View Full Version : More wacky hijinks in Pureland

15th September 2005, 04:40 PM
As more and more people get into wipeout, even more new stories of bizarre occurances are bound to pop up.

I have a new one to share:

While racing in Mandrashee, I used a turbo before the small jump near the end of the track and landed *directly* on top of the Van Uber ship, but instead of just dropping down I *bounced* up and forward, my controller input mistaken by the game as a request to barrel roll. I landed in front of him and blasted away at full throttle!

15th September 2005, 04:49 PM
Speaking of mandrashee, it's highly dangerous to fire a turbo on the "corkscrew" section. Many times I've done that and ended up pointing up/sideways, hoping I'm lucky enough to land back on the track...

15th September 2005, 04:53 PM
That's a pretty neat trick, I have landed -on- other craft numerous times but I never actually considered using it to do a barrel role, shall have to give that a try next time it happens.

Only vaguelly interesting story I got was on Sebenco Climb I used a turbo just before the bit with the really long straight that leads into the tunnel section; my Feisar came off the track and I thought I was gonna go off the edge and respawn, but instead I landed on the top of the track walls and, I believe the skate-boarding term is 'grinded' my way along the walls about halfway down the straight before falling back to the track. Didn't help with the race but a cool looking trick.

Edit: Sven, for the 'corkscrew', I always fire the turbo you get on TT on the corkscrew because it's a long straight and the twisting motion slows you down too much, I position my craft towards the side of the track that's lower, the left at the start I think, and fire the turbo facing slightly to the right thus even as I go up the track rises with me. In this way I've never had trouble with getting air on that section, all the way up to rapier (not unlocked Phantom yet)

15th September 2005, 05:07 PM
That is a cool feature that the barriers are "solid brushes" or for those who dont use unrealEd, just real. It means you can race on the barriers.

I have had a time when i was on citta nuova on the last of the main chicane, i set of a turbo ont he uphill part and hit a house next to the track, flipping me upside down and helpless.

Another time i completley made a dogs dinner on the Chigori drop on Secenco climb, somhow anding up going down it similar to the way a space shuttle lands.

More to follow...

15th September 2005, 06:19 PM
Scenery that clips is a mixed blessing, especially if you're someone that played Wipeout XL last ...... :(

15th September 2005, 07:20 PM
since we already have a thread about this subject, i'm wondering why another one has been started. please use the original. this one is closed. if you feel there is a justification for a separate repetition of the topic, please send me a PM explaining the reason/s