View Full Version : PSP Music Help

16th November 2005, 06:13 PM
I thought i should ask here as you are a respectable bunch, and if i asked on the playstation forums i would only get the answer "your mum" or "try google" as a reply.

So here goes.

I cant get the AAC codec to play ony my psp, it is v2.5 but everytime i upload a piece using either of the AAC converters, it produces and m4a file which the psp doesn't recognise...:frown: Any ideas.

Oh, and another thing it, how do you get the album art by the name of the song also? Is it somethign to do messing with the ID3 tags? I cant use Windows media player so are there any alternatives?


16th November 2005, 06:27 PM
Don't know a lot about AAC converter but i'll try to help you on album art.

Consider getting iTunes and then choose a song, select Get Info and click on Artwork tab, you should now be able to add album art to the songs and hopefully it should work with other players. Does this help?

16th November 2005, 06:31 PM
Ah, but i am in the cyber dark ages, my pc is Windows ME which supports next to nothing, one such program i cant have is Itunes.

16th November 2005, 06:41 PM
try media player series 9 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=e0175119-9a5b-44c3-b1de-9b2a9aa6cff6&displaylang=en) or Winamp (http://www.winamp.com) winamp is great for changing your tags and believe it or not microsoft still make a media player for ME
hope that helps

16th November 2005, 07:31 PM
I have WMP9, but that died about a month ago and every remedy on the interweb doesn't work, i think the problem there is at regisrty level, but that is another story.

The winamp's AAC converter is the one which comes up with file the psp doesn't know.

Oh well, nevermind, i'll go look for a cd-mp3 converter.

18th November 2005, 01:51 PM
iTunes is fantastic for ripping cds, but I don't use it for playing music anymore - That's Winamp's job. Shame you're using ME though...

I believe you need the pro version of Winamp to rip in mp3 (paying for a media player? christ no) so I would like to recommend Freerip (http://www.mgshareware.com/frmmain.shtml) - A friend with a 98 computer uses that.

18th November 2005, 03:33 PM
^i lOVe Millennium Edition. my favourite version of Windows, followed by Win 2000 Pro.^^XP? blargggg^

20th November 2005, 09:16 AM
I have another, older PC at home that runs Win ME - and it's one of the most stable machines you'll ever see, reliable and everything. Now before you start splashing it with holy water and screaming "The power of christ compels you!" you should keep in mind that I made exhaustive research on the web on how to stabilize that OS and optimize it. There isn't a single options menu I haven't looked at and tweaked, because let's face it - out of the box, the default setup is crap. It WILL run itself into the ground over time.

Running ramPAGE also helps a LOT to recover used RAM that your system isn't releasing on its own!