View Full Version : Sonic Riders anyone?

17th March 2006, 08:31 AM
I've just read the review for Sonic Riders here

This same guy liked WO Pure but says Sonic Riders is too complicated. However, I know that around here we kind of like complicated controls if they provide some added value and the idea of riding the turbulence of the guy that is ahead of you sounds great.

Now my question is: has anyone played it or plans to do so? If it is the case, I would appreciate a reply telling how good or bad the game is in the view of a fellow wiper.

17th March 2006, 12:16 PM
I've played a preview version. Think SSX on a hoverboard without most of the tricks. Plus, it's not really fast by any means. Rather disappointing...

17th March 2006, 12:41 PM
Think SSX on a hoverboard
Hard to do, given that I have never played it either. ;)

18th March 2006, 12:40 PM
do you know Trickstyle on the Dreamcast (http://dreamcast.ign.com/objects/011/011333.html)? Like that, but slower and less fun.

18th March 2006, 12:53 PM
Trickstyle rocked. Sonic Riders could've used that engine, tweaked for Sonic.
Why not? Those were both Sega games, right?
...I'll still try to look into Riders. It looks like something different.

18th March 2006, 02:24 PM
Game Informer Magazine reviewed Sonic Riders and both reviewers gave it a big thumbs down for poor control and general boringness. it wasn't that the controls were too complex, but that you simply had very little control; there was too much automation where you basically sat and watched as you rode an A.I. opponent's slipstream or went through a cutscene. too much watching, too little racing.

18th March 2006, 03:21 PM
Trickstyle was made by criteriongames I beleive. I think it was them as they we penning to remake it for the PS2 but just in the end made Airblade, which the first game to use the Renderwear engine...

Aah, those were the days; when EA didnt use every decent game studion as ass tissues....

As for sonic riders, erm...i found sonic heroes dissapointing, so riders I presumed would be not as good. How about eyetoy antigrav?

18th March 2006, 10:58 PM
Antigrav is pretty damn cool.
The tracks are very wide and it's all point-to-point races (you're always going downhill, no engines) that are fairly freeform. Get from the beginning to the end almost any way you like. There are limits, of course. You can only go so far to the side before you hit a wall of buildings or fall off a skyscraper.

The best part is, of course, the total lack of controller. The easy tracks will have you breathing hard when you cross the finish line, more difficult tracks will leave you sweating profusely.

The "racing" aspect of the game isn't really there, it's not about taking corners well or racing the fastest line, it's about controlling your avatar to do the obvious. Far from easy, quite rewarding, and a great workout to boot.

So to some people it's a good game, to others... not so much. It depends on whether you can really get into the unique apspects of it.

19th March 2006, 02:07 AM
That reminds me of that SEGA skateboard arcade machine where you controlled your player with an actual skateboard deck on top of some hydraulics. Sweet stuff that was, I wish I had one of those at home!

19th March 2006, 11:53 AM
you mean topskater?
that was awesome :)
I used the hidden guy on the surfboard :P
the bodyboarding girl was just a little too silly for me

19th March 2006, 01:41 PM
topskater, that's the one! I think it was topskater2 actually the one I played.

19th March 2006, 02:43 PM
I remember tryign to play that on a ferr over the to France once...no that was difficult seeing as whatever way the boat went, everybody else does. The best bit though was watching two of the chaviest girls I have see fall of the dance machine after a rather large wave...

Smoothly Does It
21st March 2006, 05:44 AM
Err yeh, I gave up on 3D STHs after the travesties that were Sonic Adventure 1&2, so I never even gave this one a thought, knew it would suck from the word go :frown: