View Full Version : Destruction Derby

6th November 2005, 01:44 PM
Maybe its just me and my sadistic mind, but I personally think the one thing that sets wipEout apart from the rest (apart from the pace of the races and the cool ships) is the fact you can kill you opponenets if they don't kill you first...

So my idea is a simple giant circluar pit, large enough to fit 15 ships in and enough place to fly. And along the ground will be speed boost and weapon pads that will randomly light up and the aim is to grab a weapon and be the last ship standing...

What do you think? No Racing, just Mayhem :D

6th November 2005, 01:50 PM
I really don't see how the fact that you are using AG ships would set this particular form of destruction derby apart from using 'normal' cars. And there are tons of games for that.

6th November 2005, 01:53 PM
no i mean as an extra option in future games and this time around we get weapons.

6th November 2005, 02:14 PM
An open area seems to not fit the style of Wipeout, somehow. What we could have is a return of the eliminator featured in Wipeout 3, though.

6th November 2005, 02:47 PM
Does anyone know why the dropped elimination? It seemed a great choice for wepaon-heavy Fusion and Hanheld Pure, yet they still got rid of it...

6th November 2005, 07:19 PM
I never really enjoyed eliminator much, to be honest, since there is no point in going FAST there.

6th November 2005, 07:21 PM
The eliminator encouraged destruction by giving out much more plasma shots than usual, and considering the way that Pure works, it would be way too easy to just SIT on a weapon pad and absorb weapons like crazy until you got more plasma shots and quakes to fire at incoming opponents. Where's the fun there?

6th November 2005, 07:50 PM
I'm not saying it should be race just basically a survival/last man standing senario. If you stand still the other ships will blow you to smitheriens...

7th November 2005, 10:12 AM
Everyone will be flying Triakis! And everyone sits on a weapon pad and absorbs all the autopilots, turbos, disruptors, mines and then wait for a Missile, Quake, Bomb or Plasma to appear so that they can go to someone else's pad and start a war. Rather funny, but not WipEout. :P :wink:

7th November 2005, 10:33 PM
yes but i'm saying if you stand still, the computer controlled ships will gang up on you

ok let me try to explain this because I don't think anyone is getting this.

We have a big circle with sporadic weapon pads on it (for the sake of arguement say 5), about 16-20 ships jossling for weapons as well as trying to avoid getting hit (you stand still for 5 seconds and see if you don't get a plasma bolt up the jaxi) the same rules concerning the padds will apply here (i.e after a weapon is collected, the padd deactivates for 3-5 secs.)

I will state again this is not a race, this is more a survival thing (think last man standing)

see what i'm saying now?

7th November 2005, 11:18 PM
Try parking yourself over a weapon pad directly, holding in the airbrakes so you stay on top of it. You can constantly get one weapon after the other faster than you can absorb them.

7th November 2005, 11:26 PM
Ajescent, we understand the idea, we just don't think that it's Wipeout. where's the track? there isn't one. where's the racing? there isn't any. where's the speed through the landscape? there isn't any. that just isn't Wipeout; it's some other game altogether. it might be something for:
Vigilante8 3rd Offense: Return to the Future
or maybe:
Demolition Derby: Combat Anti-Grav.

that's a whole different style, a whole different 'feel', from the experience we like in Wipeout. [yeah, i'm a hyperconservative about WO]

7th November 2005, 11:55 PM
lol ok, i get ya. I just thought it would be nice little side tracker for the more sadistic of us who got a thrill when they heard the "contender eliminated" announcement after they fired their nicely timed Plasma Bolt. :twisted:

Rapier Racer
9th November 2005, 12:46 AM
If that announcement thrills you, play Wipeout Fusion, it'll thrill you so much you’ll have a thrill overload and expire on the spot

9th November 2005, 02:26 AM
funny thing about fusion...i can't remember the last time i played it and got a plasma bolt...

9th November 2005, 06:25 PM
I know it sounds silly but had you unlocked it yet?

9th November 2005, 08:21 PM
yup. it was the weapon I got for getting a gold in the Feisar challenges. And I did that very early on.

10th November 2005, 12:38 AM
The weapon you get for the FEISAR challenges is the super missile isn't it?

10th November 2005, 01:13 AM
yeah but you know there are five challenges right? well first attempt I got bronze on challenge one rather than go back to challenge one and do it again I got it for scoring gold at the first attempt on challenge 2 (yup I found it weird too becuase all the other stuff I got from AG racing).