....and then i'd ban 1337 talk.

Smoothly, didn't you see that ;) smiley at all?

PS. I was completely drunk when i wrote my previous post anyway. God damned hangover... :/

2nd October 2006, 05:25 PM
''....and then i'd ban 1337 talk.''
Me too. :)

2nd October 2006, 06:46 PM
wait a second...Lance...what's that under your name? hm.... is that...? is that 'MODERATOR' written there? Yeah I it is....yeah.....WHY DON'T YOU BAN 1337 TALK THEN!? :)

3rd October 2006, 01:19 AM
[Checks to see if it's the admin's policy.] Darn. Not so far.

3rd October 2006, 01:21 AM
''....and then i'd ban 1337 talk.''
Me too. :)
And me ban all those 1337 nicknames into the record tables.:sonar
Ben tried to teach me the basis of l3tt3rs : i couldn't even decode my name in this shitty language !

3rd October 2006, 10:15 AM
There are l33t names in the record tables?

I'll need to take a look and delete them.

3rd October 2006, 04:59 PM
oups it was just a thought of me if i see leet names into the tables in next future...

3rd October 2006, 09:55 PM
l337 talk is okay IMO as long as it's reserved for an occasional joke (it can be hilarious when implemented well).

But I agree that it can become wearsome after a while if people continuously say, "LOL, | P\/\/|\|£D Y0|_| n00b!!1!".

3rd October 2006, 10:38 PM
In my little while of inhabiting the forums, i've not seen a single flame post! Everyone accepts everyone else's opinions. It's a nice little community. I never knew "Let's be friends!" was really taken into account in quite this manner!

That is what will keep me here as an avid WipEout fan.:nod

Yes! it is true, and i am happy to be part of the community here, i have made many new friends and enjoy it (although i wish i could visit more often as i am usually busy)

3rd October 2006, 11:46 PM
14 14|\|9|_|3 357 4|\/||_|53|\/|3|\|7 !

But no, seriously - this is okay once in a while, I limit myself alot.

Althought there are times when I have to defend my my reputation in a 1337 war ;)

Albino Ace
4th October 2006, 01:27 AM
I always thought if you can actually READ that, then you spend too much time online... XD

4th October 2006, 04:09 AM
I usually can read it fine, though at about 1/3 normal reading speed.
but I had to take several runs at what q_dmc12 wrote before I could read it

4th October 2006, 05:46 PM
that's because I translated it to french first - just a little test for arnaud;)

@Ace: I have known leet for only about 3 years and have been continuously learning it since. Too much time online? - maybe, but I'm not an online junkie ....getting close though:frown:

4th October 2006, 05:55 PM
it's not because you are a bad teacher Ben , i am only a bad leet student who doesn't really want to learn that %#!*%? language ;)

4th October 2006, 08:30 PM
What if your lessons are a little simpler:

A = /\

B = |3

C = [

D = |)

E = £

Feel free to PM me if you want me to teach you further. ;)

4th October 2006, 10:52 PM
no offense or anything, but in my humble opinion, if you think this is cool, that's pretty sad actually... the only fun thing with 1337 language is making fun of 1337 language.

4th October 2006, 11:12 PM
100% with you eLhabib

4th October 2006, 11:19 PM
I kinda think it's cool not being able to understand 1337 language!!:D

4th October 2006, 11:27 PM
What was the topic of this thread?

5th October 2006, 01:27 AM
Lets be friends!! ;)

Albino Ace
5th October 2006, 01:55 AM
I don't think 1337 promotes friendship and peace between teams... it promotes wackyness.

my opinion anyway :D

5th October 2006, 08:47 AM
well, l33t is for 'elite' so it's definetly against pace between teams and pilots themselves. I'm just very glad, that here, we don't use that silly little nerdy l33t talk at all.
Come to think of it, after what i've heard about other forums, It's very unlikely, that i'd go and see what they're like. Me like it here. Me happy :)

5th October 2006, 10:14 AM
I don't think 1337 promotes friendship and peace between teams... it promotes wackyness.

my opinion anyway :D
A little bit of wacky is okay now and then :)

@ zerow: actually the decryption goes like this:

A = 4
B = 8
C - <
D = D or |> or i guess ])
E = 3
F = F
G = 9


This explains it better and I'm sure will end this discussion :nod : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet

5th October 2006, 02:36 PM
i think the general rule is that the more pissed off you want people to be reading it the more creative you are with you construction...

Albino Ace
6th October 2006, 01:31 PM
Well, yeah a little wacky is cool. Perhaps thats not the right term...

I still don't know how you can read that :o

6th October 2006, 03:58 PM
very carefully (because I am leet/elite) ;)

6th October 2006, 08:11 PM
Elite in which fields of knowledge and activity?

7th October 2006, 10:53 AM
In the field of leet.:D

7th October 2006, 04:41 PM
I think we are going too far from the original subject and nothing more can be written on this , so i am gonna close that topic ( ermmm yes the title from that thread is ' everyone is so friendly ' closing it means i am not :D )

Dig up an old thread talking about leet if you want :)