View Full Version : Any potential Xbox 360 Live users here?

20th November 2005, 06:47 PM
It's less than 2 weeks until I (hopefully - stocks permitting) pick up my Xbox 360, and I have to say, the thought of playing PGR3 and Perfect Dark Zero in less than a fortnight is killing me!!!

I was just wondering if there are any other X360 nuts on here (hopefully planning to get live) who wanna meet up online on launch weekend for a multi player match of something?

I wish that the place where I reserved the bloody thing would confirm that I WILL actually be getting one on day one. The suspense is driving me nuts!!!

20th November 2005, 08:11 PM
Actually I was thinking of getting one but I`ve looked at the price!!!! so I`ll wait till the price will tumbling down....


20th November 2005, 08:44 PM
well, since I have an actice xbox live account, and luckily happened to WIN AN XBOX 360, which I will most likely receive on wednesday, you can definitely count me in! What other games are you gonna get, besides PGR3? (I've played it already, and it looks freakin AMAZING, even on my 'normal' telly).

my gamertag, as you may have guessed, is 'eLhabib'. See you on the Gotham racetracks then ;)

20th November 2005, 09:23 PM
Was gonna get PGR3, PDZ and Dead or Alive 4, but as that's delayed, I'll most likely get Quake 4 instead. It's great - all those have Live online play! But it's PGR3 that I'm most looking forward to (if it's even just AS good as PGR2, then it's gonna be awesome! From what I've seen and heard, it's far better...

21st November 2005, 11:11 AM
'far better' fails to describe it properly, IMHO. this game looks so real, when you step away from the TV for, like 4 meters, you will think it IS real. honestly, I have never seen anything that detailed and realistic. Heck, it even looks better than the FMVs of PGR2! And the gameplay is fantastic, too. I have only driven 2 of the cars in there in real life (Lotus Elise and Lamborghini Countach) and those two really feel like the real thing, unlike PGR2, where some cars felt the same basically.
Also, be sure you have a dolby surround system hooked up to your 360 via optical, the sound is something else, especially when you choose the in-cockpit-view.
I wish that there was a way for me to afford an HDTV...:frown:

21st November 2005, 02:10 PM
I wish that there was a way for me to afford an HDTV...:frown:
maybe another raffle ;)

21st November 2005, 03:15 PM
raffle? *asks vocabulary - no result*

21st November 2005, 03:19 PM
A raffle is a lottery where a ticket is pulled out of a container and the person holding the matching number wins :)

21st November 2005, 03:20 PM
click here (http://dict.leo.org/?lp=ende&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed&relink=on&sectHdr=on&spellToler=std&search=raffle)

21st November 2005, 03:23 PM
raffle: sell tickets for a chance to win a prize. at the end of the sales period, all the tickets are put in a container; a person with no tickets in the container then reaches in and pulls out a ticket at random. the person who bought that ticket wins the prize. [the ticket buyers retain a second part of the ticket [called a ticket stub] with a copy of the original number on it, to prove that the winning ticket is theirs.]


btw, Max; i've heard of invisible ink, but invisible pixels?

21st November 2005, 03:34 PM
sorry Lance, but I don't understand what you mean. Maybe I should sleep a few hours, then I could be awake enough to check the pixel-invisible-thing

place "dizzy"-smiley here

21st November 2005, 03:40 PM
ok thanks for the translation, I get it now:rolleyes: well, if there's a raffle to win an HDTV anywhere, tell me! might be my lucky month:D

21st November 2005, 03:52 PM
taff or Avenzio or Galileo or Wunderwelt Wissen on ProSieben are raffling HDTVs every few days.

21st November 2005, 04:01 PM
yeah, but those are all for German residents... I am Austrian. (besides, the chances of winnig at one of THOSE are VERY slim)

21st November 2005, 06:17 PM
Max, maybe >I< should sleep a few hours; i thought your post was completely blank and did not see the link. :sonar :paperbag

21st November 2005, 06:29 PM
:D I understand.

22nd November 2005, 07:53 AM
I'm placing a huge gamble on Ridge Racer 6 coming out on the PS3. If it does, then I dont have to get a 360 ever.
It's going to be a year before I find out, by that time the price would have dropped a lot anyway.
Hmmm... next december.... PS3, 360, 32"HDTV...:xtree

28th November 2005, 05:23 PM
okay, got my 360 and the games 'Kameo' and 'PGR3' so far. Sumi, what's your gamertag, and are you online in PGR3 yet?

28th November 2005, 07:37 PM
NO!!! I only (hopefully) get my 360 on Friday. If the shop gets enough stock to fullfil all preorders. Which they can't confirm yet.

I HATE my gamertag on regular Xbox Live, so when I get my 360, I'll start a new account, probably with Sumimasen or something similar as my new tag.

... Soooooooooo... Silly question, but what's PGR3 like?!?

On a related note, I read that there was one Honda NSX in the game (my favorite car). Have you seen it yet, and is is nice? :hyper

28th November 2005, 08:40 PM
(kinda off topic here, but.....I think that for these guys, XBOX360 has no potential at all)


28th November 2005, 10:43 PM
what can I say, Sumi? the game is AMAZING! and yes, the NSX is in there, if you want to know the exact model, it's the 1997 Honda NSX GT2, available in red only, with a black spoiler.

I did some racing today with my first car, a wine red Lotus Esprit, only to get enough money together to buy my favorite car, the '67 Shelby GT500:D YAY!

Oh and you can change your gamertag on an existing account with the 360, so you don't have to set up a new one.

30th November 2005, 06:23 PM
All good news then! :)

My 360 is in stock and reserved for me and me alone! They won't let me have it until Friday though... BOOOOOOO!!!

Ahhhh... Not long until PGR goodness, just a shame I haven't got a HDTV either. Hopefully Xbox 360 WITHOUT HD won't be like being tee-total and owning a brewery... :? I imagine that I will see a pretty hefty jump in quality with standard def?

One day left at work, then straight to the shop on Friday morning. This is ALMOST as exciting as when my Jap Dreamcast was delivered to me on the day of the Japanese launch! How the importer managed that, I'll never know...


30th November 2005, 10:05 PM
actually, after playing some PGR3 on my standard TV, and also on my friend's HDTV, I have to say that I like the overall look on my standard TV better! On the HDTV there seem to be some aliasing issues, which are entirely GONE on a normal TV, crisp as sweet heaven (if you have a special RGB AV cable, not the standard premium pack cable. although it does look almost as good with that one, too, but 25 bucks for some extra crisp is worth it ;) )

30th November 2005, 10:27 PM
that's the way i feel about chicken, too. ;)

1st December 2005, 07:20 AM
Hmmmmm... Chicken... *Drooooooooool*

1st December 2005, 10:41 AM
must be some really good chicken you are paying 25 bucks for, Lance!:D

1st December 2005, 07:03 PM
oh, c'mon now, obviously i meant that extra crispy is worth more, not that it's worth 25 dollars more. one would be paying the professional chef at that point. i can't even afford a PSP, much less a chef.
tsk, the extremes we comics go to for a joke. :D

uh... has anyone noticed that we are drifting away from the topic just a bit too long, maybe? :)

1st December 2005, 07:07 PM
Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Thread hijack detected, my hooks are fl... hey is that chicken? Yoinks! *Robot snatches chicken and runs*

Alrightie then... back on topic... am I the only one who noticed that the Call of Duty 2 cinematic was missing an unseemly amount of frames, for a machine that's supposed to be the best graphics console ever seen?

2nd December 2005, 11:44 AM
hey sumi, when you get online in PGR3, please add me to your friendlist! My friendlist seems to be broken (doesn't show any friends on the 360, but on my old xbox they're all there...), so I wouldn't be able to invite you. I need you to invite me!:banzai

2nd December 2005, 01:54 PM
Got it!...

Done it...

See you later, eL!!!



2nd December 2005, 04:10 PM
Sorry eL, I could hear you guys, but couldn't seem to talk. Probably just as well as I've got a chest infection at the moment and keep having coughing fits!

I'll get the headset sorted soon, but we'll play again before that, I'm sure.



2nd December 2005, 04:35 PM
but you do know there is a switch on the headset plug to mute it, right? maybe you were just muted?

12th December 2005, 07:09 PM
Yeah, I did try that eL. Seems that the issue was related to using the headset at the same time as the Play and Charge cable. Only thing I can think of, as it's working now.

Sorry I haven't joined any games - I wanted to sort out the headset thing before I played online again.

Here follows a cautionary tale...

I was playing PGR3 in online career mode against some of our cousins from across the pond, minding my own business, when on the first straight, I was basically fish-tailed into a wall, then slammed by each of the opponents cars. They thought this was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS, laughing down their headsets, assuming that would be the last they saw of me...

I didn't give up. I turned the car around and headed off in pursuit. After a couple of corners, I'd taken the 7th place guy. By the end of lap one, I was in 4th. By the end of lap 2, I was in the lead, and AVOIDED CONTACT OF ANY KIND when taking these places. I then went on to win the race (my FIRST in the online career mode) by a margin of 15 seconds. Not bad considering...

Then I quit out, only to find that one of the other drivers had left feedback on my profile, saying I was 'UNSPORTING'!!!

F*CKERS!!! I wish I had bloody been unsporting now! They would have f*cking known all about it!!!

So now, the only comment in my reputation says that I'm 'unsporting'. I don't think there's any way to appeal, or remove the comment either. It's almost enough to put you off XBL...

* Rant Over *

Anyway, eL and BenjaminBirdy, do you wanna meet up online and have a few PRG3 races? we can then leave each other glowing feedback, and abuse the system the RIGHT way! :)

Shall we set a definite day and time? I'm free on Wednesday evening (I think) and Friday evening. Whaddayareckon?


12th December 2005, 07:18 PM
So that's it? All it takes is ONE sore loser to leave you a bad review as his revenge and you're contaminated for life??? Damn, that really sucks big time.

Dogg Thang
12th December 2005, 07:24 PM
They allow any old internet person to leave a comment and it goes on your record? That's bizarre! And very wrong. I mean, half the comments are likely to be 'n00b' or 'BOOBS' or something.

12th December 2005, 07:27 PM
If this is as bad as I think, it will only take a few weeks before everyone online has their record smeared with a mile long list of insults where "noober" will seem like the mildest one of all.

12th December 2005, 07:28 PM
No it has to be done through the X360 Live Dashboard, and you get multiple choice options like 'Aggressive', 'Unsporting', 'Quit Early' and so on. You must also get positive choices, but because my rep. has been tainted, I can't see any... :redface:

Annoying thing was that in the race following this one, I earned the 'Clean Racer' badge. Says it all really...

Dogg Thang
12th December 2005, 08:01 PM
I still think that's a bad idea. That's going to leave a lot of good people with some bad feedback on little more than a whim.

12th December 2005, 08:18 PM
It'll even out. I've got five stars. If you're a good player, and a worthwhile Live presence, you'll get plenty of good feedback. We'll set up a WZ room DEFINITELY, and everyone will give each other good feedback. Trust me, there's much fewer jaggoffs then there are decent people. The system they've set up is actually pretty good and, surprisingly, it seems like a lot of people are using it. I don't play online THAT much and I've got five stars. If you focus on games where you can actually interact with people for a prolonged period of time and have fun, you'll get great feedback before long. The problem with PGR is that it's a three minute spurt of playing, you're not stuck in a room with someone, so they feel like they can just slag off whoever they want.

12th December 2005, 11:32 PM
Yeah, Sumi, that's the only thing in PGR3 that REALLY ticks me off, too: people use you as a pillow to get round tight turns. I'm a very clean driver myself, and fortunately I have some friends playing PGR3 the same way, so i always setup private (invitation only) rooms for some clean action. And don't worry about the feedback. In the long run, the occasional unfair feedback won't ruin it for you.
I can't tell you exactly when I will be on this week, but if you say wednesday, I'll try and be there to give you a challenge (although judging by your gamer profile, which I recently looked at, I probably won't be much of a challenge for you... )


13th December 2005, 12:23 PM

Have either of you guys got Perfect Dark Zero or Quake 4 too?

13th December 2005, 06:44 PM
some do, I don't. one of my friends plays q4 a lot, but I don't think anybody is much into PDZ...

15th December 2005, 07:30 AM
Sorry I didn't meet up last night guys - I'm off work with flu at the moment, and apart from a quick blast on Q4, didn't have the hand/eye co-ordination for PGR. As it happens, I didn't have the skills for Q4 either, so just gave up and went back to bed...


15th December 2005, 01:08 PM
Get well soon then!

2nd June 2006, 10:59 PM
Hey guys, didnt realise there was a 360 topic hiding away so I thought i'd post my gamertag if anyone wants to send me a friend request and play some online gaming. My online 360 games are:

Burnout Revenge

Rockstar's Table Tennis

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

Project Gotham 3

Final Fantasy XI

And my gamertag is WipeoutJunkie

Hope to see ya online sometime!

Edit: Oh oh and UNO!

16th June 2006, 05:30 PM
Oh yes, I'm a Xbox 360 user as well and own Dead or Alive 4, Burnout Revenge, Table Tennis, Oblivion* and Tomb Raider: Legend*.

I'm getting Chromehounds as well so if you want me in the friends list, feel free to send me a request, the Gamertag is 'SMThomas'...

See ya in the arena!

*Offline Games they are.

17th June 2006, 07:00 PM
I'm already biting nails for Chrome Hounds to arrive! once that's out, I'll try to be online as much as possible.
(info: me=longtime fan and dedicated player of Steel Battalion: Line of Contact on the original Xbox, a mech sim only very few will know, using a 36 button, 3 stick-controller to play, so Chrome Hounds has to fill in a HUGE gap after the Steel Battalion persistent world servers got shut down, and the persistent world mode of Chrome Hounds looks VERY promising!)

17th June 2006, 07:52 PM
I'm looking to that game as well!

(I know Steel Battalion and it's huge controller years ago!)

24th June 2006, 10:29 PM
Seeing as I have a 360, I decided I might as well bring forth my Gamertag for anyone here who would like to send me a Friend request.

My tag is: Fruit T Bun

I would've used Zerow, but it had already been taken when I signed up. :frown:

Also note that I don't get the chance to play on my 360 that often.

30th June 2006, 08:04 PM
I got a live Gold subscription when I bought DOA4, thinking that I wanted to get some good online fighter action happening... and it turns out that the game I play on live the most - by far - is Uno.

There is a Chromehounds demo on the marketplace now.. I'm grabbing it presently. Hopefully this game turns out to be good.

I have PGR3, and have never played it online. I tried a few times, but never got beyond the lobby and just gave up after that.

I haven't actually played much on live, come to think of it.

Games I've got: PGR3, GRAW, Oblivion, Condemned, DOA4, Table Tennis.
As stated above, I also play Uno on Live. I've got Geometry Wars also, but that's just highscore table competition, and I'm currently about 15,000th - which really sucks.

Someone had already taken "rejj", so I'm "Zharradan" on live.

2nd July 2006, 09:31 AM
If the Chromehounds Demo is Single Player only, ignore it. The SP of Chromehounds is forgettable, it's just for basic training and aquiring some essential hound parts. And yes, it is rather boring.

Multiplayer, on the other hand, is the most fun I ever had on my 360, and the mech-building is AWESOME. got this game yesterday after I got home from a short holiday trip, and even though I was dead tired, I played until 5 in the morning.
If you even just remotely are into mechs, GET THIS GAME!

2nd July 2006, 11:48 AM
Yeah, the demo seems to be single player only. I didn't know that Chromehounds was done by the guys that did Armoured Core until I loaded the demo and saw their logo. Interesting.

I've heard lots of good things about the multiplayer, so I'll probably end up getting it.

I really should play more DOA4.. but I need to practice a bit more first.

Anyone else into Uno? Maybe we should organise a game sometime...

2nd July 2006, 11:57 AM
I'm getting Chromehounds and I got a pre-order of it already, there are fun battles awating to happen!

Oh yes, I got UNO; so...

17th July 2006, 04:15 AM
Yep, I've got a 360... I'm up for a game of UNO or Table Tennis anytime. My gamertag is FrozenVapor.