View Full Version : first ign now gamespot

Hydra XL
8th May 2002, 05:12 AM
we shouldn't hav to buy into this charge garbage.
any North americans know of a better site for games that's FREE!!!!!!??!?!?!? kthxbye

Piranha Advancements
8th May 2002, 02:00 PM
Gamespot too eh.It infuriated me in a way when IGN decided for paid memberships to access articles,guides,features blah blah.

Gamefaqs is the best vg site for me.Been a regular there since 99.I would love to say The G.I.A. but that closed down.Daily Radar went down that path too and became http://www.gameforms.com/ which ain't that bad so far.There's also http://www.psmonline.com/ for PS2 coverage.

Other worthy mentions


Anybody know whether there's a Famitsu online site? That would be awesome.

Bob Todd
8th May 2002, 04:47 PM
www.gamehub.co.uk - the new home of PS2 Hardcore.

11th May 2002, 11:14 PM
yeah, whats up with these charges for watching screenshots and etc.. makes me so pissed off.. cause, when the net wasnt as popular as today, these sites survived fine supplying stuff for us for free. And now, when they get a hell of a lot more visitors per month, they would prolly get higher income from companies hiring ad-space on their heavy trafficated sites. Well, theres prolly some other stuff wich I havent thought of that cost them huuge amounths of money,but if there arent.. its just plain greed...