View Full Version : PSP Accessories feedback

7th November 2005, 12:55 AM
Finally I am the proud owner of a PSP (having saved since the Euro launch in September.
Getting married and buying a house doesn't leave much discretionary income!).

Has anyone used the 2 in 1 USB data transfer / recharge cable?
Is it true that you can recharge via your PS2's USB slot?
Does the PS2 recognize the PSP when connected via USB?

Can anyone recommend a protective case?
The sleeves that come with the PSP are nice, but I wouldn't trust it to offer much protection if the unit was dropped.

I see that replacement nubs are available also, has anyone tried these?
(must be better than that Dual Shock nub hack that I posted a link to a few weeks ago).

I'll post some feedback of my own once I have tried some of these accessories.

7th November 2005, 08:12 AM
I have a 2-in-1 power/data cable... and yes, it will let you recharge over USB. You should note that it will take much longer than via mains power though.

The PS2 will not recognise the PSP.

I hear that the Logitech "Playgear Pocket" hard cases are good, if you are after a hard case. I've never bothered, the soft case I got from the Value Pack is good enough for me. One absolutely essential accessory is a screen protector. I reccommend the ones made by Hori (http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-be-70-t5l.html) -- I use them and they are great.

8th November 2005, 05:39 PM
Has anyone used the 2 in 1 USB data transfer / recharge cable?Yeah, they're decent enough. But the recharger recharges like ****. Really.

The Playgear Pocket is worthless. Why lie. The only case I endorse is the Aerocase.

8th November 2005, 06:03 PM
Yeah, but if you just wanna play off-the-mains when already charged and have too much stuff plugged in as I do it's a godsend, I usually play with the PSP plugged into my PC.

8th November 2005, 06:50 PM
uhm, why? any particular reason for that?

Rapier Racer
8th November 2005, 09:43 PM
I got myself one of these for £5 after growing concerns over the marks that kept appearing on the screen, logitech playgear visor, hooks over the screen, lovely


8th November 2005, 10:45 PM
I use a silicon case from Game. Their screen protectors are the best I've tried yet, too - not one bubble, not one bit of crud underneath. They almsot fall into place.

You can get both in a box together for about £12. You need to undress your PSP to change UMD or memory stick, but this is more than made up for by the fact that you can place your PSP on the edge of the bathroom sink without it slipping in.

As for the 2 in 1 transfer lead, I have the one with the seatbelt-winder in the middle. Logic3 make it; HMV sell it for £6.99. It does charge extremely slowly, and (more importantly) it is possible to run the battery down even with this plugged in if you play on the PSP. That said, it's handy for peace of mind when updating your firmware, if you're the sort of person who does that.