View Full Version : AG ships in "Serenity"

5th October 2005, 08:44 PM
First of all, let me say that "Serenity" is one strong sci-fi movie. It is smart, and well-written, with a great cast of characters. Kaylee is a hottie (I've had a crush on Jewel Staite since I was younger).

With that out of the way...

A smile came to my face when I saw that the crew of the Serenity uses a small AG drop-ship that kinda looks like the Fusion Auricom. There's even a scene when they're being chased by the Reavers in another AG ship that kinda looks like a hellish version of Piranha--larger, meaner, and spewing an evil, black cloud.

Watching "Serenity" gives me hope that a Wipeout movie could be a possibility.

5th October 2005, 09:32 PM
Racing movies tend to suck though. I'd be happy if there were just more FMV's in the next console Wipeout.

5th October 2005, 10:50 PM
Wipeout movie? Please no. I heard Serenity was a really good movie. I'm just wating for the UK release. Cant wait!!! Big Firefly fan here!!!! :P

6th October 2005, 04:47 AM
Indeed, a fantastic movie. Thoroughly enjoyable and also quite surprising.

I was just reading the rulebook for the RPG the other day, and I went over in detail the "engine technical documents". And the ships in Serentiy ARE anti-grav craft!

The main engines are made up of 3 parts: A field that dimishes the weight of the craft towards 0, an inertial dampening/creation system (inertialless drive, more or less), and a thrust system for interplanetary speed. I think that was how it went. From what it was saying, most all flying craft are based on these 3 interrelated systems and even though they're all seperate systems they're packaged into one term: "Grav drive".

Just thought you'd like to know. 8 )

6th October 2005, 05:02 PM
That's wonderful stuff. It's funny, I liked this AG ship more than the pod racers in Episode One.