View Full Version : My very own, narcissistic Tactics FAQ info topic

12th October 2005, 02:36 AM
As some of you may have seen from my "I return" topic, I am working on an FAQ about racing tactics. However, I will definitely need the help of you folks from XLink Kai. As it is right now, quite a bit of what I'm saying can only apply towards computers and is strictly theoretical when it comes to human opponents. I have no experience in this regard. So, as soon as I have a TXT file that is large enough for my standards and have posted it on the web, I would like some comments.

Anyways, down to business.

v. 0.1: Started FAQ. Layed down framework for ship selection and weapon usage topics, as well as subtopics for each ship stat plus one's own personal style, proper distance to use a weapon, and proper method of using weapons tactically.

12th October 2005, 02:48 AM
We'll be glad to help!

12th October 2005, 03:40 AM
Maybe it`s time to write the official "Book of Multiplayer Dirty Tricks." Of which there are so many...... :evilgrin

My favourite is only theoretical atm, as I`ve never succesfully applied it. I will call it the "That`s Not My Bomb" Ruse. Wait until the race leader ahead of you drops a bomb on a crucial speed pad, feeling all warm and pleased with himself about this, obviously. A competitor behind him, and ahead of you, then hits the bomb. You see this has occurred and, being armed with another bomb, drop it in exactly the same place. Alternatively, you are shielded and carrying a bomb at the same time, enabling you to both clear out the leader`s bomb and drop a decoy in its place.

On the next lap our satisfied race leader prepares to fly through the bomb, naturally believing that only he can use said speed pad which lies underneath it.......Oh the irony as you watch him realise, all too painfully, that "that`s not my bomb!"

One day this plan will work, it`s inevitable. :wink:

12th October 2005, 06:37 AM
... but can't your own bomb hurt you as well?

12th October 2005, 08:48 AM
True, you can't trigger your own bomb, but if someone one else blows it up, the explosion itself is an equal opportunity ball of fire. It's happened to me a few times to be neck to neck to an opponent who ran into a bomb of mine that knocked me in the wall when he blew up on it, but that does afford you with another trick that relies on luck a lot.

If you're firing a missile or rockets at someone who happens to be dropping a bomb just before he gets hit, then the bomb will blow up instantly as it gets dropped and burn the bomber himself. That's a very satisfying way of getting rid of that bomb! :twisted:

And regarding the "bomb switcheroo" trick, you can also do it if you're only carrying a bomb and run into another one unprotected, dropping yours just as you're blowing up on it. This sort of trick works really well in a tight corridor like the twisted chicanes of Sebenco Climb or the strangled bottleneck turn of Odessa Keys. You may have lost time blowing up on that bomb, but the guy who left it is going to have a *nasty* surprise when he flies by next lap and thinks *that* bomb is still his own!

12th October 2005, 10:03 AM
hm, multiplayer tricks? not that I'd know of any... :D :wink:

15th October 2005, 07:29 AM
cough backwards quake cough
