View Full Version : Beast wars

8th May 2006, 05:43 PM
well, me and afriend were in an arguement, and i think the answer is obvious. i think if this one kicks off, then ill have to do a different 'war' next week.

so this weeks debate is, who would win in a fight?

King Kong or Godzilla?

im not going to say who im supporting, as it could bias other peoples opinions

lets look up the stats (rough guesses)
In the red corner...
King Kong

Height:34.63m (113ft 7.5in)
Weight:14 metric tonnes
Top speed:64 mph
Manouverability (out of ten): 8
Strength (out of ten): 7
Special ability: skilled at fighting/killing dinosaurs
Disadvantage: much smaller than opponent

And in the Blue Corner...

Height:112.7m (370ft)
Weight: 25 metric tonnes
Top speed: 114 mph
Manouverablilty: 4
Strength: 9
Special ability: extra long claws, capable of slicing steel
Disadvantage: born pregnant so naturally slow, unable to climb#

The arena, as you might have guessed, is New york city.

Place your bets!

(the postee does not encourage online gambling, especially involving minors. please take this in mind before attempting to press charges)

8th May 2006, 06:40 PM
Godzilla, in the japanese originals Zilla could breathe fire as well if memory serves. Toasted and sliced monkey anyone?

8th May 2006, 07:03 PM
Well, Godzilla is, well, Godzilla!

But still, Kong is an enormous monkey!

That's a tough call. I think the "atomic firebreath" was added later, when his opponents started getting silly. After all, a giant moth VS atomic fire breath is a 5 second movie. Like Godzilla VS Bambi.

Godzilla is a bit lacking in the smarts, though. Animal cunning: yes. Reasoning and intellect? No. So a smart Kong (with double skill specialization: climbing NY buildings!) could probably get on top of zilla where zilla can't reach him. The T-Rex wasn't know for his ability to scratch his own back, you see. Once there, Kong could likely beat zilla into submission. Not kill him, but drive him off.

Overall Victor: None! I'd say they're kind of stalemated.
Moral Victory: Kong. Godzilla needs to EAT his enemies to consider it a win.

8th May 2006, 07:25 PM
even in the 1954 black and white original Gojira had the fire breath (always kinda looked like electrical sparks to me)
if it's japanese godzilla (with the firebreath), thats where my money would lie.
if it's the lame 90s american godzilla (without fire breath) I'd go kong

gojira - the japanese name - means whale-monkey

8th May 2006, 07:30 PM


8th May 2006, 11:20 PM
As Lion adequately put, if it was the original Godzilla who was fighting, he would triumph; if it was the rubbish new-age version, King Kong would win.

8th May 2006, 11:29 PM
well even if it was the old Godzilla version without the firebreath, he would still win. The fight would probably go on for weeks or even months, seeing as they are so equally matched, and then, eventually, they would get tired of it and maybe even start a friendly relationship. Then, after ten years of tea-sipping and watching cricket together, they would start arguing again over who really was in favor of winning the fight back in the day, and finally agree on deciding it all over a round of thumbwrestling - in which of course, Godzilly would EASILY kick Kong's ass.... thumb. Why, you ask? Because Godzilla has OPPOSABLE THUMBS, a feature even the king of all apes can only dream of. Teh End.

9th May 2006, 02:23 AM
what? king kong has opposable thumbs!
isn't that one of the features of all primates?

actually, doesn't he even have opposable thumbs on his feet?

9th May 2006, 04:13 AM
I'm wondering if the Mouse That Roared could take the Cat in the Hat. either one of em could probably scare the bejezus outta Kong. ;)

9th May 2006, 08:43 AM
what? king kong has opposable thumbs!
isn't that one of the features of all primates?

actually, doesn't he even have opposable thumbs on his feet?

oh, my bad, wrong thinking here! well, in that case, Kong IS the clear winner! He would even win the toewrestling!

9th May 2006, 06:52 PM
GodZilla!! without a doubt!


9th May 2006, 09:01 PM
wow, i didnt think this would do that well!

well, my money would be on godzilla, and if you saw the scratchmarks he (or she, seeing as 'it' was pregnant) left in that ship, you would agree.

it would be unfair if it was barbaque zilla, coz he would fry kong. but on kongs home turf, he would get killed.

actually, i think there was a game called war of the monsters, and it probably had both of them in it (well, i hope it did), anyone own a copy, then we can end this arguement, by watching kong get mercilesly beaten.

P.S. i think that if godzilla didnt bite, kong would actually destroy him.

9th May 2006, 11:01 PM
There must've been a King Kong Vs. Godzilla movies ages ago. At least, I have a feeling there was, not entirely certain that that's true. If there is, I will try to track it down and watch it.

10th May 2006, 01:45 AM
King Kong VS Godzilla (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056142/)

on a side note, there is a movie called 'Godzilla meets Mona Lisa' and also one titled 'Bambi VS Godzilla' (what, is this like a short or what? *intro music* *STOMP* *credits roll*)

10th May 2006, 01:50 AM
'Bambi VS Godzilla' could be a cool title for a Kaï meeting.... But where's Bambi :robot

10th May 2006, 05:12 PM
i wanna see bambi vs godzilla
bambi probably mutates into a 205 ft mega deer, that is destroying the earth.

anyways...old asayyeah, you have exactly 666 posts!

'its a sign! the time of judgement has come!'

10th May 2006, 05:25 PM
I am evil :bat , i turned myself to the dark side of the powaa :robot

Darth-sayYeah coming soon on kai...

10th May 2006, 06:14 PM
I think the "atomic firebreath" was added later, when his opponents started getting silly. After all, a giant moth VS atomic fire breath is a 5 second movie.
Wrong the very first godzilla movie (b/w) shows one scene of him breathing fire/energy. I have seen it at least 3 times:D

10th May 2006, 11:06 PM
So there really is a King Kong Vs. Godzilla movie already. I am definitely going to watch that, although I've already guessed it probably isn't very good.

11th May 2006, 02:25 AM
once movies reach a certain level of badness, they start gaining in value
most of the godzilla movies are bad enough that I quite enjoy them

but then I've watched "Manos - The Hands of Fate" three times now. and that was voted by an international panel as the single worst film of all time. (written, directed, starred in, and produced - by a fertilizer salesman from kentucky with no prior filmmaking experience. the video was taken on a hand wound camera at an inconsistent framerate, and the soundtrack was lost and re-dubbed by the main guy and his wife)

my point is that I am possibly not the best person to judge if the film would be watchable by the average joe

11th May 2006, 10:26 AM
You wanna talk bad, ever seen Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST 3K)?
They play old crappy movies then make fun of them, lol:D

11th May 2006, 12:06 PM
MST 3000 is funny as hell! I absolutely love this movie, if only for the parts where those two robots are watching the crappy 60s movie and ripping it off - hilarious! the story inbetween is totally forgettable though.

as for King Kong Vs Godzilla: I haven't seen it, but I am suspecting it is one of those movies that are so bad, they went past good and back to bad again.

11th May 2006, 08:10 PM
There must've been a King Kong Vs. Godzilla movies ages ago. At least, I have a feeling there was, not entirely certain that that's true. If there is, I will try to track it down and watch it.
King Kong vs Godzilla (http://www.tohokingdom.com/web_pages/reviews/king_kong_vs_godzilla.htm)

EDIT: I just watched King Kong vs Godzilla and it's ok if you like Godzilla movies, anyway it appears as if King Kong won :( I will transcode the movie after work to be viewable on PSP if anyone wants it;)