View Full Version : IGN's Top 100 games list..

1st August 2005, 06:47 PM

F-Zero ranks in at #97.
WipEout...... errr... obviously deserves to be among the top 10 (with outrun, gyonug, yada yada yada, but due to a catastrophic american oversight is NOT included in the top 100!

So, to prevent myself from just stating the obvious and try to get some discussion flowing..
Do you, as wipeoutzone members :wink: , believe WipEout should be in the top 100?

Dogg Thang
1st August 2005, 06:54 PM
Meh, Gran Turismo 3 is in the thirties. I think that tells me all I need to know about that list.

1st August 2005, 06:58 PM
There's a hell of a lot I don't agree with in that list, but that just might be down to personal taste. Regardless, the original Wipeout should have featured, as it was nothing short of a work of art when it was released.

1st August 2005, 07:03 PM
Its very pro nintendo i thought.

And no Wipeout or Unreal Tournament? Sacrilidge, i will have to pull up to their offices in my Goteki and talk to them with my flak cannon. :P

I agree with Thrusty that it is very american the list. Do you think we should create one this side of the pond?

1st August 2005, 07:49 PM
Certainly wouldn't be a bad idea, maybe EDGE or someone could organise it. I guarantee the list will be significantly different.

Captain Q
1st August 2005, 08:28 PM
Most top 100 games ever have a certain pro-"certain console manufacturer" skew. Lately it's mostly pro Nintendo, but that's because many hardcore console gamers have a lot of sympathy for Nintendo, which may sooner or later end up just like Sega, which held the same sympathy of gamers seven years ago.

Anyway, it's also a question of what the criteria are for a top 100 of games. Fun? Influence? Meaning for pop culture*? Originality? All three at the same time?


* I almost accidentally wrote poop culture, *juvenile lol*

1st August 2005, 08:36 PM
'poop culture'. lol :D

1st August 2005, 08:54 PM
A few days back I mentionned that Wipeout games have been widely overlooked over the years and was immediately slammed, being told that Wipeout was a best seller.

I think this IGN top 100 just proves my original point.

1st August 2005, 09:07 PM
the original wipE'out'' certainly DOES deserve a spot in the top 100 for being
-the first game to feature design created by a hired design company
-THE system seller of the Playstation console
-the godfather of futuristic racing, nearly ALL fururistic racing games copied aspects of it
-one of the first, if not THE first gam to feature a soundtrack by an established musical act
-THE fastest running racing game at its time of release

2nd August 2005, 10:41 AM
and one of the games with graphics that was nearly unbeaten in 1995 8O

or they should have listed WipEout 2097/XL - it was definately one of the games that made a real hype and still is a game many, many people know even when they've never heard anything of the other WipEout games!

2nd August 2005, 08:47 PM
Well I dont agree with most of them, well I agree with Zelda being 2, should have been 1 for me :P But yeah I'm surprised Wipeout isnt there. But you have to realise this is an american sight and wipeout wasn't really big in America as in Europe.

2nd August 2005, 09:27 PM
(This list is) Wrong Wrong WRONG!!!

Jeez, no WipEout... No Rez... No Jet Set Radio... No Daytona... NO SEGA RALLY?!?

Virtua Fighter 4 Evo? Should have been VF2. No Tekken 2? No Dead or Alive? Apart from the obvious, this was very Ninty biased. Not that I have a problem with Nintendo, it's just that some of the games listed are just, well... Bad! Super Smash Bros. Melee? C'mon! :evil:

At least they had the sense to put DC Soul Calibur in instead of SC2...

...and kudos for putting a Panzer Dragoon in there. Should have been Zwei though - Just because Saga is an eBay darling, doesn't mean it's better...

Rant over...

*Steps into flameproof overalls and retreats to safe distance...*

2nd August 2005, 09:46 PM
well, super smash brothers melee really IS a VERY fun game, but not good enough for a spot in the top 100, I agree.
Oh and now that you mentioned it - I am missing sega rally in there, too! I also miss oddworld: abe's exodus, guilty gear XX (best 2D fighter EVER), and where the hell is pro evolution soccer?! :evil:

3rd August 2005, 10:48 AM
No Marble Madness, either. It's a horrible, horrible list; Super Mario Brothers is bettered by every single one of its sequels, for instance.

However, Evo is so, so much better than Virtua Fighter 2, and both the Tekken and DOA series are horrible in my opinion, so I'll go along with that much.

Rapier Racer
3rd August 2005, 11:07 AM
Hmm yes indeed that list needs correcting, what’s that I see? Mario brothers are better than sonic? Away with ye!

3rd August 2005, 12:28 PM
Such a subjective, er... subject...

Clearly there are no wrong and right answers here, however, Mid, you are wrong and I am right! :wink:

Dead or Alive on Saturn was brilliant. On PS1 it was equally great. On Dreamcast (and to a lesser extent, PS2) DOA2 was supreme. On Xbox, DOA3 is stunning. This series (IMHO) is THE best collection of 3D beat em ups around. And that includes Soul Calibur... Tekken, ok, maybe that shouldn't be there, but Tekken 2 is the best in the series (again, IMO) and I feel it deserves inclusion.

OK, VF4Evo is the best VF yet... But IMO it didn't advance the genre as much as VF2 did way back when...

Back to the topic though, it is simply a travesty of human justice that WipEout (or any of it's sequels) isn't included. :evil:

...Right I'm off to hide in the nearest air raid shelter! :oops:

3rd August 2005, 08:27 PM
DOA2 on Dreamcast better than Soul Calibur?! GASP!!!!! no effin way! not for single player, anyway. and probably not true for Vs mode either. sure, DOA lOOked good, but the solo game was awful. i had almost no martial arts game experience and i beat the basic game mode on the first try. and i didn't win any bonuses! arg.
anyway, i just like the whole ambience, visual, aural, and everything else on SC much much more than DOA. after the first run-through on DOA seeing the fab Dreamcast visuals, i rarely ever played it again. i just got no extras and no satisfaction with the game. sigh. i wish i could have liked it more

3rd August 2005, 08:37 PM
I admit that Soul Calibur is better than DOA2 on DC. I just think that as a series, the DOA games get better, whereas I think that SC2 is a let-down compared to the original. I don't think my wording was very clear... Sorry... I was referring to the series as a whole, not a single game. Also, I think that Soul Edge was... well, pretty bad.

Just had a quick blast on SC and DOA2 on my DC and the graphics are pretty close (SC gets the ambience and atmosphere vote, and DOA2 wins on variety of playing areas and the stage designs). Also, I have both the US and JAP SE versions of DOA2 and if you only play the US version, then you're right - no extras at all... :cry: The JSE version on the other hand... WOW!

Not going to talk about the breast movement in DOA, as that would be just childish...

...Snigger... :P

3rd August 2005, 09:02 PM
but you should, Sumi, that`s what makes it so funny. I`ve had more than a few all-night sessions on DOA3 (X-Box) with mates, just cracking up at the ridiculous animations (not just the girls - the blokes are totally silly too) in between beating each other senseless and making sordid remarks about Hitomi. Sad.... yes, and by no means a great game, but great, great fun. Tag battles on that game are classic if everyone`s in the mood after a session of po-faced, over-serious Halo rubbish (imho). In that I have to be the jeep driver because I`m useless at shooting people.

Anyway..... no Pro Evo, no Wipeout and Sonic at 63 - what are these people thinking of..... going home after getting the list done asap probably.

3rd August 2005, 09:58 PM
i assume that everyone has entered the special code that increases mammary jiggle
[not that it does anything for me, of course, since i am.. special ;) ][but i tried the code anyway to see if it worked. it did. :) ]

3rd August 2005, 11:15 PM
code? are you referring to the 'age' option? If otherwise, let me know in an INSTANT! :D

3rd August 2005, 11:29 PM
it was the high age entry. sorry to disappoint. was the degree of jiggle still not enough?! glutton. ;)

4th August 2005, 12:06 AM
Hi guys, new to the forum and gonna give my two cents about why Wipeout should have been included.

I remember getting my Playstation on the day of release and could only afford one game to go with it. Having played Ridge racer to death in the arcade i plumped for WO. Got home, booted it up and was floored by what i saw, Wicked fast gameplay Visuals like i'd never seen before (so superior to RR) and a soundtrack that was just perfect.
Since the console i owned previous was my faithful megadrive, i was amazed at the jump in quality and excited by how gaming was evolving.
I don't think there wil EVER be such a huge shift in quality again. (Really the ps2 is a pretty ps1, and ps3 will be just that again.)

Wipeout set the bar and introduced a whole new era of gaming and for that deserves a place in at least the top ten.

4th August 2005, 12:33 AM
tell me about it! I was 13 when the ps1 came out, and a HUGE sega fan at the time. so I went to the store with my father for my birthday present - a sega saturn. I had read TONS of magazines about it and was SO looking forward to my own new saturn console. then, at the shop, they had two showcases set up - on saturn with daytona in it, and one ps1 with wipEout. guess what I chose :wink:

4th August 2005, 01:47 AM
Not one of the many Wipeout games mentionned in the list... such a trailblazing game, for shame IGN! *rubs indexes while pointing IGN*

7th August 2005, 11:08 AM
Mid: if you liked marble madness you should DEFINITELY try HAMSTERBALL search for it in google, the game is AWESOME FUN! i recommend everyone download this excellent game; full unlocked version is only 11+ USD!

single player is great, and multiplayer is a ton of fun (not online btw)

Rouni Kenshin#1
8th August 2005, 11:25 PM
i saw that list and was also amasied that wipeout was not on it.

i mean that they included a lot of the oldie games that inspired some the newer greats but this is a top 100 list not top 100 influental and then wiepout should still be on it.

18th September 2005, 12:31 PM
position 09 for WipEout XL/2097 on Gamespy. One of the best 25 titels for PlayStation:

click! (http://ps2.gamespy.com/articles/649/649048p18.html)

18th September 2005, 12:33 PM
and why did those fools put the w3o cover in there?!

18th September 2005, 12:45 PM
thought the same... hm... maybe they didn't find the XL one and because one person mentioned Wip3out in his comment...

Maybe the XL cover is hard go get... but... they could have used the 2097 cover or simply an ingame screen like they did with some other games...

18th September 2005, 12:56 PM
Maybe some of these guys suck and they just pretend to be hardcore oldschool gamers?

It's just a theory.

18th September 2005, 01:31 PM
"...the hover cars..."?
oh dear. :brickwall