View Full Version : damn that sony!

21st October 2005, 07:16 PM
i have always protested the ps3. its expensive and shiny and the controlers look like boomerangs..... but hot damn a next gen wipeout will be sweet. tempting me to the darkside.

/crys for lack of money and hate for corporations

21st October 2005, 08:35 PM
Keep in mind that the Xbox controllers were considered ridiculously oversized at first and that many players seriously considered trading them in for some more reasonably simple to handle grizzly bears (http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php?date=2002-03-25&res=l) until Madcatz made a much better one suited to the human hand.

Eventually, third party controllers will be made for the PS3 - the non-boomerang kind.

21st October 2005, 08:53 PM
i personally like the boomerang style of the controller. in any case sony had my money almost from the start, with fina fantasy, wipeout and devil may cry i really cant say no to them, same goes for the rev. off topic though i wont be buying a 360, i dont like microsoft from a gamer stand point and i wont be supporting them this round.

21st October 2005, 11:01 PM
i like the boomerang shape. [i would like to see one with right and left side-by-side pairs of ''shoulder'' buttons operated by index and middle fingers of each hand]
hm... i wonder how one would fly Wipeout ships with a Nintendo Revolution type controller.

21st October 2005, 11:10 PM
i wonder how one would fly Wipeout ships with a Nintendo Revolution type controller.

i wonder how you would do anything with a revolution controller, except of course change the channel

21st October 2005, 11:31 PM
I played all the way through Wipeout XL PC using the gyro-sensing Logitech Wingman Extreme (http://www.joy-stick.net/reviews/gamepads/extreme.htm). It's crazy ridiculous, but fun and feasible once you get the hang of it. I'd bet the Revolution controller would result in a similar experience. May we never have to cope with it being on that platform ... *knocks on wood*

21st October 2005, 11:40 PM
Just read the review - that looks like a very sweet piece of gaming hardware!!!

Thanks for the heads up :)

22nd October 2005, 01:12 AM
i wonder how one would fly Wipeout ships with a Nintendo Revolution type controller.

i wonder how you would do anything with a revolution controller, except of course change the channel

there are so many possible options for that controller its insane. i for think nintendo is in the going in the right direction. go to ign check out the vids the have for it (if you haven't already)
the system will be awesome, people just have to get used to the idea of throwing away dual analog and being more imersed in the experience. i may not know exactly how you'd play wipeout with it or a new f-zero or whatever but i know that i'll love it and nintendo has my backing fully, for what good that does.

22nd October 2005, 01:21 AM
All right, the revolution controller has a built in gyroscope to detect its position and movements, so that tilt can be reflected in game input.

Let's review what we have here, shall we?

A remote control with position and movement detection that the game can use for control.

That remote fits in the hand and is roughly the size of a sword handle.

Lucasarts makes video games.

Now... let's put all this together and think for a minute and see what we can all come up with.

*final jeopardy music plays*

Okay... can we say first person lightsaber jedi duels???

That is all.

22nd October 2005, 01:24 AM
i day that many have prayed for since the first star wars game, and i daw that i will effin love lol.

22nd October 2005, 08:44 AM
They're definitely taking a huge gamble with that controller design, it's something that'll either take the gaming world by storm or bomb completely. Actually, I could see it working extremely well as a flight stick for Wipeout games if you had something to rest the base on. Have a couple of extra pedals or something for airbrakes and you're laughing! :)

22nd October 2005, 11:22 AM
The problem that I see with the revolution controller is that it's going to seriously handicap clumsy people. Like me. Now, a standard controller, I can get my hands round and hold still and I'm dextrous enough to use it well. But get me to play by waving it around and I'll end up making silly mistakes because of my complete lack of control over my own limbs. :dizzy

22nd October 2005, 12:52 PM
Choad said: ''/crys for lack of money and hate for corporations''

i know that feeling. while i was never tempted by the PS2, and the value of the PS3 is still too unknown cos we don't have the games, which are what makes or breaks a console, no matter how great it is technically. but man, do i want a PSP!

22nd October 2005, 04:21 PM
i believe you said your in the states right lance? cause if so right in time for the holidays sony is releasing the black (and possibly white) psps here bundled with a gig mem stick for 270. so thats a pretty decent deal.

EDIT: heres the link to the IGN article and apparently sony will be bringing it to europe and japan (obviosly) so its a good deal for everyone lol.


22nd October 2005, 04:40 PM
I think this "Giga Pack" is ... erm... fraud. Just becuase you buy your PSP a few months before you have to pay 50€ more if you want the same value of the Giga Pack?
One more time, good work, Sony.

22nd October 2005, 07:07 PM
yes agree with you Sausehuhn. Sad thing for us.

About a new laughing wipeout controller, may i suggest a system based on the pedals hellfire was talking about + add the Eye toy thingy : move your arms to the air or left, right you go that way, ... your head to the right (= right airbrake) ...your head to the left (= left airbrake ), jump around you select weapons , crouch you remove weapons...

Wanna loose weight? Just change for the new 'Wipeout Fitness' 8O

22nd October 2005, 07:39 PM
its a decent deal if you dont have a psp, and its less than i payed for my psp and gig stick seperately.

23rd October 2005, 08:35 PM
i don't like boomerang shape too....
....i think it will be too hard to controll them!

The ps/ps2 pad is quite perfect.....i prefer they would improve it not to change it!

23rd October 2005, 08:47 PM
The boomerang shape will have one definitive advantage - when you throw the controller away in rage, it will swish back into your hands all by itself :mrgreen:

23rd October 2005, 08:57 PM
Ahahah.....or maybe it will cut ur hands away :twisted:

23rd October 2005, 09:00 PM
just so you know, killerfrog, please do not quote the entire preceding post in your own post, unless it's a very large post and you just need to address a specific snippet of that post. It helps keep the threads clean and easy to follow.

23rd October 2005, 09:04 PM
Sorry :(

I've done it for more order just to avoid any chaotic post.
Nice to know!

Thx :roll:

23rd October 2005, 09:49 PM
[whistles and looks about innocently] ;)

24th October 2005, 09:33 AM
I thought the boomerang shaped controller was just a concept model. Has it been confirmed yet?

Hope not.

24th October 2005, 10:18 AM
Hopefully they'll ditch the 'Spiderman' movie font on the side of the machine while they're re-designing the controller!

I have a X360 on pre-order, and really want to look forward the the PS3 as well (I just know I'll buy all three consoles - I always do!), but there's so much about it that I don't like at the moment. Overall the design is horrible. It's the games that will swing it for me. Hopefully. 8)

24th October 2005, 11:31 AM
Naaa....the design is good!

The only things are the problem of BR disc and joypad's shape.
I think the hdvd will be a better support.....they have smaller memory but also smaller cost of producion and sale!
BR technology is too far expensive in my opinion.....

crazy legs
24th October 2005, 12:55 PM
now thats not fair.... i work all day and night and all i can do is go down to the local game store and watch other guys buying stuff... im ashamed to say it but i've only played pure ONCE (the store manager kicked me out after two hours)... i even made my girlfriend buy me a hand-me-down ps1 with w3 SE... I own fusion but I can only play it on my brothers ps2...

I hate you drakkenmensch... :cry:

(all my money goes to paying rent.)

24th October 2005, 01:00 PM
Methinks you confused me with Sumimasen - he's the one who has the Xbox 360 on pre-order, not me. We both use the Piranha avatar...

24th October 2005, 01:05 PM
uhm, concerning the PS3's current design: I am sure this is not final. It was just SOMETHING they made up to have a system presentable at E3. Notice how it doesn't even have any ventilation holes in it!

As for the Xbox 360 - I wasn't gonna buy it at launch, but now I won it anyway :D The screens and little movie snippets you guys might have seen on various gamesites don't do games like PGR3, Kameo, or Perfect Dark:Zero justice, it looks A LOT better when you actually play it. I was especially impressed with PGR3, this game looks REAL, I **** you not, REAL. Btw, I'll tell you the secret how they managed to make the 360 so much sleeker and smaller than the original xbox: the AC converter is EXTERNAL! and the thing is HUGE. I had a laughing cramp when I first saw it, and I bet you will, too :lol:

24th October 2005, 02:54 PM
I don't think the PS3 design is too bad. Yes, it's not wonderful, but it's also not bad.
But after they got so many opinions after the E³ I'm sure they will change things, especially the controllers (1. most people hate the design and 2. they are small, small, small... so that is what I have in my mind)
I'm really not sure what I should think about the 360, most vids are made on a HD TV, and I don't have such a (expensive) thing.
The PS3 vids are looking much better IMO. The killzone movie is just unbelievable - and I hope it wasn't just a render movie...

But the main problem is the price. I go to school and don't have 400 or 500€ - cause that is the money Sony probably want to have for their new machine. And that is waaay too much money.
I would mainly buy it for a new WipEout, and this won't be released before 2007, so I've also time to wait.
At this point Microsoft does a better job. Ok, the 360 won't be cheap as well, but also not as expensive as the PS3 will be...

And yes, Sony has to change the Spiderman-font and should keep the X, O, [_] and /\ design they used for the E³ (http://images.anandtech.com/reviews/tradeshows/2005/E3/day1/xbox360/ps3.jpg) - I just love the way they let the symbols look like alien...
I bring it to my mind... you start the console... suddenly you see these alien-symbols appearing... then a "chang3" shows up... and suddenly the symbols change to the real symbols and the "chang" turns into "PS".



24th October 2005, 03:31 PM
Killzone on PS2 was just a horribly generic game though. I can imagine the guys and gals at Bungie laughing their tits off when they saw it. Considering it was being touted as a Halo killer, hopes were SOOOOO high, and yet it wasn't anywhere NEAR the quality of either of Master Chief's adventures.

I'm not particularly biased towards any platform as such, but the games available for them. IMHO the Xbox has FAR more must-have titles. With PS2, for every Ico or Katamari, you have 10 Killzones. Shame.

As I said, this is just my opinion, and after all that, the PS3 will be a must have if WipEout is confirmed, and it carries on from the standards set by Pure.

@ eLhabib: I too have been seriously impressed by most of the stuff I've seen so far for the X360 - esp. PGR3! That looks SERIOUSLY nice!

I have also just bought Perfect Dark for N64 just so I can play the original before Zero comes out. REALLY looking forward to it!

28th October 2005, 09:30 PM
personally i think the 360 has the least amount of must haves. just like its older brother. i bought an xbox only to play splinter cell co-op, granted i did buy more games later on, splinter cell co-op will ultimately be why i cave and pay for a 360. PS3 seems to have the biggest and baddest library of the 3 (and thats something coming from me because i love nintendo) devil may cry, final fantasy (12? 13 and god willing a 7 remake) future ratchet and clank titles and of course wipeout. i'm still pysched about revolution and will be getting that too. i just see xbox as essentially a platform with one title: halo, granted they have other good games, but i dont think xbox would have succeded without microsoft making sure halo was xbox only (as opposed to its original mac or later pc planned release). so yeah i probably will buy one, but it wont be for a good long time.