View Full Version : PSP firmware updated to 2.6

Ally Graham
29th November 2005, 08:34 AM
Sony has released an update to the PSP’s firmware. The new version, v2.6, adds support for the WMA codec in Music, RSS feeds in the web browser — including podcasts, and downloads of video data that supports copyright protection (via the browser). Other small language tweaks were also made. The update is currently only available through the PSP’s Network Update option and requires 18MB of space — Sony’s official Software Update page does not yet reflect the new version.PSPWorld.com

- RSS Channel (in the Network menu where the browser is found). This addition is named a bit misleadingly since it does not add RSS text feed support. What it does add is the ability to subscribe to podcasts. The added wrinkle is that it does not download the podcast file to a memory stick. Instead, it streams the podcast. I'm listening to a podcast about the PSP while writing this blog and the WiFi light on the PSP is blinking constantly as it streams the MP3 file to me. If you want to take a podcast audio file with you for disconnected listening, you will need to download it your PC or Mac and then copy the file over the the PSP.
- A WMA (Windows Media Audio) CODEC was added for locally stored (Memory Stick) and streaming audio.
- Simplified and Traditional Chinese were added to the browser encoding options.
- Volume Adjustment was added to the LocationFree Player.
- The browser now supports downloading copy protected video (this was in 2.5 too).OnLamp.com

29th November 2005, 12:51 PM
No official processor speed increase to 333 Mhz, I see...


29th November 2005, 03:10 PM
Sods law: you convert many albums from wma to mp3 over the weekend just for sony to open up the wma codec... :brickwall

Oh well, at least i can revert them later, i can now fit more songs on... yay!

29th November 2005, 06:22 PM
i don't suppose they would ever support a licence-free audio format like OGG

29th November 2005, 06:44 PM
The new firmware doens't feature good reasons to update.
I don't have wma files, so I don't need it.

They should work on the browser and unlock the IR, then I could think about updating.
I've 2.0 at the moment and all options I want, if I would want to use homebrew I also could downgrade - so why updating?

Rouni Kenshin#1
29th November 2005, 10:09 PM
not serious updates so i'll bate util they figure out homebrew for 2.5.

30th November 2005, 09:49 AM
Just got it. Howver, I still cant use WMA as u have to enable it and that needs WiFi. No help there. Wats LocationFree Player? I heard its something to allow u to watch TV if u have a base station or watever thing.:?

30th November 2005, 09:54 AM
Indeed - you get a little box that plugs into your router and into the aerial socket in your home and it transmits wireless tv to your PSP.

Sony rep I last spoke to was confused when I asked him about it, because he didn't even know it existed.

3rd December 2005, 08:40 AM
The only use I can see for that is if somebody else is using the TV, u can still watch something else at the same time.:rolleyes: BTW, is the infrared port used for the AD-Hoc and pic sharing or does that also use the wifi?

3rd December 2005, 08:42 AM
its uses the wifi for pic sharing and Ad-Hoc.

3rd December 2005, 08:45 AM
Wow. Then wats the IR for??? The PSP just has an IR for the heck of it? That doesnt make any sense.:o

3rd December 2005, 02:30 PM
the IR is planned for sending data and playing PSP on TV with a PS3 as a connector (PSP -> PS3 -> TV).
When the IR will be activated and has good features, it could be a good reason for updating.

5th December 2005, 08:13 PM
No 333 yet :(

/hangs onto 1.5

Rouni Kenshin#1
5th December 2005, 10:50 PM
1.5 i how i liked homebrew but if you want ot play newer games it requires you to upgrade. Just Sony's littly way of sticking it to the little guy.