View Full Version : For all CoLD SToRAGE fans - new album 'Melt' is out...

17th October 2005, 06:18 PM
...And it rules!

So far. I'm actually only on the fourth track so far. But the second one should interest people here, even more so that is: Messij 2005 (New Science Mix) is a very smooth new mix of everyone's favourite wipEout track, not as derivative as the previouos 2 mixes - XTND or Received, but it's still identifiably Messij. The rest of the album seems to be completely original material, though there's one track called 'Wiped Out' which I look forward to listening to.

The other tracks so far sound slick and should be enjoyable to anyone who likes CS's work on the wipEouts. You can get the album from his site http://www.coldstorage.org.uk. At this point you can only get it as a download of about 163Mb in either .mp3 or .WMA format, both are high quality audio though. Er, you can also get him to send you the album on a data disc but you have to contact him about that. There may be a CD release in the future, but from his FAQ it sounds unlikely.

So, anyone else on these here boards gonna buy it?

17th October 2005, 06:47 PM
Glad you like the album! :D

Fingers crossed the rest of the tracks keep you listening too...

There is certainly a variety in style, it's not just all Wipeoutesque stuff. :wink:

I'm hoping some of the tracks will be 'growers' with people warming to styles they might not have heard me write before.


aka. Tim Wright.

17th October 2005, 06:52 PM
congrats on completing the album, Tim

alas, i have dial-up and insufficient funds. [which is why i have dial-up ;) ] :oops:

17th October 2005, 06:54 PM
Great stuff Tim, I look forward to getting hold of it.

17th October 2005, 07:14 PM
That's cool!
Is it possible to listen to the tracks somewhere (not the wohle tracks, just a few seconds)?
I'm interested, like Onxy so much.
So maybe it's something I like, but I'm not 100% sure, so I would like to hear what the tracks sound like.
And is it really true, that there is no real CD available, I like it more to have it on a real Disk with Cover and so on. :)

17th October 2005, 07:24 PM
Hey, that's fantastic news! I was rejoiced to have classic CoLD SToRAGE tracks return to Pure with the classic packs, so brand new material is a reason to celebrate :D

Congrats on the new album! Looking forward to hearing it!

17th October 2005, 07:33 PM
ah, found it:

you will find a few tarck-cuts, including the Messij remix, here (http://www.icecubes.org.uk/mp3/meltmontage.mp3).

17th October 2005, 07:48 PM
Having heard much more of the album now, I can confirm my ealier statements to the effect that the album rules, the 'Red' half seems to have a lot more energy at the moment, Wiped Out is truly awesome, ELK, RED, Shine and Drowning are also very cool, some even remind me a little of the work of Chris Huelsbeck back when he did stuff on the Amiga, only in much better sound quality, obviously. Infact the song Subterannix instantly brought back memories of the underground levels of Turrican II to me.

The Blue half started out great with Asimov and continued well with Messij 2005 but kinda lost me a little after that, I tend not to enjoy stuff thats particularly ambient and quiet unless I'm in a very particular mood to listen to more ambient music and a lot of it seemed to lack drama to me in my current state. I'm sure under different listening conditions I'll be able to appreciate more of the songs on that half. Was there a conscious decision on your part to make the Blue half more, 'chilled' for lack of a better word and the Red half more dramatic?

Dogg Thang
17th October 2005, 08:26 PM
Excellent news! Just going to get it now. I'm a huge fan of his music.

Edit: Just got it! Well, off to go listen now but I went straight for Messij 2005 - very different, but excellent!

Space Cowboy
17th October 2005, 09:07 PM
WHOAH! Been waiting for this for ages! DLing now! I cant wait!
Cheers Tim, you the man!

Dogg Thang
17th October 2005, 09:12 PM
'White Vale' is so Tangerine Dream. I love it.

Space Cowboy
17th October 2005, 09:49 PM
Now I've got, gave it a listen, and I do like it, I think it will grow on me. :)
I just cant help but feel it could have been.... more.
Maybe I was expecting a wipeout album, but this obviously isnt the case, Tim has shown his ability to stretch to other fields and Im with him all the way!
I think he'll be a force to be reckoned with in the future.
Good show mate! :D

17th October 2005, 10:36 PM
I love cold storage music, specially stuff from the 1st wipeout and 'body in motion' from the second one. This album is a definite buy.

18th October 2005, 04:00 PM
i just uploaded the entire WO soundtrack to my nano (wonderful little thing) and as i am listening "Doh T" i can feel the intro right in my throat :D; great stuff; specially since i dont have time to play i can enjoy more my commute now :D

19th October 2005, 01:04 PM
WooHoo - well done Tim!!

-havent had a chance to purchase yet (paycheck this weekend!) but the demo thingy sounds cool (had to stop it a quarter the way in though to stop ruining it for myself!).

Congrats again mate ;)

28th October 2005, 11:26 PM
I look forward to getting this and blasting it in my G35 all throughout South Central Los Angeles... Thanks for making great music, Tim.

30th October 2005, 08:56 AM
Thats great to hear, tim!
Glad you took my advice about remaking messij then.... :wink:

As soon as I find my cheque book I will be requesting a disc full o' mp3 to generally terrorise the laboratory with. Or maybe just raise a few eyebrows. We'll see.

Thankyou Mr. SToRAGE.

31st October 2005, 02:34 PM
Just purchased the album last night and liked what I heard, and thought the art was brilliant to. By the way Tim (if you are reading this) What's the likely hood of a new version of Body in Motion being done, that would be cool! :rock_on

7th November 2005, 12:46 PM
Cheers guys! :D

There is a montage .mp3 of the album that you can access from visiting the store and clicking on the MORE INFO button ( or the cover pic ). http://www.coldstorage.org.uk/store.html

As for a remix of other Wipeout tracks, that's something I'm gonna have to do at some stage to keep you all happy!
