View Full Version : What jobs do you people do?

Space Cowboy
15th August 2005, 04:24 PM
Just as a matter of interest what does everyone around here do for a job? We seem to have quite an eclectic mix of people on the zone forums, it would be interesting to know what everyone here does while they are not here.
Im a student bum so its kind of N/A... hehehe ;)

15th August 2005, 04:35 PM
I'm a Physics Technician in a school. This means that (a) I get school holidays without having to be a teacher and (b) I get to play with all the cool equipment. Plus we have a table football table in the prep. room. :D I love my job.

15th August 2005, 04:38 PM
I work for a PC retailer in the UK and I do web graphics and airbrushing on the side.

15th August 2005, 04:50 PM
Exactly the same as Space Cowboy right down to what we're studying. :wink:

15th August 2005, 05:00 PM
You have to tell people. Have to. :)

I'm a Web Developer. Don't know why I capped that up. Makes it seem more important, when it isn't really in the big scheme of things. I mean, it'll be absolutely no use to me should some third world war take us all back to medievil times like John Titor had everyone believing a couple of years back. What use is a web developer when everybody is looking up to the Amish as a technological super-race?

Just as well I trained as an electrician originally.


Space Cowboy
15th August 2005, 05:18 PM
heheh :)
I used to be a sparky too before I went travelling.

15th August 2005, 06:14 PM
I'm a games tester for SONY in Liverpool.... funny enough though, have always been interested in 'electrics', thoughts about joining the police or even getting back into marketing where ones true skills/passion lies :D

Interesting thread by the way!

15th August 2005, 06:27 PM
I'm a fresh-baked graphics designer, looking for a job right now and doing some freelance jobs on the side.

15th August 2005, 07:20 PM
I'm a radio and TV journalist. Also a student (social politics major) caught in an infinite loop of inactivity.

15th August 2005, 07:34 PM
I'm a designer/Illustrator currently slumming it at that place in Malmesbury that makes 'Hoovers'!!! :roll:

Always been interested in art and illustration over design, so that's where I'm trying to steer my career at the moment. Dyson is not being very accomodating, so may well end up going freelance again soon.

Dogg Thang
15th August 2005, 07:57 PM
I draw pictures and sometimes I do colouring in.

It's fun!

15th August 2005, 08:00 PM
I'm a tech support senior agent, and the long string of angry people on the phone who feel that because "it's the internet" they deserv eto have everything "immediately and for free because they're paying for it", I've had much incentive to pick up my pencils and pens again to improve my drawing skill enough to make a living with it eventually.

Space Cowboy
15th August 2005, 08:25 PM
wow a real mix here, its really interesting to see such diversity. keep em coming.

15th August 2005, 09:36 PM
i'm a PACE [Professional Avoider of Corporate Employment]
ever since i quit working for a corporation over 5 years ago, i swore i would never work for a corporation again. so far, so good.
that means i'm freelance.
there must be a pun there somewhere. ;)

15th August 2005, 09:48 PM
I will leave that one for the professional comedians, my puns are all worn out right now.

Currently working in laboratory for specsavers, making (not selling!!!!!!) glasses for all you people that.... errr....need ... glasses.

Previously, I was a lead technician in a quality control and assurance laboratory in a concrete product factory. That was until they didn't like me any more.

To review:
I work in laboratories.

15th August 2005, 10:10 PM
sort of a lab rat, in the same way that some people are mall rats? ;)
not the Other sort of lab rat, of course.

15th August 2005, 10:27 PM
well, I refer to myself as a laboratory monkey, but again that can be misinterpreted to mean something very different. :P

Yeah, very much like your mall rat, but with less whiskas and more of an all-over fuzz. :lol:
(note to self - must shave face soon)

whiskers was the word I was looking for, but as some bizarre freudian slip got in the way, I wrote whiskas, which is a brand of cat food.
There's a pun there somewhere.... always thinking of pussy is too obvious though.

As you were.....

16th August 2005, 12:26 AM
Well I am a plain old Postman, who delivers mail by push bike.

16th August 2005, 04:20 AM
Was a "inspector predial" which translates from someone who inspects and values buildings and land, so our determination office (part of an institution which would be something like the U.S.A.´s I.R.S.) can determine the taxation value the owners have to pay.

yes... many ppl hated my job :P , hell i dont like the people that do that to my house! :D
if theres a lab rat and mall rat description, the inspected people would call me A rat :(

Was doing that until recently, now im finishing my Architecture degree.

16th August 2005, 05:33 AM
I'm a computer tech guy. My title is Engineer, though that isn't very descriptive of what I actually do.
Most of the time I am a warranty repairman for HP/Compaq and Toshiba laptops, though for the last few months I've been involved in a rollout of windows XP at a regional council
edit: I come home to a mac :P

16th August 2005, 07:20 AM
I serve popcorn by night and do art by later still... Trying to get into the game industry, and will not fail no matter how many tries it takes.

16th August 2005, 08:39 AM
Im a video games artist

I havent slept in six years

16th August 2005, 10:41 AM
Although I'm a telecom engineer, I'm working as a web dev. Although I enjoy it as a hobby, it's not exactly what I'd like to be doing.

If you ask me, I'd like to work as a junior programmer for a game developers studio. A shame that in Spain the game industry is virtually nonexistent. :cry:

16th August 2005, 11:36 AM
I study architecture. 2 years still to go. try to get a job as a tutor(?) for those years. It is stressy and funny. learn much. see much. giggle much

16th August 2005, 02:32 PM
And I am a music producer, working on contract now and working on my album too. I'm also a DJ, and meanwhile I'm a student/bum. I take the things i like to do more seriously, therefore i don't want to learn much at my college.

19th August 2005, 05:10 AM
ugh i feel so unimportant when compared to most people here lol, but im a waiter :(

19th August 2005, 07:53 AM
i feel so unimportant...

Ever since I finished my studies and got a job, I have found out that there are plenty of idiots out there with jobs that sounded like something cool but this didn't make them less idiotic.

My point: there isn't as much correlation between jobs and personal value as one would think.

Space Cowboy
19th August 2005, 11:00 AM
but im a waiter :(

Dont knock it :) I was a wiater for 5 years through college and my first year at uni, I gained alot from the experience, not too mention bucket loads of cash in tips :)

19th August 2005, 11:42 AM
In the immortal words of Tyler Durden "you are not your job"

19th August 2005, 12:07 PM
The problem is that the majority of we, mere mortals, spend about half the time we are awake in our jobs.

It's even worse than it sounds. Blargh... :robot

19th August 2005, 12:18 PM
damn, i love the WZ; i'm proud of you guys, not just for your being able to see the truth about real worth, but most especially for your efforts to make a fellow member feel better. it's great to see that; i've not seen much kindness and truly adult behaviour on the internet.

19th August 2005, 03:10 PM
The problem is that the majority of we, mere mortals, spend about half the time we are awake in our jobs....and all the time we are dreaming, non-conscious... may I recommend, the subtle and beautiful art of lucid dreaming?

19th August 2005, 03:16 PM
*cries* you guys are cool, thanks alot! wow i cant believe ive had an account here for sooooooooooo long and never really posted.

Space Cowboy
19th August 2005, 04:48 PM
Society puts alot of pressure on us, it tell us that we have to live up to, and in alot of cases exceed expectations.
People are rarely taken for what they are, its always the emphasis on how big your wallet is, what car you drive, or what house you live in. In short its BS.
When you look at how people live across the world it brings home the most important values , it makes you realise that only one thing counts, happiness.
You should be happy with who you are no matter what your situation might be, because you can bet your cotton socks there are people out there that have it alot worse, some people cant even get food on their table, or struggle with disease.
We have never had it so good. So if your in doubt about yourself, dont be - smile you beautiful people :)

19th August 2005, 06:16 PM
I agree with your sentiment, SC, but one of the most tyrannical friends I ever had continuously told everybody to 'smile' :) :) :evil:
I don't believe happiness is an emotion that can be sustained indefinitely. we are human and not idealized machines, our thoughts and emotions tend to swing between highs and lows. we tend to want to escape the lows and maintain the highs but consciously attempting these feats is nigh-on impossible; the best way to stop feeling bad is to just forget about it, but that ain't gonna happen if you're trying to stop feeling bad. Likewise, feeling great usually occurs when you're not thinking about it, and when you start trying to hold on to that feeling, it goes. Best to just let it all happen.
[/end philosophical rant]

Space Cowboy
19th August 2005, 06:24 PM
Tru bro, tru. :)

19th August 2005, 08:03 PM
Hi everybody!

I think its the best place to make my first post in this forum :D

So i leave in Marseille (south of France), and i finished my studies 2 months ago, to be now a video editor.

I'll finnish my first contract soon, and i think i'll move to England, this country attracts me a lot :D

Space Cowboy
19th August 2005, 08:32 PM
Welcome to the forums :) Hope you'll enjoy it here, Its a great community.

19th August 2005, 08:46 PM
Hi Reishi, I`m an editor too - which makes us one of the most popular professions here on Wipeoutzone. Welcome aboard. :D

@Mo - a lot of truth in your "philosophical rant". Happiness is something that just happens to you sometimes, afaict. Though there are things you can do to help it along, like buying a new PSP. Guess I`d make a crap buddhist.

19th August 2005, 09:39 PM
Fixing bugs in mobile phone games. Glamorous. (not)

19th August 2005, 10:38 PM
im a student, but sometimes people pay me a few quid to make a couple of simple PCB's (printed circuit boards) for them.
£3.00 per pcb (not inc component costs)
£1.00 per small stripboard ( not inc component costs).
+£4.00 for a case to house the circuit in.

over the sdchool year ive made about £50-60 ! !, still looking for more customers :radar
apparantly i have an exellent knowlage of electronics considering im only 15 :wink:

Rouni Kenshin#1
19th August 2005, 10:52 PM
I'm plugging through highschool and will get a job this comming summer.... hopefully.

and nobody should feel bad. we all put our pants on one leg at a time.

20th August 2005, 04:11 PM
I`m a joiner by trade, now ATM I`m on pricework and I`m doing fitted kitchen (one kitchen per day) like, rip the old kitchen out then our plumber will set it in a correct place then a sparky also set it up as well and I will put the units in and worktops as well to finish it off which roughly like about 2pm everyday. Life is a bliss huh? ;)

stevie :)

20th August 2005, 05:56 PM
Lots of time for golf then, Stevie?! ;) :P

20th August 2005, 10:35 PM
LOL!!! EEErrrmm...........then yes :oops:

stevie :lol:

22nd August 2005, 06:52 PM
I'll write what's on my business cards. Business cards that I've given to exactly one person: my wife (because my phone number's on it)...

Matthew Downs
Forensic Technology Services

22nd August 2005, 07:15 PM
hm.... FTS. intriguing. DNA analysis? bullet 'fingerprinting'?

[watches way too much TV'

Space Cowboy
22nd August 2005, 08:09 PM
Oh CSI type stuff? :) Cool

22nd August 2005, 08:34 PM
No, nothing THAT exciting. Just mostly going through bad people's (read: corporations) hard drives finding things that they erroneously thought they had deleted. Then I round up all the relevant info and hand it off to the SEC or Department of Justice to look at. But mostly either burning large numbers of CDs (two hundred seventy in a day is my latest record) or printing HUGE amounts of documents (the guy I work with printed over 100,000 pages in a two day period last week).

But the work comes in phases so it's a little slow lately. As a result I'm posting on the Zone and reading Michel de Montaigne essays.

Rouni Kenshin#1
22nd August 2005, 10:23 PM
wondering what to major in in college!!

so have incredabel ability to understand anethying about computer. Thinking about programming. are any of you programmers? can you tell me some basic info like salery and location of your work and what kind of stuff you do?

amd open to computing major sugestions.


22nd August 2005, 10:38 PM
programming requires 100 percent accurate entry of code instructions. :)
one tiny error can mean hours of work tracing the problem in a program routine. it's a lot... repeat... a lot of grinding work, followed by very brief moments of joy when some brilliant inspired idea works.
not enough of those moments, in my experience. and i only did it as an amateur on simple stuff.

Rapier Racer
22nd August 2005, 10:54 PM
I did some programming in pascal and visual basic and it is a pain in the arse trying to find mistakes and correct them, but hey if you got the hang of it then it might be fun

23rd August 2005, 07:50 AM
I can recommend programming :)

If you're a logical thinker, who can approach problems and solve them in a structured manner then programming is fun when things are going well. Like any job, though, it can be frustrating when you cant work something out.

At least nowadays you have the internet and search engines like www.koders.com to help find the solution to things when you're stuck.

23rd August 2005, 08:07 AM
I know exactly what you guys mean there, I did some programming at college, gave me a heads up, but I still get stuck sometimes even on silly things like html forms lol

23rd August 2005, 02:04 PM
Believe it or not, most programmers couldn't spell if their lives depended on it.

I'm the only programmer (as far as I can tell, in the entire world) who can actually spell.

It requires a certain kind of mentality to excell in, but a good programmer can expect to earn slightly better than an average salary for an entry-level position. And you can easily double your salary once you've got 5 years of experience, especially if you specialize in some new technology that becomes industry standard.

Here's a word problem for you:

U2 has to get to the concert as quickly as they can. To get there, they need to cross a perilous bridge and it's the dead of night. Only two people can cross the bridge at a time, and they've only got one flashlight. Bono takes 1 minute to cross, The Edge takes 2 minutes. Larry takes 5 minutes, and Adam takes 10 minutes. None of them can cross without the flashlight, and the flashlight cannot cross without being carried by one of them. The concert starts in less than 20 minutes, can they get there in time? How?

If you're the kind of person that digs right into that problem and comes up with a solution, then you might be the kind of person that can do well as a programmer.

23rd August 2005, 02:09 PM
Yes they can.

Bono carries the flashlight the whole way through.
He guides Adam across and they take ten minutes. Bono comes back for Larry.
10 min + 1 min = 11min.
Bono guides Larry across and comes back for The Edge.
11 min so far + 5 min + 1 min = 17 min
Bono goes across with The edge, and everybody is across the bridge now.
17 min so far + 2 min = 19 min

They have a minute to spare!

Rouni Kenshin#1
23rd August 2005, 10:26 PM
No, you forgot to count the 1 min, for Bono going back every time.

23rd August 2005, 10:41 PM
Yes I did.

Bono walks hand in hand with Adam, he COULD go faster but sticks by him the whole way across: 10 min

Bono walks back alone to fetch Larry + 1 min
total 11 min

Bono walks hand in hand with Larry, he COULD go faster but sticks by him the whole way across: +5 min
total 16 min

Bono walks back alone to fetch The Edge + 1 min
total 17 min

Bono walks hand in hand with The Edge, he COULD go faster but sticks by him the whole way across: + 2 min
total 19 min

All members of U2 are across now!
Clear enough for you buddy?

Rouni Kenshin#1
23rd August 2005, 10:51 PM
Sorry. :oops:

i didn't think about it that way.

23rd August 2005, 10:54 PM
Eh, s'okay :wink:

I've always had a knack for these logic puzzles. Towers of hannoi, rubik's cubes and pyramids, missing link prisms, wolves sheeps and cabbage, you name it. You develop odd patterns of thinking over time and to me this sort of game feels intuitive.

23rd August 2005, 11:21 PM
well that was an easy one actually. it's only logical that the guy who is fastest does all the running back and forth...

23rd August 2005, 11:26 PM
True, but does everyone actually THINK of it?

As the old joke goes...

The Canadian Prime Minister is lead on a guided tour of an insane asylum, and when asked how they determined who needed to stay, was shown a room with a bathtub in it.

"We fill the tub and leave the faucet running and give the potential patient a spoon to empty the tub. Those who don't turn the faucet off and pull the plug are immediately given a room for a long stay."

"Wow." says the Prime Minister, "I never would have thought of that!"

25th August 2005, 05:15 PM
I'm a comics colorist and a concept artist.

I'm currently coloring Evil Ernie for Devil's Due.
Admittedly, 'm not that big of an Evil Ernie fan (not a fan at all, actually)
but the artwork is awesome and worth checking out on that merit.

it hits stores the week of September 28th if any of you are interested.

anyway my dream is to do concept art for a wipeout game.

25th August 2005, 05:26 PM
Im halfway through my GCSE's (one year till i get my results :?)

Computers are my thing and i think i would either go for programming or 3d graphics. I would like to eventually work for a games company. Preferably Studio Liverpool. :)

@Drakken: I completed the tower of hanoi on my first go in 13 steps (or was it 23?) Which ever one it was, it is the lowest amount of move you can do it in.

12th September 2005, 06:58 AM
I'm a comics colorist and a concept artist.
I'm currently coloring Evil Ernie for Devil's Due.

I love DD's Army Of Darkness and the G.I.Joe comics!

I own a store that sells party decorations and joke stuff (don't know how you call that kind of shop in english).

12th September 2005, 12:09 PM
We call those novelty stores :)

zed omega
12th September 2005, 03:17 PM
I work additionally to school on some projects, for example on a 3d car-racing-simulation; personal music projects (progressive trance, trance, hands up) (hope for my first release (soon)) and workin on other web projects (html+css+creating the design etc)

12th September 2005, 06:43 PM
I've just started my first full time job. It's just basic office work, but I don't mind.

I'm also something of a musisian, though that hardly qualifies as a 'job'. I have had two seperate offers for a place in a couple of bands over the weekend. Yay me.

12th September 2005, 10:58 PM

Hmm - anyway, I've no clue what Im going to do when I finish although a friend whos an editor might be able to get me a job.

URL no longer valid

12th September 2005, 11:39 PM
that's a NICE thundercats tee!

13th September 2005, 06:31 PM
I only just got word from my employer: After having been an intern for six months, I will continue to work for the biggest German online gaming portal (www.4players.de in case you care), which is the second best thing that ever happend (first is my girlfriend ;) ). It's what I always wanted to do and now there it is. *feels good, drinks to it* :)


13th September 2005, 09:32 PM
Nice one! :D

Congrats my friend. :) :clap

16th September 2005, 12:31 AM
Hey all hows it going, this is my first post, been a regular player since the heady old PS one days, well anyways, I am an accounatnt and I work in a bar as well, a very famous one in Northern Ireland, if anyone has heard of Joey Dunlop the Motorcycle Racer its the bar he owned and his family still own. Just want to say thanks to Psygnosis and to Studio Liverpool/Leeds both for the great wipEout series and their F1 games. Am a believer! lol

16th September 2005, 01:02 AM
first, congratulations, Ben. glad to see good things happening for you!


Jambo, Jambo. [old Swahili joke. sorry]
welcome to the forums. :)

16th September 2005, 12:26 PM
I run a small design shop which specialises in designing web applications using accessible technology. Mostly UI design but I turn my hand to graphic design and music too.

21st September 2005, 01:22 PM
Aircraft Maintenance, Engines, Airframe, Structural Repair sometimes.
Anyone want build a Team ship 8)

Hobbies: Welding (TIG Certification), Metal structures and Constructions.

Interestings jobs among us, nice to know

21st September 2005, 04:35 PM
i have recently finished my studies as a software development technical expert (i think it's called that way in english). and I'm looking for a job and some courses to do this year (about web programming, basically).

I also like photography and graphic design and I do it in my free time (non-professionally) (well, not in my entire free time, I also listen to music, and watch movies and all that stuff ) :wink:

21st September 2005, 05:07 PM
I'm the copy editor for DUB Magazine, www.dubpublishing.com

I interview famous celebrities and ask them about their expensive, modded rides. In addition to writing features, I also write about 80% of the magazine, and edit everythingelse that gets in there. I also dig up information on all the celebrities, their cars, and anything else, and assign stories to contributing writers. In reality, I'm the only writer on staff and it drives me nuts when stories are due because I'm being torn in four different directions.

Still, I love it.

Among the famous people I've interviewed are:

*Pamela Anderson
*Black Eyed Peas
*Tera Patrick
*Paul Rodriguez, Jr.
and several NFL players...

21st September 2005, 05:50 PM
Me, im main Purchaser AND Health and Safety Adviser where i work.

Hobbies? Gaming, music, films, swimming, pubs, eating out/in, music, gaming, and a bit more gaming. :D

28th September 2005, 02:33 PM
I'm working in a bank, spending most of my time deciding whether a loan will be given out to a customer or not. I'm mainly working with our business clients.

So if any of you need some money to buy a new psp or something, let me know..... :wink:

30th September 2005, 12:25 AM
nice guys! all sorts of people here, its wicked how Wipeout appeals to such a large spectrum of different kinds of people.

anyways, im a student studying graphics and package design... yeah im learning how to make X crisps/chips packet look good so you pick IT off shelf instead of Y (whose packet i will probably have designed as well lol).

i used to work at best buy canada, but i hated selling next to useless warranties to people who didnt want them, on top of that working in a comission free environment in such a situation is just not motivating so i quit.

dont do much else, in the free time i make music (progressive house/chillout) with a friend in south africa, and do some graphics design at random.

if it counts, i do alot of essay editing for my friends in university lol.

30th September 2005, 06:17 PM
standard o' games tester here;

was going to join the Royal Navy as an engineer, but got the job here at sony Liverpool. :)

30th September 2005, 09:10 PM
I'm an economics student :D first year ^^ wheee it's so much fun!

1st October 2005, 08:51 PM
economics is alot of fun, though not everyone can get the hang of it. I did it all the way from 9th to 13th grade, and had a good general knowhow of it since my dad is an economist (and the conversations we would have about economics in general). it really is quite an awesome subject when you delve deep into it!

1st October 2005, 10:27 PM
yea, it sure is being the ride of my life! i love every little bit of it :D my brother is an economist too although in my family on my dad's side everyone is either a civil engineer or an artist. me and mah bro are the innovative ones :P

cool lover
2nd October 2005, 04:25 PM
i work in an old peoples home as a carer

cool lover 8)

3rd October 2005, 02:52 PM
that's a NICE thundercats tee!

Cheers ;)

Me likes it too!

Oh man I neeeed this Classic Pack3 update