View Full Version : Classic Pack 01 for Euro Version

3rd October 2005, 04:20 PM
it's downloadable via the in-game browser!!!
it's 11,7 MB big (6,2 MB track and 5,5 MB music)

And my f*cking stick is full :brickwall

3rd October 2005, 04:43 PM
But it's not on the official site...?
And my stick's full too :(
Should I get the delta update or the new classic?

3rd October 2005, 04:44 PM
Delta has more stuff but I'd say classic (w/o music) coz there's some great stuff there.

3rd October 2005, 04:50 PM
If I would delete the Delta-Pack from the memory stick and add the Classic Packs, would I lose all my gold medalls? :?

3rd October 2005, 04:52 PM
still can't find it on the official site, and Yourpsp.com's acting weird...

3rd October 2005, 04:52 PM
they arent on there yet, which is a swine as my wireless isnt working for some reason!

3rd October 2005, 04:55 PM
If I would delete the Delta-Pack from the memory stick and add the Classic Packs, would I lose all my gold medalls? :?

no you won't. the gold medals are saved in your profile, whereas the tracks are saved in their respective folders. if you delete the delta pack, you will not be able to VIEW your gold medal art for those tracks, but if you reinstall it, they will still be there.

3rd October 2005, 04:58 PM
I'm waiting...

3rd October 2005, 05:01 PM
Thanks eLhabib!!

I will download now - can't wait :D

Btw: I wanna do some races on Xlink Kai in near future. Would be great if you could go online on msn in the next days and show me how to get the thing working and maybe I can blow up your little Assegai :lol:

3rd October 2005, 05:02 PM
I'll help you of course.
However, I only have the US version at the moment, so your blowing me up will have to wait...

3rd October 2005, 05:08 PM
Well that's delta gone. For now...
On an earlier not from my post: does anyone know any store in england that does cheap MemorySticks?

3rd October 2005, 05:10 PM
I got mine on ebay - £50 for a 1gb stick from Japan ( official not a copy one ) other than that I've been recommended ebuyer from one of the guys at work - although you will pay more than £50 for 1gb

3rd October 2005, 05:48 PM
check out www.wipeoutpure.com

3rd October 2005, 05:52 PM
ah, cheers man, but I thought it was going to have Icaras not Goteki...?

edit: and the download links are backwards...

3rd October 2005, 05:55 PM
no, that's the US-Donwload you're talking about!

Odessa looks beautiful - reminds me a little bit on Sol2 :)

3rd October 2005, 06:18 PM
For some reason it's not there on my PC!

3rd October 2005, 06:23 PM
Clear your cache then, it might do the trick.

I gave it a spin earlier and yes it look really nice, especially odessa at the moment! But as meantoined some time ago, they are very different to their originals, I hardly recognise either. But i dont care. Goteki looks a bit daft compared to its blocky ancestor, but i'll get over it.

Omega here we come! Oh and classic pack 2...

3rd October 2005, 06:41 PM
Can't find the new music tracks.... I've downloaded both packs but they are not in the music list. :?

3rd October 2005, 06:43 PM

3rd October 2005, 06:52 PM
Just saw it right after posting. Thanks!

3rd October 2005, 06:55 PM
noooo problem :D

3rd October 2005, 06:56 PM
There is another posible glitch in them also, when it plays the trakc the title of it called classic2_canada...

Anyway, taken off the classic packs and put back on the delta pack, having half a league was bugging me as i could have a whole on what little space i have.

3rd October 2005, 08:18 PM
To be true,
the classic pack 01 is not something I'm really happy about - I had expect more. The tracks changed alot. The up- and downhill sections are totally different to the originals and some straights are cuttet - so that is what I think when I flew them.
I'm not really sure there, but I've also the feeling that it's a little bit slippery compared to the other tracks. You have the feeling you're flying on ice - but that is maybe just my illusion.

The style is also not that good. I quite like Odessa (Altima is a little bit too red...) but... well... they should have kept the classic style they used in the original classic league on the UMD. The new style looks too organic instead of technical to me. And together with buildings etc. it looks a bit confusing.

Not to mention that SL had enough time to make these track look real (like the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta tracks)...

So that are just my 2 cents...

3rd October 2005, 08:24 PM
Just you wait until you see Porto Kora and Vohl Square. You'll understand then that this is how all the new classic tracks come together as a unified whole! :D

3rd October 2005, 08:24 PM
you wait for PK and VS

3rd October 2005, 08:25 PM
I felt exactly the same way when I first raced altima, but believe me, you will grow to like them. A LOT. And altima on phantom is the biggest thrill I have gotten in this game so far.

EDIT: lol you guys, 3 posts within a MINUTE!

3rd October 2005, 08:41 PM
Altima is hell in Phantom. I can better fly Citta Nuova, cause this track is easier to master than Altima.

Bum, bum - crash, crash - "energy critical" - bum bum - missile - BAM - dud dud dud dud dud - *there's the next weapon pad, there it iiiiiiii-* QUAKE.
"contender eliminated"

Ah, I forgot the respawn including the "start 200 meters behind" and "lose your engery for free".


3rd October 2005, 09:03 PM
help! the pack's still not appearing on wipeoutpure.com for me

3rd October 2005, 09:05 PM
*ding* reload *ding*

3rd October 2005, 09:08 PM
tried that...

3rd October 2005, 09:11 PM
maybe you should delete your catch and try again or something.
Don't know.
hm... or you try to get the stuff from some "mysterious" sites?

*runs away from infox*

3rd October 2005, 09:15 PM
Okay, no one mention piracy again we don't want a thread to get locked, and in this case it's immoral, if it was piracy of a game by EA that would be fine, but SL work hard to bring us this quality content.

I still got nothing from the main site, I will try clearing out my history and temp files and see if it has any effect. :roll:

Edit to avoid double post: god-frackin-damnit! :evil: still no trace of the pack on wipeoutpure.com, just Gamma and Delta.

Given that 99% of us have a computer with net connexion it would make more sense surely to put the download on the site first rather than on the PSP ingame thing and leave people like me without a nearby Starbucks hanging for an entire day...

3rd October 2005, 09:18 PM
well, I've been trying http://www.wipeoutpure.com ever since peeps mentioned problems and I cant find a damn thing wrong with it. It shows up every time!!





see if those get you going. These are the official links to the popup windows, so its not iffy or anything.

3rd October 2005, 09:28 PM
Thanks for the link bakkufu™ for the links, downloaded in a few seconds each and renamed the music folder, I still don't know why I can't access the links from the site. Oh well.

3rd October 2005, 09:43 PM
dunno why its being wierd, and I'm glad the links sorted the problem for you!

4th October 2005, 06:47 PM
Yay! Got 'em now! Icaras rules!

4th October 2005, 07:06 PM
Altima VII is a fracking pain in the nether-regions in both Rapier and Phantom :twisted: but still a cool track layout. Both tracks are barely recognisable - I can run around the original track layouts in my head of both Altima VII and Odessa Keys (Quays surely is the spelling of such a port type place I thought?).

Anyway Odessa is a pale shadow of itself in terms of the track layout. What happened to the section with the separate islands? On 2097 that was a gruelling punishment even in a Feisar, and the final left-into-hairpin-right has been made so shallow as to be possible to take with your eyes closed. All this makes for a track that I actually like as the layout of the original was such a gruelling punishment that racing there felt like a chore rather than a joy. The new layout is far more friendly to my dim reaction time.

Back to Altima VII, the layout is much more faithful to the original, only the really punishing thin tunnel at the end with that b*stard of a left turn at the end of the track that nearly always caught me out in the Auricom or Qirex back in the day has been smoothed over by some nice plastic surgery. Though I'm sure the track in what used to be the tunnel has been widened - it was insanely narrow in the original wipEout. In any case Altima VII is a real challenge at higher speeds ironic given it was originally the perfect beginner's course and it was easy to go real fast in both the original version and the wo3se remake.

5th October 2005, 10:18 AM
Yay! Got 'em now! Icaras rules!

Icaras? Didn't think that ship was in the UK Packs Yet??? I would love Icaras, is it ready for UK download yet, if so how do I get it please????

5th October 2005, 11:11 AM
Icaras is available for the US version only at the moment.

5th October 2005, 11:49 AM
...and this is the rare time for me that the US version is getting all the attention over the EU and JP versions... :wink:

6th October 2005, 03:44 PM
Has anyone noticed that when you finish a race (e.g. Odessa Keys) while playing the music from the pack (e.g. Canada), if you save a ghost, while the data is being recorded to the memory stick, the music skips?

Minor but ugly. :(

6th October 2005, 04:35 PM
:bombhead :bombhead :bombhead :evil: :evil: :evil: :x :? :( :bombhead :x

No download packs will work on my PSP, I tried UCAS, UCJS, UCES and even UCKS packs.

UCAS packs dont wrok since I have a Region 2 PSP and Region 3 UMD so thats useless.
UCES packs should work, but just dont show up in the game menus!
UCJS packs arent recognized.
UCKS packs are recognized as corrupt data!

aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6th October 2005, 04:48 PM
you know that the classic-pack has a bug? It isn't transfered to the right folder, so it isn't available in the game without giving it another name and putting it into the right folder.

I'm not sure if this is just right for the music pack and maybe it's already fixed.

So take a look at your memory stick, maybe that's the reason why the downloads aren't working.
Good luck, pilot 8)

6th October 2005, 05:22 PM
Whats the new rename? Can u post it here?

6th October 2005, 05:31 PM
click! (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2798)

Colin Berry
7th October 2005, 10:24 AM
that was only the music download, not the game download - and it should be fixed anyway.

I cant understand the problems you are experiencing Disrupto, sounds odd.

Can I ask
You've downloaded the euro packs - do they appear on your memory stick ?

if yes then
What directory do they appear in on the stick

In game do they show up in the single race or time trial menus or tournament, or nowhere at all ??

Once downloaded are you resetting the machine, you are supposed to to make it all work properly.

captain chickenpants
7th October 2005, 10:38 AM
Whats the new rename? Can u post it here?
I have had problems getting downloads working, check out my page here (http://www.gelp.net/?FILEID=wipeout) it may help you with your problems.

It will at least tell you how to get names for folders correct. :-)

7th October 2005, 01:37 PM
Yes, they appear under "Saved Data Utility" under "Game". After downloading them, I leave the USB connection, come out of "Settings" to the main menu and then turn off and restart the PSP. Then, I start Wipeout Pure and look everywhere. No new tracks, ships, skins or music. Nothing.

7th October 2005, 01:44 PM
they have to be in the SAVEDATA folder.

7th October 2005, 01:46 PM
SAVEDATA in the drive IS Saved Data Utility on the PSP.

7th October 2005, 01:52 PM
SAVEDATA in the drive IS Saved Data Utility on the PSP.


saved data utility/game is where version updates and the like have to be, seperate programs that can be launched on the PSP.

the savedata folder is where your wipeout purE profile is, and also where the download packs are supposed to be.

7th October 2005, 02:08 PM
You two should stop the ego battle or be prepared to face a ban.

I don't care who started it but the last two discussions you've had were off the scale in the testosteron-o-meter.

The first premise of this forums is to keep discussions civilised.

7th October 2005, 02:20 PM
OK, ill stop it but, everything I put in SAVEDATA shows up on the PSP under Saved Data Utility. Even my profile.

7th October 2005, 02:35 PM
Uhm, sorry if my posts sound testosterone-laden, when actually they are not. In this thread I only try to make clear to him that he has to put his file in a different directory, nothing more than that, so what's the problem?

I admit that I am getting kind of pissed in the thread about cars with wheels in purE, because I was thrown at with an actual LIE. Just because I pointed that out to him doesn't mean I want to prove anything to anyone, so sorry if this got in the wrong throat.

8th October 2005, 12:40 AM
Just managed gold in Ascension Tournament (Phantom) and had to sign up to tell someone!!! (gf doesn't care)

Back on topic - I can't seem to get the classic pack 1. I'm using a UK PSP with UK wipeout, and downloading through the ingame browser.

The options I can see are only for the Gamma and Delta packs. If I select one of these, then the picture comes up, and Classic Pack 1 is listed on the left, but is unselectable. I noticed others posting here have successfully downloaded this straight to their machines. Am I doing something wrong?

I've never managed to get anything of use out of yourpsp.com or (wipeoutpure.com which links to it). Its an utter bloody waste of time - servers always busy.

Thanks for helping a newbie! SG

Edit - completely ignore this post - I got it working this morning! :oops:

I shall now creep back into the shadows and lurk...