View Full Version : Happy New Year!

31st December 2005, 03:33 PM
After Christmas it's now time to say:
Happy New Year to you all! :)

I wish y'all the best and a good start for 2006!!

Rouni Kenshin#1
31st December 2005, 04:06 PM
Happy NEw Year to all everywhere and when ever it is for you.:D

31st December 2005, 08:03 PM
I`m really glad to get rid of 2005!!!! so I`m looking forward to 2006.

Happy New Year guys!


Rouni Kenshin#1
31st December 2005, 08:55 PM
What? how can you hate 05 it brought pure to us.

31st December 2005, 09:35 PM
Yes, overall it was terrible year for me ;)


1st January 2006, 04:49 AM
i sure hope it's better for you these coming years.

and a happy new year to everyone else, too. :)

1st January 2006, 06:25 AM
Happy New Year from the Emerald Coast!

1st January 2006, 12:58 PM
Happy new year to everybody from freezing germany :cold

1st January 2006, 12:59 PM
Happy New Year 2006 from chilly Liverpool, too. :)

1st January 2006, 01:12 PM
And happy new year everyone from sunny and crisp Gloucestershire :coffee :)

1st January 2006, 02:00 PM
Happy new year and best Wipeout wishes from Le Havre

1st January 2006, 05:24 PM
good to see you back again, Arnaud.


the year is starting off great here. 79 degrees Fahrenheit in the northern hemisphere. WOOT
er, does this have anything to do with global warming or did Florida just get lucky? :)

1st January 2006, 06:06 PM
Happy new year from London, peeps! :)

1st January 2006, 06:09 PM
@ Lance

Wow! How warm is it usually at this time of the year in Florida?
we've around 39 here... why not something under 32? Then we would have snow - that would be great :)

PS: Thanks to gooooogle.de (http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=4c+in+fahrenheit&btnG=Google-Suche&meta=)

Rouni Kenshin#1
1st January 2006, 07:09 PM
Unusally hot in the southeast this year. here in Alabama it's about 65.

1st January 2006, 07:36 PM

ALL the Best .. wishes happy new year!
from cold yugoslavija - serbija..

1st January 2006, 07:36 PM
Max, supposedly the average for this time of year is 70 F, but i find that most of the time the temperature is below the official averages. it does not at all seem to split evenly around the average, and the lowest is generally farther away from average temp than the highest is. in some years i've seen the high for the day be 49 for three days in a row [21 degrees below average, but i've nEver seen the high 21 degrees above average for even one day. i am very suspicious of ''averages''. ;)

we're coming into January and February, so that average is likely to drop since those are always the coldest months here.
did i mention that i hate January and February?

1st January 2006, 08:06 PM
can anyone think of a new years resolution. i cant think of anything whatso-ever! eat more healthy foods? soething like that. lol

1st January 2006, 09:52 PM
Happy new year everyone! :D


I saw a message from you in messenger but you were already offline before i came back and could answer you; i havent been able to play and i am about to sell my PS1.... but im about to buy a PS2 and will sell it too, right before PS3 starts seling.

Cant stay without a mean to play Wipeout, no way, even if i cant play it, there might be some gap of time on which i can and there must be the hardware and software ready for it!!

Seems to be im missing Gran Turismo 3 too much too, and im eager to play GT4, i hope i can score a cheap used one.


Everything about climate is already affected because of global warming, the entire earth is averaging 1-2°C more than it usually did, and to say the entire world is averaging just a Celsius degree more believe it or not is a lot, and energy consumption is already too much, its not only green house effect, energy consuption is already rivaling that as top polluters and global warming.

My teacher at my enviroment conditioning class gets very upset and sad when he talks about this... and even so, most of the students dont care about this a bit; but thankfully the few that do, implement good enviromentaly friendly solutions a lot when designing buildings etc. so the things that others dont care for is a factor for the ones that do to come on top for grading and recognition, a good thing in this case; its slowly happening but at least its going forward :)

I really have high hopes for 2006!!

1st January 2006, 10:38 PM
yeah, I wish everyone here a very well balanced and sensible twenty-o-six.
For goodness sake, save up some money.

so you can spend it all in twenty-o-seven on a shiny PS3!!

New years resolution?
- finish one tournament in flash
- make my own domokun like ive been promising to do for ages now
- drink more tea
on top of the usuals like lose weight, become a millionaire, plot local domination yada yada

Rouni Kenshin#1
1st January 2006, 10:47 PM

drop some of the baggage if time allows
find girlfriend
read 5th wheel of time book(for goodness sake it's 935 pages)
upgrade pc to at least 1.9 processor(help on which one to buy is welcome)
get to geather with Thruster2097 and plot co hemispherical domination

1st January 2006, 11:05 PM
dorry to dampen your spirits old chap but I'm just not ready for co-hemispherical yet.

Something to do with the price of oil and not having enough WMDs.
However I do have some snotty virus-related tissues I could tie onto a stick and wave at people....

maybe co-hemispherical when I'm feeling better.

Oh, and definatley do not get a celeron anything. They're all smelly.

Rouni Kenshin#1
1st January 2006, 11:57 PM
I'll send you a copule really long sticks.
and thanks for the info on the celeron but i'm reall looking more at a pentium or and AMD possibly an anthlon. I'm running on the origional anthlon now and it's only 1.2

2nd January 2006, 03:13 AM
Mano, yes the climates of all the places we live are changing. i think the thing that would hurt me worst to see an England that is not green. i'll probably die before that happens, but just knowing that without a drastic change in what we do, it will happen. i am already unhappy about it. we're not good at doing drastic preserving things. apart from tv dinners.

Thrusty: local domination? i can't even get command of the inside of my own house. not even the inside of my mind.

btw, don't lose tOO much weight. i'm down to 115 pounds and i'm trying to nOt lose weight. but it's been going down a bit anyway.

Dogg Thang
2nd January 2006, 09:48 AM
we're not good at doing drastic preserving things.

I know you don't like quotes, Lance, but this part struck me. Is it the case that we are not good at preserving things, or taking actions to preserve them? Or is it simply the case that we are too good at destroying things?

It would seem to me that we shouldn't have to take drastic action to preserve things. We simply have to stop putting short term financial gain over the greater good of the planet and the life that lives on it. Just my opinion.

Anyway, Happy New Year all!

2nd January 2006, 02:49 PM
Happy 2006 :D May y'all always finish 1st place ^^

2nd January 2006, 07:38 PM
thanks, Daylight. :)


[Dogg, you quoted only the part you actually replied to. :D ]


Dogg, it is not that simple because the people who control the government ARE the ones who put short term profits over long term life-quality and survival, both for themselves and the rest of us. that's why it so often in human history has taken last minute virtually emergency action to restore long term survivability, and that means that something has got permanently lost before the salvation happened. it seems that something always has to be lost before the severity of the future consequences is taken seriously. there is always that loss in the present first. simply knowing what's coming has never been quite enough to get full preventive action. we humans just tend to be like that. ''don't rock the boat'' ''if it ain't broke, don't fix it'' ''it probably won't be that bad'' ''it'll cost too much to change'' et cetera.

2nd January 2006, 08:42 PM
I feel your pain Lance! It way too hot today. And I hate cold weather! I don't think it'll get cold again. But this is FL- anything can happen. lol

2nd January 2006, 09:22 PM
i actually love the heat; when it's 85 to 95 in O'town, that's when i like it the best. when it's down below 75, i get rapidly less happy.

2nd January 2006, 09:27 PM
I've made three videos from Madrid, while the new year was beginning.

Video 01 (http://scifi.pages.at/vojeet/01-VJE%20in%20Spain.AVI) | Video 02 (http://scifi.pages.at/vojeet/02-VJE%20in%20Spain.AVI) | Video 03 (http://scifi.pages.at/vojeet/03-VJE%20in%20Spain.AVI) (ohne Ton, without sound, sin sonido)

Rouni Kenshin#1
2nd January 2006, 11:03 PM
on the side of how the goverment is part of the problem of the US pollution problem. I agree.

but i also think that part of the reason is our own inability to embrace what europe and japan have. Public transportation.

We complain about high gas and if we put some money into building as stable bullet train transportation system and a good bus and metro sevris for our city's than we would not care about the price of gas nearly as much and we could cut down on pollution.

so that my 2 cents.

3rd January 2006, 04:15 AM
man I got so sunburnt over new years
we use celsius here so your archaic fahrenheit temperatures mean nothing to me, but it was about 32C here, just getting into summer proper :)
I have the whole of january off work so i plan to get out a lot and make the most of summer while it lasts

- finish both versions of pure that I own
- Stop biting my nails
- lose 10kg

3rd January 2006, 06:38 AM
man, you and your dang french metric system that was not designed for everyday human use, but designed for scientists in labs. dang bunch of pinchnosed University of Paris academicians did this to us. dang their hides.

systeme internationale. hmmph.


3rd January 2006, 08:15 AM
it's only hard if you have to switch to it. having been taught metric since age 5 it makes perfect sense to me.
things based on 10 are easier for me to grasp anyway... I have no idea how many feet are in a mile. but metres to a kilometre is explained in the name of the unit alone.
we still use degrees to measure angles here though. not those radian things that I hear they have in france

3rd January 2006, 09:21 AM
JFYI the unit used for mesuring angles usually depends more on the application than the country.

In maths you'll use mostly degrees in trigonometry but when using complex exponentials for representing sinusoids
cos(x) = 0.5 * ( exp(i*x) + exp(-i*x) ) and analyzing signals you use radians because it simplifies things.

The grad or gradian is often used in topography (theodolites normally use this unit).

3rd January 2006, 12:08 PM
FYI also, metric is based on the properties of water. So 1ml of water weighs 1g and is 1cm3 in volume. And if in a cube shape is 1cm wide.

Also the celcius is designed around it. 0 = the freezing point of water and 100 = the boiling point, whereas farenheight (however its spelt) 0 = freezing point of brine (salty water) and 100 = human body temperature.

3rd January 2006, 04:48 PM
Happy new year to you all and welcome to 2006!

I'll be busy gaming as I got about 5 games (including WipEout Pure) to complete!

3rd January 2006, 05:21 PM
Happy new year to you all from that obscure south eastern town in England that I come from.

3rd January 2006, 06:52 PM
Joe: um.... London? or 'Out to Lunch on the Thames'?


Mobius, i thought that the measurements of water were made using pure water to reduce the variables [and of course measured at a standard temperature and pressure to get the volume and weight.] [struggles mightily to go back on subject}: let us hope that this desperately needed clarification is obtained during the new year. :D

4th January 2006, 02:05 PM
Here, ill give you a hand at that.

My new years resolution: Stop trying to be a smartass. That works.. 8)

5th January 2006, 05:52 PM
Lance: Erm... No. It's called Tring if you really wan't to know. The whole Out to Lunch thing is an obscure reference to some TV show. Dunno where the Thames bit came from

5th January 2006, 07:17 PM
where it came from:
imagine that my brain is a rotating basketball with large numbers of tiny holes through it's entire surface. the ball is filled with my accumulated data, and it constantly shifts the axis of rotation, thus keeping the data from always being in the same place. i see something in text or elsewhere and a little hammer comes out the back of each of my eyes and strikes the ball. one or more little bits of data pop out the holes currently spun near the hammers. the Thames thing was one of them. :D
sometimes the little databits see each other and connect; sometimes they don't.