View Full Version : HAPPY HALLOWEEN ALL!!!!!!!

31st October 2005, 05:20 PM
HAPPY HALLOWEEN ALL!!! wish u luck and have a good day further on. may wipeout live on though :D TRICK OR TREAT :D

31st October 2005, 05:40 PM
God-bloody-damnit if I were in charge I'd ban this bulls**t. Bloody trick-or-treating, why the hell should I have to be harrased by this crap once a year? Bah humbug!

Oh and have a nice all-saints day tomorrow everyone who's Catholic, if you're Orthodox then I guess you have to wait till after next easter for that.

31st October 2005, 06:04 PM
Like almost any other major festival period I can think of, Halloween has morphed into yet another occasion for manufacturers and retailers to bamboozle us into buying more crap we don`t need. Look at Easter, for example: there are people out there sending each other Easter Cards, for god`s sake. How long until we are all expected to submit to this repeat of the Christmas experience, or otherwise be considered a spoilsport or miserable git?

It`s as much as some of us can do to display feelings of "goodwill to all men" once a year, at Christmas, for what that commercial obscenity is worth these days. Surely no-one can expect us to to show such feelings on an evening which will be constantly disturbed by micro-yobs in costumes and make-up demanding sweets with menaces. Trick or treat these days essentially means "Gimme some Haribos or I`ll break your windows." Well, I don`t want a trick or a treat, you little sods, so get lost and I`m not answering that doorbell.

Apart from that, Happy Halloween one and all. :)

31st October 2005, 06:13 PM
Sadly, even the mercantile corporates of this world are slowly abandonning Halloween, ignoring the candy selling aspect and instead focusing on the "why can't we put up christmas decorations out sooner?" part instead, working hard at pushing Santa sooner and sooner in an apparent bid to kill off Halloween outright.

Trying to kill monstes and undead is not a smart thing, as horror movies tend to point out :twisted:

31st October 2005, 06:32 PM
*cocks shotgun* KA-CHAK
*opens door*
*bunch of idioticly dressed, drunk 14-year-olds scream* 'TRICK OR TREAT!'

'TREAT.' *click*

oh how I hate this 'holiday' (which doesn't even have ANY tradition in my country, and only serves to give people a reason to get hopelessly drunk, act like apes, and buy tons of gimmicks they don't want).

Happy Halloween to those who care.

31st October 2005, 06:43 PM
Happy Halloween, all.

This is the greatest holiday of them all. ENJOY!

31st October 2005, 06:48 PM
TBH it only has tradition in Catholic countries where it's the night before All-Saints (the day, not the crap pop group). And even then you're not actually meant to do the kind of s**t we have to endure once a year, I think some hispanic countries do some really cool prossesions, on All Saints and All Souls (November 1st and 2nd) but they call it the day of the dead so they're obviously much cooler than us. Everywhere else it's just pointless crass commercialism and stupidity. I will seriously have to invest in a rifle or something to leave by the door so when the little s**ts come I can just open the door, point it their way and say 'start moving'...

31st October 2005, 06:59 PM
The garden hose or a supersoaker, stuffed with raw egg is a good, non violent alternitive.

Well mabey not the raw egg, not in the situation of a possible bird-flu pandemic... 8O

Rapier Racer
31st October 2005, 09:35 PM
lol yeah I went out with my old supersoker, how childish right? peh, get them soaked I say

Omni Requiem
31st October 2005, 10:55 PM
I prefer to use a katana and shout something like "KUMARAGIAI!"
Always works.

2nd November 2005, 11:43 AM
In Germany we can't imagine what Helloween means to americans,
although there are parties all over and also some kids running around
playing this trick or treat thing....but of course not as half intensive as it has
to be in the US, I guess....

2nd November 2005, 02:02 PM
the actual running about by the kids seems to have slacked off a lot in the last few years. even though i was at home with no noise on in the house and was just chatting online [nothing but the noise of the keyboard], i heard nothing going on outside at all. i even forgot that it was Halloween during that time.

2nd November 2005, 03:53 PM
I bet the kids were too scared by the idea of a sexagenarian wiper to get near his haunted house. ;)

2nd November 2005, 04:06 PM
sex? where?!

edit: the slackoff in T or T seems to be nationwide. it's being commented on here and there on national TV. fear of poisoning by terrorists? or parties are more fun? don't know, but some combination of factors is apparently making the old tradition die off. you ought to see all the leftover candy in the stores; tons of it being sold for half-price.

3rd November 2005, 12:04 AM
no let-up in our area, we must have had at least fifty kiddy halloweenies.... and also some mid-teen halloweeners.
It's a shame, I was looking forward to eating the left-over sweeties all for myself but alas there were none left.

3rd November 2005, 09:56 AM
the only reason i like halloween is because of all ste sweets you get!! (or candy as the americans here say)
oh and happy halloween (although its about 3 days late) :oops:

Dogg Thang
3rd November 2005, 03:59 PM
Better late than never! For some reason Halloween slipped by me totally unnoticed this year. No dressing up, no bat decorations. Not one kid came to the door. Weird...

3rd November 2005, 04:05 PM
So what did everyone dress up as, if the bothered?

I went as Goose from Top Gun after the accident (http://www.flisscity.com/gallery/halloween05/khalloween02.jpg), which I thought was a fairly obscure 80's movie reference, but a number of people seemed to get it. Or at least laughed at me in passing, but that's not exactly unusual. :?

3rd November 2005, 04:58 PM
For added realism, you should have brought a drumcan of aspirin - hitting the polycarbonate canopy with the explosive force of an air force ejector seat has got to give you a massive headache!

3rd November 2005, 10:52 PM
Of course, by "went" you mean "stayed in all night and watched TV" then yes I went as a Specsavers Lab Technician. Mask not deemed necessary, scary enough without extra fakeness.

-just fyi about my halloweenieing.....
I did have a motion-detecting skeleton toy attached to my door... it senses small vunerable and emotionally scarrable kiddywinks walking down the path, waits till youre at the door, screams, cuts its own head off then laughs at you. It gets more popular every year!

4th November 2005, 09:02 AM
i dressed up as a grumpy teenager with an egg in his hand. you do the maths :lol:

4th November 2005, 09:05 AM
well halloween does have advantages wether you like the holiday itself or not, personally the week ro so after is nice, cause any candy craving i had is satisfied by all teh uber cheap candy at stores. i dont do the trick or treat thing anymore, been a few years since that ended, but halloween also doubles as a friend of mines birthday, so we jsut kinda mash it up into one thing.

4th November 2005, 09:10 AM
i put my blacklight in the porch (to attract trick or treaters) but i think that it had the opposite effect. i think it is just that us british dont really take halloween as seriously as any other countries. i still think that is cool though! :wink: